Thanks to Cradorsky for this one.
An interesting article about the Ukraine separatists (from 7.7.2014) appeared on a Polish news server. Here, one incident is mentioned, where a separatist T-64 was torn apart by an ammo rack explosion.
It is known that the separatist forces are operating stolen T-64 tanks of the Ukraine army. According to the article, this tank (a part of a separatist armored column) was destroyed by the army, when the separatists tried to leave Krematorsk towards Donetsk and the Ukraine army shot their column (which included BMP-2 and BMD infantry combat vehicles) to pieces. This is how the rest of the column ended:
According to the article, in the recent days, the separatist took terrible beating, with the army defeating them at every turn.
-Back to garage
-Get T(ype) 64
-Back to garage
-Get out T-62A
-Squint eyes together
>squint eyes
>become chinese
Holy crap, Exonut, cut it out with the cancerous greentext and maymays.
dumb asses don’t they know SAFE STOWAGE, WET AMMO RACK & REPAIR are mandatory on all Sov meds starting with the T44 :^)
> tfw I don’t have wet ammo rack on my 113
I like to live dangerously
Hench, they need Mark V.
[url=]image hosting adult[/url]
Well that didn’t work now, did it. :P
HAHA! Serves dem fags right! XD
ayy lmao dem ruskies
If it was an separatist column, why are there Ukrainian flags in the pictures ? (last one, one on the lef tin the bushes and one on a wreckage in the back)
Anyways, good to see the Russian mercenaries get a beating, hopefully they will crawl back into Putins butt
They setup the flag there after came to see what is left from the attack.
There are Ukrainian flags because the Ukrainian army took control of that point after destroying the column.
Thats why I say to use the loaders safe stowage on Soviet top tier meds!
And install Wet Ammo Rack as well :p
Holy Shit, the reader base of this blog is totally brainwashed. But what ever they can laugh as there leaders support genocide.
Can’t change a russophobe that’s been indoctrinated since birth with cold war propaganda.
I wasen’t rating the battle, i was rating your attempt at trolling.
Holger Danske knows best
Looks like the russian people are constantly being fooled by their own media.
glhf and wake the fuck up.
And anything published on YouTube is journalistic truth?
Not even close. Youtube is full of crap.
But you fail because you don’t realize,
These are eye witness accounts of 100s of people who live there every day of their lives. Not some journalist blabbering on about his/her opinions.
A bunch of retards with guns that have 5% of local people support, claims a region, and calls themselves the rulers. And what the fuck do you expect the Ukrainians to do? Do nothing like they did with Crimea?
Besides, try to remember what your glorious russia done in Chechnya, much worse…
So it looks like you are the one still a sleep.
Needs to get vision checked.
Were are the “bunch of retards with guns”.
The only retards I see with guns is the Ukrainian army.
Logic OP confirmed, makes brainwashed drones find the most pathetic excuses for genocide.
Russian propaganda is stronK in this one.
Fun fact:
The by far strongest faction of ultra nationalists and fascists can be found in mother Russia.
Nationalism, militarism and the ultimate will to believe everything the great leader says has allways been very popular in russia since 1918.
Fun fact:
The by far strongest faction of ultra liberals and neocons can be found in The government of USA..
Nationalism, militarism and the ultimate will to believe they are the exceptional nation. They bomb the shit out of small countries and take their oil on the basis of freedom, peace and democracy. They have recently used force against people in 185 countries. They have bases in 170 of them. They hire publishers and editors in the main cited sources for information. They falsify evidence, and when there lie is found out, their news stations don’t report a thing. (Like the WMD Lie, Sarin gas lie to name some recent lies.)
And their actions present complete and total hypocrisy when dealing with China and Russia. They are the USA, and its puppet NATO.
>People not brainwashed by Putin’s propaganda
lel get back to the shadows, shill
Since you started playing a game of pretend, can you be the purple carrot of this story, or do you prefer arrogant mainstream media drone?
Ukraine is being attacked by Russians and you call us russophobes? I would like to see what you would say when your country would be attacked by the minority residents of the neighboring country.
I bet the Putin asshole supports this all secretely, while publicly calling for peace.
Crimea river.
“Russian” troops moved into Crimea because it’s mostly Russians there.
