103 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: HD Models in 9.2”
Wow, 3 out of 4 in my garage…
Same for me… let me guess, IS, SU-100 and StuG?
No IS, but Churchill I.
Ohhhh, a reason to play my IS and SU-100!
Or look at them in the Hangar….
So only crap tanks are getting an HD model next patch.
IS is a crap tank? what? it is one of the oppest tanks in the game and really fun to play.
lmao, its quite the opposite of OP, more UP really.
UP? And what is then Tiger, AMX M4 or Black Prince?
In compare to other T7 HTs, IS definitely stands out as best for me.
Tiger 1 is OP
T29 is OP
Tiger 1 P is OP
Black Prince is random, depends on MM
IS-1/2 and IS-2 would be perfect if it was not that KV-1S has so much depression making it supperior in certain situations by far to IS.
AMX M4 would be decent with 100 more HP and some slight buffs here and there.
“Tiger 1 P is OP”
Nice one, had a giggle.
How it isn’t it? Accurate gun, great pen, amazing DPM, high hit points, isn’t terribly slow great view range only down side is armor which is fine because the turret is sufficient enough for tier 7. So please tell me your side.
Slow, massive weakspots, out-DPM’d massively by Tiger H, worse turret. It’s not a bad tank, but nowhere near OP.
Mate, I am not laughing :)
It is a fact. Gets the same penetration as the sniping tank the Panther with more armor.
BP is just as worthless, AMX M4 is a good tank, better than the IS and it sure as hell doesnt stand a chance vs the Tiger or T29.
I don’t agree with any of you, IS is in the middle, not the strongest of tier 7 heavies as its in a league of monsters but it’s not UP.
Rotfl, lrn2play. Properly driven IS can wreak havoc, this tank is made for peek-a-boo.
T29, Tigers and AMX M4 are far better at wreaking havoc and they at least have a gun that can handle T8s and T9s unlike the IS.
Yeah, while having half of the damage output. Maybe stop trying to play it like a heavy which it barely is. lrn2play, how many times do I have to repeat myself?
Also, laughed pretty hard at the “AMX M4″ wreaking havoc.
Tiger (H) is the best tank in the game (IMHO), and although it has lower dmg output than, say, IS, it compensates it with much better ROF. a shot in every 5-6 seconds (vent., rammer, BIA), well, let me tell you IS stands no chance facing my Tiger. so yes, Tiger (H) is OP as hell, no sarcasm intended..
If you are exchanging shots with something so ridiculous as the current Tiger H, then you are doing it wrong. No one capable of thinking and breathing at the same time will stand with an IS and play DPM game.
Currently it’s: T29>IS=Tiger H>IS 2>Tiger P> AMX M4>KV-3>>>>>>T7 Car>>>>>>>>Black Prince.
IS is a lot better than Tiger. It has more alpha damage, way better armor, a lot more hp\t ratio (which means better acceleration and more speed climbing hills), smaller silhouette and no engine at front.
Meanwhile Tiger has only slightly bigger (around 250) DPM, more accuracy and penetration.
So if you think that Tiger is OP, then IS is OP either
(yep, I know Tiger has engine in the back, not front, but it’s really stupid that transmission damage can caught so much fire)
I can play, the IS is a shite tank in a mediocre line of heavies.
LOL! “I can play” Then you prove to us you cannot.
“AMX M4 wreaking havoc”. Strange, usually I wreak them.
Yes, I have so much fun with it’s lottery accuracy. Short range shooting and I can’t aim properly. This tank is piece of junk.
Are you a bad bait?
KV-1S is better than the shitty IS.
Shitty IS, nope, worse than KV-ASS, yes, but I think it’s rather easy to make it work. It has still a better alpha than any other T7 heavy tank and the damage is even outclassing some T8′s. Isn’t high damage more appropriate for “brawlers” than all other gun stats? The 175 pen might sound meh, but still does its job and since it is a big caliber, I think it’s even better than a 100mm cal with the same pen.
It’s only basically sh*t in T9 games, where the low hitpoints and the non-existant accuracy/aim time make the tank really hard to work with.
Last, but not least, the tank might appear terrible if you look at other players playing with it, because many, many of them are complete tomatoes who have never heard of “angling”, “weak spots”, or “equipment”.
It doesn’t just appear terrible, it is terrible.
Yep, maybe because you can’t play it…sorry, but one can’t say it is terrible all the time if it in fact isn’t. There are far worse tanks out there, talking about the Jagdpanzer IV, M3 Lee, ARL V39…
JPz4 is definetely not terrrible. But you could add the German DW2 or the French SAu40 to the list.
