Hello everyone,
this video appeared on Wargaming channel, without any portal news, so some of you might have missed it.
Well, the good thing is, the video has Nicholas “The_Chieftain” Moran, one of the best WG employees (at least in my opinion). I liked the “drive me closer” quote :) The Panzer III looks great as well. Apparently, they made the movie because they actually had access to these tanks in first place, which is IMHO not a good way of making movies, but… we’ll see. This video makes it look interesting.
Oh and there are subtitles in various languages.
This kinda piqued my interest. I might actually be looking forward to it.
Is this going to be a made for tv film or something? production values look a bit shit, but as above, its piqued my interest as well
This is the 3rd movie in the Saint & Soldiers “series”…
I recently discovered that that a 2nd movie existed, and now this too.
Now, of all movies that could have sequels or made into a “series” of sorts, I did not think the original Saints & Soldiers would be a candidate. I remember that movie as a…”thinkers” war movie, less focus on action and more on consequences and mental impact on individuals (first movie centered around a warcrime). Its didn’t succeed too well though, IMO.
And now these sequels, apparently action is basis, and for the 3rd (as seen in the trailer) racism/segregation in the US armed forces (fair enough, if done right).
But the icing on the cake; “we had access to some tanks, so we decided to do a movie”…the Panzers may look cool and all that, but to me this screams of a turkey!
Why can’t they (Hollywood) makes independent movies; hence not based on earlier stuff, making sequels and reboots and shit? :P
Re: Reboots and sequels:
When they (hollywood producers) are throwing around that amount of money, they want a guarantee return on the investment. Hence the sequels, it’s a scientific well thought out process.
You know about Panzer 88 right?
And let’s be honest here, the 1st S&S was pretty well done for a “low budget” film, this one looks just as good and the tanks seem to be real, so that alone is a good start. I’ve seen far worse in higher budget films (Green Lantern anyone??)