Hello everyone,
from the supertest, this is how the Hellcat will apparently be nerfed in 9.3 (well, in test 1 at least). Screens take 100 percent crew into account.
- DPM nerfed from 1800 to 1694
- reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s
- rate of fire nerfed from 7,50 to 7,059
- accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed from 0,16 to 0,20
- accuracy loss from traversing and moving nerfed from 0,23 to 0,36
- accuracy loss from turning the turret while moving at maximum speed nerfed from 2,56 to 3,2
- accuracy loss from moving at maximum speed nerfed from 16,56 to 25,92
- accuracy loss from traversing while moving at maximum speed nerfed from 6,9 to 10,8
- reverse speed nerfed from 20 to 12 km/h
- terrain resistance (elite tracks) nerfed from 1/1,2/2,1 to 1,1/1,4/2,3
Please note that the “accuracy loss” factors work a bit strange, so instead of lengthy (and possibly incorrect) explanations – it simply means that the following nerf (leaked earlier) was confirmed:
- stock tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 60 percent
- terrain resistance for stock tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 9/14/9 percent
- elite tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 57 percent
- terrain resistance for elite tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 10/17/10 percent
- maxium reverse speed nerfed from 20 to 12 km/h
- 76mm M1A2 AT accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 12 percent
- 90mm M3 reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s, accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 25 percent
So the hellcat will never been seen anymore in battle.
I liked the tank, but now i’m not sure if i want to play it for fun anymore.
Too bad…
From overpowered to probably still one of the best T6 in game and you complain anyway.
How terrible…
They still didn’t touch one of the most important and broken values, the 370m view range.
It means that now it will be far less possible to play it on near ranges. The way to do the best will remain to snipe at long ranges.
It IS huge change of gameplay…
I am sure people will still play it aggressively.
Less MT, more TD.
Negative. They are taking a tank that uses all camo and speed and gun and making it have much less backup speed which means getting killed often + making the gun much much less effective.
This is way way to OP and they went after the wrong areas.
It still will be to OP while double bushed and now its gun will jus suck more….All they had to do was nerf its camo by 25% and that would be balanced, sti lla great gun but 25% more likly to get spotted, means it cant sit in the open and mureder.
The pen/dmg, aimtime (which will be obviously worse after driving), camo (which you dont have to brake with 360 gun traverse), viewrange and top speed stays the same. It will still be invisible bush abusing machine that can relocate fast but it will have harder time when caught with its pants down. I have something around 70% winrate on the thing, perked crew, bought camo but I won’t regret this change, T6 needs variety.
It already got a large nerf when the camo bonus was removed from TDs.
All TD’s did. And wasnt the bonus camo something that was introduced not so long ago? I had most of my hellcat games more than a year before since I RQ’d from wot at that time. So coming back now I dont feel the change :)
You are funny. I put my chaffe crew in it and guess what? After all this time they are in a tank actually capable of staying invisible. Camo nerf had no effect whatsoever. The only thing I see as a big nerf in this is the reverse speed nerf I use that a lot. DPM nerf? Still good enough… Dispersion? Aim maybe? Oh terrain resistance may or may not have an effect.
there is no camo nerf on light tanks. only TDs
like M4 sherman is not fun anymore ? Now you can’t beat the KV1 ..1v1..
If you go head to head with a heavy, trading blows you should not expect to beat it. It is not the tactic to use, either in a medium or a tank destroyer.
NOTHING at t5 can win a 1v1 with a kv1 unless they have a serious hp advatage or the kv1 is an idiot. The only way that i have been beaten 1v1 in kv1 is when i was low health or did something stupid. But thats just cos the kv1 is OP. Most other t5 heavys can be beaten by t5 mt/tds.
Aha… I have won 1 vs. 2 in Pz.Kpfw. III against 2 full hp KV-1. 1 vs 1 against a kv-1 is actually quite easy in fast tank it’s traverse & turret traverse suck.
My LUCHS has beat KV-1s before, simply by out turning him and ensuring that he cannot point that gun at me….
