70 Years – Warsaw Uprising Anniversary

Hello everyone,

today it is 70 years from the beginning of one of the most tragic episodes of the largest armed conflict ever fought, the Warsaw Uprising, has begun. Wargaming of course celebrates its own anniversary instead, but I think this is something that should not be forgotten either.

The brutal two-month nazi siege of Warsaw saw around 200 thousand Polish people (mostly civillians) killed both by relentless bombardment (one of the few operational uses of the monstrous Sturmtiger self-propelled mortars) and by mass executions, with hundreds of thousands more evicted from their homes and large parts of Warsaw destroyed. The (some historicans claim intentional) inaction of allies, especially Soviet troops, remains one of the disputed aspects of the tragedy to this day.

Now, 70 years later, it might be ancient history for some, something that could never ever happen again, not in the age of computers, internet and games, but the truth is that manking never really learned from history and today, just like all those years ago, there are still people willing to usurp power – and just like back then, there is still the public opinion that “this could never happen today”. The world should really make an exception from its forgetfulness and remember the lessons of World War Two. In this sense, I think World of Tanks has done its part by bringing people to at least this single aspect of history, armored warfare, it provides the framework and a stepping stone for learning the rest. And for that, I am grateful, but whether we are willing to learn, that is another matter.

44 thoughts on “70 Years – Warsaw Uprising Anniversary

  1. Thankfully for the polish, the brave soviet liberators were there at the gates of Warsaw to save them from the nazis. Only that the soviets learned the lessons from WoT well and decided to camp a few more months there.

  2. 70 Years … and exactly a 100 Years of the “Mobilisierung” of Austria for the First World War.

  3. Good article SS,
    For any one who has an interest in WW2 history this is one of the most tragic episodes.
    And for all those pricks that currently blame “siemka” polish noobs for bad teams should read up on their WW2 history. (ie Kaytyn massacre)
    Polish people have a lot to be proud of, (just one reason they have generally been welcomed in the Uk for so long).
    ps.I am British.
    Polish people (and Czech for that matter!) are generally respected by anyone English with a millicule of braincells for history (unlike the French, /spit, haha)

    • The Polish aren’t specially welcomed into the UK.
      Actually most Brits agree that it would be nice if so many of them stopped coming in. Too many immigrants.
      Also every nationality is generally respected by anyone who has a decent amount of knowledge. Sad to see you aren’t part of them.

  4. The command of Home Army (Armia Krajowa) count the Uprising will take 1-2 weeks when soviets will help to liberate Warsaw. It did not happen. Stalin’s order was stop on Vistula river to “refill ammo and fuel”. The right is, he wants to wait until the insurgents will bleed out. After few weeks he send even some soldiers for recon, because he thought that British Commando fighting also in the city.
    Stalin did not allow to land on soviet airfields, american, british and polish aircrafts, with equipment from the West (Italy). There have been even reports of fire to the American B-17.

    This is one of many examples why we have aversion to Russians.

    Another thing is, what they have done after the war…

  5. well, maybe is too tragic to make a special about it.

    celebrate a battle is okish, celebrate a massacre seems bad and fribolous to me.

    • Around 50 thousand of self-armed civilians fighting for 63 days against 200 thousand strong German army, well armed and prepared?

      I wouldn’t call it massacre. Sure, executions occured during the Warsaw Uprising, but the uprising itself was a huge battle, between soldiers and civilians, and most of the weapons Poles used was taken over from killed Germans, as at the moment the uprising started, only about 15% of Poles had weapons.

      • lol 200.000 german soldiers- guess ur sauce says that the 6. army died in warsaw and not in stalingrad…

  6. Glory to the Soviet soldiers simple village boys.
    They defeated the Nazis, the most powerful army at that time.

      • Loss of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS on the Eastern front are an 8.0 – 8.9 million people + losses countries satellites 850 thousand.
        Loss of the Supreme Soviet of 8.7-9.3 million

        • Sure, 9 million. Dream on.

          Complete strength of the wehrmacht was 18,2 million. Over 12 million were captured – 6 million died.

          6 million dead on all fronts – remind that! So your numbers cant be right….

        • “Loss of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS on the Eastern front are an 8.0 – 8.9 million people + losses countries satellites 850 thousand.”

          Stop drowning yourself in Vodka.

  7. My family was in Poland during those years. They may have been overrun, but the Poles were among the first to say “**F*CK YOU” to Hitler and stand up. Defiant to the end.

    • Did they also get in Hitler’s face and start pushing him around, because their swag was off the charts?
      Way to tell a story…

      • I’m not sure of your meaning, perhaps English is not your first language? Or any language? This is a matter of fact, no story.

        • Keep adding meaningless bullshit, such as the rap battle of Poles vs Hitler, to the historical facts and you’ll continue to tell us stories.

              • Attack of the cynical autistic retard!
                You are the reason why so many people think people who follow FTR are retards.

                • I’m sure it’s just you, monkey-face. Now stop projecting and continue watching your chinese manchildish cartoons.
                  I obviously didn’t mean to disrespect what the polish had done, because it really is heroic and for the sake of their nation.

  8. thank you SS. time might go on, but humans have yet to truly change. we can’t ever stop reminding ourselves of these monstrous actions….or someone will do them again

  9. Thank you for this great post, Silentatalker.
    ”History teaches, that it teaches us nothing”.
    I realy hope projects like WoT would awake an interset in people, and encourage them to learn and underatand.