Missions in September with Tanks as Rewards

Hello everyone,

Russian server published the event for September. The tanks, that will be obtainable for missions on RU server in September will be KV-220 and Type 62. It’s possible (likely even) that EU and US will have the same missions.

In order to get them:

Daily mission “Medium Tanks”

- cause 20000 damage, destroy 25 enemy tanks and make 13500 (base) XP, once per day, in a tier 6-10 medium tank (including premium vehicles). Can be fulfilled only once per day, from 1.9. to the end of the month.

Fulfill the abovementioned mission 5x, you will get 1 day of premium account (can be fulfilled 6x for 6 days of premium)
Fulfill the abovementioned mission 25x, you will get Type 62

Daily mission “Light Tanks”

- make assisted 12000 damage (scouting), make 12000 damage, destroy 5 enemy tanks and make 12500 (base) XP, once per day, in a tier 5-8 light tank (including premium vehicles). Can be fulfilled only once per day, from 1.9. to the end of the month.

Fulfill the abovementioned mission 5x, you will get 1 day of premium account (can be fulfilled 3x for 3 days of premium)
Fulfill the abovementioned mission 25x, you will get KV220

103 thoughts on “Missions in September with Tanks as Rewards

  1. Ah dang, already got both of them. Anyways, gold is okay too ..

    Missions seem rather time consuming, but they are both very good tanks so well worth the trouble

  2. Would love to have Type 62 but the mission is not that simple and limited to mediums and lights. I only grind 2 mediums at the moment so this could be difficult. I will give it a try anyways if we are going to have something the same on NA server

  3. I just bought a KV-220. Bleh.

    Also, why does the medium mission give the light and the light mission give the heavy? Oh well, whatever. I’d rather play medium tanks so I guess that’s fine, gonna try for the Type 62. Assuming EU gets these.

  4. omg
    gib on asia pls
    sounds fairly easy, just got to play mostly meds n lights in cw =x (tx cw/mini campaign)

    • Because they want it to be HARD. Otherwise people would pick up their T57′s and the daily mission would be done in 1-2hours.

    • Hell look at the current US NA on track to the AMX 50 B mission (which is no fun dealing with weak hvy armored tanks)…you need a total of 250K xp for a reward of a Tier 3 FCM 36 PAK40 TD (OH!!! and its only worth 850 Gold)
      Also on track to the T92.. Reward tier 3 Scout LT Locus (Only worth 900 Gold) Another BS reward.

      When they did the on tracks to both america td lines , They gave out 2.5K Gold because their is no American td premium.

      Seems to me, WG is being a bit Shaddy & Cheepo on the last 2 on track Rewards. If this is to come next month, Who knows if its possible and the Rewards worth the time & effort. GL

  5. I play a lot and usually those missions are no trouble for me, but those two – forget it, I have no chance of doing them. 20k damage in a day is easy for me, and so are 25 kills and 13500 base xp, but I work 24 hour shifts every 3 days on average, so there’s no way in hell I can do that mission 25 times on one month. Too bad, I would have liked a Type62

  6. Daamn Why not in august when i whas free :(

    No change on getting this now beginning at uni :(

    Why whas type 62 removed from store anyway?

    • IIRC, it was because the WZ-131 is identical to the type 62 (when equipped with the correct modules)

    • “Why whas type 62 removed from store anyway?”

      It was never there. On EU it was a one-time offer only in premium shop.

  7. Hmm the Rare much KV220 for a prize? Hmm it was sold as rare, now everyone can get one? Not very happy, but, The KV220 is a normal Premium in Russia isn’t it? Not like in EU? So It could be the T14 instead?

    • Actually, for the ASIA server they gave it out TWICE as a mission reward before this. Got mine the first time it happened, from the bottom of my heart, I thank whomever made the decision to give it away for FREE.

