Thanks to G_ziz for this one!
Check this out. This video is in Russian, but the interesting part is to see this massive self-propelled gun in motion.
Thanks to G_ziz for this one!
Check this out. This video is in Russian, but the interesting part is to see this massive self-propelled gun in motion.
Who thinks 268 was overnerfed?
Yes it was
704 is better now
Dont think so.
Best Camo rating, Fantastic penetration, Good mobility and troll as hell armour.
Shit depression , aim time,, gun arc, shell velocity, armor that ain’t dependable
No T10 TD got good Depression and a 750 Alpha gun got 2.7 AT is good enough.
Also, any large TD gun got fast velocity gun anyway?
T110e3 has good gun depression
All tier X TDs have better shell speed aim time is bad
To me it seems that in game Obj 268 has different proportions than in real life.
In game one looks much flatter…
Best? It’s inferior to 704
I meant the camo…the camo is inferior to the 704
I don’t mind the nerf. Except! the traverse speed reduction.
yes, obj 268 is overnerfed :
All tier X TDs have better shell speed aim time is bad
Nope. 268 has lower shell speed than 704. It makes shooting tanks on the move much harder. Specially with that shitty horizontal arc.
So you agree
It is nerfed, but imo 268 is still fine. Whatsoever imo all T10 TDs should be at 268s level in terms of performance. It’s quite balanced i’d say. 704 does have it’s pros, but so does the 268 has. I like much more this 268 than the one before the nerf. Too much powercreep was going on.
Ok, 2 things :P Cool video but..
Did they have to blur our the Wargaming signs next to the tank.. and, was it leaking fuel? O.o O.o
It was leaking oil from the gearbox, since it was coming from the rearmost section. A worn out gasket, no big problem as long as they don’t drive it for too long.
‘Twas water running from engine cooling system.
I think it was pissing oil…such a shame, but more than likely a lot of seals in the engine have failed over the years of storage.
It is my impression or the superestructure is more vertical than in WOT?
It looks very different from the game model. The game model seems lower and wider.
I got exactly the same impression but that’s maybe because the camera was placed lower
It looks like that to me too.
It is like that. But stronk WG made it even “more historical” Lower and wider means more angled armor and more bounces. If it was like irl it would be much easier to hit and pen.
Is it just me or does the incarnation in WoT look much flatter? I did not picture it that high from the ingame model…
Exactly, seems that the WoT model is a bit too “small” compared to the real life counterpart.
SS, can you perhaps confirm if it’s the right size?
Truth be said, Obj 268. was not a converted IS-8 hull but build completely from scratch and there are differences in size and proportions between this and IS-8 but I think that its just a camera thing that it seems to be taller than in-game
10:56 – the black panel on the right side (probably blurred in postproduction)… the colorful shapes on it seem to be a bit familiar, they look like log oand the World of Tanks: Roll out logo… :D
Dunno the reason why they’re censored… probably the authors of the video found WG to be “not patriotic enough” :D
That was water from the drain plug in the engine compartment. The off color is cause by rusting.
How did the water get there? o.O Its always in the hangar.
Might have spilled some while filling in cooling system.
Did a quick & rough comparison – I might have failed at it, but the ingame model looks too stronk :)
The screenshot from the video is intentionally washed out in order to see the tracks outline in the shadow.
Its is rough but its easy to spot the height difference. Thanks!
I knew it!
Even if this comparison is very rough, it can clearly be seen that the ingame model is far too low.
This is a huge difference in height and angles!
The thing is though will WG fix it there is clearly a big difference
Nope. It’s historical fact that ruski tenks were flat and angled too stronkly for Kraut shells to bounce. Kappa
And why are you guys surprised by this? it happened for alot of in-game tanks. The only chance it will somehow be fixed, is with the HD model introduction.
Hm, yes. It looks different in the video than ingame.
But look at the dimensions. 3388mm(wide) x 2423mm(height) Thats a ration of 1.40
Does it look 40 wider than higher? Maybe POV is a bitch???
Ingame the ratio seems right.
Just my 2 eurocents
Stronk historical accuracy
Stronk Historical accuracy
How many times there was posted a pic of a King Tiger and Sherman next to eachother and it was clearly visible that Sherman is even taller than KT and WG never cared to fix that. Sherman ingame is way way lower than KT, but you know “historical accuracy” Also it’s perfectly clear how lower ingame 268 is compared to RL, but they don’t give a shit.
That picture is of a King Tiger which has broken suspension, making it lower than a normal one.
I have both 1/72 scale models of the KT an the Sherman and both have the same height. The KT is wider and larger of course.
Ok maybe that one has broken suspension so Sherman looks higher, but as Zeus said they should be at least the same height. Now go compare ingame Sherman and KT.
No offence but this guy does a much better job than The_Chieftain hatch videos. The filming is more professional, audio is well fit to the entire video and that rusky guy acts more chill and his speech has a better “knows his shit” flow like.
WG could learn a thing or two from this video. Shame no subtitles btw.
I kinda like everything but i mind the gun damage,cuz ive done 578 dmg in one shoot,thats bad very bad,and before nerf it never goes below 700,i want that back,so it can be dangerous again !!