55 thoughts on “9.2 Test is Live

  1. Btw I messaged you that on facebook, too. Just want to know, do you read messages there or should we contact you over the blog?

    • Silentstalker does respond on Facebook, though sometimes it can take some time (he is very busy after all)
      I’ve asked him short questions before, like future plans for the game and stuff where he’s responded. short stuff like plans for a british light tank line. I’ve also sent a few screenies for the Wall of Shame there :)

  2. haha when i loaded the ftr, this article wasn’t there. but my instinct told me to refresh the page and volaa 9.2 test is alive article was there.

  3. Ha, so I spent 7,5 hours downloading the 7,5GB and now I find out that I have to do it again because it wasn’t ready yet, I could eat my ass for this…

    WG should give me 500 bucks.

    • i know that feel having slow internet and downloading big files
      sad time in the past :(

      • Problem is that I live in a rather rich region of France, next to Germany with two main motorways, 5-6 airports (including Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Basel) in the 200km around… And still this crap connection…

        EDIT: I already went on the Test-server in previous patches so I still have the WoT CT icon. If I run it, it will load the 7,5GB but is it a good way to download it or do I have to click the link?

          • Ami azt illeti, meg lehet őket érteni. Hiszed vagy sem, Magyarország meglehetősen a toppon van, ha internetről van szó. Nagyon gyors kapcsolat érhető el, nagyon alacsony áron. Nézd csak a DIGI újítását, 200mpbs havi 4700,- Ft-ért. De az összes többi szolgáltató árai “olcsónak” számítanak más országokhoz képest. Viszont, ahol pl. én élek, az egy kisváros, ahova drága lenne (állambácsi vezetékadója) a vezetékeket kihúzni, ezért a városi/helyi szolgáltatónak kell 11000,- Ft-ot leperkálni mindössze 8 mpbs-ért, ami jó, ha van 5. Na ja…

    • I live in the Netherlands and I have 2,5 MBps, I am really happy with that speed but I can’t wait for glassfibre to arrive. It will give me around 60 MBps (I thought), but heck. I can live with 2,5 MBps ATM, they are connecting our city with glassfibre anyway.

        • well very interesting that i can make up to 100MBps when no other users are using internet…

          also in the Netherlands

  4. Hey guys, can anyone tell me or Sacred Valley is back in-game? It was in the patch notes but not in the video..

      • Yes, but in the video they mention 4 reworked maps. I really want that map back, the changes look promising. If it won’t make 9.2, we have to wait till summer is over..

        • I kind of didnt even noticed when it was gone.
          I had no problems with that map…But then again – WG is WG.

        • Yes its back in the game. Allready had 2 matches on it in the few matches I played. I quite like the changes. South east is still pretty much the same but north/north west is better for multiple kinds of tanks and it isnt as much of a clicker fest up there anymore since you have some good hills where the fight happens.

    • And I am cleaning my screen with my tears because I’m not being able to play untill tomorow while it’s downloading…

      • Lol already downloaded and played a few games. The 50B buff makes a massive difference

  5. well,some eastern europeans like me have an obscene internet conection,from 200mb/s to 1 Gb/s,so should be a fast download

  6. There is some error for me and my buddy. We can’t log in due to session not closed on another server or server down. Also “you have been disconnected from the server.

      • What clans? Do you mean Stronghold mode? Or was there any kind of restriction put on Test Server about how many people from a clan can join?

        • the news, that some clans and their member get preferred in the queue. But somehow it seems that instead of getting preferred your not getting in the queue/on the server at all.

          • Sounds like WG. Same as we repaired moving tanks and from now on we can see the cases of moving corpses more often.

            Hopefully they will never introduce this “feature” into the live server.

  7. The HD Stug has the rivets on the lower plate, but the extra armor plate (which is supposed to be there because of the rivets) is not there.

    or am I missing something?

    And too bad they did not add the side skirts for the HD model. =(

      • lol stronk programming; they probably just added one line of code: if player in a clan x, y, z do not assign queue number. And obviously if you are not queuing you are not getting on the server.

    • Yup, exact same thing. Whatever they are doing, at least the first time they need to brake things so badly that they are worse than before they started doing anything.

  8. sigh. I simply cannot believe the incompetence of WG…. again no news on their website, but you have to hear from SS the patch is live…. this is SOOO bad!

  9. vk buff and t 44 buffs are useless

    and this is why

    you can have 300 armor in front of vk
    a medium will always rape you and outmaneuver you and hit your soft spot, not to mention arty
    you die because of very very slow reload
    14 sec long

    t 44 same problem, omfg they buffed t 44, yeah the 100 mm canon, which by the way i never use! i only use 122mm, no buff there, so no t 44 buff, p.s. t 44 122 reloads slower than t. 34 2/ t 34 3 122 gun