Hello everyone,
well, as you probably noticed from the previous post, WG EU September roster got leaked. Again. So, you’ll be probably happy to hear that you will be able to get the Type 62 and KV-220 as well.
1.9.-1.10. “Monthly missions”
A special event to grind for a “very exclusive” KV-220 – moral of the story: if WG tells you that a tank is “exclusive”, don’t buy it. Ever. You’ll get it for free later on.
Light tank missions
- deal 12k damage, spot for 12k spotting damage, destroy 5 enemy tanks and gain 12,5k base XP (x2, prem bonus don’t count) in a tier 5+ light tank, get 2000 XP bonus, once per day
- complete the mission above 5 times, get 1 day of prem account
- complete the mission 10 times, another 1 day of prem account
- complete the mission 15 times, another 1 day of prem account
- complete the mission 25 times, get KV-220 + garage slot
Medium tank missions
- deal 20k damage, destroy 25 enemy tanks and gain 13,5k base XP (x2, prem bonus don’t count) in a tier 6+ medium tank, get 2000 XP bonus, once per day
- complete the mission above 5 times, get 1 day of prem account
- complete the mission 10 times, another 1 day of prem account
- complete the mission 15 times, another 1 day of prem account
- complete the mission 25 times, get Type 62 + garage slot
ASIA server has the same event as well, just with a slightly different rules.
Did you just double post this? Or did you remove it from a few days ago?
Edit: Aah, now its for eu , and not only for ru. I though that was already the case.
But no.
Asia are more like RU than EU
Destroy 625 tanks…. muhaha.
No thanks.
Anyway, FUCK WG. They couldn’t restore my KV-220-Beta… Incompetent debiles.
They restored my Tetrarch without problem. Love the support, they did a great job.
When I wanted to restore my beta Sherman they replied:
Witaj Czołgisto,
niniejszym Twemu kontu została odpisana kwota 250 000 kredytów a czołg Premium został przywrócony.
Pamiętaj proszę, że była to jednorazowa opcja, dlatego radzimy zachowywać szczególną ostrożność podczas zarządzania czołgami Premium.
Jeżeli miałbyś dodatkowe pytania lub natknąłbyś się na jakiś problem, pisz śmiało a my postaramy się Ci pomóc :)
Serdeczne pozdrowienia,
Michal Gordon
Wargaming.net Customer Support Service
I’m Hungarian and I wrote my ticket in English… they replied in Polish and gave me a german premium B2…
Are you serious?
I still have that garbage.
they gave me back the M4A2E4 Sherman(Beta tank) interesting they didn’t give you it back but i wouldn’t mind the B2 it’s not being sold anymore.
Not worth the effort and time.
It is. Guess why the missions are so hard ..
if ur grinding some t6+meds or t5+ lights its possible to get these and its worth becose u get free bonus for grinding
Not even close. You have to do this 25 out of 30 days. You must be high if you think wasting THAT much time to get a pretty eh premium light tank or super meh KV-220.
its doable, but the “once per day” killed it for me.
n problem do it 4-5x times in weekend, but no way im playing this much during business days…
not hard. the tier 8 prem missions were hard….
so 13.5k tank xp, and did i get it wrong but also the 2000 free xp (the one that can be exchanged for gold)?
not free xp, tank dependent xp.
but what 2000 xp bonus means? what did he mean by that?
You just get +2000xp on the vehicule you are playing when you complete the mission.
When you finish the mission, on the battle that you get it done you get 2000 extra XP for that battle.
For example (700XP + 350XP prem) * 2 daily double + 2000XP bonus = 4050XP from battle.
Perfect for grinding Centurion line
I have nearly finnished it
Isn’t WG always saying that this game is made for familly dad archetype? These missions are clearly not…
Too bad. I’d love to get the type 62 one day.
Daddy can just shove his credit card through the screen and buy the damn tanks when they’re available. A freeloader can grind his ass off and get it for “free”.
The game is family guy friendly, it doesn’t mean the missions are. These are for players who can’t/won’t buy gold.
Only very good players or unikums can get the 220 and type-62, “family dads” not only lack of skills but time too, to complete this missions.
I rather buy that “very exclusive” KV-220, sooner or later it WILL appear in the gift shop again for 30 euro
(following WGs logic, in early october)
And there is no much reason to buy KV-220 unless:
a) you are a collector
b) you have some fetish on KV.
Well, that my opinion but there are more better premium out there.
gotta own them all pokemon!
that true lol
Is the Type62 mission really that hard?
Given the fact, that I have more then 3k avg. dmg/1000XP and 2 kills/game on all my T10 meds I would need like 13 Wins a day. With my 75% WR due to platooning it makes like 17 games a day. 20 tops when all goes wrong. 5 minutes a game it makes an hour/day and I would be playing T10 meds anyway. I am away for two weekends but I still can make it easilly.
What WG gives me is basically a FREE Type62. Thank you WG.
