Well, this is a bit odd.
Russian server announced an event, that concerns us (EU server) as well. It’s a “great car trip”, taking two months, where some WG developers will travel by car from eastern Russia (Vladivostok) all across the country and then through Europe to Brest in France. Basically, developers will stop in 23 destination in main cities to meet players and discuss WG project.
The trip starts on 22.8. in Vladivostok and will end on 11.10. From European cities, they will visit: Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and Brest in France. The site of the event shows a map, where will they go.
You know, it’s really cool and all that and I would LOVE to go on a trip across the world paid by the employer as well, but shouldn’t the developers be… I dunno… developing instead?
that’s alot of heng long panzer IIIs
You know, it’s really cool and all that and I would LOVE to go on a trip across the world paid by the employer as well, but shouldn’t the developers be… I dunno… developing instead?
If the devs dont care about community –> bad devs. Devs care about Com –> bad devs.
I think there we could get special Information, so a additional Q&A, but depends on the Dev’s what they are ready to say.
I am sure caring about community does not HAVE to involve a 2 month car trip? :)
It probably isn’t actual developers that will actually make the trip. Instead it will probably just be PR types, and even if it is real developers if they can be spared for two months then they probably aren’t all the important to begin with.
SS, are you sure devs are coming on this trip? As far as I understand, when the Ruskies say ‘Developers”, they refer to all people who have any kind of relation to the game, including community mangers, for example.
If they speak english – they aren´t developers. ;)
Since you know so well what WG needs to do, maybe you should apply for the CEO position there and enlighten them?
Rolf maus.
Poor car…absence of cooling intake harms engine…
that van will have the same reliability as real german tanks: 10km and it will break down (from overheating) :D
“You know, it’s really cool and all that and I would LOVE to go on a trip across the world paid by the employer as well, but shouldn’t the developers be… I dunno… developing instead?” Yes, the development of the game will stop for 2 months, because this trip is very important.
>> but shouldn’t the developers be… I dunno… developing instead?
Lol, you still under illusion, SS :P …
These guys just work in the WG Minsk office, they don’t deal with making the game. It’s like calling people who wash dishes in their kitchen “developers” as well.
They probably shouldnt drive that mockup van through ukraine ..
I was just thinking “they better stay away from the Ukrainian border”, too! :S
>but shouldn’t the developers be… I dunno… developing instead?
what, labour 12 hours in front of a computer? sure, 2 months are a lot but nobody likes an employer that just makes you work.
Ouch, Brest, seriously ?
I’m french, I live in Paris and going to Paris is a very good move (like MANY other cities in Europe) but Brest ? Seriously, who here already went to Brest ?
Ok, it is one of furthest city when you want to go west but seriously…is there any historical reason ?
There must be something like 10 players in Brest, I’m not even sure I am trolling saying this…and now, go there in september and prepare your MoonBoots…
Now of course, you’d better stop here if you are traveling with a car :)
Don’t you think that coming from Vladivostok these people would have something warm to wear? And who told you the weather was bad in Brest?
You mean beside the fact that I live in France and I’m aware how the weather is at this period of the year ? :)
Not to mention my grandfather lived in Roskoff, almost the same weather…
I think, Brest because it is farthest to West – it’s like trip from Pacific ocean to Atlantic ocean.
If they want farthest they should have aimed for london, then up to edinburgh, or straight to dublin. Makes more sense to me for them to go to london than brest.
Where is brest anyway. Isnt it in eastern europe or something.
I thpught brest is in eastern europe?
In our time and age…
Sidenote: if you manage to google it, guess which Brest comes up first…
Hell yes, there’s a “historical reason”
Cmon its just developers. They have been proven useless several times already so who really cares
If half of the 30 devs actually working on the game itself get a 2 months holidays, no wonder why WT progresses a lot quicker, they may even get destructible buildings before WoT…
Ye so much with Havok for this year lol!
German TÜV will stop them at the border :3
Exactly what I thought… Sorry guys, but Warsaw will be the last and only European city they visit…
Those “devs”, probably, are PR and community “devs”, not programmers.
Aw man it had to be Northern Germany, so far away
Good luck getting all this tanks promotion stuff through the borders. German Zoll LOVES tank fanatics, driving around in a car looking like a tank, filled up with plastic weaponry …
After Warsaw, the should head to Prague and then to Berlin.
“You know, it’s really cool and all that and I would LOVE to go on a trip across the world paid by the employer”
Only if you think that Vladivostok – Brest is “around the world. Which is isn’t as it’s only 1/3rd….
“great wargaming car trip” made me think about a convoy of white trucks trying to cross the ukrainian border
and ofcourse, they had a white van with a tank turret on top…
GG WG I r8 8/8
WG developers on a road trip instead of sitting in office? Great news for all players out there, this will hopefully slow down the fail intervals of WG :)
“Belarus breaking through polish borders with a… Maus. More at 7 pm.”
Go to Brest, population 142,000 with how many paying customers? Fail to go to London, population 9.8 million (innner city only, including suburbs 13.5 million) with how many paying customers? Stronk PR logik at work. The population of Warsaw 1.7 million, & Berlin 3.5 million – so even those two capitals added together have less potential paying customers than London. Although I suppose given Belarus has a total population of 9.4 million a world city like London might be a bit intimidating.
I smell butthurt Londoner.
“Why Vladivostok? Why not Tokyo?!”
Will EU allow them to drive ? The sanctions imposed to Russia by US and EU are biting.
Well we know one thing, they like Maxim magazine ;)
In the bookshelf:
That red car has crazy gun depression.
Confirmed: Devs are working on buffing Russian vehicle gun depression.
LOL, a Russian (Bella) truck with a gun on it, traveling thru to the west, and painted white…..yep that will work at every boarder LOL, yep WELCOME