
Very little today (or, rather, no new info at all), but we got a bunch of leaks earlier so can’t be that bad :)

Alright, since no fresh info could be found, I had to dig a bit into less… usual sources, like the Administration Digest, which is a compendium of things, that is (well, should be) regularily updated (last update was in mid June, so it’s probably not totally obsolete). Some of the stuff there is really ancient, but there are some new things there, such as:

- T-44-85 was shelved
- Chinese tank destroyers will come, but not in 2014
- rework of light tanks is planned
- when IS-3 is reworked into HD, it will recieve “historical hull armor” (SS: funny, I thought it had one already)
- there will be Italian and EU tanks, but not soon
- EU tree concept including the national crews is ready, it will be disclosed when the time is right
- AMX-30 will come (it’s done when it’s done)
- alternative French HT and MT branches are planned, definitely not for 2014 though
- NbFz is not planned for introduction for now

- at least one more medium branch of US tanks is planned
- there are plans for Sturmtiger, but it has been shelved for now
- there are plans for “superheavy” tanks for other nations than Germany
- there are no plans to allow regular tanks to become premium ones
- aphibious and flamethrower tanks are not planned for now
- garage battles might appear in 2014
- the implementation of the option to hide your statistics has been scrapped
- there will be an option to write in chat even as the battle is loading
- developers are planning to implement the “in battle”/”in hangar” status for players
- “Minsk” and “Konigsberg” maps are still being developed
- bigger maps than the current ones are being experimented with
- minimap functions will be improved
- it’s possible that night maps will be implemented, but only in very distant perspective
- no plans to change/reduce/increase the 30 second battle countdown
- there is an idea to introduce smoke shells, but there are both clientside and serverside issues with it
- the lifespan of track “traces” on the ground will be increased, but they won’t be permanent
- there will also be weather changes (rain etc.), “when it’s done it’s done”
- there is no development of a special 64bit client
- it’s possible that HESH mechanism will be reworked (SS: the way HESH worked in real life is quite complicated to model, but I was told that the simpliest representation possible would be massive increase of normalization to simulate the fact that HESH actually does better against sloped surfaces)

97 thoughts on “3.7.2014

  1. - minimap functions will be improved

    I hope by ‘improved’ they mean functionally smoother and not so twitchy like it has been. =/

    • Its to save data received.
      Probably meant like:
      - gun directions (xD)
      - tank names
      - last know possition (as it clearly cant a perk anymore, can it?)
      - view range, render range
      Etc I cant come up with.

      • The last one isn’t a perk anymore because apparently 14 out of 15 players in a (high-tier) battle use it :D In lower tiers you could possibly find no mods at all.

        And I have never understood view range/render range. My modded minimap shows both, but only render range (the square) seems to have effect on spotted tanks.

        • View range: your own circle in which you can spot them campers. But thats only when they have 0 camo or shooting their gun is very demasking. It is always lower than its shown – can vary drastically.
          Render range: that box in which you can see tanks. That is – game engine allows you to see it (renders them).

        • View range is your potential spotting range, the actual range at which you spot vehicles behind heavily dependant on the context (there’s a wiki explaining the spotting mechanics). The render square is simply the area in which your client will actually display tanks (allies and enemies). Spotted tanks outside your square render range will not be displayed (can still be hit if you blindshoot them tho).

        • I can’t use in-battle mods, too much impact on my already low fps. I really doubt 14/15 players in high tiers use mods at all.

          • But it can be, I didn’t state anywhere that it is like that everytime. But you have to agree that there are more players using mods in higher tiers than in lower battle tiers.

  2. What about japanese heavys?

    ”-Chinese tank destroyers will come, but not in 2014”
    And this is nice to hear. Cant wait to see if we get a TD variant of me.

    Also, there is possibility that FLAMETHROWER tanks comes to WoT? o_0

      • Indeed. Especially when i heard that possible tier 10 has less armor than maus but its bigger…TOG’s secret big brother?

          • Big ass AND fat. Maus has just thick skin thats why he weights ALOT
            (though surely he is really fat actually)

            • They havent balanced Maus yet.
              How they going to balance that in T10, fuck knows.
              Will be inferior to everything except maybe HP – 4500? XP sponge needs to be dried out.

    • jap tree is newest one so i think they want to add on more to Brit and Chinese trees first

      • We will see. If i understood right, new japanese tanks has more priority to WoT than new chinese tanks.
        cant remember exactly though

        • I believe it has something to do with Japan marketing… I remember reading somewhere that they were trying to get more Japanese players onto the servers.