If Russia wanted to just invade Ukraine; Ukraine would not stand a chance and NATO would have no balls to do anything.
On the contrary, that’s all NATO is waiting for, for Russia to do a stupid move. Russia stands no chance against ALL of NATO (not to mention the high probability of China backstabbing them and claiming some territories in Siberia….)
““Russian” troops moved into Crimea because it’s mostly Russians there”
Call it what you may, it’s still an invasion of a sovereign country. Worse still, using troops that bear no insignia and claiming they’re “Ukrainian”.
You have to be REALLY stupid to believe it.
You are correct – NATO will take too long doing anything about it… But why didn’t they invade? Because they fear overstepping the big line and forcing NATO into action. They know they can get away with small actions but they know if they do something big the world cannot get away with watching…
Full russian invasion = total Russia isolation. With a complete country isolation they would collapse in 3 months…
““Russian” troops moved into Crimea because it’s mostly Russians there.”
So this is how it works nowadays?
“Hey, our neighbouring country has some territories with more Russian inhabitants than Ukrainian. That gives us the right to establish our own state and split it off the Ukraine with gratuitous violence and non-legal elections. Because, you know, there are more Russians!”.
Yeah, I guess this is what the Russian seperatists understand as a “democratic country”.
His argument would mean the Mexicans along our border should have the right to rise up in rebellion to rejoin Mexico.
Just more proof Russian propaganda is still going stronk.
Funny thing this is exactly what Kiev did, and the US gave full support to that.
Ruskie propaganda? Try FACTS.
Kind of like how Hitler moved into the Sudetenland because it was “mostly Germans there”, eh? Pretty pathetic excuse, but then Putin is a classic fascist in both his method and behavior.
1/10, try harder.
Ruskie noob claiming the rest of the world is brainwashed? The irony…
BTFO like Brazil yesterday
ooohhh poor brazil noobs :D
Hope that the ancient tanks they stole from the museums won’t have the same fate…
This is a pretty modernized T-64 that has been maintained by the Ukrainian army.
A T-34-85 that has been sitting in a museum for around about 70 years is sure to KO plenty of Ukrainian T-64′s and T-72′s.
Band of bandits, criminals, drunkards getting beaten by an army… How surprising.
Yes, we are brainwashed, and the obviously unbiased, unopressed, free russian media is telling the truth! :-)))
Not the free Russian media, the free media in general.
The terms “Russian media” and “Free media” are mutually exclusive.
Lol, the US vs Cuba thing has been going on since Fidel took over. Besides, theres a rather important difference between a propaganda war and sending soldiers without identification onto foreign soil (one is a warcrime, I’ll let you guess which).
Stop listening to the propaganda bs from both sides, and start looking at this rationally. The Russians have used an argument last trotted out by Hitler to annex part of a country, and now have their sights set on the rest of the country. Who’s the fascists again? Because from where Im sitting it looks a lot like the guys with the controlled media, using nationalism as an excuse to encroach on territory belonging to other nations.
The UN charter states that nationalities have the right to self determination. This is the exact thing the UN used to interfere with Serbia.
Secondly, Russian troops were allowed to be there because of a Ukraine-Russia treaty. But Whether there were troops were legal by your standards or not, the majority of the Crimean people (even if you take into account of the people who did not vote) voted to be apart of Russia.
If you ignore the people of Crimea in order to criticize Putin, you simply fall in line with the likes of my country’s “America is exceptional, other nations can’t do what we do” propaganda machine.
But what a rationally thinking person can’t ignore is the obvious and blatant fact that the Ukrainian government is committing genocide. When you watch the Ukrainian army commit atrocities you understand why the Crimeans decided to succeed. Only the most arrogant people will say this is propaganda.
If they want to be a part of Russia, THEN BLOODY MOVE TO RUSSIA ALREADY!
You are NOT tearing chunks from a country just because you’re too damn lazy to move your ass in another country!
“Secondly, Russian troops were allowed to be there because of a Ukraine-Russia treaty”
So you DO admit that “separatists” are nothing more than Russian troops!
Furthermore, the rightful owners of Crimea are the TARTARS. Which were deported from their homes by the USSR, to replace them with drunkard, idiot Russians.