    • oh man this is gonna be easy…oh wait it’s in September…and I have school in September…fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu(smashes keyboard). I really want the type 62 and adore it. it’s currently my favorite tank after only watching one video, and if they hadn’t taken it out, I would have bought it instead of my type 64, which is great, but it’s fricken huge, as in T1 heavy huge

    • Stuff it. Got a job, just started school on top of it and I’ll get that Type 62 if it kills me. Love light tanks. Want this way more than a Type 59. Already have the KV-220 at least, so no need to stress that one. Might try for it if I have time to spare. Gold is good too.

      (Yes, I have a life as well, but like I said I’ll be happy to trade that for the rewards on offer here. That’s assuming we even get these missions on EU. Almost certain there will at least be *some* differences.)

      • And I am going away for 5 days, what means every day I need to play this 25-30 battles on light tanks

        AMX 13 90, AFP, WZ 131, Chaffee, t71, type 62, type 64

        it would be doable, barely, but I already spent too much playing WoWp for Gloster Meteor Mk I and there is an event so I think I will have to pass.

    • You kidding right?
      20000 damage, destroy 25 enemy tanks and make 13500 (base) is like 10-15 games with T10 med. Hour and half tops.

  8. Dang, I only have the ELC AMX as a viable LT… still, I think I got a shot at this…

  9. I dont wanna rain on anyone’s parade but keep in mind this is RU server… there is a decent chance EU might get something else

  10. Thing for nolifes.
    I would rather simply go to work, earn money and buy these tanks, would be faster and less frustrating.

    12500 base XP sounds like without premium, daily 2x and all that stuff. Grinding on single tank 10k XP per day is exhausting.

    • Buy them?
      I did that for the KV-220, and I agree, that’s way easier.
      Type 62 however… Buy? Where? Exactly.

  11. For any of you NA guys reading this… looks like AutismSpeaks would get a free kv220 and not even realize he had to do a grind for it, lol

  12. Just do a little math before you pee ur pants… through 25 days continously, you have to complete all these stuff, which is a lot. If you screw up a day, it doesnt count into the whole. In my opinion this is a pretty scum move, you cant do 50k damage and 30 kill a day when you are free, it wont count. Go and sit down Every Day in September! When most of us are in school or working.
    I say that this is pretty impossible and unreal for a tank that is basically a premium wz131/132.
    Inb4 you are not forced to do it ungratwful playerer”

    • yeah I would have liked it if they had bundled it. Simply say get 500K damage, 625 kills and 338K base xp in september with medium tanks tier 6-10. I have a job too so while I can play a lot some days I cant play at all on others. Meaning with these rules it’ll be very very hard for me to get it.

  13. So you basically gotta play for 25 days in a month? Not gonna happen.

    I play about 12 -14 days a month, maybe 2-3 hours at a time.

    No KV-220 or Type 62 for me!

    ALSO: Isn’t it stupid that you have to play medium tanks to win a light tank and play light tanks to win a heavy? Surely light tank players would want to win the light tank etc.

    • This mission wasn’t designed to reward occasional players who are unwilling to play more. There are plenty of tankers out there who will win one of these tanks for very little extra effort.

  14. - Can be fulfilled only once per day, from 1.9. to the end of the month.
    - Fulfill the abovementioned mission 25x, you will get “tank”

    FU! …so I have to play 25 days ? this is stupid.
    No problem to fulfill the same mission 5 or even 10 times in one day, during weekend.
    But the need to log in and play ~25 games almost every business day is the deal breaker for me :(

    • Yeah… it kinda sucks but I think it’s doable. Crap… I will have a first half o September filled with work and now this! It doesn’t matter! FU real life! Type 62 and KV-220, here I come!

  15. WG as always starting the nice events when I start classes. :D Well,I am going to try that out, not really likely to succeed though..

  16. cause 12000 damage, destroy 5 enemy tanks and make 12500 (base) XP, 25 times in a month…

    SRSLY???? With scouts????
    Destroying 5 tanks is ok… Killsteal it
    Getting 12500 XP is meh… detrack XP is good and spotting XP is nice
    BUT 12000 DMG????? Even if you use premshells this is almost insanely high amount.