          • The general consensus of the Japanese players on the topic of Japanese tanks is “Oh, you mean those things that got squashed by the Americans?” or “JGSDF tanks? Oh, the pieces of junks that Godzilla ate.”

            Honestly, most Japanese players go for German tanks, and for good reason: They actually fought well in the war, and there’s a LOT of… STUFF (models, books, etc) for them.

        • Problem with “new” Chinese tanks is that most of them were Soviet copies or didn’t exist at all. (LOL@Current tree) HOWEVER, it’ll be interesting to see amphibious tanks turned into tank destroyers (mostly for their shape, as WG has said explicitly that they won’t implement amphibious capability)
          Hell, most of the current Chinese trees are post-war, and wartime tanks are lend-lease/captured. (Modified French, then modified British, then captured/modified Japanese, then modified American with Japanese gun, then lend-lease Russian with inferior stats) If you want to do like an international buffet tank, you can take the Vickers Mk. E Type B and give it a British chassis, German 37mm gun, Soviet T-26 turret, French Franklin engine, and Chinese crews.

          Japan, at least, made their own tanks, and aside from mid/middle-high tier, they have most of the heavy tanks down. TDs are mostly going to be paper, IIRC.

          As for the British, I’m guessing you haven’t read about the new MT/TD line at all…

    • - there are plans for “superheavy” tanks for other nations than Germany.
      That should just about answer the Japanese heavys and last I heard I think they were done with the line but having trouble finding a suitable tank for tier 6 in the line (as far as i remember).

  3. - alternative French HT and MT branches are planned, definitely not for 2014 though

    - “Minsk” and “Konigsberg” maps are still being developed
    Will it be a full urban map like Himmelsdorf/Karkov or a half urban/half field map?

  4. EU tree concept including the national crews is ready, it will be disclosed when the time is right
    well fucking give it to us already instead of postponing everything -_-
    (still waiting for havoc)

  5. - bigger maps than the current ones are being experimented with

    We dont need bigger ones – we need more useful space ones.
    Exampel: Kharkov – go anywhere.
    Japan village – half the map is mountain.

    • ye i sorta agree, if its a big map it will just promote camping (especially for any slow as shit tanks, tog, t95…etc..)

    • Yet Kharkov is a new map, maybe they finally got it :D

      Japan village is nothing compared to that banned chinese map though, which is actually REALLY 50 % mountains…

    • Kharkov is a wierd map buuuuut i loveeee itttt
      so many oportunities to flank and avoid chockpoints and stupid time wasting :P
      map like Kharkov yes yeees yeeeeees!!!
      map like the japan village Hellll NOOOOO if i want to admire mountains and stunning scenery i will load up Skyrim and sit there admiring the view

  6. - there will be Italian and EU tanks, but not soon

    So there WILL be a separated italian TT in the future? WG filled the gaps in it? O_o

  7. - it’s possible that night maps will be implemented, but only in very distant perspective

    Night maps? Is that even historical? I think it was in a post one or two months ago, the reason why it got shelved was like “players couldn’t see sh*t”.

    To me it sounds funny though, but only if the spotting system would receive an update, at least for those particular battles. Otherwise I think it just would be the campiest sh*t I’ve ever seen :D

    Oh, and, shouldn’t it be ‘amphibious’? (“- aphibious and flamethrower tanks are not planned for now”)

    • Campiest….Saw X360 version?
      “Bitches dont see me so Im gonna spot them.” – Rise of the Planet of the Scouts :D

      And what the hell happened to tracers? They gotta bring those flashy ones for night maps.

    • *Going in a forest during nightime*

      BAM! FV215b 183 HESH in the face from 70 m without seeing it ah ah

    • IIRC, the Japanese favored night attacks, even in tank warfare. I’m sure there were several surprise attacks made at night in the European front as well.

      I’m just hoping tier X tanks with IR equipment would get an advantage… Poor Patton could use a lot of love.

      Stay the fuck away, T-62A. Nobody called you.

      • “new construction vehicle”

        Original Nazi heavy tank, was a bit a crap design (too complex and unreliable) so production was cancelled and the ones built were only used for early war propaganda and breifly saw action in Norway.

        It was multi-turret, probably why it is being delayed,its related to the gross tractor premium that hasn’t turned up yet either.

      • short definition – first big tanks produced by germany, somewhat the same thing as Großtractor we have in-game. Big siluete, 20+tons, ~20mm armor at best, short 75mm L/24 gun

  8. - Chinese tank destroyers will come, but not in 2014
    - there will be Italian and EU tanks, but not soon
    - EU tree concept including the national crews is ready, it will be disclosed when the time is right
    - AMX-30 will come (it’s done when it’s done)
    - alternative French HT and MT branches are planned, definitely not for 2014 though

    Best news in a while!