I SERIOUSLY doubt the Tartars want to have anything to do with Russia or Putin.
“But what a rationally thinking person can’t ignore is the obvious and blatant fact that the Ukrainian government is committing genocide”
Lol. WHAT GENOCIDE, you bloody lunatic?!
Fighting off secessionists who want to tear the country apart is NOT genocide, it’s DEFENDING YOUR BLOODY COUNTRY.
Isn’t it so funny how everybody that hails the “separatists” and consider them “rightful nationalists”… somehow miss the fact that they’re so “nationalist” that they want to be in Russia, not Ukraine?!
Bloody dirty, filthy commies! America should have nuked them when they had the chance. The USSR should have been dismantled much like the Third Reich was, not allowed to survive post WW2.
^Great example of mindless stupidity.
Ok simple fix man go there and drag there houses to Russia for them. Oh and make sure to move their Crimean history there too. lel
“So you DO admit that “separatists” are nothing more than Russian troops!”
LOL WRONG PLACE DUMBASS LOOK AT A MAP NEXT TIME. SEPERATISTS ARE IN DONETSK AND LUGANSK, NOT IN CRIMEA. Russian troops were in CRIMEA because of the treaty. Just shows how little you know ;).
“replace them with drunkard, idiot Russians”
russophic Insult #1 and point makes no sense, Crimean tartars are the small minority now. There Islamic overlords are long gone Like 200 years long gone. Nor has the people forcefully deported to Crimea moved. Nor should they have to. (Never like Stalin myself)
Hello Bigot there’s something called indisputable evidence that you have ignored about 10 times already.
“somehow miss the fact that they’re so “nationalist” that they want to be in Russia, not Ukraine?!”
Correction. They wan’t to have the right to be Russian, not necessarily in Russia. The Russian flag is a sign of FEDERALIZATION. Most brainwashed russophobes don’t know that, I don’t blame ya.
“Bloody dirty, filthy commies! America should have nuked them when they had the chance.” russophobic insult #2 or #3.
Still the russophobe ignores the fact that Putin ran AGAINST the communist party.
In response to other Russophic insult filled pile of garbade, because you seem to be stuck in the cold war or something:…
“GOOD! If I was in charge of the Ukrainian Government, I would do the exact same thing, given Ukraine’s history with Russia. The Holodomor itself would justify such an act.”
Shows how absolutely hypocritical you are. Bring up an 80 year old story of genocide by a Georgian dictator in which only about a quarter of the world recognize as an act of genocide? Against the USSR which no longer exists?And this justifies ignoring the 1st amendment 80 years in the future? And acts of genocide 80 years in the future? That’s Weak, like a really really weak excuse.
Here is a reporter that Lives and breaths destroying the lies of the US Government, you can spam russophic insults at his fact based opinions too if you want. I hope you wake up soon.
Just try and refute those points, and not by calling Russians drunkards, and commies, because that just make you look completely retarded.
А поле боя держится на танках. Взревут моторы и сверкнёт броня. По грязи, по оврагам, полустанкам, прорвут любую линию огня.
И дрогнет враг от танковой атаки, рубеж не проходимый будет наш, по 100гр из за пылённой фляги за танк родной поднимет экипаж. И за Урал седой творца победы, танкисты не забудут помянуть.
Уходят танки стройные колонны, уходят танки в ковылях сухих. И над землёй от битвы раскалённой зарницы звонко провожают их.
А танк он не за звёзды на мундире, под Прохоровкой ранен был в бою. Спасибо тебе т-34 за боевую молодость мою.
Ведь поле боя держится на танках и по другому не бывает нет.
And the battlefield is kept on the tanks. Will vzrevut motors and sparkles in the armor. In the mud, in the ravines, halts, will break through any line of fire.
And tremble enemy from a tank attack, abroad will be traversed our 100g because pilenai jar for tank native raise the crew. And the Urals gray Creator of victory, tankers will not forget to remember.
Go tanks slender columns, go tanks in the dry grasses. And over the earth from the battle burning hot summer lightning Zvonko escorted them.
And the tank it is not for the stars on his uniform, Prokhorovka was wounded in battle. Thank you t-34 for combat my youth.
After all, the battlefield is kept in tanks and on another there is no no.
Some more (dunno how to embed images):
Rest in pieces!
