
- for now, amphibious tanks won’t be implemented
- Cannoneer (a developer, responsible for historical tank research) states that FV4202 can actually have the 105mm L7, as the 20pdr and 105mm L7 were interchangeable (they used the same mount)
- RU251 dimensions compared to Leopard 1: 10 percent shorter, 8 percent narrower and 14 percent lower (for hull only)
- Leopard prototype cannot be a tier 8 premium tank according to developers, because its every version has a 105mm gun
- IS-6 armor and maximum speed are historically correct, won’t be buffed
- IS-4 will not get S-34 (100mm) and S-34-2 (122mm) guns, that were used on its prototypes. Cannoneer explains that the S-34 is basically the same as the D-10T and the S-34-2 is practically equal to the D-25T

66 thoughts on “19.7.2014

  1. IS-4 will not get S-34 (100mm) and S-34-2 (122mm) guns, that were used on its prototypes. Cannoneer explains that the S-34 is basically the same as the D-10T and the S-34-2 is practically equal to the D-25T

    Why do people ask this?? It’s a tier 10 tank, they will use the top gun in every way.. Unless they basically want WG to add a gold sink top tier tank so you have to unlock 4 guns, unless you already have them unlocked from other tanks of course..

    • And e50m? Check comparison of tier 10 meds dpm e50m have now 25% less then other tanks (except bat chat)

      • E-50M is just fine. It’s very mobile with
        heavy armor, superb accuracy and
        stabilization. It’s also a battering RAM.
        Buffing its DPM would make it pretty OP.
        But M48 needs a big buff because buffs to
        FV4202 and Leopard 1′s DPM rendered it
        completely useless and outclassed.

    • SS can’t ask, he doesn’t have an account on RU that can post stuff up on their forum…we did kinda have a dev answering questions but he left the studio and we sorta ended up with…well, whatever we still have now.

  2. - Cannoneer (a developer, responsible for historical tank research) states that FV4202 can actually have the 105mm L7, as the 20pdr and 105mm L7 were interchangeable (they used the same mount)

    Opening Pandora’s box with that one…

    • Once all the evil had left the box, what was left inside was hope…or something like that, my greek mythology is a bit rusty. Just trying to make a point of how it can still come back, for all the lovers of all things British.

      • Because just about every retard don’t realize that Vickers is a Centurionized Chieftain with superior fire control.

  3. - RU251 dimensions compared to Leopard 1: 10 percent shorter, 8 percent narrower and 14 percent lower (for hull only)

    Seems to be rather, big, for a LT.

    Granted, the Awful Panther isn’t any smaller.

  4. E-50M is just fine. It’s very mobile with heavy armor, superb accuracy and stabilization. It’s also a battering RAM. Buffing its DPM would make it pretty OP.
    But M48 needs a big buff because buffs to FV4202 and Leopard 1′s DPM rendered it completely useless and outclassed.

        • M48 is useless. What is there to whine about, it’s a fact that it’s crap.

        • FV4202 already has almost equal view range, a lower profile and better camo, better mobility and after the buff it will have better DPM than the Fatton. M48 needs its 7.5 RPM back, it has similar gun handling to STB-1 and Rusky meds have close to 3000 DPM with railgun status so it really shouldn’t be a problem.

          Also Foch 155 needs a reload and gun handling buff, FV 183 needs to have HESH removed and gun handling buffed, Obj 268 needs shell velocity buffed and maybe a buff to terrain passability, 113 needs a bit more RoF and better passability, T57 needs a reload time nerf, WT E-100 needs to be removed from the game and replaced with something that ain’t made up and game breaking. Period.

  5. - IS-6 armor and maximum speed are historically correct, won’t be buffed

    There were people crying for a buff? Like, seriously? This thing’s armor is so overpowered…god-like sidescraping, also the frontal hull armor is invincible to everything under 220mm pen if angled, and sides contain spaced armor just like the 112.
    I don’t know much more about this tank as I have never driven it, T34 is waaaay better there ;)

  6. - Leopard prototype cannot be a tier 8 premium tank according to developers, because its every version has a 105mm gun

    Then why did I have to suffer through the 90mm grind on my Leo PTA?

  7. So… They are opening an option that the FV4202 will stay as a tier 10??
    “- Cannoneer (a developer, responsible for historical tank research) states that FV4202 can actually have the 105mm L7, as the 20pdr and 105mm L7 were interchangeable (they used the same mount)”
    —-WG cares about historical, Good good, YOLO YOLO, Working as intended… etc..etc..—–
    ^^^ That’s what in my head right now :-p

  8. “- Leopard prototype cannot be a tier 8 premium tank according to developers, because its every version has a 105mm gun”

    What the fuck? The early prototypes in series I had the Rheinmetall’s 90mm rifled gun.

    What about the Leopard PTB? Somehow forgot that it exists too? That thing only had the 90mm gun:

    I have this book and it mentions the 90mm multiple times and has lots of pics with the prototypes from both Group A and B with 90mm gun:

  9. Pingback: Q&A 19.07.14 | WizjerCzołgisty.pl - Codzienny blog gry World of Tanks

  10. Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Device Manufacturer’s Manual of Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Devices on said:

    - for now, amphibious tanks won’t be implemented

    Thanks, I’m glad someone has finally asked the devs about it.
    Now we only need to know if they will implement skill MM. I’m really wondering why no one has asked this, yet… http://goo.gl/EFiuan

    • Skill MM has been denied over and over again for Random Btls. and has only been ever slightly considered ever as a seperate game-mode. It also has a crap audience, and imo as a purple recent playing against other people of your same skill level is no fun.

      • ” It also has a crap audience, and imo as a purple recent playing against other people of your same skill level is no fun.”

        If can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

  11. But I always wanted to drive an amphibious tank on Himmelsdorf, Ensk, Ruinberg, Steppes, Westfield, …!