Hello everyone,
the review today is not “weekly” per se, as the last one was delayed and posted this Wednesday, but I am trying to keep schedules as much as I can wherever possible.
Either way, no Paypal donations in this period, but I recieved some encouraging e-mails, thank you all for any support you give me, sometimes it’s really nice to read some of the positive things from you, saves my mood every now and then :)
One thing that is worth adressing is the fact that during the recent Patreon monthly “cycle”, the amount of contributions dropped by cca 30 percent. It wasn’t long before I recieved a couple of gleeful e-mails (anonymous of course), mocking me and FTR for losing reader support.
The truth is however quite different. During the recent Patreon monthly “cycle”, for whatever reason, roughly one fourth of contributions did not “count”, they got into the “pending” status (which meant delayed to the next cycle – won’t count twice next time of course, one month was simply skipped) – here I would like to thank Patreon support staff for the superfriendly way they handle things on their end, it really is actually a pleasure writing with them (not exactly common these days). Count in some personal issues I had to deal with (still have to, hence the reduced weekend content) and it wasn’t exactly the best week ever for me. In the end, some of the “pending” charges got through, the issue is still ongoing. Will keep you posted.
So, once again, thank you all who keep supporting me! :)
PS: Some positive FTR changes for the future – we will be getting something called “CDN” – I have no idea what exactly it is and how it works, but Edrard said it will speed up FTR across the world access by (if I understood it correctly) storing data on some localized servers or something like that. Sounds useful and it’s not that expensive a service. Oh yes and some improved image thingie that will optimize too large images for web use. What is planned is also a better message system (I am getting TONS of spam from FTR mail system). So, stay tuned :)
Just keep up the good work,SS :D
^^ exactly!
You could easily use a Plugin for WordPress, that ftr is looking better on Mobile devices. It’s for free and i use it on wot-com too. Perhaps thats something for you Frank.
I will ask Edrard.
it’s called “WPtouch” and really easy to handle. If you dont like the Desgn, you have a couple of templates. It’s nice for a Newspage on mobile Devices.
Cool, thank you, will check it out
Ask and you shall receive!
My pledge got removed fron Patreon for some reason without my input, maybe this have happened to other readers?
There was some issue with that as well, two or three pledges somehow “disappeared”. I thought that was a temporary glitch of some sort.
CDN = Content Delivery Network. Images etc. can be stored on other servers than FTR so in result your server will be less loaded and readers get faster loading of images. Win-win-pay situation ;)
Keep up the good work mate. Playing wot wouldn’t be the same without reading your blog.
This. Greetings to Edrard too for the amazing work.
There will always be people who feel the urge to write something mean to people they don’t even know and never had a quarrel with.
But then there are many, many more who like your work. So you really have no choice but to keep going.