Nope. Terrorist’s must burn in hell forever.
- spot
…. GG for Good game.
Posting via smartphone is a bi#h
Nice hit! cca 2250 hp hit. Lot of xp here
Thye had it coming. Any Zelenorussians killed?
This is karma my friends. That’s what you get for not letting poor old retired tanks rest (T-34, IS-3, T-54).
Seppy T-34 from 1942 vs. a T-64 will be a fun battle to watch.
russia invades ukiraine, putin is hitler
U.S invades iran, iraq, afghanistan, they are heroes.
such logic
Yes, and in Usa they are lynching Negroes.
such argument, wow
Ukraine means from territory of Russia.
Ukraine is the Russian army facing West.
It seems the Europeans, the Americans want war.
We Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians have not a single war is not lost.
Let’s Wake the bear.
“Ukraine means from territory of Russia”
Russia is responsible for millions of Ukrainian deaths.
Ukrainians =/= Russians.
And that’s not even mentioning the Tartars from Crimea
TL;DR – suck a gigantic cock, Ruskye fag! You can’t even wake your own drunkards!
Learn some history mate, the Russians have lost many wars through the years.
Oh yeah, Ukrainians and Belorussians are not Russians.
I did not see the US of A attempting to “Anschluss” Iran, Iraq or Afghanistan into one of the 50+ states.
Furthermore, last time I checked USA is not a dictatorship, much like Russia is by passing day.
US of A anschlussed 50 states it has right now, so your point is view is silly don’t you think? And it’s more profitable to overthrow governments than anschlussing distant (especially landlocked) countries, so your point is a bit silly don’t you think?
And since dictatorships are the best form of government (Katar having the best GDP per capita and China having de facto strongest economy (PPP)), it’s a bit silly to try make a country look bad because it’s a dictatorship. Even more so when the country is not even a dictatorship but has democratically elected leader. Silly, don’t you think?
Now the question remains – are humans so limited in thinking because of genetics or because of corrupted souls, or both? Because most of the views expressed online show deep level of indoctrination (which shows the lack of personality strength – lower than that of Jabba the Hut, he could resist) and simply non-thinking (the repetition of the “knowledge” of grandfathers and various authorities).
“And since dictatorships are the best form of government”
OK, now we know for sure you’re just a mindless idiot.
“Even more so when the country is not even a dictatorship but has democratically elected leader”
Yeah. “Democratically”. Sure. 140% ftw!
“US of A anschlussed 50 states it has right now”
Another huge brainfart, Dongshit_Division trademark no less!
…US of A anschlussed 50 states it has right now…
Wow. *facepalm*
Let’s face it – Russia has the moral highground in this case
Supporting US and Ukraine shows moral deficiency and/or indoctrination, and is thus not something to be proud of.
Let’s face it – Ukraine has the moral highground in this case
Supporting “separatists” and Russia shows moral deficiency and/or indoctrination, and is thus not something to be proud of.
(Fixed it for you)
I replied to your other post (above). Amusingly enough, this reply of yours just proves the point. Couldn’t even come up with your own original and well-thought answer.
Please, explain to me what you mean by “Russia has the moral highground”?
Because last time I checked, terrorism is against the law and thus Ukraine has all rights to suppress the separatists.
I will instead refer you to my previous huge post (above).
See, you don’t know what is moral and what is immoral, because you are indoctrinated. Hence, you cannot know who has moral highground and who does not. The proof that you’re indoctrinated is in your speech: you call eastern Ukrainians “terrorists”. They are by no definition terrorists. They are separatists. And before 2001 and mass “every enemy is a terrorist” indoctrination by American media, you would not call them terrorists either.
Even in your sentence you say “terrorism against law, Ukraine has right to suppress separatists”, meaning that you equate these two. Because of propaganda in this case. During the invasion of Libya you probably called these “terrorists” “freedom fighters” instead, and invasion was called “liberation”.
FYI, separatism is how most of today’s countries became independent.
The real terrorists are Ukrainians now in power, who used terrorism several months ago against police and civilian population that disagreed with them (killing a journalist etc). Or what happened in Odessa – the burning of people, alive. These people were terrorists by all definitions of terrorism.
But, in a twist of propaganda, you call these terrorists “patriots”.