Lol you mean like my M7? I EAT KV-1 for breakfast! NOM NOM!
and if I can’t circle them, I outviewrange them with my 380m viewrange! the KV-1 is really poor when alone. it gets its strength from good players, and close combat with a lot of hard cover.
the bdr can dispatch of a KV-1 in 3 shots….
hell, the T1 can out dpm it
the churchill has more than enough pen to deal with it
Ahem…AT 2…
i ramed a kv1 in my kv220 he blew up lol
Jesus it nearly seems that WG killed the Hellcat with this nerf….you people should stop whining that tank was op just look at other TDs like the Jackson…the Jackson is a great TD but it gets overlooked by the Hellcat, easy to understand why, the Jackson is slower and the armor is very unreliable…
Hellcat will still be a great T6 but just not a overpowered one
Tbh i love when people who play op tanks start whining its so funny
All non amourd tds are dead, and sniper tanks also. Every map change/new map wg makes is useless for tds, as there is no sniper spots/bushes to stay hidden. You canot get engagements that allow a sniper to snipe effectivly, ie, get more than one shot off, stay hidden and have a effective line of fire. It now only the maps that have not been changes since cca 8.9 that snipers are effective. And all the td playes now rely on pure tank OP-ness and all the tds that have had some degree of success are all gonna be nerfed to death sooner or later. This time its the hellcats turn, when the jackson starts to be successful, it will die in a hole. If poeple want no invissible tanks just delete tds/snipers form the game, and kill scouts while your at it. Thanks wg! Just what we all wanted in patch 9.3!
I can so tell these winners are heavy users of the hellcat,
“The hellcat isn’t op” the hell it is,
So you don’t call reversing out of cover taking a shot and it hitting dead on almost every time not op, how many tanks on tier 6 can move and shoot with same accuracy as when there sitting still fully aimed, you’ll find none that can hence the hard nerf to accuracy when moving and turning the turret, so no popping out of cover and taking on target snap shots and Milan your the perfect example for a reason to have it nerfed.
WG wouldn’t nerf it if it didn’t need it and it is. Its to prevalent in games, I don’t think I can recall a battle recently that I didn’t at least see one, and the amount of hellcat players iv seen with 60% or more wr in games is ridiculous, more evidence of op’edness. So I think a nerf is fully deserved.
Part of the reason they’re nerfing it probably also has to do with the incoming light tanks. As in, if it behaves too much like a light tank, and isn’t actually a light tank, then it’ll probably get hit with a nerf. This is most likely to make the light tanks stand out more and to give more people a reason to have them.
Moving and shooting is what LT’s are for, Hellcat is a TD, so nerf.
Bye, funny friend. But nerfing OP tanks is the good way if the skill has to be the difference.
They are going to ruin one of the best tanks in the game. Nobody is going to play it anymore…
yep, same with Obj. 268.. I’ve played it like twice since the nerf (not counting CWs)
And? Less campers, better gameplay.
On the contrary. “Camping” is a legitimate strategy. Its good to have a variety of different game styles to choose from within one game. If you didn’t, the game would get boring as hell very quickly. For WoT to be an interesting game, you need tankers, flankers, and yes, snipers (invisitank campers to all you whiners). The only problem with camping snipers comes when the entire team is made up of campers, or when people in tanks not meant to snipe (like KV-1Ss) camp in the back and try to snipe instead of fulfilling their appropriate role.
It is a pet peeve of mine when people whine and bitch about legitimate snipers in games like this. And I seriously hate how Wargaming has been pandering to the whiners lately and have started a trend of breaking sniping tanks and taking away their cover and/or fields of fire. I’m not complaining about this hellcat Nerf exactly, but about the direction WG is taking in general lately. I see no problem with a player getting creamed by invisible snipers if they’re stupid enough to blunder out into the open. Such mechanics make the game more interesting because it requires the players to think more tactically…
Seems to be really stronk nerf.
And totally deserved one.
“- reverse speed nerfed from 20 to 12 km/h”
This alone already is a huge nerf…it greatly reduces the ability to back down into cover once spotted.
