Well, the text is in Russian, but the guy is not saying anything that is not obvious from the picture. This is how El Halluf will be reworked in 0.9.2 apparently.
Well, the text is in Russian, but the guy is not saying anything that is not obvious from the picture. This is how El Halluf will be reworked in 0.9.2 apparently.
moar hills nerfs because russian tanks has no gun depression, what a bullshit…
Funny that you’ say that, when most maps have been reworked to add MORE hills and bumpy terrain.
113 driver here, if you look closely they actually added more hills and bumps which makes it more difficult for tanks with bad gun depression…
From what a I see, there will be not more camping at A2 point, which was very active with heavy tanks, and easily to aim there with artylery. If you started from lower cap with russian tank you were fuck*d up at this point. Not if you worked with arty, but if there’s no one on map, you are screwed up. Now it would be easier to that type of tanks with low depression to play there.
Also now mediums will be useless there, previous and now they rocked on medium side of map.
WG is reworking maps, that forces a new tactics from commanders, and that sucks for clans, players.
Now they are doing everything to change players game styles. If you see now, all “mordors” are clogged with only heavys, places for TD’s have been destroyed. Artylery with stupid angle of fire are useless. And nerf of mediums is propably coming soon…
And what kind of nerfs will mediums get ??? A week ago, SS wrote that some Tier 10 mediums will get small buff, like Leopard 1, AMX50B and FV4202. Rest of mediums …. they are mostly fine, at least for me.
yea like obj.140 it sucks badly compared to my T62.A
fucking Russian bias devs.
AMX50B med, rly ?
uhmmmm (feels awesome), nerfs are a part of WG job lmao…
Well, it does look like it’ll be less awful than it currently is – so that has to be an improvement.
It does look like an improvement, the gameplay will be less predictable now on this map
Found WG employee
Maybe gameplaywise its ok becouse of more routes but WG maps will still be WG maps with “tunnels”, canyons and shit like that. The terrain looks totally unnatural with a ll this little artificial hills and bobslay canyons. Like if the players were total tomatos and couldnt use terrain…oh wait, actually it is like that. Look at WTGF maps. They look totally normal and natural. Just natural terrain, few bumps here and there, a bunker, uneven terrain… you dont need more cuz it looks good and it plays good. You dont need to shit one milion little unnatural hills and canyons at the map to make it playable…. They made little call of duty full auto CQB noobmaps with tons of shit added and now they cant make them playable.
summer severogosk?
So, they put an arty which can finally shoot at camped tanks on Halluf and then they update map with bigger rocks and hills, so there can be more campers again? I don’t think that El Halluf is that bad or unbalanced, I think there are other maps which needs rebalance more then this.
Clickers are the cause of camping not the cure.
the cause of camping are new players. i see a lot of new players who tell to themself how to play wot:
“you chose your tank, press the battle, then, when the map is loaded you rush in an advantageous position, as far as you can from the battlefield, from where you can shoot something but you cannot be shotted at, stay there and let the other noobs scout. DONT ever leave that position. doesnt matter in wich tank are you driving.”
They dont realize this is the way you lose the game. and more important, it makes the game very boring. no fun at all. But i saw that only on EU server, everytime i played on TS, those russian brawled like hell. and they did great.
Another cause of campers is since arty nerf in 8.6, most of the noob clickers moved to TDs…and they play TDs like they did with arty, they dont have any guts or skill.
Thats the thing. I don’t think that somebody is camping just because he is scared of getting killed by arty. I don’t remember such campfests back in days, when there was even only tier 8 arty at the top (and they were much stronger then these days). The camping as I know it started AFTER arty nerf, because, as TheBootyHunter says, lots of people have moved to TDs and camping is most effective method to get bigger damage (at least for those, who dont know how to handle TD properly – ofc. it’s made more for camping, then brawling etc. but a good player can do a lot more then just camp behind a bush whole game and wait for at least one shoot). And the thing about new players is unbelieveable truth too. They most of the time don’t care which tank they are driving and if they understand number at least a bit, they always choose highest alpha. That’s why you see so many camping IS-3s, E100s and so on. But it’s up to WG to make bigger and better tutorials, different at least for each tank class (would be better if there is some kind of small instruction before battle starts, which can show you where you can be most effective on the map you are currently going to play).
