An Apology

Hello everyone,

just talked to Lonigus, who explained a few things to me, since I got really confused about the entire thing with streamers and in this case, I do feel an apology is in order.

I would like to apologize to player Embrionicjourney aka VirginSlayr of, well, mistaking him for someone else (apparently, he uses the nick QQBaby, which I mistook for Quickybaby). Earlier today, I made a post about his Virginslayr account, that is… peculiar in a way (it has one single tier 10 tank in open stats) and my post might have been interpreted as an accusation of the said player not getting his stats legitimately. Here, you can see how the stats look on his account:


Lonigus corrected me in this – this alt is absolutely legit, he gained the free XP for this tank by playing team battles. It is a Wargaming issue that public profiles do not show the statistics gained in team battles. I made a mistake and I am sorry for it. In the future, I will be aware of this matter.

And now, moving on…

Edit: closed comments, no need to fan more flames, this issue is closed.

30 thoughts on “An Apology

        • What a twist again. 2h ago

          “Why would there be a new post? If the truth is as obvious as you say, it’s not needed, is it – anyone can figure it out, hmm? :) Nah, that would be a waste of space”

          And now the post with the rectification.

          But hey, if you would not care at all about this people you would not have done this post now, as it would be a waste of space.

          But who I am to judge, I am just a guy with overestimated mental capacity.

              • IF it had been as straightforward and blatantly obvious as you guys said THEN it would have been a waste of space.

                So, without context, the quote you provided simply shows SS didn’t want to be Captain Obvious. Cool story, but what point are you trying to make?

          • “But who I am to judge, I am just a guy with overestimated mental capacity.”

            Well, wasn’t me who said it :P Anyway, just let it be already, no hard feelings.

    • I heard SS doesn’t really like QB either. Is there a reason for it? (I’m a fairly new reader)

      • Quickybaby came to FTR one day whininh that I “stole his content”, when in reality the same content by Wargaming was given to all the community contributors.

        • @Xensation WOT EU
          I agree with that statement of yours in every single way
          I always thought that he was an as*ho*e

        • why apart from the reason SS stated above is he a douchebag? Just an innocent question, dont find anything “behind” it.

          • It needs abit of watching him when the games arent going much in his favor and you’ll understand very fast.

            He also banned the Whole S3AL clan in his stream. Those that like me have same names in WoT and Twitch only bcoz he didnt like someone from S3AL that was trolling him.

            Just two examples

            I found myself banned outside of the stream. I wasnt posting on his channel for weeks and suddenly banned without any reason :)

          • What was written above is my personal reason for disliking him. Some others say he is arrogant, I wouldn’t know – I watched 5 minutes of his streams twice or so.

  1. ” And now, moving on…”

    Should’ve ended like:
    ”Happy now, suckers? :)”

    Instant biased Oscar win!