
- T34 (US premium tank) will be “reworked”, when it gets turned to HD
- position on recoilless guns will most likely not change
- Chinese tanks will not be changed (SS: the player was suggesting that the British are getting changes because they are unpopular)
- height of ingame T-54 is correct
- +/-1MM will not be introduced, “it would not be interesting to play”
- 50 percent of players play with improved render, 50 percent use the original old render
- the change of crew role (SS: radioman to driver for example) will come soon
- the “70 people develop WoT” number is without testers, with testers it’s cca 100
- Storm explains the “T-54 Model 1945″ premium Soviet tier 8 medium tank: “The decision has already been made and the models are already being created. We didn’t want to have a large number of T-44′s – if we are to make many clones anyway, T-54 fits the role more as the most mass-produced tank in history”
- choosing your tanks in team battles depending on the map? “This year I hope”
- in the past, developers mentioned they want to add extra features for premium account to compensate for some premium features lost, such as the platoons. In the end this did not happened, because “we didn’t figure out nothing suitable”
- the combat UI is still using ActionScript 2 version
- Not much time left until AFK’ers, standing on the base and not moving will get no XP from battle

- Q: “How come it often happens that I get the same map three times in a row out of 5 battles?” A: “We can’t do anything about it.”
- Ruinberg on fire had its chance to drop reduced, but other maps’ chances to drop will not be changed for now
- maps with only one mode (only random battle, without encounter and assault versions) will also not have their chances to drop changed
- IS-6 to be reworked? “If there are any issues with the model, we will fix them when the model is reworked to HD”
- it’s not yet known whether the HESH mechanism will be reworked, but it’s possible
- equipment and perks/skills are scheduled for rework in the future
- larger ignore/friend list? “Wait for 2.0″
- the game taking too much CPU/GPU resources in hangar? “I can’t say anything about that”
- developers are (as an anti-TD measure apparently) considering reducing the viewrange of all the tanks, apart from light tanks
- regarding the company mode: “We have to completely rework the company searching mechanism, based on the one used in team battles”
- the 5 second friends list timeout (SS: not sure what this concerns) is a “DDOS protection”
- Q: “I suggest reworking the camo like this – if a tank was spotted and it did not move anywhere, it will remain spotted.” A: “That’s roughly what we are going to do”
- the tier 6 KV-85 will keep the 122mm D-25 gun (SS: or D-2-5, identical gun, different breech – anyway the KV-85 has really bad depression, -2 or so)
- Storm on what will appear in 9.3: “RU251, LTTB, T-54 Light, reworked Chaffee, T37, Walker Bulldog, T49, new KV-1S, KV-85″
- XP for tanking? “When it’s done it’s done”
- KV-1S will split into KV-1S (tier 5) and KV-85 (tier 6)
- 150mm E-100 HE shells will not be buffed
- 37mm Sh-37 gold shells will not be buffed
- Sturmtiger was basically scrapped for now, because it’s not possible to balance it in the game
- mid-tier artillery will not be buffed
- GWE buff? “If it stands out statistically”
- no plans to ban noobmeter
- composite armor, active/reactive armor, smoothbores and guided missiles will not appear in the game
- FV215b will be switched for Chieftain because “Chieftain was a real existing tank, that’s the main reason.”
- Challenger (MBT) prototype is too modern for WoT, same goes for T-64
- it’s possible that Chinese tier 10 heavy will be reworked, “but no guarantees”
- quick (one button) transfer of equipment from tank to tank? “Maybe, but it has low priority”
- Storm does openly state the FV215b (120) is made up (Storm: “SerB’s construction bureau”)
- no further AMX50B buff is planned for now
- there are no plans to completely rework the interface
- no current plans to rework player statistics
- 1×1 and 3×3 “arena” mode will not come (Storm: “it has practically zero audience”)
- official WG rating in the battle will not be displayed (“everyone will use XVM anyway”)

152 thoughts on “18.7.2014

    • Why? You’ll probably get both for free, like when they changed 3001h for 3002m.

