Straight Outta Supertest: WT-E100 nerf

Hello everyone,

following info appeared regarding the 9.2 supertest on one of the Russian sites (cannot be confirmed, but I trust it due to other matters):

Waffenträger E-100 will be changed as such: stock gun (128mm) will lose one shell in its autoloader, but the clip reload time will be buffed from 60s to 51s, the accuracy on the move will be nerfed.

76 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: WT-E100 nerf

  1. Hmm, well it doesn’t look like a huge nerf.
    I guess it looses the one clip pwnage mode, which is GOOD.
    Plus, it gets a buffed reload time, I see this as a buff :)

      • Yep, even with low rolls 5 shots is still enough to clip 99% of the tanks in the game.

    • How many times you see a Maus to full clip it?
      Its entirely sufficient to one clip / cripple mediums and ~2500 HP heavies and TDs.
      Not to mention lower tiers.
      I too see it as a buff.

    • Its more of a rebalance than a buff really.
      6 rounds is way too much. And this is coming from a WT E100 player.

      IMO its too situational. You get to fire off one clip and thats about it. The second clip is very difficult to pull off. And the fact and every single mother father son and daughter will focus you down.

      • I can now press the reload button more easily now, since its reloads faster now.
        Its makes it slighly easier to play.

      • Well, of course everyone and their mother is going to focus you because no one likes Waffle E100′s shooting at them. Im not saying the Waffle is Unbalanced, it’s unfair.
        It might be hard to pull off a realy realy good game or even to unload more then once but the first tank you meet usually dies within a matter of seconds. Same with the 183. Sure, you have to be very consistent and carefull with your shot’s but if you hit and pen your enemy you pretty much end the game for him and their is nothing he can do about it.
        The russian TX mediums have very high dpm and if you fight them 1v1 on an open field you will probably die 9/10 times but if you encounter one in a normal match, you have a chance to react, get into cover(unless you are out of position), shot him back a few times or what ever. You just don’t get this chance if you are facing a Waffle or a 183 and that’s what makes them unfair imo.

  2. It’s not so bad… if this happen, the next nerf must be on FV 183 max dmg…

    • I dont have FV but I like it the way it is… its slow inacurate but huge damage.

      why does everyone want to “balance” it ?
      Its unique and interesting vehicle.

      We can as well balance evrything, so in the end we will have just one type of generic tank.
      perfectly balanced, perfectly boring.

        • have you tried it ?
          the accuracy is terrible.. and it needs to penetrate with HEAT = no spaced armor.

          If it oneshots you, you deserve it because you have been sitting on the same spot for 10 seconds before it could aim.

          It is completely okay for me. When it shots and misses, you got 1 minute to act against defensless TD. As I said, its quite unique… nerfing everything so its on par with every other tank will make this game boring… Why do we want more tanks and branches when every second tank is basically the same ? Whole chinese tree is stupid copy-paste of soviets.

        • FV hitting spaced armor / tracks does laughable damage, with 25s reload. If you fight it, just wait till it fires and gang rape it. I do not own FV215b (183).

          • It does similar damage to a regular 850-alpha tier X TD even if it does not pen.

                • Of course it can be frustrating to get instakilled by 183…but anyone who’s not careful when there is a death star around, should deserve the incoming HESH. It’s the same like with people who don’t carry fire extinguisher just because they don’t want to pay for it…especially in heavy tanks. Like today my platoon mate oneshoted E100 from full health just because the E100 driver didn’t had or maybe just didn’t wanted to use the extinguisher. And no…I don’t have the 183 and I don’t plan to getting it any time soon.

  3. The best thing they could have done is removing 2 shells, and the reload should have been about 44 seconds, that can still one-clip tier IX tanks and X mediums, but not heavies.

    • I actually would be fine even with 6, but the viewrange should be nerfed to 400m. Having better viewrange than most of the tier X meds is ridiculous.

      • it needs that view range. Since everyone focuses it the moment it appears on the mini map. and it has like no camo. it either needs a gun handling nerf or burst damage nerf. which is what they are doing by removing one shell and giving it lower reload time.

  4. losing one shell in autoloader isnt big problem, as you usually cant fire all 6 of them and not getting shot at

    however, i think the reload time is a nerf, before, 60sec for 6 shells, 10sec/shell
    now, 51 sec for 5 shells, 10.2sec/shell

    correct me if im wrong

    • Thing is not that separate shell loading time but the time which you stand defenseless.
      And one shell doesnt actually fix that insane burst.