  17. Another grindy-as-hell missions. 20k dmg, 25 destroyed enemies, 13,5k exp in one day with meds ? And 25 times in month ? Yea, good luck with that, MM will totally allow you do do such amazing things in one day.

    While on paper it looks do-able (Lets say 20 battles per day, u need 1k dmg, 1.25 enemies destroyed and 675 exp) practically its just a mission for total no-lifers. All thanks to MM that will say “fuck you” in your face and you will end in having maybe 12-15k dmg, 15 destroyed enemies and 6k exp after 20 battles

    I’ll pass, playing more than 4 battles with uber retards dying in first 2 minutes just forces me to quit this game and we are talking here about at least 50 battles per day with at least 30 in a team full of morons

  18. Spam Crusader, AMX 12t, Cromwell and Comet.
    Good Wn8? Check.
    Mission? Check.

    That’s if things go according to plan, anyway.

  19. Well. let the BOT-fest begin. Like the Super Persing mission. there will be a lot more bots and retards playing next month. its going to be shit.

    • yea but first scout to enemy base gets AFK lights and meds to kill :)
      2801 with the derp gun any one

  20. SS, are you sure about BASE experience?

    It makes 337 500 xp and 500 000 dmg for type62
    and 312 500 xp and 300 000 dmg for kv220,
    not mentioning 625 and 125 kills, respectively.
    While these numbers may seem not huge compared to previous missions, values are NOT cumulative – if you have a bad streak or just want to quit earlier, whole day progress may be lost easily. And, not being able to use event and daily bonuses make these numbers more significant, not mentioning premium time.

        • Can’t you read or is there something you don’t understand in “without premium”.

      • So, it looks really bad.
        While it has its appeal because of “fairness”, it would be acceptable if it was a monthly cumulative value – still a big number, 10k base xp is reasonable daily margin. And they are hurting themselves with no incentive to buy premium time. It’s like someone thought they gave too much tanks previously and they don’t have to compete against WTGF anymore…

      • They always say, that no double and prem XP will count towards missions, but they always count.
        The very last example was with Gamescom missions. I tought, they will be hard to fulfill with such rules, but in reality it was a peace of cake with all those X5 games.

        Here you go – check out the mission requirements:
        (bonuses for the first victory, premium account, etc., will not be counted to determine the rankings)

        But as I said, they did count.

        • Usually base XP is counted towards entering in the top 10 of the team (or top5 or top 3, whatever the mission requires), but then bonus and multipliers count for the goal.

    • IS-6 was for 600 000 xp – but you could get it in any portions you liked, with premium and doubles (and there were few days of x5 for first), not mentioning you could have used any type.
      I dont exactly remember super pershing, it was easier I think.

      So…. it doesnt look nice

  21. Heh, I’m actually in the middle of doing German lights, Russian meds, E50M, FV and I have AMX 13 75 somewhere in the garage. I just hope there won’t be as many bots as it was with Super Pers.

  22. For this i am finally going to use Leo 1 and maybe Super P. They are collecting dust in my garage for long time xD :P

  23. For me, there is only one ‘mission’ atm, researching FV4202 ;)
    I am playing the Comet now (already 50k XP) and if i get one or two days of premium besides, i will be happy.

    • WOW, i can tell you from experience. You have a Looooongggg way to go. first the Centurion 1, than the 7/1 and all of its upgrades. its aboud 660.000 XP to go. Good luck!!!. i am currently only 50K XP from the FV4202. but is was a long, long, long grind.

  24. The servers don’t always get the same tank missions. While the NA server got a T34 mission, the EU server got the Super Pershing.

    I’m hoping we get a tier 8 mission once again. A Lowe or Super Pershing mission would be nice as I’d get the gold value. But if it’s a mission for a Jgtig 8.8, I’m going to pass as I don’t own one already.

  25. Dont like the LT missions. it should include low tiers. LTs of T5-8 are massively outclassed by mediums because of the shit mm they get. 12k spotting is easy with HTs, MTs and even TDs but with LTs? Those things get shot to pieces way to fast to be that effective at scouting.