    • I will definately buy my KV-1S back just for the nerf. It might seem idiotic, but I did the same when the VK 30.01 (H) was turned from a tier 6 medium to a tier 5 heavy. I got the new VK 30.01 (H) and the brand-new VK 30.02 (M) back for it. That was totally worth selling the Panther.
      I am going to do something similar for the KV-1S split, as I would like to try the tier 5 KV-1S and the tier 6 KV-85. I wonder if the tier 5 KV-1S will get an 85 mm gun or the terrible long 76 from the T-34 and current KV-1S…
      If it gets the terrible 76 mm it would be like this:

      - KV-1: Good gun, slow speed and good armor.
      - KV-1S: Descent gun, good speed and all right armor.

      I would keep the new 1S only if the ROF of that 76 would be good or if it would keep the 85 from the current 1S. I would try it if it only had the 76, but I would sell it soon.

      • You’re probably not gonna get the free tank … they did a similar thing with the great arty nerf in 8.6, and no new tanks were given out. Same when they added in/rebalanced the StuG and Pz4 for historical battles; you’ll just get them researched. My speculations only.

        • The Panzer IV thing was not a split, but an addition of new vehicles. The normal Panzer IV was changed to have side skirts as a buff and it got a name change to the Panzer IV H and 2 new Panzer IV variants got added for Historical battles.

          The StuG III didn’t got split either, it got renamed to StuG III G and a second StuG III B got added for historical battles either.

          Arty nerf was also different, arties didn’t get split but they got moved from their tiers and new vehicles got added. If you had a tier 8 arty before, it would become a tier 10 one later. Seems logical.

          Imagine this (quite strange) example:

          You own a T-34 and in an update, the name gets changed and a tier IV Stock T-34 appears. You would not get a new tier IV T-34 as the T-34 did not get rebalanced but it just got it’s name changed. The new T-34 would be just a new addition to the game.

          But if your normal T-34 would be moved to tier VI and a new tier V medium appears on it’s place, you would get both.


          The thing with the arty rebalance is an exception though, as a lot of arties got tier-switches, it would mean that IE if you researched to tier V arties before, that you would get 5 extra arties unlocked for sure. I’m sure WG thought about this being as ”Too many traits for the ‘victims’ of the huge rebalance’. Also, the arties always went up to tier 8 and stopped there. But if you would make them until tier 10, the rebalance is to make people research more too and if you would give people who had all arties from tier 2 to 8 unlocked all arties from tier 2 to 10, it would be quite an OP refund for the players.

          • my memory is kind of hazy but they did something similar back in the day when the kv-1 was split up into a kv-1 and kv-2. kv-1 had a kv-2 turret and was completly imbalanced tank. I remember getting both the kv-1 and kv-2. I might be totally wrong though but I do remember receiving two tanks from 1 tank.

            • That wouldn’t seem suprising to me with the old KV, I just about joined the WoT community before the KV was split into the KV-1, KV-2 and the T-150.

              I do remember something else too. Remember when the second US TD branch was added?
              Before that, the tier 10 Heavy tank was the T30 and the tier 9 Heavy Tank was the T34.

              When the Second TD branch was added, the T30 was moved from being a tier 10 Heavy to becoming a tier 9 TD. The T34 was removed as a tier 9 heavy and became a free premium tier 8 Heavy for everyone owning a T34.

              The tier 9 and 10 heavy tanks were replaced with the M103 and the T110E5,

              Do you also remember the old test servers?
              You would get no free Exp, gold and credits but HUGE income bonuses. That way, you could unlock the Tiger I in 3 games or so.

        • The thing is the Stug and Pz IV were never split. They buffed the Pz IV with side skirts and added new tanks at Tier 3/4.

          As well as the Arty was a completely different thing than the KV-1S change(Other than Priest/M37, though that is likely due to how low the cost to research a Tier 4 tank is compared to researching a Tier 6 like VK30.02M and KV-85)) Almost all arties were moved UP a tier or two. So no reason to compensate you for making your tank a higher tier.

          BUT the KV-1S is not being moved up or staying at its tier. The KV-1S is being moved DOWN to Tier 5 just like the VK30.01H was moved DOWN a Tier and a new one was added at Tier 6. So instead of forcing you to reresearch and rebuy a Tier 6 tank we got the new one for free.

          Remember not all retierings are the same. Going up a tier and staying at the same tier there is NO reason to compensate for that. But lowering a tank tier does give them incentive to compensate people(Which again. They do not have to compensate anyone and you agreed to them being able to do what ever they want with no compensation in the ELUA),

      • The long 76 isnt that bad… i mean, 125pen and 110avg dmg, sure, a med tank’s gun, but otherwise fine. I dont think the best gun on that would be the 76mm that the KV-220 gets… that would be stupid.