Generally, while a nerf was needed, i fear that it may have been overdone. I’m by no means a Hellcat fan but WG generally seems to have a habit of using nerf sledgehammers instead of doing small incremental changes and simply to wait how these work out.
They could simply have done one or two of the points on the nerf list in 9.1, in 9.2 and so on each and then collected data on how these affected the performance of the tank. Doing them all at once seems excessive to me.
yep, they did the same with Obj. 268 and now I don’t wan’t to play it anymore….
Agree, on the other hand Hellcat can be played nearly same way as T20 with even better efficiency as long as it is able conserve HP. Cause T20 can abuse terrain and bushes same way, spot it’s own targets, reverse fast to cover, but it has worse dpm and accuracy loss on the move despite using vstab and agility is not stellar. I feel this is not completely fair. And T20 is one of the best mediums / scout at tier 7. I played slightly over 1000 games with Hellcat with 59-60%wr, it become boring and i dont regret nerfs, cause grinding tier 6 with any other tank is quite painful. Cromwell, VK3002M, Type58 are good as well, but its nearly impossible to outplay Hellcats/KV1S if they have some clue how to play.
Its quite sad that Jackson is worse at everything that matters except ammo capacity.
Yup, now this supposedly mobile and light (weight wise) vehicle will reverse slower than the two tier X German super heavies. WG Logic.
It’s not done to be realistic, it’s done to keep people from playing Hellcat like a T20 in tier 6.
It was done for ahistorical reasons.
Pretty much.
But then again WG likes playing Flavor of the Month. Keeps people grinding and paying.
^ This! No more nerf sledgehammers please, WG!
it is all because of the whiners..they don’t get that u have to have a good tanks in the fkn tech tree not just tier x..don’t agree with this shit and i didn’t have problem with other hellcats or kv1s’s..as a said it is all about whiners that don’t now how to play
well both Kv1s and the hellcat easily outclassed every other T6 so yes the nerf is needed
It is not about having problem facing these. They are just way better than the other vehicles same tier so they deserve the nerf. What is hard to understand? Ask ARL V39 drivers how they feel against KV1S and Hellcats….
I bet your butthurt is only because you statpad in these, slicing defenseless tomatoes and now your fun is over.
6 hellcats on each side and 4 kv1s each side.. yeah.: its kinda needed.
Biggest nerf is probably the reverse speed, no more peek a bo with the gun depression and troll turret front
yeah. now arty will wreck this thing even more becouse 12km/h reverse speed is just terrible.
Troll turret front? The hellcat doesn’t have anything behind the mantlet, it’s just a hole, the Jackson, however, actually does have turret armor behind most of the mantlet, the tough front belongs to it, not the Hellcat.
Bringin this tank in line with other tanks makes it more fair. If that tank wouldn’t be overpowered you wouldn’t see it all the time in T5-7 matches. Same goes for KV-1S
f#&k WG with their nerfs already…the game used to be so great with all the stronk tanks and good players back in 7.5 and less …
Good players don’t need “stronk tanks” to play good,
With your comment its seems your prob a poor player who plays op tanks to seem good.
True skill players can play any tank.
Yeah I know. The V39 was so amazing. too bad they didn’t nerf it. ;)
dis tonk iz deaded
Only after my SPG shells rain down upon it will it be “dead”.
So, after the KV-1S buff, we’ll drive just one tank? Cool.
SU-100 will rule tier 6
Na, KV-85, Cromwell and VK3002M will.
SU-100 could already beat a KV-1S in a straight up fight. It 2 shots most things in its tier. And has no problems when bottom tier either…
Killed two T8′s, a T7, and a KV-1S the other day in my SU-100. One of the T8′s and the KV-1S were fired at while I was on the move…laser-guided shells, anyone?
Kv-1S buff? when? it’s getting nerfed.
^^This one aint the sharpest tool in the shed.
Cromwell is now king, nothing will touch it.
I cri evrytiem. .-.
What about the ridiculous camo values?
In ideal conditions (sitting in a bush with camonet, spotting and nailing tanks over range) only thing that will change is DPM. Acting as a medium in a pinch will get a lot harder but I think that in its main role this tank stays lulzy good.
