Stronkhold Turret


Hello everyone,

the fact that the Stronkhold mode will have turrets was already leaked. How will they look sitting out there on the ground? Well, someone leaked this tiny picture:


According to the leaker, this turret has 10k hitpoints and “shoots HE shells at close targets”. That’s all we know. For now anyway. Stronkhold mode is scheduled for patch 9.2

46 thoughts on “Stronkhold Turret

  1. quite ugly, if I may say.

    hopefully they are placed stupidly like tanker bots usually go in random battles… and these turrets should shoot all, greens and red ones =) Botting problem solved!

  2. “… and “shoots HE shells at close targets””.
    Isnt too far away from random idiots we meet at random battles. They too camp and spin their turrets only.

  3. I already see it…. guy with no repair skills or repair kit end up loosing all hp with an IS7 due to the detracking haha

    “IS7 bla bla killed by turret defense” lol

    • Well, since it is an E-100 turret which shoots about once every 16 seconds, then you have to really be shit to get killed by them, it seems :P They probably shoot even slower, to balance them out a bit. I mean, imagine an E-100 without the hull. Even harder to kill!

  4. My only question:
    Does it randomly spawn or can you “build/place” them before the start of the battle?

    • ms.paint shopped. It is a low res so it look a tad off. The model looks like the previously leaked ones so it should be ok.

  5. So thats the reason EU is doing nothing about bots?

    We are the supertesters for Turret AI?