  1. “- Storm does openly state the FV215b (120) is made up (Storm: “SerB’s construction bureau”)”
    Awww, snap! xD

    “- developers are (as an anti-TD measure apparently) considering reducing the viewrange of all the tanks, apart from light tanks”
    Yes please!

      • That would be perfect…or better, buff LT view range, and nerf all others. Then you won’t have situations where you’re trying to spot in your LT, and the medium chasing you around is getting all the credit while also doing damage.

        • I have been saying this is the solution for a year now. It would fix both the useless scout problems and the TD issue. I just made a post about it on my clans forums actually.

          Nerf TDs view range by 60, heavys by 40, meds by 30 (except the patton and just a small nerf for the leo)and buff (t8) lights to 410 or 420.

          • That is extreme. Why the fuck would Maus have 360 view range just so scouts get more important role in the game. Scouts already have camo on the move bonus and really good camo in general and good scout can already influence the game a lot(if the map is right ofcourse, if the map is shitty for light tanks no view range will help you) so that would break the game balance completely.

        • No, just no. You really would like to run in situation where you got a red baron in LT, which suicided in 1st minute and you can’t see shit? Scouts are hard to play and giving them such important role, when most players are hmm… incompetent is stupid.. I would leave current view ranges, only give scouts more – 420m minimum and maybe some additional class-specific perk like binos/camonet activating faster. Also remember that view ranges are not the biggest issue. The biggest one is the new map “improving” model which includes isolating everything, removing all useful vegetation and so on.

      • My guess is that there are some hard limits or values above which the strain would be too much for servers to cope with. That’s why we have a spotting range capped at 445 meters. Many light tanks are near 400 meters view range and some have it already.

        Heavies, many meds and quite few high tier tds have limited camo, and would be spotted without the need to overcome their camp bonus, and in many cases the vegetation and terrain/obstacles would deny light max view range anyway. So light wouldn’t gain much from the buff as they can potentially gain from view range nerf on all other tanks.

        Some may argue that lights are difficult to play already and with the change their role will be too important to trust them to tomatoes. Well, there’s plenty of these on top tier heavies or tds too. I don’t see the difference between losing a top tier heavy/td or long view range scout.

        BUT …. for decent players it will be a godsend. Vision control is one of the fine arts in WoT and if the view range changes get through to the live server it will be so much fun to drive the light tank, get the respect of own team and harvest the tears of the enemies :)

        • I have a couple german medium tanks with more than 475 mts view range as the crew have all the scout skills and I run them with food and BIA therefore they are at 120%-132%. They are the best scouts I have !!!

      • If they just blindly buff light tank spotting range while leaving everyone else’s alone, then everyone would be spotted at the beginning of the game, making camo and concealment meaningless.

    • yeah, this is EXACTLY what light tanks need. one of two things.
      They also need more hit points. They have much too much less than mediums of the same tier.

    • Nerfing all tanks view range would make TDs extremely overpowered with ultra camo unspottable. It would me a Massive buff to TDs not a nerf….

  2. - Q: “How come it often happens that I get the same map three times in a row out of 5 battles?” A: “We can’t do anything about it.”

    Deactivating encounter/assault kinda fixes that issue.

    • Shitty pseudo random number generator. It is true, they can’t do anything about that.

    • I have them turned off … and if I am playing the game “fixed”, with all the maps repeating themselves over and over …. my god, I can’t imagine the ground hog day people are having with these modes turned on.

    • More like “the only true thing said by a high ranking WG staff in 2014″ :D

  3. - Storm does openly state the FV215b (120) is made up (Storm: “SerB’s construction bureau”)

    It seems even Storm doesn’t have a say if SerB wants some tank in the game, even if it’s fantasy..

    BTW SS: do you have any info apart from Storm answers on the Sturmtiger? Is it possible the other TDs that could lead to it will be merged into the existing TD lines if they ever come?

      • How to balance Sturmtiger:
        - Make it an SPG
        - Give it a pisspoor range
        - Make it slow
        - Profit

        • And it will still one shoot all the tanks in the whole map square that were unfortunate to be within it’s limited range.

          Unless you give it reduced splash and alpha. But then, what’s the point of it in game in the first place?

          • It’s going to be like night battles: everyone wants it, but the moment they play it or against it they will hate it with every fibre of their being.