Light tank mission is way more demanding and not worth it, because there is no way tomatoes will shoot anything I spot.
if you are indeed the Uber Supper unicum you declare yourself to be we would expect you to find it easy!! but 75% WR Puts you in the 99.99% + percentile
What can I say. Its easy for good players, hard for tomatoes. And thats the way how it should work – rewarding skilled player for their suffering on randoms. Also when I know I will be away for certain days I can ask my friends to fill for me a few times. Its really not that difficoult.
It’s not so hard if you are willing to play for at least 25 days. If you miss any 6 days in the month for some reason you can forget about the reward tanks.
It’s not so much a challenge of skill but challenge of logistics, to make sure you will be able to play, that nothing unexpected will happen, nothing will break down, ect.
the misions are a joke… no-life style
my only chance is that stronkhold mode works for the misions and i start to play with the 13/90
Let see:
in a tier 5+ light tank
deal 12k damage – Might be able do that with the auto loaders.
spot for 12k spotting damage – Is doable, but only if your team supports you.
destroy 5 enemy tanks – Easy.
12,5k base XP (x2, prem bonus don’t count) – This is just grinding.
Do this 25 times for the KV-220?
Hell no. This is going to push people of the lights tanks.
This might work in tandem with the new light lines, else I do not see this happening much.
The 12k spotting damage is gonna be a killer unless you’re platooning for the specific reason of getting spotting damage. Relying on others to hit targets? Yeah..
Do somebody know, what will be the amount of gold if i already have Type 62 in my garage and i got complete this mission? I cant find the right tank price….
Wiki says 4,800 gold. http://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Tank:Ch02_Type62
so basically asia gets a week longer then the EU to do the same…
LT mission get a HT.
MT mission get a LT.
Hell I thought I was the only one bothered by that :D
Man Mode engaged:
Obtain KV-220 using only the Awful Panther!
It is not man mode, it is a masochist mode. ;p
Pingback: WoT: Type 62 und KV-220 in der Monatsausfgabe › ZockerOnkel
Guess every day I play I’ll get the missions done. That said, 5 days travelling and 7 shifts of 24 hours each means I won’t be able to play enough days. Seems I’m out then. At least I can cash in some bonus XP and a premium day here and there.
Mmmm ok i want the Type 62
But that’s a lot of daily playing with no chance to make it up at weekends!! would prefer a to have to get 625 kills and the XP over 1 month not 25 kills and 13.5k damage on 25 days as i can often cane it at the weekends. Will give it a go as i was planning on playing Playing Centurion 1 and the 7/1 next month a lot anyway! But am pretty sure i wont make it.
Hope it could be done a skirmishes. Will start grinding the US LT line, but until than it would be great use box collecting time to get toward the KV.
The Type is a piece of cake since already grinding 5 tanks that count toward the mission goal.
I really wan’t that Type 62, been enjoying the Chinese Tanks/Lights right now.
But man, 25 times? That’s pretty hardcore… I’ll try the first few days and see if I can actually manage that mission, guess I’ll have to stop grinding my other tanks that month and only play my current grinding meds. Might work out and have to do some work with all the lines anyway.
“- complete the mission above 5 times, get 1 day of prem account
- complete the mission 10 times, another 1 day of prem account
- complete the mission 15 times, another 1 day of prem account
- complete the mission 25 times, get KV-220 + garage slot”
so, 25 times to get the KV-220 or 5+10+15+25 = 55 times to get the kv-220 ?!?
How would that even be possible when you can do that mission once a day?
THINK dude.
you’re right :/
The only logic in this is if you keep your mission completion from the first one and it counts for the rest. Finished first mission in 5 days & you need only five for the second one and so on. WG and mission descriptions :D .
Better to buy those tanks .. not worth the time.
Anyway.. thats also a way to see more broken (gameplay) scouts in the game lol..
Am I dreaming or the RU server KV-220 mission did NOT involve spotting damage as well?
Oh well, I guess it’s time to finish that 2nd skill on the ELC crew. Sad that it’s the only Tier 5+ LT I own (also reason why I want the KV-220, not the Type 62, not keen on Chinese LTs)
kv220 not need. type 62 maybe but no i will not make those misions to many time it will take. I have more intresting things to do ;)
Doubtful I will manage to finish that MT mission 25 times (seriously, 20 would be more manageable), however that 2k bonus exp looks very nice, will help to get through Chi-Ri grind faster <3.
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So basically if someone has a job or, y’know, any time requirements on their life at all at all they can’t win these.
Someone at WG clearly hasn’t done their math or somehow believe we’re all jobless layabouts with nothing better to do.
It’s so simple to solve this too. Just add up the total amount they want us to do and make it one giant counter, rather thasn going OK THATS ENOUGH FOR TODAY COME BACK TOMORROW TO DO IT ALL AGAIN.
That way people could play when they have time, use their free days fully and not worry about losing out on one day that makes it impossible because the game won’t let them use their time freely. This is just utterly moronic, the way it’s been designed.
Not a lot sense add the 12000 damage spot and damage deal for lights… or one thing or other but not 2!!! if you deal damage you are not going to do spot… and oposite.
Yeah it doesn’t make much sense I am never getting these done. Also why does the medium unlock the light and the light the heavy.
In fact, no.
I have studies, I have a gf and a life.
