
- the unhistoricity of tanks in the game is relative according to developers: some players claim that 70 percent of all tanks are “unhistorical” – developers argue that this number could be brought to up to 100 percent, since there is practically always an unhistorical element in some tanks (such as maximum speed)
- why was WT E-100 nerfed in second test? “Because reducing the number of shells by 1 and buffing the magazine reload time made it even strunger. No way we want that.”
- the fact that tanks need rebalance every now and than is normal: “If it ever stops, it means we closed the project. Every online project has constant rebalancing. Sometimes only a small one, but every project. There is no ideal balance in the world.”

56 thoughts on “20.7.2014

  1. - why was WT E-100 nerfed in second test? “Because reducing the number of shells by 1 and buffing the magazine reload time made it even strunger. No way we want that.”

    Everyone told you that, you morons, but you are smarter, huh WG? WG is love, WG is life…

      • Oh yes – how many years it took to nerf arty? How many years it took to (IF) nerf kvass?
        How many years it took to buff income XP for arties and TDs? How many years it took to nerf TDs?

        They dont fully understand what they do, even if you tell them million times.

        • On the other hand, who should they listen to? Good players have only a limited and elitist picture in mind, bad players have obviously no clue, average players don’t really care..

          • They should use their brains. They implemented a tank that is able to counter the monstrosities in the game. But they were not able to realize that such a tank counters everything else as well. It was obvious from the beginning that this tank would imbalance the game.

            Woras is right, they don’t know their own game gameplay wise. That is because no one of them can play the game on the level top players do. That is why they don’t realize what a tank is capable of. So they implement it and watch what the players do with it. Then they rebalance the vehicle. But in the case of WT E-100 they fucked up so badly that they cannot rebalance this vehicle for top players. In the end they need to search for an alternative to replace it. Stupid carrot system!

      • Why the fuck would they listen to people who have less clue about the game than themselves?

        • I told them to make it even 2 less shells in the magazine… So, sorry mate :(

    • I think if WG listened to us all the way up until now we would have a Ratte with a 15 cm gun and a 10 shot autoloader with 2000 damage and flying tanks with poneys as commanders.

      • Hmmm… poneeeyyys….

        I just hope they implement my idea of vampiric vorpal ammo +3 that transfers some of the target’s HP to you.

  2. “…some players claim that 70 percent of all tanks are “unhistorical” – developers argue that this number could be brought to up to 100 percent.”
    So why would they touch my FV215b… it’s not supposed to be all historically accurate…

    • IIRC, the FV215b with the Conqueror turret never existed. The FV215b was meant to carry a 183 mm gun, which is represented in the game as the FV215b 183. They implemented it because they could not get a historical tank to take the place of a tier X British heavy tank. That’s where the issue exists, because there are viable alternatives to the FV215b, mainly the Chieftain tank or it’s prototypes. Don’t ask me why they didn’t do it in the first place…there could have been issues with the thick armor of the Chieftain…

      • Really don’t see the issue with the Cheftain’s armour – it’s no better than say an IS-7, while also being slower (maybe) and having less all round protection and less alpha, which should be compensated for by the gun and gun depression.
        And this is why I still hold out hope that we can get either the Chieftain mk1 or 2, and not some prototype :)

        • Didn’t SS mention that some aspects of the Chieftain are still classified? That could make some research and implementation slightly problematic.

  3. “There is no ideal balance in the world.”

    Wow, that seems contrary to most humans thought on the planet earths surface, but hey what do we know.

    • If you think that there is ideal balance in the world somewhere, then get out of your world of illusions :D

    • This is quite a naive opinion… There is no such thing as a perfect balance, especially in the real world, there are always tradeoffs that need to be made, which is why research and development exists, which is why people make hard and difficult choices. If it was easy to achieve ideal balance, there would only ever be one choice to be made by anyone.

  4. - why was WT E-100 nerfed in second test? “Because reducing the number of shells by 1 and buffing the magazine reload time made it even strunger. No way we want that.”

    You fucking cocksucking pieces of trash.

    • Ikr first took out 1 shell made the clip reload time 51secs then 52secs now 58 im not mad that they removed 1 of the shells becuse it was op but now they nerfed almost to the original reload time and removed 1 shell.

        • Maybe a bunch of whiny bitchtitted cunts need to learn how to play the fucking game instead of whining everything into oblivion? Fuckin stupid imbeciles nowadays blaming everything on everyone else instead of taking responsibility for themselves. Retards.

      • Maybe it will be strange for your… but that’s the whole point; to nerf WT E100.

  5. - the fact that tanks need rebalance every now and than is normal: “If it ever stops, it means we closed the project. Every online project has constant rebalancing. Sometimes only a small one, but every project. There is no ideal balance in the world.”

    I call bullshit on this statement. The only thing I need to mention is Chess. Game hasn’t been changed, just about any, in the past few hundred years. The game is perfectly balanced (If you don’t account for the fact that white has a 53% win chance because of first move) but fundamentally that doesn’t mean its out of the norm. If you stopped updating your game I think you would find that people would find ways to make the bad tanks more playable or find ways they fit better.

    • on the other hand, Chess is built around two symmetric armies with exactly the same movement and attack patterns

      You can’t even say that about the hp/t ratio of a room full of tanks, much less anything other large amount of qualities about them

      • DAoC is very well balanced. 45 classes and 15(maybe 18 dont remember) races spread out on 3 realms. Only 1 class is shared betveen all realms.

    • I call bullshit on YOUR statement.

      They have been altering chess rules several times to speed up the gameplay / fix up the loopholes, most recently in 2003.

  6. hello,
    recently i heard something about new french tanks line, is it true and what it wil be?

    thanks for response

      • Vecause there were plans found by WG. SS posted a picture of it so read the blog more often and you wouldn’t say something this freaking stupid.

  7. World of tanks anywhere near historical don’t make me laugh. As for nerfing tanks it’s all about getting us to grind new tanks. No one grinds out a line to get a under performing tank. They will always nerf tanks that let too many people get above 50% winrates with out using mod cheats.

  8. - the unhistoricity of tanks in the game is relative according to developers: some players claim that 70 percent of all tanks are “unhistorical” – developers argue that this number could be brought to up to 100 percent, since there is practically always an unhistorical element in some tanks (such as maximum speed)

    Yet, german tanks where nerfed because of “historical” reasons :/