Imperial War Museum Duxford Photos

Hello everyone,

Listy recently visited the Imperial War Museum in Duxford and decided to share some pictures with us. Enjoy :)

PS: I seem to be having some issues with some pictures not appearing, if you see white boxes instead of pictures, just refresh the page, should help. I have no idea what causes this, we’re investigating the issue.

Dingo and Daimler armored cars

FffkteI - Imgur

Saladin armored car

ZsLNMeI - Imgur

T-34/85 (Polish)

HJUtkhq - Imgur

88mm FlaK

g9LdiOw - Imgur

6pdr AT gun

7zV10tn - Imgur

WOMBAT recoilless rifle

C3kZR8q - Imgur

Type 41 Japanese mountain gun, 75mm

wixI56M - Imgur

Beaverette Mk.II armored car

42P9RvK - Imgur


sVkeFYq - Imgur

Mk.VI Light Tank

Vickers light

CRV(T) Scorpion



Universal Carrier

StuG Ausf.G

Soviet SPR-1 Artillery Fuse Jammer

Jagdpanzer 38(t)


Sherman 75mm

Sexton I think


Stuart artillery tractor

14 thoughts on “Imperial War Museum Duxford Photos

  1. Title made me think of star wars.

    The pics damn, they crashed firefox. Can’t you put them into spoliers like they do on the forums. Much easier to read SS IMO. Some of the the pics still haven’t loaded yet. Lol

  2. nice pics there. Duxford is well worth a visit and not just for the armour. The collection of aircraft is outstanding and it also has several hangers where groups maintain and restore old aircraft to flying condition. Looks like they need someone handy with a duster though.

  3. Jagdpanzer 38(t) pic has bad url – the hash at the end has only 6 characters, all other pics have 7.

  4. That’s the Jagdpanther That was on display in IWM in London – I hope it goes back when they finish the building work there. The lighting for the tanks where they are displayed at Duxford is very bad.

  5. Ouch…that poor StuG doesn’t look too well…
    Nice pictures anyway…that black Conqueror looks pretty neat.

  6. I’ve been to Duxford, it was awesome!
    So many planes, (7 hangars I think), Blackbird, B-52, Me109, many Spitfires and so on… ‘Only’ one ground forces building full of tanks… Did you see the IS-2?? I’ve been there in november and they had one.

  7. What’s that muzzle brake in the T-34-85 picture? It looks like a big SU gun.

    • That is a Soviet ML-20 152mm howitzer. The SU-152′s gun was a modified version of it.