And people like Fedaykin preach democracy and at the same time support terrorists who overthrew democratically elected government via non-democratic methods.
To understand why Russia has moral highground requires understanding and recognizing propaganda and indoctrination (from both sides), and then strategic knowledge (mainly US, how they operate).
your logic and excuse for russian involvement in Ukraine’s domestic politics is bullshit
remember me, who invaded who? oh … “liberated”
but let’s forget that russian troops entered Ukraine’s sovereign territory with no banner / flag, later to be acknowledged they were russian troops – terrorism? that can’t be ..
Your opinion is void, because you’re also indoctrinated.
Only Dongshit_Division is a free thinker!!!ONE!!ONEONE!
“The real terrorists are Ukrainians now in power, who used terrorism several months ago against police and civilian population that disagreed with them (killing a journalist etc)”
No, the real terrorist is YOU, spreading this kind of MAJOR LEAGUE BS.
And I, for one, would have absolutely nothing against shoving a lead present inside your commie skull.
Want to know what your precious “separatists” did to a pro-Ukrainian, dipshit?!?
Furthermore, this is what happened to those who wanted their own country to remain in one piece!
Those who want to tear your country apart and use force in order to do so -> terrorists. And they are to be shot ON SIGHT.
“To understand why Russia has moral highground requires understanding and recognizing propaganda and indoctrination (from both sides)”
Oh, you didn’t?!? Well let me sum up things for you: Putin’s personal geostrategical advisor, promoter of pan-slavic & orthodox domination.
You want fascists?! Look at motherfucking Russia, Dongshit! There you will see the hive of all sorts of completely disgusting propaganda and brainwashing!
P.S.: China is not a dictatorship, Dongshit!
Lol @ drone that cites main stream media.
While I cite the eye witness accounts of hundreds of Innocent civilians having there bodies blow apart by the Ukrainian army.
Of course mindless drones like you don’t believe facts, they sit in delusional land with their arms crossed.
Let you give a tip. Eye witness accounts:
These are facts.
Anything in the main stream media needs facts and evidence to back its claim. Through this whole crisis they have failed to do that time and time again.
Here is an example:
Lol @ drone that cites random YouTube videos.
TL;DR – death to Separatists! Long live Ukraine, free of Russia! Death to Russia!
“Of course mindless drones like you don’t believe facts, they sit in delusional land with their arms crossed.”
I’m sorry, retarded commies like you are mindless drones, not me. Get the fuck out!
@ Fedaykin89
Fails to look at facts instead of opinions,
Typical Drone.
Go back down to you weight class.
People like you are so pathetic it makes me LMAO.
Because saying that im a communist is so damn hilarious, last time I checked, seattle had no commie recruiting centers.
LOL live in you state of Ignorance. You just accused a Amecian citizen of being a commie with no evidence. But like I said, Your type of viral infection fails to look at facts but intsead looks at pipe fead opinions.
This goes back to my first post:
“Can’t change a russophobe that’s been indoctrinated since birth with cold war propaganda.” Also add retarded, Your a special case ;)
I watched a few of those videos, and its pretty clear that you dont recognise blatant propaganda and BS when you see it.
You claim the mainstream media fails to produce supporting evidence, yet those videos rely mostly on propaganda shots and so-called “eye-witness” accounts, which fail to match up with any other information that is being presented.
So in other words, you think its fake because it doesn’t match up with your reality. You have no proof that its fake and no proof of any kind to refute it.
You think thousands of Putin worshipers aquired 1000s of fake dead bodies, spent hundreds of millions on on fake buildings and used explosives to make holes in the ground? And that they were all acting?
In you false world putin worshipers are so good that they can fake their homes being destroyed? You are so blind.
These are not cherry picked videos. There is thousands of hours of documentaion of this truth.
I still wonder, if these are not facts than what is. IF THE TESTIMONY AND VISUAL EVIDENCE OF THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS IS A LIE THAN WHAT IS TRUE?!? How can anybody prove a murder if the testimony of thousands is not enough? Are you saying in court you will need a million testimonies to proof anything.
And were is your proof of millions of hours of testimonies and video evidence to back your claims?