  9. - when IS-3 is reworked into HD, it will recieve “historical hull armor” (SS: funny, I thought it had one already)
    WG decides what’s historically correct. It’s hilarious most of the times.

    • Well, we already have KV-4 and KV-5 for the Russians. What other superheavy tanks can be out there, other than the Jap tier X?

      • maybe char 2c and FCM F1 for french (they have models already but propably wait for multi-turret)

      • The Japanese tier 7 and 8 are rumoured to be the two O-I models, 100 and 120 tons respectively. Those superheavy enough?

  10. - when IS-3 is reworked into HD, it will recieve “historical hull armor” (SS: funny, I thought it had one already)

    … how many times have they changed the model after that :D

  11. quote: ” there is no development of a special 64bit client”

    they’re still struggling with multicore and someone expects them to build a x64 exe ?! mwhahahahh

    • Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Device Manufacturer’s Manual of Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Devices on said:

      64 bit WoT client is not needed for now as it has no significant advantages anyways.

      • It would have if they knew how to use more memory, instead limiting the client to use 1-1.5GB of RAM and to constantly load stuff from HDD.

        If they make a 64bit exe or at least make this one large address aware, and use this extra memory, they could make this game run much smoother.

        • large memory addresses doesn’t mean better performance, it’s the opposite
          with bigger addresses means that within the same memory bandwidth you will have lower number of calls

          but, if WG would go to the way of memory caching the game’s assets in RAM, a x64 exe would help them a lot – of course, assuming there is enough RAM (above 6Gb, 16Gb optimum / even more for HD client)

          people who already have 16Gb+ of RAM can put the game folder inside a RAM Disk – I bet it makes the game butter smooth

          • Client is already over 20 GB big. Meaning you can only put some parts of it on a RAM Disk.

            And large address aware means that a 32 bit application uses 32 bit long addresses, instead of 31 bit long, allowing it to address 4 GB of RAM instead of 2 GB.

            Trust me, I’m a programmer.

            • Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Device Manufacturer’s Manual of Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Devices on said:

              32 bit applications can never use the full 4 GB RAM. However that doesn’t really matter as long as WoT doesn’t exceed the 32 bit memory limit.
              And so far it doesn’t (for now) which is why there is no reason to put the extra work in a 64 bit client.

  12. Saddest news for me so far. Stumrtiger has been shelved for now. What the fuck are they shitting around at WG ? They implement FV 215b 183 / Wt E-100, keep the KV-1s untouched since release and fail to implement the Sturmtiger??? I am pissed there was one tank/branch i looked forward to… the Stumtigerbranch and WG blows it fucking hell.

  13. Lets start a list of things WG promised that never come!

    I ll start:

    - multi turret mechansim (i m sure it will never happen)
    - garage battles
    - Sturmtiger
    - circle rander range
    - light tanks rework

    • - multicore
      - havok
      - 2nd french HT
      - bigger maps (that they actually doing right now – look at Arctic Region)

        • Yo dawg, I heard y’all wanted HD models so we’re giving you pretty tanks but we’re nerfing their armor to be more “historical”, you dig?

  14. - alternative French HT and MT branches are planned, definitely not for 2014 though

    Well, at least it is coming though. I’ve been dying to try out the non-autoloading heavy tanks!

    • well i think there are more ppl caring about new game modes, havok etc than about awesome chinese arys and tds or super mega important 5th russian tier 10 med etc .P

  15. Don’t have time to add new line but will add new russian tank.
    Historical changes to russian tank means buff. Historical changes to non-russian means nerf.
    New Map? Map reworking? -> “New” typical League Of Legends map. 3 lanes are soooo fun.

    Multicore? New line? Balance older tanks to match new tanks superpower? Cool stuff? Never, oups sorry I mean, “when it’s done”, or “not this year”.
    Useless stuff? Top priority.

    • Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Device Manufacturer’s Manual of Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Devices on said:

      “Your opinion is very important to us.”
      - Wargaming

      Russian market is the biggest for them,
      new OP tanks bring in a lot of money,
      reworking maps for “balance” gives the game a fresh touch that might not have been needed,
      multicore improves performance for the players but won’t bring in more money.

  16. - when IS-3 is reworked into HD, it will recieve “historical hull armor” (SS: funny, I thought it had one already)
    So… it gets its lowerplate back?