Screens taken with low textures or why do they look so crappy? Or is it still WIP?
they look really really bad, and plasticky
the StuG .. holy shit bananas!
It’s the WoT Tank Viewer. Good for comparisons, armor and details, not so good for HD render. They will look better in WoT.
if I remember from the time HD client was in CT, they look quite plasticky then too
especially the Tiger
They still look plastic and not fantastic, they are barbie girls in the barbie world!
Ekchem….they glow white and only tracks for T-54 looks decent.
Maybe note that at the top? I assumed the person just didn’t have the highest settings (which is partially true) but other people don’t seem to realize it.
Think you should add that into the post lol.
It is a Leak so its WIP. And yeah. Tank Viewer makes HD tanks look like crap.
WG in a nutshell for you. Announces one biggest selling point for the game for the near future and cant even do it properly.
All of em looks like Plastic
*plays Aqua – Barbie Girl*
[troll] *sings* I’m a plastic tank, In a broken world ~ MM balance ? its not existent ~ you can pen my tank ~ I’ll ding you everywhere ~ rngggg its fantastic ! [/troll]
Well, the only one NOT in my garage right now is the SU-100..and I’m working on that line now. Not bad, but is it just me or do they look worse than the initial batch of HD models? Esp. the Churchill…it just looks odd for some reason.
May just be settings but tracks took really flat.
Maybe the work isn’t 100% finished. It’s “supertest” not even open beta after all.
My beloved StuG looks now like a plastic toy tank. =(
you;re right
germans looks toy-style, russian is well done i think
Well, for me it’s actually time to re-buy the tank…just some playing around on the skins I guess and I’ll be fine.
I just can’t stand that the german tanks have a grey base color, looks really boring and many camouflage patterns look like sh*t on them.
Well, there’s one more thing to blame Nazis for – using RAL standard Schwarzgrau paint.
Looks like steel on my end.
maby ill get churchill which i was never driving before…
They looks much different against ingame here.
Ingame it looks MUCH better
Assuming the track textures weren’t remodeled in these shots? Seem a little flat compared to the hulls.
….Is it just me or do these look just really really bland ….The lighting doesn’t bring up the detail in the textures …and the German tanks just have a stock grey with zero blemishes…More geometry has been added , but for me they are just boring to look at…
I think it is mainly the lighting or the colourless specular maps they have used.
Churchill tracks are terrible. Look like a giant one piece rubber belt, not a track made of cast steel segments.
Also I pray they fixed the problem of the front hull armor behind the track idler being made of paper. Dunno how accurate the model is, but its pretty game breaking to have nearly 50% of the frontal hull armor being weakspot(s)
Why the hell can WT/Gaijin do justice in their displaying of German tanks (they really look like the real deal) when in WoT, as far as HD goes, any other nation has better looking tank textures than the German grey?!
Churchill, IS, SU-100 – they look pretty good. But the Tiger & my beloved Stug? Dafuq is that?!
I can agree that the Panther & maybe Maus look decent, but…
Im disappointed…
It looks like the spare roadwheels on StuG are much bigger than the actual roadwheels f.e.
(just for info: in WT the commanders periscope moves when you move the gun accordingly…)
IS looks quiet ok.
But why they choose Churchill I?? Not Churchill VII, which looks much cooler?
The straps that hold the tools on the Chrchill are not tight, it just looks unreal.
Also the towing rope and the log on SU-100, look like Playmobil (r).
I thinks its sloppy, like always.
So that means 4 tanks will skinless in my client…………great………
Serb : ” How Terrible”.
What a shitty thing to bitch about…
wonder how they actually look like in the game … :/
I will comment the models when they release some in game pictures of theese tanks.
I wana see thouse tracks and details
Why the FUCK did wargaming not give Stug G a sideskirt?
It f*cking needs it. Put it WG.
How terrible
Maybe because the camo would get worse, and then it could get a bit imbalanced. Pz IV’s camo doesn’t really matter, it’s a med, but side skirts on StuG as they are on Panzer IV would make that thing pretty visible, especially from the side.
Visual model has nothing to do with camo.
Where is my PzIVH HD :v
You should really put a disclaimer there SS. Something like “Rendered in TankViever, lightning quality does not corespond to that in-game”. Or even better, “Those are leaks, stop your bitchin”.
2 months of development – 4 HD models.
WG, when will you stop failing so hard?
Tracks on Churchill and the Stug still need finishing…..
None of the tanks in my garage, so wont be downloading the HD model client…
Did you choose not to download when the Maus, Tiger I, Panther and T34/85 were released?