  4. “- it’s possible that Chinese tier 10 heavy will be reworked, “but no guarantees””

    So, WG is about to touch at me? Should i be scared or not?

  5. “- the tier 6 KV-85 will keep the 122mm D-25 gun (SS: or D-2-5, identical gun, different breech – anyway the KV-85 has really bad depression, -2 or so)”
    IT DESERVES THAT, ACTUALLY, IT DOESNT DESERVE ANY GUN DEPRESSION!!!! +4 max gun depression if you ask from me

        • So the main problem was its alpha – WG didnt remove it.
          They have no idea what they are doing, do they?

            • Put to it the ROF of the KV2 and 0.48 acc. With the top speed removal, problem will be solved ;)

                • You guys know that accuracy with ruski tenks work in the way “bigger the number, better the accuracy”. 1.20 acc would actually be OP :P

                • @113 which russian gun especially those big derps feel more accurate the it shouldnt???
                  kv2 can hit shit on full speed with the aiming circle all over the place and gunners at 35%(CirconFlexes has tried it live on his livestream and that was the result :P full speed full blackhole circle and he hit the enemy :P )

  6. I hope that they’ll reduce the view range for every tank except lights and american mediums (since that’s the only thing that stands uot on them).

    • Gona be fun when your light tanks are deep red tomatoes and think scouting your own artillery is a good idea.

    • After tier 8, no-scout tanks have too much view range, combined with good crews and other components, my scouts are hopeless in tier 9 & tier 10 matches. I think they should just keep the view range of those tanks to the existing levels for tier 7 tanks.

  7. - KV-1S will split into KV-1S (tier 5) and KV-85 (tier 6)
    Then the tier 6 KV-85 shouldn’t have the 122mm, that was KV-122…but I don’t think SerB is gonna let go of the OP machine that easy.

    • KV-122 is built on the KV-85 chassis with an IS-2 turret that could mount 122mm. It’s going to be an unlockable turret, just like the Tiger II and its brothers’ Henschel turrets.
      At least that makes sense, unlike now.

    • In case you didn’t notice the new Tier 6 will get -2 or more likely -3 gun depression on 122mm. And likely a mobility nerf. That pretty much rapes its OPness. Go find how many tanks have -3 gun depression and see what most people’s opinions are of that.

  8. - T34 (US premium tank) will be “reworked”, when it gets turned to HD

    Idk how to feel about this, so will it be like the SP? As in if we don’t like the change, can we get refunded?


  9. - developers are (as an anti-TD measure apparently) considering reducing the viewrange of all the tanks, apart from light tanks

    Nice. That would help LT having a better life and get rewarded if they do a good job.
    I guess It will be sth like this (T10): HT 370 MT 390 TD 350 and LT will remain at 390~420.

    • 390 is still more than I want the non lights to have, but it would be a good start if that were the best in class.

    • Keep them at tier 7 levels where the scouts still work and it might do the trick. A medium with a base view of 390mts can get a view range above 460 with a good crew and components. I have some german tanks with a view range of 470mts on the move performing as my best scouts.

  10. - the 5 second friends list timeout (SS: not sure what this concerns) is a “DDOS protection”

    When you remove a friend from friendlist or someone from ignorelist there is a 5s delay untill you can remove another one. Same goes for searching for people and such stuff.

  11. - Not much time left until AFK’ers, standing on the base and not moving will get no XP from battle

    Just finish with exp for entering the battle.

  12. Why does the GWE need a buff? Its actually a fairly good SPG. It gets used in CW all the time these days.

    • balance based on win rate, and its the arty all the nubs have…

      btw, with conqueror arty being the queen of artys and CW’s, GWE needs something that makes it better ( 261 has acc, 92 has… nothing, 50/53 is better and almost the same as GWE, conqueror has splash, damage and arc… GWE has… a bit of everything but nothing in particular)

      • The gw e100 has solid well balanced gun stats. Not the best at any one thing but good at all of them.

        The problem with it is that it is the slowest arty and it is huge. It is a pain to relocate but if you strat calls for static arty it is a good vehicle.

        • yes it is, but it needs to stand out on something + all the nubs taking the win% of the arty down+ m53/55 is almost the same as GWE but faster .. put them all together and u will see that it needs some changes.

