Historical Battles Event Reminder

Hello everyone,

just a reminder – today, from 15:00 BST (16:00 CEST), Listy is organizing a Tobruk historical battle event. Plenty of people will be playing historical battles on EU1 server, including me and Jingles. Come join us for some hot desert sun action :)

Ehm… that came out wrong…

Anyway, if you are into trying the Tobruk HB, 16:00 CEST it is on EU1.

64 thoughts on “Historical Battles Event Reminder

  1. Will you by any chance be available on any TeamSpeak server or anything? Would be nice to have some better communication during the battles ;)

    • It would be a good thing to have. Or, someone else can provide?

      The problem is that teams are assembled randomly, so given the popularity there may be more than one battle – and thus a moderator needed to throw people between channels during battle…

      • That would indeed be quite a challenge. But maybe a channel for those, who are willing and a little bit more level-headed would be nice. :)

        • Ingame voice comm? It’s super OP. Sounds like you are actually communicating over WW2 radios.

  2. Too bad i can’t join this event today (work) i hope there will be such event again in the future ;)

  3. I hope NA will have people playing the HB’s when 9.1 comes out or i’ll be a sad tanker :(

    • Yeah. I wish that NA 9.1 would actually come out when EU 9.1 comes out, not a week later.

  4. I’d join … but all I got is Pz II … and after few tries I have concluded it’s only good for sponging a shoot or two for the team. Not exactly my idea of hot desert sun action :P

  5. “Come join us for some hot desert sun action :)

    Ehm… that came out wrong…”

    This is why “editing posts” is a good idea :D

  6. what a stupid retard game mode … germany more than double of tanks in numbers and still lose every game. op imba shit unrealistic …

    no wonder nobody plays this crap

  7. Need more German tanks in the queue!

    Matildas are tough, but out-view them and hammer them with infinite HE and they go down eventually…

  8. its seems someone payd to advertise,i remind u said about historycal battles its total crap , now play it and invite everyone to join the crap …. i wonder why

    • SS is there. He just killed my heavily outnumbered Crusader with a StuG B… That cheeky bastard LOL

  9. From what i see, Tobruk is not balanced. For every shot i shoot in Pz4d
    1. I ger two from Brits
    2. They land on me
    3. They pen
    while i have problem even landing. So, Pz needs accuracy buff on L/24, especially when moving.

    The other question is, why there’s no arty? Surely StPz2 and Bison are historical? That would pull balance towards Germans a bit :P .

  10. If SS doesn’t return it is due to his embarrassment at being killed by me ;)

    • have had both in separate battles. killed SS though :) but Jingles was damaging me

  11. This mode is complete dog’s bollocks…

    4 defeats in a row in the Crusader, just because Germany gets 15 tanks vs 4. Yeah, much balance.

  12. Mode is garbage. Played 15 games, maybe 2 of them were something like balanced. Not worth the bother.

    • It is all about the challenge … and try to convince a bunch of random lads to play together, I have seen really good matches in this mode, better than in random. The issue for me is the economics/rewards aspect, it is not worthy for someone playing high tiers.

  13. it is an expensive mode too if you have to buy a few tanks to take part in it and then pop equipment to be competitive

    • Yeap, you are right. And the rewards are not great, in the German side, even if you win, you make max 400-600 xp in a PzIII, not sure how much you can make on the Brits. They need to increase the rewards big time or it would die again. For me the most expensive thing is that I am playing tier 8 tanks these days and I dont want to allocate an specific crew for this mode. So I am using my Panther crew with food. So I barely make credits and with the crew penalty I get very little xp; I am not going to spend 1000 gold in getting a 100%. I cannot see I would play this game mode on normal basis. Maybe Saturdays in events like these.

      • Let’s see… For Tobruk there are 5xBrits and 6XGermans valid – 11tanks in total – vs a few HUNDREDS tanks in game (randoms).
        So, the only incentive can be huge FREE XP boost on historicals – that way you can grind other tanks while still driving historicals.
        Credits? Meh, i can get credits in many other ways…
        Gold? i can’t see this happening, even 1gold for every win would be too much for WG
        There is currently premium day mission and it’s kind of interesting, but i’m not forcing myself to get it asap.

        So, again, only FREE XP boost.

  14. So I saw SirFoch, Listy and SS, but not Jingles, although people said that he was playing. I played like 10 matches and I think I only lost 2. All with the Germans in the PzIII. There was a match where we were 8 Germans vs 5 Matildas. And we won, it was great to see a bunch of random lads got together and got the Matildas. So good. The replay is at:

    I will send it to Jingles and see if he features it on his channel so it promotes this game mode.

  15. Seems I was out of luck. No Jingles, no Foch, no SS, no Listy in about 20 matches over the last 2 hours. Just starting the last one for today

  16. Sometimes, due to lack of players it is very unbalanced MM.I had a few games with 1600-1700 damage in Matilda and still lost, with 5-6 tanks remaining on german side.Even with that great armor, they just overwhelm you and eat you alive like hienas preying on wounded lion :) .I did all 4 epic medals, but unless you play this for fun or personal fame ( achievements) , there is no economic reason to play this mode.

  17. Was kinda fun playing the Pz4 won 8 out of 8 had only 1 close game, I could see myself playing 1h of historical every weak if this becomes a thing.

  18. Did not come across you guys. But this event got enough people playing so I could get the medal for getting a win on each side at least.

  19. Playing my beloved Matilda was great. Best tank to go in for the Siege of Tobruk. Shame I didn’t run into you guys

    • Couldn’t get a single game in my Matilda, kept getting stuck in queue, gave up after two minutes and switched to either Pz IV, Pz III or Crusader, got in battles with them in under a minute every time.