A couple of invite codes from Gamescom. Thanks to Slohero for this one.
New player codes (T2 LT + FW 56 + 7 day premium + 2500g):
Xbox 360 codes (T-15 + 3 day premium + 300g)
Thanks for the codes. (Trying to convince my girlfriend to come and play :) )
I dont know why, but it shows me incorrect code… Can somebody say to me whats wrong, i could get nice gold, but no, incorrect code -.-
It was probably already taken, unless you entered the code (invite one) to already existing account, then it will not work since it is only for new accounts.
At what point does an account stop being new? I have been playing now for about 5 months, but have never used any of these codes.
New account is meant as when you create a new account. New account stop being new when it is already created.
Anyway, after 2 minutes of appearance, all codes are used up usually. I was here 5-10 seconds after the codes appeared, but was only able to redeem one at the third try.
Mine tried it out…couldn’t get her hooked though :D
Why didn’t you told her, that for every tier X vehicle, she can choose a dress/shoe/jewelry from the shop? :)
FTR, i still have around 40 codes for invite and 360 i cant use, do u want them?
Sure, I can publish them
will you post them now?
is there any kind of pming u?
pedrofspinho at gmail dot com
also on Eu Server ppinho
wrong person i wanted to pm xD
but can you send 1 of those codes?
its just invite or 360 codes, sry
i know…have a friend who wants to start new acc…
you can contact SS trough here:
sended u one
is there any kind of pming u?
i ve sended u the codes ^^
Can i have one invite code of yours teentro?
all r out, sry
Any Xbox codes left? I would like to get one :)
wow one of those was with 5k gold :D thank you, now i have my smurf acc lol
That happened to the codes for existing accounts too, doubled the amount ^^ looks like it gives 2,5k gold to WoWP and 2,5k gold to WoT xD
it might be, that u already owned one of the premium vehicles so u got gold instead of the tank/aircraft
No, the Gamescom codes are all bugged and you’ll recieve the gold and premium time twice.
Gold for vehicles allready in your garage/hangar comes on top of this.
Hey ss what’s FW 56 ?
It’s a plane for World of Warplanes.
A premium aircraft for WoW
can anybody send me a invite code by email ainjerukoldo at gmail dot com
thxs u very much
Codes used already, wtf smurfers :(
And you are i assume new player? Ofc they are gonna be used for alt accounts faster than some new player will be able to get them.
can these codes use in NA server?
Can you send me one of these? Been meaning to make an EU account.
Where can i get more invite codes with 2500gold?
Please, i would love to make an account for my sister, EU server, do you have any codes left ?
Some of you might not know, that the ‘Let’s Battle’-promo for new accounts is still active. So if you want to create a new account do the following:
- log out of the WG-pages if you are on with an existing account
- use this link: http://cpm.wargaming.net/mnrgrjis/?pub=mag
- for EU-Server you have to replace the ‘na’ at the beginning of the landing-page by ‘eu’ and then press enter again
- create account as usual and you’ll recieve 7 days of premium, a M22 Locust and a Fw 56 Stösser (come with slots)
- the special gimmick is: while registrating, you can also activate an invite code and will get those bonuses too !
I was curious what will happen with a Gamescom invite code, which includes the Fw 56 too and gave it a try just to see, whether the second Stösser will be replaced by additional 750 Gold ‘for a plane I allready own’.
First I checked my new account at the WoT page and watched the result of the Gamescom-Code-Bug: 5000 gold and 21 days (2x 7 + 7) of premium. ;)
But no extra gold for the 2nd Stösser. :(
After changing the password for another 300 gold I started WoWp (had to update first) just to check what happened with the plane – and recieved 540 gold! I expected 750 or nothing, but 540?
Since I was on, I did the first two missions for another 2x 25 gold and ended up with 5890 gold (and three weeks of premium) – not bad to start WoT with, this is even enough for a Tier 7 Manther at full price.
If anyone have invite code for EU that would be great, thanx.
Can anyone send me a code for EU???
Oh my God ! those codes are used as soon as published.so no chance for them…….
Any other Xbox codes left? It seems I got late to the party… :/
Thanks in advance.
“Attention Tank Commanders, all our bonus and invite codes have been exhausted, thank you for participating in this giveaway”
- See more at: http://www.razerzone.com/world-of-tanks-gamescom#sthash.MQDYICWu.dpuf
Bah, I’m out of luck yet again, thanks for the link thought. Just found out about this giveaway today.
Who can give me some ivite code pleace? I am a new player
I am on NA servers