          • Being a good all around arty with no weakspots (as far as the gun is concerned) does make it stand out.

            being decent with damage, accuracy, splash, and reload does make it stand out. All the other t10 arty are good at somthing but they have weak points. It doesnt have to be the best at somthing. I feel the SPG is just fine. The m55 you keep bringing up is pretty OP at tier 9 however and is on par with tier 10s IMO.

  13. - IS-6 to be reworked? “If there are any issues with the model, we will fix them when the model is reworked to HD”

    Ok…kinda scared, hope they’re specifically talking about model issues and not issues with the armor. I love my IS-6 to bits, second favorite tank in the game.

    • Also,

      “- +/-1MM will not be introduced, “it would not be interesting to play””….how bad are you that you have to ask for this over and over again? The current MM is not bad, a good balance of challenge and chance of winning.

      • cause wot has become recently famous
        let’s goo back 2 years
        when the MM was -/+ 3 and sometimeees a tier 1 could end up in tier 9 game
        o do i mention that back then with the -/+3 MM gold rounds where not available for credits

        so yeah agree with ya and the devs said -/+ 1 would make stuff boring

  14. “Too many invisible-TD’s ruining your day?
    Let me reduce the viewrange of everything.”


    • I agree with you on this. Can’t really see how this can be an anti-TD measure unless the nerf only hits TDs. Also…pls don’t nerf the view range of the M48…it’s the only thing it’s got going for it now.

      • Because the front line spots just as much as the scouts for the TDs. If you reduce that, that’s fewer available targets spotted for the TDs by anything but scouts, both sides can get closer for more close quarters fighting, and there’s more legroom for tanks to hide.

        This also has the benefit of letting the TDs keep their camouflage ratings intact: Instead of a nerf to the stat that keeps them alive, it’s a nerf to their effective. The Mediums and heavies are happy because they get to get closer while getting shot less by TDs, the TDs are happy because their best defensive measure isn’t nerfed to oblivion, and the scouts might get overpowered because they could be some of the few tanks that only get 400 meter viewrange, Patton aside, in a world of 370-390m viewrange tanks, max. Throw one into a front line, and it will get all of the spotting damage that it lost from the great artillery nerf.

        Try playing as a Su-152 by yourself in forested terrain. It’s an infuriating sort of challenge.

  15. **- IS-6 to be reworked? “If there are any issues with the model, we will fix them when the model is reworked to HD”***

    I was fearful of this. I bought the IS6 because it was one of the ‘old’-design type of tanks. Great under armor, superb skirts/armor/tracks… things that would never fly today if a new tank was made. A tank made before sideskirting became a common occurrence and before people actually knew all the insides of the game.

    I fear that a remodel/rework will make it ‘plain’ in the same vein as the new Tier8 premium tanks, T54Light/T-34-3/113.

      • Check the new Churchill HD model, it’s a LOT longer than the original. They are remaking them to be more ‘proper’ if they need to, and since the IS6 is a really old model, they may just take some liberties with it. See the first line here, – T34 (US premium tank) will be “reworked”, when it gets turned to HD… so if they’re also reworking premium tanks…

        • Then again, they didn’t touch Jagdtiger 8.8′s LFP. Anything is possible.

          • Indeed, but the IS6′s LFP is somewhat unique for being one of the very few LFPs which are stronger head on than the UFP.

            Also, even a slight decrease of the side angling of the armor will make those ‘miracle-bounces’ go away and might affect sidescraping.

        • Not just Churchill, M4 Sherman, Centurion 7/1, T-54, they all got extra weakpoints due to a more accurate detailing of armor layer.

  16. the point of KV-1S split was that 122 mm gun was to OP for t6 and what they do — keep it ahaha WG logic best in the world hahhahaaah just SMART :)

    • Me.

      Yes, getting into a game where I’m the bottom tier is going to be hard, but it gives me a good test of my skills, gives me a challenge. But more importantly, it also removes variety. You will only ever be top tier or mid tier, never bottom tier. It limits the amount of experience you get from the game because you never become the small fry, never know what hard mode is like.

        • People complained less about MM when it was +/- 3MM than now with +-2. +-1 would be indeed retarded and boring. What they need to do is to tweak MM balance of specific tanks. Those that are really useless in +2 MM should get their MM limited to only +1. For example KV-13. That tank is REALLY good in his own tier(T7) but seriously sucks at T9 battles where it struggles to pen top tanks even with gold ammo. So limiting his MM to max t8 would be fine. I mean you can still spot for your bigger tanks in T9 battles, but it’s really hard to play at that tier. But then again limiting it to only T8 would kind of make it OP. Anyway +-1 is a no go.

