One Roadwheel Too Many

Thanks to Tupinambis and Applesaucebandit (US forums) for this one.

So, this is Type 62 we all know and love…

Type 62_12-4-57

…but what happens when we remove the turret?

Type 62_12-5-5

Look, extra wheels under the turret model :) It’s just a texture obviously. The way Applesaucebandit explained it (not that I understand it too much), it is there to save texture space.

Most models have something like that going on. It’s so they can fill as much space as possible when UVW unwrapping so the texture is as high-res as possible. If you look at the texture itself, you’ll see that’s where the wheels draw their textures from.

Not sure how adding one extra roadwheel into the bitmap saves texture space, but whatever works…

43 thoughts on “One Roadwheel Too Many

  1. I don’t mean to be rude but shouldn’t it be “too many”? (“Much” refers to things that are uncountable such as bread or water)

    • I think it must be too much becaus you would say many roadweels but here much sounds so much better

      • Why would “much” sound better if it is not grammatically correct? As I said, “much” refers to the uncountable. Wheel is a countable object, so “many” should be used here. Also, I see that SS corrected it to “many” so I guess I was right. :)

      • I have as many loaves of bread as I want.
        I have as much bread as I want.

        It’s about the noun that follows, not the main one.

  2. That’s how the repair kit works. They just install a new one instead of replacing the broken one.

  3. It’s not ‘adding one extra wheel’. It’s just the one part of the texture that is dedicated to texturing the actual 3d wheels. You’d be wasting texture space by not using this part of the texture which is never visible.

    • Exactly, every little space of a texture is used, like the space under the turret. EVERY tank has the road wheels and other crap there. nothing specials.

      But it sure looks funny :)

  4. I’m going to answer on this because it’s the part of my profession.

    The extra road wheel is not ‚‚added”. It’s the only one road wheel existing in the texture. All the wheels on 3D models of vehicles use the same part of texture unless the wheels are different. For example, the main drive wheel is usually different looking, so you need a extra space on texture for it.
    For example: This vehicle Type 62 has 5 big road wheels on each side, which is 10 in total. By painting one road wheel pattern on the place which can’t be seen in the game (except in some weir cases as bugs) you are saving the space on texture.

    • crap , beat me to it….

      But shhh, these are industry secrets not meant for the Unenlightened

    • What I do not understand is why that roadwheel is not painted in the right position to begin with. I am sure there is a good reason for it, but I would like to hear it. :-)

      • The geometry for the wheels draws its texture from the image that can be seen under the turret….The reason why it is there is because when the model was prepared for texturing(UVW unwrapping) , the surfaces for the wheels(all 10 use just 1) and the space under the turret are made to overlap . Hence, the wheel and the space under the turret have the same image.

        So the reason is that this is a 3d Artist work trick.

      • There is no right or wrong position in this case. The artist decides how to manage given resources. gunsrlove explained pretty much everything.
        I’m going to add just one more thing: God knows what is painted/textured on the down side of the turret…

        I hope that gunsrlove and I have cleared it out for you, but we could go in deeper if you want. :)

  5. UVW Unwrapping is called unwrapping because it is the action of unwrapping the model and breaking it down as a set of surfaces on a flat plane. This is how models are prepared for texturing and the plane itself is the texture sheet.
    Basically the flat surfaces of the turret ring and the road wheels are made to overlap on the texture sheet so they take up the same space on the sheet(flat plane) but look differently at the same time. And they can get away with it since in-game the space under the turret will never be seen anyway, so they might as well use it to fit extra detail/save memory

  6. That always have been in World of Tanks skin files. As long i remember creating skins for tanks under the turret and ”other parts” the space there have been used for textures on other parts of the tank.

    In de following example you can see this happening in the red circle which is under the turret.

    The blue circles represent places on the tank were the skin underneath a object in a model is used for other things.

    The yellow circle is the underside of the turret, which is also often made smaller to safe space the same way.

    And thats why i dont understand the fuzz about this. Its completely normal to find a random part under the turret since wot started.

    and a other skin that does this

  7. It’s not an “extra” wheel. Its the texture for the road wheels, which is used on each of the rendered road wheels, instead of rendering the same texture 10 times.

    • The lack of a turret means there are no turret textures required so more space left for a more conventional placement of other textures, wheels included.

  8. When WG added the turrets flying off, there are some tanks with small turret rings that are smaller than the area – that is the texture of headlights, roadwheels and so on is larger than the turret ring.

    The result – when your tank is ammoracked you can see weird textures on your turret ring.

  9. It’s not an extra wheel. There is one model and one texture file from which the model is wrapped. Repetitive objects on a model can use the same coordinates from a texture file. So in actuality it’s only one wheel texture for all the wheels to use.

    Something like this.

    Note that there are only 3 wheel textures in that file and a few links of track. Obviously they have to be repeated to make the model of the tank look realistic.

  10. This is just slack, but it is irrelevant. I don’t think this will save anything on the UVW wrapping, there is no reason to put a wheel there. They could have filled those UVW coordinates with anything, guess they didn’t want to spend space on a black piece of texture.

    I wish my production team had someone like FTR to make sure they don’t slack off!

    • How is being efficient considered slacking off now? Sure cramming uvs into this space is going to increase the overall texture resolution by just a few percent, but I’ll take needless efficiency over willful inefficiency any time.

        • Because they have limited texture space – if they stuck the roadwheel texture off by itself on the texture, they’d have to shrink other parts of the texture to fit it in. But by sticking bits and pieces like that inside sections of the bigger texture that aren’t visible, that saves space for more important/bigger parts of the model to take up more of the texture space, and thus look better and have more detail.

  11. [off topic] Type 59 never be on sale again is sure, but…Type 62 isn’t OP, can WG please make it return to in-game store…Type 64 crew has one more Radioman which is pretty useless…..(Regret I didn’t buy Type62 last year on SEA special promotion)

  12. “Not sure how adding one extra roadwheel into the bitmap saves texture space, but whatever works…”

    Here’s how it works: it’s not an extra wheel, its the texture space where ALL the wheels draw their pixels from, look close enough and you’ll see that ALL the wheels are just copies of each other.

    Take this very crappy texture as an example: to save texture space it only has 1 wheel that is then instanced around to create all four wheels.

    please SS, if you don’t know what you are talking about you should really not comment on things. Do you really have that few things to talk about that you have to make such an imbecile post?