Hello everyone,
once again it’s the time to thank the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all! This time, following people donated via Paypal:
Yunfan W. (USA)
Derping4Dollars (USA)
Myles S.-G. (United Kingdom)
Thanks a lot, guys! Just a small notice regarding the WoT gifts. Recently, player “crash_core” sent me a gift in the game – 30 days of premium no less! While I very much appreciate the notion, I must respectfully decline the gift. The reason for it is that I simply wouldn’t use it up as I don’t play that much lately and thus your money would go to waste. Thank you, I do value the sentiment, but I am currently not accepting any WoT gifts.
Also, since we are talking technical things, I know I said before I’d go to this year’s Gamescom, but I changed my mind. The reason for it is that I am returning from another trip abroad on the day it actually starts and I expect I’ll be very tired. Plus, there is not much for me to see there, I am banned from WG EU “invite events” and already one guy was kind enough to offer making a writeup of anything interesting that will be said there, so you won’t lose any info.
The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service
This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.
Thank you all!
Why are you banned from invite events ? Curious minds want to know
Take a wild guess
Oh, that’s been around for quite a while. Why? Well, I never recieved any official info about that. But when there are “invite” events (even on first come first serve basis), I don’t get “invited” even though I apply on time. Not that I miss it terribly :P
oh LOL.
that’s odd.
I like the blog though!
Btw ss I wrote that to you but ou didnt give me some questions to ask.
Maybe you guys got some that I can ask em.
Email: nomo2010@hotmail.de
Oh it was you? Now they will be careful around you :P
The problem is, I don’t know what to ask and if I publish any “list of questions” anywhere, it will only get sabotaged. I’ll try to put something together.
Just tell me when are the Firefly branch, more Frenchies and the Brit tier 10 replacements going to happen. Then I can die in peace :)
As Soon As Possible. Rest In Peace ;) (now that was a stupid joke)
well send me them via email
when does it start?
13th-17th August
i thought it started last week lol
I think thats ComiCon that started last week in San Diego iirc.
well i wont be going to gamescom
but i might have to have a little look on ebay afterwards
Hmmm ebay? Not worth it. No ingame tank is worth that much money.
i know it ain’t worth it but the collector in me says otherwise
Hey save some money for me too then!
i might not even have enough myself
Just for clarification, since I think English is not your first language? “Contributors” when used in a news or media context refers people who provided “content” such as photos from Museums or events, research for Japanese, Swedish tanks or other historical articles for your; such as Listy or Daigenisu for example. The people who provide money would actually be called donors or paid subscribers. People who pay and donate goods and are given promotion for their goods/services are called sponsors. I don’t know if you care, but since you are producing the articles in English I thought you should know.
Lol, butthurt?
eh what? I am sure in some of the other languages the words are synonyms or even the same. But frequently SS uses words that have similar connotations in translation but actually have different meanings to native English speakers. Like referring to 3D renderings in HD as having a number of triangles, instead of polygons. Vaguely understandable but technically inaccurate. Since SS is now a professionally (paid and supported) reporter, and a polyglot I am sure he understands this since he spends a lot of time translating all day long 7 days a week.
I’ll give you an example.. if I referred to the famous German 3.46 in gun… you know the one on the Tiger Tank, or the famous Sherman Firefly with its powerful 76.2 mm gun.. you would know I am being vaguely “correct” but actually very inaccurate.
Considering everyone knows what is meant by the word, I hardly think it matter, mate. It’s called “contributors” in other instances as well. Plus, a “sponsor” has a much different undertone (also, it’s a legal term with specifically defined meaning and that I definitely do not want to mess with). The correct word would be “donator” I guess, but I somehow don’t like it. So contributor it is.
Edit: I also think you misunderstand the entire “donation” and “support” concept. People do not pay me to do FTR. People donate money because they enjoy the work I do – as a sign of appreciation, NOT as a payment for services provided. There is no contract that I have to do what I do, just as there is no obligation for anyone to give me any money. Everything is strictly voluntary. I hope you understand that difference, because it is VERY important (and the reason why word “sponsor” it out of place).
Yep, like I wrote, donors is the English term for them. Just making sure you knew the term. I’ve always wondered why you never posted the articles/pictures from your contributors – but now I know you were knowingly using the term differently, lol! What do you call people who send in research articles and photos then? Anyway if I was writing something in Czech and my Czech language readers caught an error like that I am sure my supporters would point it out to make sure I knew.
I do actually, a lot. The photos are almost never my own, then there is Karika (Hungarian tanks), sp15 (Swedish tanks), Daigensui (Japanese tank articles), Vollketten and others. In fact sometimes I think there are too many articles from other people than me.
It’s obvious people give you material to publish – your contributors and you always acknowledge them. And today you thank your contributors whom you have not published : Yunfan W. (USA), Derping4Dollars (USA),
Myles S.-G. (United Kingdom) . The people that give money are different from the people who provide research and material – yet you call them the same? They have different names in English which if you if start using interchangeably are confusing.
Too bad you are not playing WoT anymore … I know about the performance issues you had in the past, but now that they are resolved, what reasons do you have to quit the game? Thanks for the blog