          • I am grinding A-44 and use ZiS-4 gun mainly because of precision and RoF (107mm is just a plain retarded gun, no use at all). I can penetrate even ST-I with default ammo if I aim the right spot (only 112 mm penetration, 189 with premium) so I don’t think KV-13 is really that useless even in T9 battles.

            That being said, problem is when your team fails completely and you are left alone against several tanks you have to flank, which is pretty impossible in MANY situations. Every tank that matches another should have a tiny chance, even if this chance is really minimal, to do dmg any side he is (I mean if the coppola armor is 150, why your gun only have 112 penetration ???).

            Adjustments need to be made imho.

  17. - XP for tanking? “When it’s done it’s done” DO IT NAO!
    - IS-6 to be reworked? “If there are any issues with the model, we will fix them when the model is reworked to HD” Buff buff buff buff!!! ;)

        • It’s one of the best Premium tanks in the game. If you can’t do well with that armor layout, there’s something you’re missing.

        • IS-6 buff?

          In 2 games I managed to rack up a total of 7k damage and that’s while holding off an entire horde of enemies. I side scraped my way out of trouble and against same tier mediums, they usually can do shit against me. So an IS-6 buff would be ridiculous in so many ways…yet…why not :-P

          • Side scrapping against a horde of tanks and survived ? You were against tier 6 tanks or what ? Any Tier 8 gun will penetrate IS-6 without any real problem, if you can shoot, then you expose a weak spot, so you were fighting against bad players, which is irrelevant in this topic imho.

  18. - Sturmtiger was basically scrapped for now, because it’s not possible to balance it in the game

    I know it, but maybe we see it as an NPC in HB

    - mid-tier artillery will not be buffed
    SU-8 need a SERIOUS accuracy buff, (for example by shorten its range by 400m at least) because it has horrible accuracy – 203 mm artys have BETTER accuracy, no joke!

  19. SS, any ideas what the new premiums you said would be introduced in 9.3 (in previous Q&A) will be?

  20. - Ruinberg on fire had its chance to drop reduced, but other maps’ chances to drop will not be changed for now

    How about Ruinberg on Winter/Winter Ruinberg, because the regular Ruinberg use the same camo on Ruinberg on Fire. There are alot of Summer Maps and only few Winter Maps and Desert Maps.

    • because screw desert maps. since most hightiers play heavy, deserts are the bane of heavies since it encourages MT-style play; mobile and angry. i mean cmon, you want another El Campuf?

      but i dont see what’s wrong with Ruinberg on Fire….i like to see stuff burn =|

  21. Sturmtiger impossible to balance? Just give it very slow shell speed and 1.0 accuracy and we’ll see about that.

      • Does WT auf E-100 seem balanced? Even in next patch or whenever in the future?
        Oh hipocrisy here we go again…

  22. developers are (as an anti-TD measure apparently) considering reducing the viewrange of all the tanks, apart from light tanks
    because increasing light tank viewrange is too complicated..

    • No, that wouldn’t help much. Max view range is 445m, and many mediums already exceed that with optics plus crew skills. If mediums already have the best possible, what use is there in buffing lights beyond that?
      It is only meaningful to reduce non-light view range.

      • Effective viewrange isn’t capped. If you have a viewrange past 445m, you are considered to have that viewrange for the purposes of determining whether you spot a target. The server simply doesn’t allow you to use that number to do a spot check past 445 meters.

        So 445+m viewrange is still extremely useful. This is why scouts with binoculars are so good.

        • More explicitly: higher view range = more camo negation. For instance, T-62A would only spot a moving Leopard 1 (100% camo, paint, vents) at 320 m with 400 m view range, but would spot the same tank at 400 m with binos (500 m view range).

  23. - 50 percent of players play with improved render, 50 percent use the original old render
    Old render master race!!! Well, i’d use improved if i had better PC, but i’d rather play on old render with 50-60 up to 100 fps than 30-40 on improved.

    - Storm does openly state the FV215b (120) is made up (Storm: “SerB’s construction bureau”)
    xDDDD “SerB’s construction bureau” xDDDDD

  24. - developers are (as an anti-TD measure apparently) considering reducing the viewrange of all the tanks, apart from light tanks
    Good idea.