Just look how mindless you have become. Just imagine yourself pointing at ten thousand people and saying “you all lie your evidence is fake”. They will say “do you even live here?”.
Get real.
Alright, since you don’t seem to understand me, here is a round-up:
Ukraine is a democracy. I’m not saying if it is a good or bad one but it is still the current form of government and thus there is some rules that people have to follow. One benefit of it is that there are many ways for a minority group to change things. Military actions is not one of them.
But the separatists did just that and the response came quick. If said response was appropriate and in the meaning of a democracy is another story and does not relate to the actions that happened before anyways.
And while military actions, terrorism or however you want to call the violent resistance against the state and the law (even if it is questionable) might seem reasonable to you if the state suppresses its citizens, the Ukraine never did suppress its citizens (be it western or eastern Ukrainians) in a way that would allow for this kind of military actions by the separatists.
The state always has authority, hey it even has if it would be murdering all of its citizens.
But if people feel uncomfortable with their situation and how they are treated by the state then they may resist in an appropriate way which they clearly did not.
You still don’t understand, the first Ukrainian government was NOT a democracy, it was a result of a coup. This government was trying to outlaw the use of the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. The only reason there were separitist movement was because of actions like these that were going to put into law. The people in the east were a MINORTY, that’s why the wanted FEDERALIZATION. So they could have more control over THEIR state. They did not TRUST government officials who would outlaw the use of THEIR language.
Next came some democracy.
The west had presidential elections, pro eastern candidates were seen being beaten in public places. The Eastern people really thought they had no choice but to separate.
Then came some more democracy,
in the form means eastern referendum. They didn’t trust the west that was going to take away some of their basic rights.
What you really don’t understand is what happens next. Then the west sends its ragtag nationalistic military to intimidate the east. The East responds with its own militias.
Once the bombs started dropping on innocents, volunteers from Russia came to defend Russian blood.
I really suggest you watch this, it shows you want the east was afraid of. These videos come directly from the people in the eastern region horrified at what the Ukrainian government does to them.
Russia has a history of being a paranoid, aggressive, greedy state no matter who rules it. There is no tradition of tolerance or democracy there. During the communist era the ruling party got 90% of the vote. In the Putin era his party gets….90% of the vote. “Insulting” the church is illegal. Being gay is illegal (or almost is). Next I suppose being anything but Russian will be illegal there too.
Russia has a history of trying to chip pieces off it’s weaker neighbors. Lets’ see, in 1939 they wanted some of Finland’s land, and when the Finns wouldn’t give it to them, they invaded. Also in 1939 they made a dirty deal with the Nazis and grabbed half of Poland. In 1940 they annexed Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. I suppose they were protecting all the Russian there from “genocide”. After WW2 they chipped more pieces off Poland, Germany, and Romania, and even Japan. They flooded the other “republics” of the Soviet Union with Russians to try to “Russify” these areas and make them easier to control. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, alot of these Russians were stuck as citizens of another country, one where Russian was NOT the official language, and Russian customs were not the norm. So since then Russia has been back to bullying these smaller countries and trying to chip more pieces off them. Look what they’ve done in Georgia and Chechnya. Now they want some chunks of Ukraine as well, EVEN THOUGH THEY SIGNED A TREATY GUARANTEEING IT’S INTEGRITY. I guess Russian promises don’t mean much, but I think we all knew that. How much longer till the Russians decide they want some more bits of Poland, Finland, Turkey, or Iran, I wonder? Russia is by far the biggest country in the world, I wonder why they’re so obsessed with snagging more little bits of Europe? How much is enough?
@ earthman34
Have you ever been to Russia? Simple facts like Putin running against the communist party should tell you something. Putin got 60% of the vote.
“During the communist era the ruling party got 90% of the vote.”
Such a misinformed comment, in communism there is no mass voting of the people.
We can go back in history, blaming the USSR for its previous expansions and conquests. But what it stands now is the US is the one expanding in to the middle east and now into Ukraine. Bombing innocents for peace and democracy. Raping economies to prop up its dollar. The US and Europe have already grabbed the main industries in Ukraine. Ukraine signed up to be a good old IMF slave just like Greece. The US is happy about that.