Another thing is – have you ever played El Halluf in CWs? Try it (you can even in training room) attack from B base without any arty against 15 camped TDs like few FVBs, WTFs nad maybe some E3s in first line. Having an arty is the only option to fight against such situations.
I personally don’t find this map change as effective, because they are going to force all tomatoes to fight in one place. Because they can’t use brain and minimap. Current Halluf is one of the last maps, where scouts and medium tanks can be properly used and view range, as stat on some tanks, is usefull (like Patton).
I am a Russian server player. Russian players play very differently on our live server than on the test server.
Not on that map, El Halluf at the moment is two high ground areas overlooking a valley, people camp there so they can snipe anyone that’s stupid enough to run into the middle of the map. It’s just a higher tier version of Province.
A half decent arty player can hit most of the map as it stands now, this is just going to mean they have to move less often.
As a so-called “Clicker”, this is one of my favorite maps because I can severely punish campers even without the benefit of a scout on this map. People sitting around the brawling spot at A3 are mostly begging to be shot repeatedly until they are all dead as there are ways for arty to get good angles on it from both locations, even on low trajectory artillery. The few spots of concealment on either side of the map makes predicting the location of campers very easy. Generally, this map has three stages… the first stage is the Scout Battle in the middle where various lights and mediums rush into cover at the bottom of the valley. Which ever side had their fastest scouts spawned closer to the valley generally has the upper hand as they typically are already diving into cover before the other scout lights them up, while the second scout to reach the valley is spotted halfway up the hill and liable to take significant damage before they can initiate a duel against the enemy scout. Brawlers are slowly making their way to A3, usually, because most of the valley is too low for them to engage, artillery will blind shot popular camping spots, or aiming for targets that were incidentally lit during the scout rush.
The Second stage is the very campy stage where along the southern edge, you have the surviving scout cautiously spotting the ridgeline while the defending campers are preparing to take a shot at the enemy scout should it be lit up. The heavies and slower mediums are arriving at reach A3. During this time, an arty on the surviving scouts team can choose to preaim A3 or prepare to rain death on the first targets that gets lit along the ridgeline.
Third phase is the breakthrough phase in which one side is able to break the stalemate at A3 or able to score sufficient kills along the ridgelines. In either case, the Mediums at A3 are set loose and few are the times that I’ve seen a team that lost the second phase pull through in the third phase as the team pushing the advantage will usually very quickly clean up around A3 and force tanks off the ridgeline. Once it is visible that most of the ridgeline has re-engaged in cover against tanks coming from the North, the advantaged team’s ridgeline campers typically go on the offensive themselves. Artillery have a field day in Phase 2 where the majority of prospective targets are either moving very little at A3 in areas that most if not all artillery can get a decent angle on… thereby punishing passivity, or by blindshooting into the few pieces of concealment or angling around cover that many tankers like to shoot from the corner of.
Camping on this map does have a strategic value to it due to the way it is set up, as one person put it… a larger version of Province. However, if you camp all day, any artillery worth his salt will eventually get bored of waiting for lights and start putting shells into your bush or your corner.
They can shoot now, they just have to get into the right position.
Meh…more changes to ruin TDs on maps that favor them.
We’ll see, the old version of this map was a TD heaven and prone to camp fests but now it looks like the brawler and light tanks will have the upper hand
Actually, as for light tanks you’re completely wrong. Good brawler map is instantly bad map for LTs.
What lights can do best on current El Halluf (from either side) is rush D4, spot everything going A1/A2 while providing light covering fire at F6 area and then when situation clears up they can move to D6 or E/F3 and shot heavies locked in combat with each other at A1/2.