  26. Well, lets see. I hope there is the same (or similar) mission on the NA server for the Type 62. I really want a Type 62, despite that fact that I already have the Type 64, 59-16, WZ-131, and WZ-132 in my garage, there is just something about not having a Chinese premium light that irks me. It is strange that to get a premium light one has to play mediums, but no matter, mediums tend to be easier to do damage and get kills in. My work schedule might get in the way some, I have limited time to play during the week. However, I have plenty of mediums in the garage to use, off the top of my head:

    T-34-85, Cromwell, Pz. 4S, Panther, Panther M10, T-34-1, Chi-Ri, Pershing, Super Pershing, Centurion I, Panther II, Indien Panzer, T-34-3, STA-1, M46 Patton, T54E1, T-54, WZ-120.

    I might well be leaving some out in the 6-10 tier range. Plus, there is a pretty decent chance I’ll have either the T-62A or 121 researched by Sep. 1st.

    Yeah, I think I’ll give it a try if we get the Type 62 mission. Imagine the response if it was a mission for the Type 59.

  27. I was looking forward to Type 62,but already have 131 which is similar,and 11 or 12(idk atm) premium tanks in my garage and mostly play IS6 for farming credits (8.8 and T34 rarely, others almost never )soo..meh..
    back to grinding that 4 or 5 lines that are left in tech tree and waiting for a new LT’s.

  28. Please please please let it be true. I want both in my collection and the KV-220 is kinda expensive and the Type 62 is never for sale. 25x 2 daily missions is very grindy, but for 2 free premiums, it’s totally worth it.

  29. Type 62 could be cool to get, but knowing Gaijin it’ll have something to do with Chinese tanks, and the furtherst up that line I’ve gone was tier 3, so…yeah. Alternatively it’ll have something to do with scouting, which means suiscouts everywhere…

    As for the KV-220, I was one of the first people to get one on the NA server when it first went on sale back in December, so hey, free gold and garage slot! XD

  30. on another news , the leaker for wows got banned and WG is taking legal action against them.

    woot suck on that stupid leaker

  31. 1k avg dmg, 1.25 kills and 675 xp on average for 20 games every day…. Im sorry but that sounds easy. You can probably rush and die in the first 3 min and accomplish that in a t10 med. Maybe 2 hours at most for 25 days and free t7 prem.

  32. The days when I played WoT almost everyday are long gone. So no missions for me.

    25 times! LOL

  33. I probably won’t have trouble doing the missions. just want to be sure, if you already have the KV-220, do you get gold for it?

    • 100% yes. ANY prem tank you get on top of the same kind in your garage you get the current gold value instead. Bought by you, gifted by someone else or from missions.

  34. I just did the math. For my skill level it’s about 23-27 battles per day for the medium mission and 18-25 battles per day for the lights mission.

    I don’t really want the kv-220 and doing both seems nigh-on impossible so if i do focus, it will be on the medium mission. I find it doable, but that might mean, skipping on other clan events and focusing most of the days on the mission only.

    The good part is that it can overlap with the FV4202 “mission”. I’ll see in the first few days if it’s doable.

  35. WG continues to make mission that require TONS of time ingame. Most people just dont have that much time to play. This leads to the feeling that they are “fucked up” by WG! They should instead put missions that promote regular activity but not in the form of 25 days in a month 2 – 3 hours a day!

  36. Guys relax.This is an RU server mission.Considering there is a mini campaingn coming for EU server I think its very unlikely that WG would give posibility we get 4 prem tanks on EU server while RU servers get only 2.Dunno how to look but I’m guessing RU server does not have mini camapign so its just compensation.We probably wont get this mission so relax and be prepared for campaign if u want prem tanks.

    • You were refering to Twilight of the Gods campaign?!
      (because that is for clan players only and not for everyone – and i guess a lot of guy in the EU server is wandering around without any “clan membership card”)

  37. Well that’s me out of the equation, I don’t play no where near as much these days what with work and family, I’m prob on what once or twice a week if I’m lucky and only for a few hours at a time if that.

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