I can see from these comments that WG is getting what they wanted from these HD models, wich is reducing credits and gold owned by player then make them buy gold again. Every one is planning again these shitty , GPU stressing and bug generating models for the sake of graphics while gameplay and performance are being sacrified to fill WG’s wallets.
I know that WG does it the wrong way , teams making HD models ‘work’ while others are asleep .
looks more like u know absolutly nothing ;) Most real programmers are working on making havok and the new movement system work without bigger performance problems atm.
WG should start their HD at tier 10 and go to tier 1, instead of random tanks. I don’t know what their basis on selecting tank to be HD.
I think first historical/famous tanks ;)
Dont see the King Tiger coming any time soon, though they will put the IS-3 HD sooner. Which i more Historical/Famous tank, you can decide.
Bodlat25 is right it is random. Take the T-54 for example; a crap tank in real life but it was still one of the fist ones to be made in HD.
Random WG choice nothing more
Are there any collision model changes?
and there still isn’t a is-4 HD model, awesome.
M12 HD model, too.
and 200+ other vehicles as well…
>> – the lifespan of track “traces” on the ground will be increased, but they won’t be permanent
Can’t this be done with some creative tinkering in config?
Umm…the tracks are not in HD. I refuse to believe that those tanks had a plastic plain tracks…Hellcat has HD tracks, T-34-85 also, but not those above
Churchill looks awesome but the others, fuck me that Stug is AWFUL. Kinder surprise plastic tanks.
Stug does look aweful without a doubt.
Though WG will turn most tanks to HD but I believe that some will look hideous…. Stug is one of them if they don’t change it
Guys, are you dumb or just pretrending to be?
Can’t you see, that screens are taken from WOT Tank Viewver, which has nowhere near that quality of lighting and shadows, as the real Game client.. And tracks of those tanks are still in SD, so that will change too.
So please, whine, when you will see real screens from Test client with decent quality settings!
And still waiting for IS-3 -_-
and 200+ other vehicles as well…
Unnecessary eye candy stuff.
HD models – no thanks!
Fully agree. Not needed at all.
All these people acting as though these are finished and not WIP at all….
Wow, 3 out of 4 in my garage…
Same for me… let me guess, IS, SU-100 and StuG?
No IS, but Churchill I.
Ohhhh, a reason to play my IS and SU-100!
Or look at them in the Hangar….
So only crap tanks are getting an HD model next patch.
IS is a crap tank? what? it is one of the oppest tanks in the game and really fun to play.
lmao, its quite the opposite of OP, more UP really.
UP? And what is then Tiger, AMX M4 or Black Prince?
In compare to other T7 HTs, IS definitely stands out as best for me.
Tiger 1 is OP
T29 is OP
Tiger 1 P is OP
Black Prince is random, depends on MM
IS-1/2 and IS-2 would be perfect if it was not that KV-1S has so much depression making it supperior in certain situations by far to IS.
AMX M4 would be decent with 100 more HP and some slight buffs here and there.
“Tiger 1 P is OP”
Nice one, had a giggle.
How it isn’t it? Accurate gun, great pen, amazing DPM, high hit points, isn’t terribly slow great view range only down side is armor which is fine because the turret is sufficient enough for tier 7. So please tell me your side.
Slow, massive weakspots, out-DPM’d massively by Tiger H, worse turret. It’s not a bad tank, but nowhere near OP.
Mate, I am not laughing :)
It is a fact. Gets the same penetration as the sniping tank the Panther with more armor.
BP is just as worthless, AMX M4 is a good tank, better than the IS and it sure as hell doesnt stand a chance vs the Tiger or T29.
I don’t agree with any of you, IS is in the middle, not the strongest of tier 7 heavies as its in a league of monsters but it’s not UP.
Rotfl, lrn2play. Properly driven IS can wreak havoc, this tank is made for peek-a-boo.
T29, Tigers and AMX M4 are far better at wreaking havoc and they at least have a gun that can handle T8s and T9s unlike the IS.
Yeah, while having half of the damage output. Maybe stop trying to play it like a heavy which it barely is. lrn2play, how many times do I have to repeat myself?
Also, laughed pretty hard at the “AMX M4″ wreaking havoc.
Tiger (H) is the best tank in the game (IMHO), and although it has lower dmg output than, say, IS, it compensates it with much better ROF. a shot in every 5-6 seconds (vent., rammer, BIA), well, let me tell you IS stands no chance facing my Tiger. so yes, Tiger (H) is OP as hell, no sarcasm intended..
If you are exchanging shots with something so ridiculous as the current Tiger H, then you are doing it wrong. No one capable of thinking and breathing at the same time will stand with an IS and play DPM game.