Good that I researched T25/2 day before yesterday.
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WG logic is just bullshit they take probably fastest american tank of WW and turn it into slow piece of shit, i loved hellcat for its speed but now only thing you can do is camp like moron becouse you will get circled by turretless tds
They should remove their dream tank t25/2 replace it with hellcat with historical speed and make t25/2 tier VI with whatever stats they want.
A hellcat at tier VII? It would not be a TD anymore : the T20 has the same cannon.
Dude, the hellcat in real life only ever had 350 horsepower, the stock engine in game is 360, and the top engine is 460, so it’s way more mobile in the game than it really should be. Also, the Hellcat only ever had the M1A2 and stock turret as well, the 90mm and the turret it’s in were from a canceled upgrade project.
The Jackson however, did actually have a 450 HP engine, it only has 420 in game, and it did actually have the 90mm.
If you want something for zipping around in, then either get a light tank or beg WG to make the Hellcat a high tier light tank, and to replace it with yet another fake American turreted TD.
The IRL Hellcat was capable of up to 90 MPH in bursts. I’m not saying you’re wrong about the historical horsepower values, but the Hellcat was definitely very fast and mobile. I saw one move with my own eyes at this year’s Tankfest at Paine Field in Everett, Washington. Driver punched the throttle and the Hellcat quite literally tried to pop a wheelie.
Onother Stat-Padders Vehicle gone.. next? KV-1S plz..!
That’s what they’re doing, actually. KV-1S will apparently be nerfed in the same patch.
Good. Invisible Hellcat and say goodbye.
You people defend the Hellcat do not understand how annoying it is especially in the end of the game. It’s VR+ it’s camo rating is extremely unfair to the people trying to find it. Jackson deserve some love, not all HC and KV-1S in T6 anymore.
and tell me with 12mm of armor what would u do..as i said it’s this kind of people that a nerf is for,,gg WG keep on destroying tanks like that and put shit like wt e100 in game so that mupetts can do some damage
How is WTE100 different from Hellcat? You camp with both of them like the muppet you talk about.
No more statpading for you retard, go play CGC and prove some skillz.
BTW, all this whine is ridicolous. Hellcat will still be one of the best T6. Just not by a mile like now. So you can keep slicing your tomatoes on T6. Congrats on that.
They just don’t realize just how good the Hellcat still is after the “nerffs”. With rammer and food there is hardly much of a change going on.
Pingback: Z supertestu: STRONK nerf Hellcata | WizjerCzołgisty.pl - Codzienny blog gry World of Tanks
Seems no change from the earlier leak.
Seriously, that doesn’t seem THAT bad.
Preparing for T56 Scorpion? >->
World of Camping (like coward shit noobs) , Wolrd of Rage (stupid noob players with no brain) and World of Idiots (stupid fuck suiciders) … this combined is WORLD OF TANKS … well done WG for this game … full of idiots, robots and whiners combined with “strong” SERVERS …
why dont you quit then, retard
why should I ??? why should I care about idiots ??? I don’t give a shit about idiots … My message was a comment on WG acts … I put tooo many cash in this game to care about idiots … and I am not your retard … frustrated noob
you probably forgot to take your daily morning chill pill, do it now and stop bother others with your senseless whining. Thank you very much.
Just check his account. He has padded/sealclubbed in every class.
Light tanks: 557 battles in Loltractor
Medium tanks: 425 battles in broken Matilda
Heavy tanks: 513 battles in KV-1S
TDs: 417 battles in FCM 36 Pak 40
Hard case of a padder and now he’s probably mad cause WG is nerfing Hellcat(he has 380 battles in it btw) Typical pubbie playing overperforming tanks to create a fake image of being “good” while he actually sucks dicks and now is mad about it.
I love how you didn’t mention arty.
So many tears :D
So? Now Jackson will be better option at Tier6?
Hellcat is still very mobile and with one of the best camo out there.
“one of the best camo out there” that’s worse than most of the TDs at it’s own tier, right?