This move has won me countless battle and now it’s not going to be possible anymore simply because light and meds going from D4 will be forced to drive to NW part of the map (exposed to enemy fire) and engage in close range combat where heavies are superior giving that they have (and they will) cover preventing from being fully circled.
Also doing this from southern spawn seems much more difficult than from north.
So this change is another huge “fuck you” to scouts and meds that can’t pretend they are heavy tanks. It won’t affect TDs at all, they still have their masturbation stations intact.
Oh, also it’s not brawler map. It still is bitchfight map as it was and as Severogorsk is.
Christ they have reworked this so many times now, it just shows what a failure of a map it was to start with. They’re so desperate for this dumb map to work, but they remove Dragon Ridge after two patches…
Eh… most of the recent map changes people seem to like so much seem to be aimed towards pretty much the same gameplay style. And while in some cases these were much needed (Redshire, Komarin) I can’t help but to think that WG is set to remove any variability in playstyles there might be >_>
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Finally they are reworking maps with dead-zones. Even if its second rework :D
Now if only they fix Abbey Tunnel Master Map.
1 minute of silence in memory of the WoT maps, please.
They’re all being butchered one by one.
Why you think so ? I kinda look at this as an improvement. The map now gives so much more options.
The map was shit to begin with, hardly would consider it butchering.
Amazes me how they can come off with an epic map like Kharkov; yet utterly RUIN Komarin (which to be fair was bad to begin with; but now worse) Tundra (which WAS a good map; now the south has all the advantage), and Arctic (which also was a good map until it got screwed over; especially for Russian heavies) and yet leave the single worst map in the game – SAND RIVER – utterly untouched.
Its like they want all the maps that are wilderness to be long rolling fields and thats it.
sand river is much better than erlenburg. sand river is at least ok in a scout or medium.
Oh God Tundra was fucking awful before the change.
Just remove this shitty map already, as well as Severogorsk.
Yep Belogorsk is the worst map!
Holy **** that’s actually alot of changes. Did WG finally notice that this map is shit?
Ye that seems positive change unlike komarin which they made even more open for all the td to camp people crossing.
YES! This map isnt a hell for Russian gun depression anymore!!
Adding more closed parts of the map by adding high rocks will not solve the maps playability and i’m pretty sure why are they adding more cover. Because of fucking cancer. Same shit happened to Severogorks which is now map for retards in heavy tanks and nothing else. Just remove the fucking clickers and every map will become 10 times better.
Arty clickers arent the problem. OP Camo TD clickers are the problem.
Stfu baddie. Comparing cancer with broken TDs can only do baddie like you who haven’t got a single clue about the game. Seriosly, how the fuck can you suck that bad after 9k battles played.
Blow me Unicum garbage. Seriously, how can you be so failtarded as to think that arty are the problem when they’ve been a key component of the game since the beginning? Yer just bitter that you dont have a clue on how to avoid arty and cant stat pad behind BS camo as much anymore; especially with arty in play. Useless failtard.
all maps are becoming the same… just different textures. boring
Find five differences (except textures):
1) El Halluf 9.2
2) Tundra 9.1
3) Northwest 9.1
4) Severogorsk 9.0
5) Arctic region 9.1
+1 to the above two comments.
These people see what is happening. New map developing department is making/reworking maps. They have ONE SINGLE map design philosophy.
Result: All maps end up similar…
good job Russians, good job.
what a load of crap, this is the worst map change ever.
Another fucked up map.
All balancing reasons aside, sometimes I have the feeling they’re just reworking maps to constantly bring in new fresh content.
And nailed in one!
The A line on the reworked El Halluf is going to be a nightmare from the south base. TD’s will be able to sit in the north base hulldown and just obliterate anything coming that way.
Silent whats up with Sacred Valley? Is there any info?
So many trees… this is a desert… I cannot understand this tree madness of WG… All the city and desert maps are infested with unnecessary trees. I would remove half of them.