Hello everyone,
the fact that the Stronkhold mode will have turrets was already leaked. How will they look sitting out there on the ground? Well, someone leaked this tiny picture:
According to the leaker, this turret has 10k hitpoints and “shoots HE shells at close targets”. That’s all we know. For now anyway. Stronkhold mode is scheduled for patch 9.2
quite ugly, if I may say.
hopefully they are placed stupidly like tanker bots usually go in random battles… and these turrets should shoot all, greens and red ones =) Botting problem solved!
Lowres, is all.
HE from 150mm, so many critical hits xD
Why do you keep saying stronKhold instead of stronGhold?
Welcome to FTR, you seem to be new here :D
New to reply yes ;)
Because stronk is funny
Because russian tanks are stronK, but not as stronK as stronKhold feature…
“… and “shoots HE shells at close targets””.
Isnt too far away from random idiots we meet at random battles. They too camp and spin their turrets only.
So the “Terrible E100 Driver” becomes WG Business Stragey #88…
“Terrible E-100 Turret” (Soon™)
Shoots HE because it does more damage.
I’m curious about one thing – can i ammor rack these turrets?
“… and “shoots HE shells at close targets”
Well they shoot HE so I wouldn’t see why not…
It’s widely known that shell type or how many shells you have in ammo stowage doesn’t affect chance of ammo rack explosion :P
*cough* for now *cough*
Ammo rack is not in turret. It is in bunker, below ground.
Wrong, the ready-rack is always in the turret. Hull and in this case bunker only stores reserve ammo.
Are you sure that photo isn’t faked?
There’s a few things that make it look suspicious to me…
The model was already shown earlier, yes it looks derpy, but it’s a test. And yes in WWII turrets were used on top of Bunkers.
No, apart from the render for the turret not matching the background, the original screenie has had the players name blitzed out… I thought the turrets were how come there is a playername?
I already see it…. guy with no repair skills or repair kit end up loosing all hp with an IS7 due to the detracking haha
“IS7 bla bla killed by turret defense” lol
imagine Bat-Chat
going down by 2 shots
turret traverse would be too slow, bat chat should be able to flank it easily
Well, since it is an E-100 turret which shoots about once every 16 seconds, then you have to really be shit to get killed by them, it seems :P They probably shoot even slower, to balance them out a bit. I mean, imagine an E-100 without the hull. Even harder to kill!
Never underestimate the stupidity of WoT Players :P.
And what about arty?
Load AP and farm DMG?
it actually sounds like a good idea to play arty in this mode…
Good luck with penning an E-100 turret with AP :P
Standard issue AP from Obj. 261 has around 360mm of pen…challenge accepted!
Good luck HITTING it… Pray for RNGod more.
The 261 usually hits what it aims for… And it is a lot of fun at T10.
Implying arty is fun.
I wonder how the aggro works on these turrets
“shoots HE shells at close targets”.
“Derps the closest”
Time to install Spall Liners.
My only question:
Does it randomly spawn or can you “build/place” them before the start of the battle?
Afaik clan commanders can place them on the map.
“randomly spawn”
it will be fun to see a E-100 turret in the middle of Malinovka :D
Better yet: spawned in the lake :D
to me this looks way too photo shopped…
ms.paint shopped. It is a low res so it look a tad off. The model looks like the previously leaked ones so it should be ok.
Please stop forcing this “stronkhold” epic maymay, it’s not particularly funny.
So thats the reason EU is doing nothing about bots?
We are the supertesters for Turret AI?
Easy target: scout spot it, and arty shoot it until it gets destroyed