
Not much today either.

- Tier 10 Stronghold will come in “following patch”
- Stronghold battles statistics are kept separate from random battles
- future versions of Stronghold mode will bring more bonuses and new features
- Stronghold bonuses are active for every type of battle (team battles, companies, random)
- a Stronghold can be destroyed only by the clan commander and his deputy(ies)
- Stronghold mode battles can influence personal rating
- mercenaries are planned for Stronghold mode apparently
- tier 8 premium FV4202 for free? “Yeeeeeea, free stuff – always an actively discussed topic. Follow the portal for news.”
- 25 percent RNG won’t be reduced

77 thoughts on “4.8.2014

  1. 25% RNG won’t be reduced

    If i had a penny for every time someone asked this question… :)

    • Should just turn it into a drinking game, each time it is asked, everyone take a shot! Nobody would care about the 25% RNG as they would have to choose which tank to shoot at out of the three they see anyway!

  2. Finally I don’t get eye-cancer by reading 20 times the word “Stronkhold”. THANK YOU. Much appreciated.

        • I was doing a statistic. Today, after playing for 5 damn hours, 72% of my damaging hits were below average damage…I can’t measure the pen, but there were a lot of dubious bounces(usually when I’m about to finish off an enemy so that I won’t get the kill).

  3. tier 8 premium FV4202 for free? “Yeeeeeea, free stuff – always an actively discussed topic. Follow the portal for news.”

    So if we have an FV4202 now we get reimbursed fir the cost of the of the Tier 10 tank and a free FV4202 tier 8?

    • Reimbursed?? No. Your FV4202 will change into that new X tier Centurion and you will get also FV4202 as tier VIII premium with free slot. Thats most possible scenario if there at all will be free premium FV4202. This is how it worked in case of T34.

      @Capitan Nemo
      I think that they already made the decision and there will be free premium. They just do not want to reveal it now to avoid hundreds of thousand people grindind that line :) Fortunately I will soon have Centurion 7/1 unlocked and bought :)

  4. - tier 8 premium FV4202 for free? “Yeeeeeea, free stuff – always an actively discussed topic. Follow the portal for news.”

    Wouldn’t discussing about the tier 8 premium FV4202 being free increase the likelihood of it being released as something that is NOT FREE? It’s like asking for it to be priced.

    • I bet they will make a mission with te FV4202 premium tank before the change. “Grind the tier 10 in 1 week and its yours”

    • What they want is players to spend gold converting XP to get the “free” tank.

      • They didn’t say “yes”. They said “follow the portal”. Some people may spend gold for XP, but that is not WG’s fault.

        • It’s not a “yes”, that’s true. But the statement made with those words is definitely far, far away from a “no” as well and sounds like a “yes, but we don’t want to tell you that just yet”

  5. Its too soon to give info for FV4202.
    When there is no time left to grind without PA or gold-to-freeXP – THEN we know :D

        • Yeah well we don’t know about “nice” yet.

          Only that it would be hard for it to be worse than FV4202

          I also don’t see the excitement about it becoming a T8, do people not realise how much thinner the armour is going to be at T8?

          It will be a smaller 20 pounder centurion but with a weaker turret and still with autopen front armour.

    • Its too soon to give info for FV4202.
      When there is no time left to grind without PA or gold-to-freeXP – THEN we know :D

      thats why i did it in the weekend 2x xp fo every win? from cromewell to 70% of the FV xp, thanks wg :)

        • Same here.
          Anyway, seems like we have a lot of time (untill the end of the year?) to make it to the FV4202.
          Looka like it will be my second T10 tank after the E-50MI already got.
          Stonk Soviet TDs can wait.

    • I’m currently at tier 8, I can buy the tier 10 in September for sure(I hope to get it done before starting university) and I definitely hope it’ll be given for free so that I didn’t waste my time starting to play again this shit of a game.

  6. Dat Stronkhold more is impossible to play on US server apparently. My clan trying to scrim every evening but its useless so far.

    • I think he may be referring to the level of competition and the variety of teams you see. Especially at the absolute level, the other night we played 5 absolute games got Otter each time received maybe 30 points and Otter got 300+ every single time. That is useless and will utterly kill this mode if not changed.

      • Useless=/=not fun. Just becase Otter pwned you every time, it doesn’t mean it’s useless. It’s not fun for sure, but complaining about better team beating you is called whining.

        • Wow, do you read what people write or do you take the first 5 words and assume the rest. No one was whining about losing. The post was not even about me or my clan it was simply an example of the current imbalanced level of competition and how that will lead to an abandonment of the mode. A situation that would be negative for every player and clan from the best to the worst.

          Just to be clear in a leisure activity that people play for fun, not fun does = useless. If players do not enjoy doing it they will not do it therefor it will have been a complete waste resource by the WG and useless for players.

  7. - tier 8 premium FV4202 for free? “Yeeeeeea, free stuff – always an actively discussed topic. Follow the portal for news.”

    I think we will get it for free.

      • Well, free T34 was announce more then year before it was made into premium. Still it was least popular T8 heavy :) and only 30 k people got it on free on EU server :)

      • wai not m8?luke at it dis wey…pubs like meh who can spe11 4 sh!t start converting goaldz 2 fwee exp instead of goald she11s.profit.

      • I suppose you are quite new in WoT? There were many free tanks from WG because of changes in tank trees. Among them was free premium T34 for all those who had that tank when it was US tier IX. I got then brand new M103 and old T34 as premium. For free. In that case WG was in first 2 years after EU release really awsome. We will see if they keep that policy with FV4202 change.

  8. SS, когда уже наконец-то тестированний сервер 9.3?

  9. I should hope I get an fv4202 as a free premium tier 8, it’s my first tier X, and after 9.3 I’m in love with it. Plus I missed the type 59, secretly I’m hoping the fv4202 will become a rare tank as well, just to piss of type 59 players who don’t have one, that’ll teach ‘m!

  10. SS, this is probably the 1st time i see that you wrote Stronghold and not Stronkhold. What happened?

  11. will there be anything like international research? like the IS and the IS-2 uses the same D-25T gun , and also the British L7A1 105 the Leopard PT A uses this gun too so it would be nice

  12. - “25 percent RNG won’t be reduced”
    In other words. “We refuse to make the game better and more fun and less annoying for everyone for absolutely no reason”