Currently it’s: T29>IS=Tiger H>IS 2>Tiger P> AMX M4>KV-3>>>>>>T7 Car>>>>>>>>Black Prince.
IS is a lot better than Tiger. It has more alpha damage, way better armor, a lot more hp\t ratio (which means better acceleration and more speed climbing hills), smaller silhouette and no engine at front.
Meanwhile Tiger has only slightly bigger (around 250) DPM, more accuracy and penetration.
So if you think that Tiger is OP, then IS is OP either
(yep, I know Tiger has engine in the back, not front, but it’s really stupid that transmission damage can caught so much fire)
I can play, the IS is a shite tank in a mediocre line of heavies.
LOL! “I can play” Then you prove to us you cannot.
“AMX M4 wreaking havoc”. Strange, usually I wreak them.
Yes, I have so much fun with it’s lottery accuracy. Short range shooting and I can’t aim properly. This tank is piece of junk.
Are you a bad bait?
KV-1S is better than the shitty IS.
Shitty IS, nope, worse than KV-ASS, yes, but I think it’s rather easy to make it work. It has still a better alpha than any other T7 heavy tank and the damage is even outclassing some T8′s. Isn’t high damage more appropriate for “brawlers” than all other gun stats? The 175 pen might sound meh, but still does its job and since it is a big caliber, I think it’s even better than a 100mm cal with the same pen.
It’s only basically sh*t in T9 games, where the low hitpoints and the non-existant accuracy/aim time make the tank really hard to work with.
Last, but not least, the tank might appear terrible if you look at other players playing with it, because many, many of them are complete tomatoes who have never heard of “angling”, “weak spots”, or “equipment”.
It doesn’t just appear terrible, it is terrible.
Yep, maybe because you can’t play it…sorry, but one can’t say it is terrible all the time if it in fact isn’t. There are far worse tanks out there, talking about the Jagdpanzer IV, M3 Lee, ARL V39…
JPz4 is definetely not terrrible. But you could add the German DW2 or the French SAu40 to the list.
Screens taken with low textures or why do they look so crappy? Or is it still WIP?
they look really really bad, and plasticky
the StuG .. holy shit bananas!
It’s the WoT Tank Viewer. Good for comparisons, armor and details, not so good for HD render. They will look better in WoT.
if I remember from the time HD client was in CT, they look quite plasticky then too
especially the Tiger
They still look plastic and not fantastic, they are barbie girls in the barbie world!
Ekchem….they glow white and only tracks for T-54 looks decent.
Maybe note that at the top? I assumed the person just didn’t have the highest settings (which is partially true) but other people don’t seem to realize it.
Think you should add that into the post lol.
It is a Leak so its WIP. And yeah. Tank Viewer makes HD tanks look like crap.
WG in a nutshell for you. Announces one biggest selling point for the game for the near future and cant even do it properly.
All of em looks like Plastic
*plays Aqua – Barbie Girl*
[troll] *sings* I’m a plastic tank, In a broken world ~ MM balance ? its not existent ~ you can pen my tank ~ I’ll ding you everywhere ~ rngggg its fantastic ! [/troll]
Well, the only one NOT in my garage right now is the SU-100..and I’m working on that line now. Not bad, but is it just me or do they look worse than the initial batch of HD models? Esp. the Churchill…it just looks odd for some reason.
May just be settings but tracks took really flat.
Maybe the work isn’t 100% finished. It’s “supertest” not even open beta after all.
They look like toys…
Did not know toys were made out of steel.
Nice toys! ´What’s the scale? 1:48?
In my opinion they look too “greyish”
Pingback: [WoT PC] Patch 0.9.2: HD-Modelle aus dem Supertest
My beloved StuG looks now like a plastic toy tank. =(
you;re right
germans looks toy-style, russian is well done i think
Well, for me it’s actually time to re-buy the tank…just some playing around on the skins I guess and I’ll be fine.
I just can’t stand that the german tanks have a grey base color, looks really boring and many camouflage patterns look like sh*t on them.
Well, there’s one more thing to blame Nazis for – using RAL standard Schwarzgrau paint.
Looks like steel on my end.
maby ill get churchill which i was never driving before…
They looks much different against ingame here.
Ingame it looks MUCH better
Assuming the track textures weren’t remodeled in these shots? Seem a little flat compared to the hulls.
….Is it just me or do these look just really really bland ….The lighting doesn’t bring up the detail in the textures …and the German tanks just have a stock grey with zero blemishes…More geometry has been added , but for me they are just boring to look at…
I think it is mainly the lighting or the colourless specular maps they have used.