    - no plans to ban noobmeter
    How would you even do this?

    - composite armor, active/reactive armor, smoothbores and guided missiles will not appear in the game

    Too bad for composite armor, this could help the Leopard 1 in particular. Perhaps implement the mechanic as reduced normalization of incoming rounds a little bit.

  25. “developers are (as an anti-TD measure apparently) considering reducing the viewrange of all the tanks, apart from light tanks”

    Holy shit, I pray to SerB that this change will make it to live. Its not like my VK doesnt do 550m with binocs already but LTs will finally be kings of viewrange no matter where MM plops them as they should be :P

  26. I have a problem with this possible “reworking” if it actually means “Screw it over because HISTORICAL ARMOR THICKNESSES”

    We’re talking about prototype vehicles that likely weren’t built to the standards of serial production..

    Meanwhile, we have vehicles that were prototypes (I’m talking about you, Maus, E-100 and IS-7) with ahistorical armor schemes ingame because “playability”..

    If there’s nothing wrong with the T34, don’t nerf it for “historical accuracy”. The hypocrisy is just unreal…

  27. - larger ignore/friend list? “Wait for 2.0″
    - the 5 second friends list timeout (SS: not sure what this concerns) is a “DDOS protection”

    than give us a chance to multi-delete them (selecting multiple entries) as my ignore list is always full and i need too much time every day to delete a bunch of these entries.

  28. I just mı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨ade you wipe your screen.

    • Indeed you did! I should stop masturbating on your comments.

      ss is a stupid noob! Serb for president of the Mighty Russian Empire!


  29. “- it’s possible that Chinese tier 10 heavy will be reworked, “but no guarantees””

    Great news. Maybe it will finally be usable. Looking forward to a strong Chinese heavy :)

  30. 100 people making a game for millions of player…..that sounds REAL smart

    • Dwarf fortress is made by one man on his spare time. This is a modest team.

      • don’t think there are anyone playing dwarf fortress now. everyone minecrafts. or terraria. it’s also good to party together with.

  31. - T34 (US premium tank) will be “reworked”, when it gets turned to HD

    Oh boy, 203mm gun mantle, here we come.

  32. ” FV215b will be switched for Chieftain because “Chieftain was a real existing tank, that’s the main reason.””

    FU WG, FU.

    • Funny how 1 patch can make 3 of my T10 totaly bonkers to use ^^ Removing FV215b, Nerfing 183 to oblivion and makes WT E100 a 15cm gun user… and that is gona suck becuse the accuracy on that gun is terrible and the tank it self cant tank anything and every shot in the turret kills the cannon.

  33. - the 5 second friends list timeout (SS: not sure what this concerns) is a “DDOS protection”

    If you delete someone from your friendlist, you are unable to delete someone else for the next 5 seconds.
    The same happens, if you want to search for another player, put someone on ignorelist or put someone on your friendlist.
    Basically everything you can do with your friend-/ignorelist

  34. Yeah, nerf the TDs, they werent nerfed enough? I started plazing WoT because of the Tank DESTROYERS which on paper have STRONG front armor, and BETTER guns then the same tier tanks, and higher viewrange with decent camo.they nerfed the camo, the armor, now the viewrange, next patch remove the guns from the TDs please, they are OP because they have TD guns…, or better, remove them from the game… Who cares, since there are no OP arties that can shoot behind cover 2k damage (im talking about you mr conqueror gc), or TD style object 261 players with AP…Neither OP tier 9 T54 platoons with full gold ammo…

  35. - developers are (as an anti-TD measure apparently) considering reducing the viewrange of all the tanks, apart from light tanks

    This would upgrade scouts. I was waiting long for that integration to the game.

  36. -If the russian’s Tserie’s having the historical RoF and Aloader with jamming tendancy …(t55 t62 t t44 t54)
    but no 8 shot/minute in any position lololo
    View range reducing… Just STRONK (big armor ,big alpha ,under 200 meters ,on a corner…)
    DEV??? just sin dwarf
    Be so happy to start WT
    (And emulate Panzer Front still better)

  37. “SerB’s construction bureau”TM

    Now we have our answer for the inclusion of the historically accurate Waffentrager auf E100, which participated in the defense of the Normandy Landings on D-Day. (credit to sr360 @ -G- NA)