  5. Meh, they will never be able to balance it properly.
    It can only be replaced by an historical tank.

  6. Pingback: [WoT PC] Mögliche Änderungen am WT E-100

  7. Just remove that utter abomination already! So instead of a nerf it gets buffed?? fml

  8. tbh the tank is in the game for like half a year and i was full clipped by it.. idk 5 times? usually it ends up it hits you max twice and then you get into cover, WT is spotted and die. Yeah, -1120 dmg sucks, but its not like you get oneshotted by it like that retarded 183 bullshit. If you get caught in the open and get full clipped by the WT, its more of your fault then the tank OPness. I am more concerned with borsig on tier 8.

    • “but its not like you get oneshotted by it like that retarded 183 bullshit”

      made me laugh :D and those 2 weeks when he was “Top of The Tree” was the worse tier 10 experience since I got my first tier 10.

      And you are totally right.

    • When playing against it, I’ve never had problems with its camo, damage, mobility or whatever.
      The only thing that drives me crazy is its HP pool.

      It takes ages to bring down those 2200hp! .. thats the only reason why I fear it the most.
      Even if I surprise it from behind,,, he can turn around and empty the clip faster than my medium tank eat his 2200hp.

      • not that it makes much of a difference, but it has 2000 hp for quite a while :)

        • Only reason why I would see it have 2000hp is because its running on the E100′s chassis

          • hp pool should be “balancing property” afaik… they can as well make it 100.
            Not sure though,, but I think it was posted somewhere…

            and yeah.. 2000 and 2200 isnt difference. I personally laugh at buffs when they increase tanks hp for 50 more. … its like what ? one shot from tier 2.

            giving it 1200-1500hp would be much of a balance imho

  9. The best buff would be to remove its stock cannon, so players does not need to get 64K XP to get the top gun


    • well considering the stock gun if 100% better for the average player this would be a good nerf.

  10. Hahaha, 1 shell outta autoloader? Pls remove the entire autoloader! Does a freaking autoloader verion of a JagTiger make ANY sense? Its totally unbalanced! And now the reload buffed? It needs way more nerf becuase its totally unbalanced. And stop saying “but it has no armor!”, because that forces it to camp, which is even worse! More nerf, not just a little!

  11. I vote just remove it give me fmy XP back as free and replace it with a better camouflaged 2-3 round autoloader. it is just plain too situational, you get destroyed with HE and clip people. everybody rages.

  12. Looks like a BUFF, not a nerf…

    Because 2800 is still enough to clip pretty much everything, and after that… yay, shorter reload for the WTF E-100 driver!

    Absolutely horrible, they should just remove it.

    Or maybe it’s WG’s twisted way for indirect Maus buff , haha:D

  13. The tank can barely fucking pen tanks as it is. I was shooting an IS-3 from 200m away the other day with APCR into his front hull and 4/6 freaking bounced. The fuq?


    • People keep on crying that its OP. ITS NOT! I find myself spamming APCR on the tier 10, while I spam AP on my tier 9 using the same 128.

      • failers. both of you. one does not only drive the most OP broken tank around. he also spams gold with it.

  14. Just remove the goddamn thing. It’s broken, it’s retarded, it’s imbalanced.

  15. they should reduce reload time even more but increase the time between shoots to 3 or 4 sec. so u have at least a chance to get back in cover. Right now: Wt detracks u, u push button for repairkit, same second detracked again-> dead.

    • This. Exactly this. Half of the times I die in my jpz its because i am trying to change position run into a wt, get tracked and that is it. It is the most noobfriendly tank since it can take a single hit and counter this by killing any single tank.

      Also it seems to me like it gets a normalization bonu since it pens at angles any other tank bounces.

      1800 hp, 5 shot clip, 50sec reload and 3 secs between shots -> balanced

  16. It really also need 1 whole second longer between each shot – If that happens I am okay with the turret being able to track and hit a medium in fast orbit without any problems…

  17. About time, when they nerfed it’s big gun they forgot about much more efficient/OP small gun. Now lets hope for more good news such as fv 183′s HESH alpha dmg nerf to like 1300-1600 to decrease amount of broken top tiers in the game.

  18. They will never get this tank correct because as long as it has a big clip and can do a lot of damage than it is absolutely OP. They need to remove this tank completely because it will never be balanced no matter how much they want it to be.

  19. You misspelled “Buff”, SS.
    Now it’s still going to 1 clip most targets (And many times you don’t even need/Get to use 5 shots), but it’ll reload faster.
    So now it’ll be more flexible. GG.

  20. anyone knows what happened about the news that said 12 OP tanks get nerfed and 12 UP get buffed?

    some patches ago they said Object 268 pen nerfed to 395 and now I see its back to “balance”(450mm)

  21. Haha “nerf”. More like a buff really. It already one clipped everything in the game with 1 shot to spare, all they did was decrease the reload.

  22. Where is our GOD JESUS SS who delete all post which not sucking his dirty ass?

  23. Yea, nerf FV183, im too lazy to grind it and play those slow ass shit tenks. And if I don’t play it. I don’t care. Nerf them suckers :))