Hello everyone,
once again it’s the time to thank the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all! This time, following people donated via Paypal:
Lars R.T. (Denmark) – extraordinary donation!
Simon S. (Sweeden)
Thank you both, guys. I really appreciate it. Now, for the Patreon cycle – this time, everything went smooth. Today marks the fifth time the Patreon subscription got successfully used, thank you all!
Out of the 530 USD pledged at that point:
- 500,10 USD came in successfully (the rest didn’t go through for some reason on the contributor side, insufficient funds on account etc.)
- out of 500,10 USD:
43,71 USD went to credit card fees
25,04 USD went to Patreon (service fee)
leaving 431,35 USD for FTR – much appreciated! The list of contributors can be viewed here. Big thank you goes to all of you, but especially to Tugboat1964, who continuously supports FTR. I will do my best not to disappoint.
Now, the technical matter:
I normally don’t say what I spend the money for, but this time, I’m going to mention that I am going to use the extra cash for something I haven’t had for ages (years, literally): a vacation.
From 7.8. to 13.8., I will be on a vacation abroad. That means that apart from the translations, there will be no extra articles (with one exception – leaks, if there are any, as they are very easy and quick to post). I am taking my laptop and – IF the wifi is any good – translate the stuff in the evening (probably later than usual). In any case, I will do what I can. Yes, it’s a vacation, but the show must go on, as they say. We’ll see how it goes.
Anyway, once again, thank you all for your support!
Have fun, you deserve some rest. :)
Have a nice vacation brah
Enjoy abroad!
Enjoy your vacation SS
So looks like mid august will be really long and boring :), but everyone need some time off from time to time so have fun. Can u tell us where are u going or any chances for few pics if u see some interesting stuff there?. Maybe u meet some girls who likes big guns 8-)
Sure, I’ll make pics.
Now that’s a timing, I’m on vacation from 6th to 13th Aug! :D I won’t have to read too much when I come home! Do you go somewhere by plane?
And have a nice, well deserved vacation of course! :)
SS goes on covert op to help ukrainian army.
I hope he won’t end up like this then: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/7368_846185842059148_5163340474215444485_n.jpg?oh=1788266707ca20d2ccdf076118715704&oe=545A7BF8&__gda__=1414130195_a0b0aab4571582e017fca49fee959bf6
The one with newer AK-47? :D
Excuse me? That’s a newer AK-74, more specifically the AK-74M.
Best assault rifle yet.
M16A3 still op in Bf3 :3
he’ll be happy while driving Oplot tenkz
Why would he do that?
American junta is best
and democracy
Democracy, totalitarism, dictatorship, monarchy – pick your poison.
Enjoy your trip, SS, have fun and relax! This is a vacation after all!
WTF 7 days??? You should go at least 11 days, that’s a minimum vacation!!!
Sadly, I have work to do the week I return.
FUCK that shit :( :( :(
BTW have a nice one and driver some tanks :) :) :)
Totttaly an earned vacation mate ! Enjoy it to the max cause we will be waiting !
No vacation for you, you dirty capitalist!!1
What do you know? Maybe he is clean buddhist.
I would make a very pood buddhist :(
Aren’t they per definition?
Great! Go have some fun SS. God knows you deserve it. :)
HF on vacation. im pretty sure there will be someone silently stalking you tho.
Vacation? Where do you go – to the sunny beaches of Spain or Italy?
Silent…..it is vacation time. So leave the notebook at home and just relax. One week we all for sure will survive without news! just relax.
Have a nice and relaxing vacation SS~ you sure deserved the break. may serB nerf your vacation last.
Have a great time SS…hope you get to go somewhere sunny with nice warm beaches (and even warmer beach bunnies)! ;)
Relax dont worry about FTR only post if you can actually be bothered ENJOY YOURSELF.
Kinda funny that people are giving you money so that you can work on the blog, yet you spend the money on a vacation where you won’t be working on the blog! Not hating though, I’m sure you do deserve the break, I actually think that it’s very good that you tell people what you are spending the money on. GL and HF :)
Have fun!
enjoy the vacation dude :)
just 1 technical: i cant see any comments when i go for older posts’ 3rd page
Enjoy and have fun!
But not too much
i want a vacation =(
Isnt peatorson too expensive? you give 60 dollars to fees
Who accepted your application for leave ? ;) :P
Have a nice vacation :)
Have a great vacation SS
you deserved it
Have a nice vacation SS ;D