It’s not “very” mobile. Even on live, right now, it’s ground resistance is terrible, it’s track traverse is slow, and it never reaches it’s listed top speed (that’s below historical anyway) without a very long straight-away with a moderate decline…
The M4A3E8 is, in general, more mobile than the M18. And it’ll be even worse after these nerfs.
Pingback: Zmiany Hellcat
tbh the most imba thing about hellcat – abusing camo and viewrange with combination of reasonable DPM, doesnt change that much. Yeah, DPM is nerfed, rightfully so, but other strong aspects of the tank remains. They are just nerfing its role as a medium tank, which is good, because its almost as good as cromwell or T-34-85 in this role. Stop fucking whining and saying the tank is “dead”.
they fucked FOCH (how the fuck can a tier 10 TD have a tier 9 engine???) , the fucked WT, OBJ 268 and many other tanks … but I still see them in battle (people don’t give a shit about nerfs because a good/great player will adapt) … I still play with this tanks and I will play also with KV1S and KV85 and HELLCAT because are tanks fun to play … BUT I WILL ADAPT MY BATTLE STRATEGY AND I AM SURE THAT I WILL STILL HAVE MY WR GOOD/GREAT ON THIS TANKS
foch with a t9 engine? explane a GW-typ E with a t9 engine lol
Good bye agressive play. Welcome camping bush hiding sneaky as fuck hellcats.. now u will never see what killed u.. only nerf is reverse speed.
good comment … well done man … exactly that will become … a TD in a bush played by whiners!
So true. And. So called good players will still be good at it. These bit lower stat whiners will suffer. I dont mind the nerfs like i said only reverse is bit annoying
People who know how to really play tank destroyers will still do very well in it. Those that used it as a “drive by shooter” will have to either learn or move on.
I can’t help but think that it is not just being nerved for game play balance reasons. Is WG trying to make the game a little, tiny bit more realistic, more historical in an effort to reduce the impact of war thunder. After all WG’s attempt at historical battles was such an abject failure, due in no small part to the way that the vehicles are modelled.
No, they’re probably doing it to keep the light tanks from being overshadowed by other tanks that aren’t light tanks. I say this since 9.3 is, apparently, the patch that light tanks finally get some love, and this sort of change does make a lot of sense in that regard, as does the KV-1S change as well, for similar reasons.
“I say this since 9.3 is, apparently, the patch that light tanks finally get some love”
Or is it? The Chaffee, the last tier V scout, got murdered in this patch.
No it didn’t, it’s top gun and turret are from the T37, which is going to be tier VI.
I was anticipaditng 6tier rebalance but now i’m starting to fear it.
We’ll get 1694dpm Hellcat while at the same time kv-85 with 100mm will have 1901dpm comparatively (1821base dpm, sadly no value for hellcat – current value for kv-1s with 122mm is 1462,5 base dpm).
I know that dpm is not everything and hellcat needs a nerf but it’s about whole tier balance, with tank companies in mind. Oh, and if we are on it, make up your mind on lights – they are allowed on 1lvl stronghold but not on companies. Just rebalance them too, so they get normal MM and entry on companies, now it is like you keep dual standard…
What why Nerf the hellcat? It was StuG III’s only reasonable enemy, now StuG will just eat hellcat alive! Haha poor kitties.
Stug? Really? A 350 HP tier5 destroyer is the nemesis of the t6 highly mobile turreted killer machine on tracks?
Where is your pills?
Maybe he’s pointing at stugs camo and last time i saw it in battle it had some crazy rof as well.
The fact that you think the M18 is “highly mobile” is kind of funny.
now can i yolo hellcats in e-25 mwahaha
Yes WG, nerf Stug. It’s obviously overperforming. Seriously, because of morons like you people refer to FTR as For the Retards.
Uhh…the person you replied to didn’t reference the StuG at all.
To be honest, the Jackson needed some love, now it has the DPM advantage over the Hellcat, for the first time actually making it a viable choice (after all, why would you trade the superb mobility for some so-called “extra armor” that is irrelevant anyhow?)