Churchill tracks are terrible. Look like a giant one piece rubber belt, not a track made of cast steel segments.
Also I pray they fixed the problem of the front hull armor behind the track idler being made of paper. Dunno how accurate the model is, but its pretty game breaking to have nearly 50% of the frontal hull armor being weakspot(s)
Why the hell can WT/Gaijin do justice in their displaying of German tanks (they really look like the real deal) when in WoT, as far as HD goes, any other nation has better looking tank textures than the German grey?!
Churchill, IS, SU-100 – they look pretty good. But the Tiger & my beloved Stug? Dafuq is that?!
I can agree that the Panther & maybe Maus look decent, but…
Im disappointed…
It looks like the spare roadwheels on StuG are much bigger than the actual roadwheels f.e.
(just for info: in WT the commanders periscope moves when you move the gun accordingly…)
IS looks quiet ok.
But why they choose Churchill I?? Not Churchill VII, which looks much cooler?
The straps that hold the tools on the Chrchill are not tight, it just looks unreal.
Also the towing rope and the log on SU-100, look like Playmobil (r).
I thinks its sloppy, like always.
So that means 4 tanks will skinless in my client…………great………
Serb : ” How Terrible”.
What a shitty thing to bitch about…
wonder how they actually look like in the game … :/
I will comment the models when they release some in game pictures of theese tanks.
I wana see thouse tracks and details
Why the FUCK did wargaming not give Stug G a sideskirt?
It f*cking needs it. Put it WG.
How terrible
Maybe because the camo would get worse, and then it could get a bit imbalanced. Pz IV’s camo doesn’t really matter, it’s a med, but side skirts on StuG as they are on Panzer IV would make that thing pretty visible, especially from the side.
Visual model has nothing to do with camo.
Where is my PzIVH HD :v
You should really put a disclaimer there SS. Something like “Rendered in TankViever, lightning quality does not corespond to that in-game”. Or even better, “Those are leaks, stop your bitchin”.
2 months of development – 4 HD models.
WG, when will you stop failing so hard?
Tracks on Churchill and the Stug still need finishing…..
None of the tanks in my garage, so wont be downloading the HD model client…
Did you choose not to download when the Maus, Tiger I, Panther and T34/85 were released?
I can see from these comments that WG is getting what they wanted from these HD models, wich is reducing credits and gold owned by player then make them buy gold again. Every one is planning again these shitty , GPU stressing and bug generating models for the sake of graphics while gameplay and performance are being sacrified to fill WG’s wallets.
Blame War Thunder fanboys.
Ever hear of different teams?
Artists/3D Modelers can’t program/bugfix, generally.
I know that WG does it the wrong way , teams making HD models ‘work’ while others are asleep .
looks more like u know absolutly nothing ;) Most real programmers are working on making havok and the new movement system work without bigger performance problems atm.
WG should start their HD at tier 10 and go to tier 1, instead of random tanks. I don’t know what their basis on selecting tank to be HD.
I think first historical/famous tanks ;)
Dont see the King Tiger coming any time soon, though they will put the IS-3 HD sooner. Which i more Historical/Famous tank, you can decide.
Bodlat25 is right it is random. Take the T-54 for example; a crap tank in real life but it was still one of the fist ones to be made in HD.
Random WG choice nothing more
Are there any collision model changes?
and there still isn’t a is-4 HD model, awesome.
M12 HD model, too.
and 200+ other vehicles as well…
>> – the lifespan of track “traces” on the ground will be increased, but they won’t be permanent
Can’t this be done with some creative tinkering in config?
Umm…the tracks are not in HD. I refuse to believe that those tanks had a plastic plain tracks…Hellcat has HD tracks, T-34-85 also, but not those above
Churchill looks awesome but the others, fuck me that Stug is AWFUL. Kinder surprise plastic tanks.
Stug does look aweful without a doubt.
Though WG will turn most tanks to HD but I believe that some will look hideous…. Stug is one of them if they don’t change it
Pingback: Upcoming HD models | Clan Pack wot
Guys, are you dumb or just pretrending to be?
Can’t you see, that screens are taken from WOT Tank Viewver, which has nowhere near that quality of lighting and shadows, as the real Game client.. And tracks of those tanks are still in SD, so that will change too.
So please, whine, when you will see real screens from Test client with decent quality settings!
And still waiting for IS-3 -_-
and 200+ other vehicles as well…
Unnecessary eye candy stuff.
HD models – no thanks!
Fully agree. Not needed at all.
All these people acting as though these are finished and not WIP at all….
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