And you know who else is happy? Crimeans. They are so glad that they are not part of a slave nation called Ukraine. They are so glad that there industries are not raped by US and European countries. They are happy of the massive investments going into their region, and their pensions doubling. They are happy because the referendum to self determination was a success. And they are relieved that the Ukrainian government is not indiscreetly bombarding their region with long range artillery.
But hey when people like you refuse to believe nations can change and refuse to learn facts like these:
You will stay you pathetic self, indoctrinated since birth from cold war propaganda.
“the first Ukrainian government was NOT a democracy, it was a result of a coup”
It was NOT a coup, you retarded piece of shit!
It was people legitimately being FED UP with a wanna-be dictator called Yanukovich!
The moment he sent his Berkut thugs on the protesters (which WERE peaceful up to that moment), he has lost ANY AND ALL legitimacy!
Otherwise you might as well say that the Romanian Revolution was actually a fascisct coup, right?! Fascists everywhere, throwing down “democratically elected” leaders!
“This government was trying to outlaw the use of the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE”
GOOD! If I was in charge of the Ukrainian Government, I would do the exact same thing, given Ukraine’s history with Russia. The Holodomor itself would justify such an act.
“So they could have more control over THEIR state”
It was not THEIR state, you demented monkey!
They wanted to be a part of Russia?! LOL, then FUCKING MOVE TO RUSSIA! You’re not tearing apart a sovereign state & its territory just because you can’t be assed to move to another country!
Imagine what would happen if the Catalans from Spain would suddenly organize a referendum, without negotiating with the Spain authorities first, a referendum not recognized by any country because it’s a makeshift one, then declare it a “People’s Republic” and claim that it’s now independent and whatnot!
Same thing with the hungarians in Romania. Do you even imagine what would happen if they actually crossed the line with their idiotic claims of “autonomy”?! Yes, we’d kick the living shit out of them if they’d pull off the kind of stunt the “separatists” (lol) in Ukraine did.
next time train your crew with safe stowage skill, buy a wet ammo rack module and premium fire extinguisher
oh .. wait!
Don’t you guys think “USA R TEH EVULZ!!!!1!!1″ is getting a little bit old now? It seems incredibly mainstream and repetitive, usually uttered by people who haven’t done anything besides selective cherry picking, sort of akin to “CoD sucks” or something. (I mean, hey, maybe it does suck, but you’re not going to go screaming that around because some random internet stranger told you that’s the cool opinion nowadays, are you?)
Screw the Seppies
Good job Ukrainian army…free your lands from Putin worshippers. I just wish the rebels in Syria had success like this against ISIS and Assad…
These guys need to take a cue from the opponents that the US Military has been fighting since Vietnam, the first of which being that you do NOT fight the enemy on even terms out in the open when they possess every possible advantage over you (by that same token, don’t take it too far, or else you cease being combatants and become war criminals, and as such receive no protections from the Geneva Protocols whatsoever).
I think you mean the Geneva Convention(s) since I doubt that either side in Ukraine is reaching for the nerve gas. Not all of the Conventions apply to internal conflicts any way.
Was this a shot from Ukrainian armor, or a missile strike? This thing is amazingly demolished.
Way to go Ukraine!
Scout MM FTW!
Lots of self-styled “experts” posting on here. Lost of pro-Russian apologists. US grabbing land in the middle east? Which land is that? The US does not, nor has not, claimed any land in any middle eastern country. Oil? The US imports relatively little oil from Iraq and certainly none from Afghanistan. What resources have we taken? None. Quite the contrary. Iraq and Afghanistan have been huge sinkholes for money, lives and resources. 2 Trillion dollars down the tubes and counting. Most American have grave doubts about these military adventures and do not approve. I do not approve. Now, in Russia, on the contrary, you have a truly brainwashed and jingoistic population that is overwhelmingly behind their dictator (now in his third term, even though he was only supposed to have two). Putin and the nationalists have convinced people that aggression and confrontation are the proper tools for diplomacy, and it’s already cost the country billions. Perhaps when he wrecks the economy enought and Russian standards of living fall again they’ll get sick of him. Who knows.
Anyway, these claims that I or others here are taken in by “cold war” propaganda are ridiculous. The “propaganda” is the stuff emanating from the pro-Russian camp who think that grabbing part of whatever country they want for themselves is “freedom”, not the fascism it really its.