Also, I wasn’t really bothered by Hellcats that much, IMO only stronk players could turn it into a nightmare on tracks (although the “pop from a ridge, take a snapshot then disappear instantly” play was insanely frustrating, more so since the Hellcat has a gun mantlet that can stop ST-I gun shells *True Story*)
The M36 needs the Ford GAA.
That’s ALL it needs.
The addition of 100 more horsepower would change the way it played and would be amazing for the M36.
Why it doesn’t have the Ford GAA is mind-boggling considering it’s right across the tree on the M4A3E8 and the Ford GAA was the engine the vast majority of M36 GMCs left the factory with…
The problem in tier 6 TDs is not “OP” hellcat, is the total crap TDs you can find here… see JgPIV and his bad gun selection, or ARL39 and his crap miniturret that doesnt help a TD with bad armor and bad hulldown and average mobility… Churchill TD with gun in a low position in a big and tal flat casemate (that kills his hulldown) in a slow vehicle, AT8 that is horrible out of flat combat with his easy weakspots on top… and the one in hull… for me in the tier only 3 TDs are competitive, USA TDs and sU-100 and well i can add from premiums Dmax that is a looooot better than the regular option.
Over this crap nerf why not buff underperformance TDs in tier 6??? they “nerf” KV-1s giving it more firepower and better armor (yep, think that KV-85 frontal hull offers less weakspots than KV-1s) but Hellcat nerf touch every main areas, even more the reverse nerf is the MOST STUPID NERF i see in a lot time… a non armored vehicle based in mobility with less reverse speed than practically all meds and hevies in tier??? no coments.
As pure TD jackson is now better and it can go to close combat…. in urban maps Jackson have a chance to fight unlike hellcat and this is pre-nerf.
Is so hard do small buffs-nerfs and test them around 1 year to have balanced vehicle and dont do this crap ultra nerfs/buffs??? really i want know where WG finds the monkeys for balance area.
Nashorn is much slower Hellcat w/o turret. Also all the map reworks are changing the game meta into brawling and gl brawling with Nashorn.
well, lets wait and see what will be the final nerf, shall we? as someone pointed out – only MT aspect of the Hellcat was nerfed, TD aspect is still the same – double bushing, shoot on the very edge of the draw range – and you are golden. The problem is that WGs policy of “dumbification” of the maps you won’t find too many suitable maps to play TDs and hellcat in particular these days. another day i had about 70% city maps all evening. FUcking Himmelsdorf in two incarnations, bloody Kharkov, Ensk and stuff….
anyway if it’s gonna be unbearable i can always switch to T49 which is now gonna be even more OP than ever
I never saw the Hellcat as having any real MT aspect.
Comparing it to medium tanks:
Mobility: The M4A3E8 is far more mobile. Listed top speed isn’t as high but it’s effectively more mobile.
Turret Traverse: 16*/sec vs 39*/sec. ‘Nuff said
Protection: M18 can be reliably penetrated by the T7 Combat Car. The M4A3E8 cannot be.
Firepower: M18 has higher alpha and penetration. M4A3E8 has hugely superior DPM.
The ONLY medium tank aspect the M18 possessed was it’s view range. Which was really the only thing about it that was even REMOTELY overpowered. And it’s not being changed….
Completely deserved nerf lets be honest the Hellcat was a beast now its still good but not the OP tank is was before.
All they needed to do was nerf the gun depression by 2 or 3 degrees. Hellcats are not OP, since nearly anything can penetrate their hulls frontally with HE ammo and set them on fire by a couple of shots. The only problem is their gun depression which makes them almost invincible when coupled with their camo factor.
Nerf gun depression? Lol. Great suggestion. Not. Better suggestion is to get rid of the 90mm, and have a Tier 7 Hellcat with the 90mm.
This then allows the ahistorical T25/2 “TD” to actually be used in the tech tree as the medium tank that it was.
I don’t know almost anything about it from the historical standpoint. I am simply talking about gameplay. Nerf of the gun depression would make it more vulnerable when employing its strongest tactics which is the reason that it is being called OP. It’s as simple as that. More numbers one changes when balancing something – more risk not hitting the right balance in the end.
Its gun depression is not its main problem since using hull down tactics is why it has -10 degrees in the first place since it needs to pop out of cover, shoot, and get back in cover quickly since it has no armour at all. Nerfing gun depression would kill the Hellcat immediately. It would be like the one time WG decided to nerf the gun depression of ALL the US heavies which essentially destroyed them.
It’s main problem is the camo and view range combination. Nerf either one to bring it in line.
Funny how a vehicle designed to relocate on a moment’s notice and be super-flexible on the battlefield now has to “plan it’s relocation better”.
The M18 is called OP because it can spot for itself while remaining invisible.
All it needed was a slight nerf to it’s camo and a slight nerf to it’s view range and it would have been fine.
Except for The Half second reload nerf I don’t see much changed for the stationary Hellcat shooting slow or stationary targets. The big change now is you will be punished now for getting caught without being prepared… So now you are bad at scouting and you have to plan your relocation better
It needs more nerfs. Keep the mobility (its Hellcat after all), reduce viewrange and camo -> balanced.
If you nerf the view range and camo, some of the listed nerf must go like the reverse speed.
Reducing the view range and camo were the ONLY nerfs needed.
The rest of the nerfs are retarded and don’t actually tackle the issue.
Another great tank, ruined. I mean, I can understand that the Hellcat was pretty damn good and needed to be toned down a bit, but this is over the top.
The SPG nerffs was “over-the-top” this stuff for the hellcat is nothing by comparison.
over the top? and what exactly is so horrible that the tank is “ruined”? Jeez.
Reverse speed is nerfed
Terrain resistance is nerfed
It still can’t achieve it’s actual listed top speed
DPM is nerfed
So now you have the most mobile gun platform in WWII that was already pretty bad mobility wise, now it’s even worse. The reverse speed was cut in half so you can no longer quickly retreat after firing. There are heavy tanks with faster reverse speeds… The DPM is now lower than the M6.
All that the M18 needed was a small nerf to the view range and a small nerf to the camo so it couldn’t spot for itself while staying hidden. That was ALL it needed.
Funny how neither of the things that NEEDED to be nerfed actually got nerfed. So people will still bitch about being spotted by invisible Hellcats and it’ll get nerfed even more.
” Ouch ! “
So a potato like you can’t abuse it anymore. That’s why.
They need to nerf it more, not enough people crying yet.
can my hellcat (that i just unlocked 3 weeks ago) have a realistic top speed of ~105km/h ? yes/ no?
IF not, can it go ~105km/h with the stock turret?
105 kph is realistic? Hunnicutt lists the maximum speed on level road as 50 mph, or 80 kph
Which is still faster than it is ingame, where it’s listed at 72kph (because of old, outdated limitations) and the fastest it’ll ever see on a looooong flat surfaces is about 55kph.
And that was before the resistance nerfs.
Then Hunnicutt is wrong. The Hellcat was capable of 60 MPH cruising, 90 MPH bursts, though it rarely if ever reached those speeds. The high power of the Hellcat was intended more to allow it to relocate quickly.
Am I the only one who never thought Hellcat to be OP? Probably yes. Though I guess it might be op in the hands of unicums.
It isn’t really OP beyond the camo/view range aspect of it which is annoying at most.
I’m grinding a Type 58 right now, so I’m smack dab in the middle of KV-1S/Hellcat “hell” and I don’t have a problem with the M18 at all. I dread the KV-1S because it can zap most of my health off in a moment. I don’t fear the M18 because I can kill it in 15 seconds. Or less if I can ram it…
It’s one of the few vehicles ingame that’s actually balanced well. It’s strengths and weaknesses are are properly balanced. The “stats” that people try to use to prove it’s broken (“OMG BADS PLAY AVERAGE IN IT!!!”) tells me that it’s a balanced vehicle.
After this, it’s weaknesses will outweigh it’s strengths.
I witnessed something funny yesterday. My Type 58, which is bone stock, an elited Cromwell and an elited M18 all started at the south base on Himmelsdorf and headed for the hill. We both beat the M18 up the hill.
“Mobility”. Lol.
If you beat the Hellcat up the hill…WG has truly built a non-historical Hellcat. :P