No prem tank for me. ^^
This is worst action, I have seen -_- 625 kills? WHAT A FUCKN’ WG!?!
I dont think its that hard actualy, i hate the Kv 220 Anyways so i dont have to play LT’s all the time and i got a WZ120 and 3 tier 6 MT’s so if i play them all day long it isnt that hard
What is the gold compensation for them?
Type 3500
KV 220 1500
Well cool then I kindly pass on the KV and go for the mediums I guess…
Looks like the mission for the KV-220 will be a royal pain in the ass. I mean, I love LTs, but damn.
For comparison I might complete the medium mission through normal play. Already have a type 62 though, so 3500 gold and a garage slot won’t go amiss.
wg giving for free two useless tanks. great.
I can’t say anything about the Type, but the KV-220 is an absolute beast and pubstomper.
is6 and spers worth more but those missions were not that hard
IS-6 and SP are tanks available for purchase with gold.
kv-220 and type 62 aren’t, which make them more rare and special.
Got it ?
Welcome to World of Grinds
I can not tell if WG just is contemptuous of it’s player base, or if WG just hates it’s players. Probably both.
Clearly it’s time for me to stop playing this game.
500k dmg, 625 tanks destroyed, 337,5k exp earned
In 25 battles
In 1 month
Retarded as fuck
Perfect mission for pure no-lifers
Not even a “mission” for regular players. Not to mention that you must add stronk MM that will ofc put you in noob teams in more that 60% of your battles
Lets do a lil calculating
In one day u need to get those with med t6+
-20k damage
-destroy 25 enemy tanks
-13,5k base XP
Now lets take the MM and all randomness
1) per 10 battles in 1 you will die at start cus of big mistake and battle is lost
2) per 10 battles in 5 you will have team of noobs = battle is lost, weak dmg/xp outcome
3) per 10 battles in 3 you will have regular battle
4) per 10 battles in 1 you will have epic battle
That gives us:
1) – 250 dmg, 0 kills, 200 exp (x1)
2) – 700 dmg, 1 kills, 350 exp (x5)
3) – 1,5k dmg, 2 kills, 700 exp (x3)
4) – 2,5k dmg, 5 kills, 1000 exp (x1)
So in 10 battles we have: 10750k dmg, 16 destroyed tanks, 5050 exp
To reach daily req u need 27 battles (20k dmg in 19 battles, 25 destroyed tanks in 16 battles, 13,5k exp in 27 battles)
We all know that MM is more a bitch so lets round this up to 30
In those 30 battles:
- 4 will last for full or almost full 15 minutes
- 6 will last no longer than 5 minutes cus of cap (as I see its getting more and more popular to rush and cap without any fight,,,)
- 10 will last 8 minutes
- 10 will last 12 minutes
That gives us 290 minutes – which is almost 5 hours. 5 hours per day for 25 days (take full 30 days, as I said MM is a bitch)
Conculsion – no sane person will play 5 hours in the same game (blah, no sane person will have the 5 hours daily to spend it for playing on PC). Not to mention that after 7-10 battles with noobs in a row most ppl will quit the game
you do realise you dont have to wait for the game to end when you’re dead but you’re free to choose another Med?
and by platooning and not rushing, staying in the back and deal dmg you can still do 1k dmg, even in a horrible loss. you just got to know when to stay back cause its lost anyways and when to do something cause its not lost yet.
I think i’ll be able to get the Type 62 with 1,5h of playing daily.
And as I play that much even without the mission I see it as a gift, which it basically is.
Who said about waiting ? All times I’ve written are to the point where you are dead/battle has ended with you alive.
“10 will last 12 minutes” doesnt mean “you died after 10 minutes but you were watching last 2 minutes”
It simply means that it took 12 mintues for whole battle to end with you alive. Or that you died at 12th minute. Doesnt matter
Yes, i’m totally gonna spend a whole fkn month playing this game(specially with those arta on track events) just to get crappy prem tank. Wtf were they thinking with those requirements?
That people like me might do this easy mission quickly once a day… In my m7 this is a breeze. (fav tank in game) if premiums are allowed like I think it said it was, I could break out the hydro!
SS do you have any idea whether this mission will be on US server as well?
Waaaay too hard this time. If people thought IS-6 mission or the NA T34 mission was hard, lol, think again. This one surpasses it easily.
Actually those missions were like taking a candy from a baby compared to this hell grind mission.
Ir would’va been worth it if they were offering a VK7201. Even then i would think twice about it.
LOL fk this shit!
Hell im gonna give it a go, i do have school and im coming back home at 1pm and have the rest of the day for tanking, i think primar concern here is 25 kills, you get those 25 kills and damage and xp comes with them :)
I’m definitely not spending nearly every day of the month playing WoT for 5-6 hours to complete that, I’ll only play with my Centurion to grind that FV4202 faster…
The med mission is a piece a cake, sadly the killstealing will be real rather would have seen 50k dmg per day, which is ultra-easy when you have tier10s.
Wow. WG is becoming lazy in not release a new tank for an “Free” tank event. If they keep going like this, the next thing you know they will give away is the Type 59.
I am so disappointed in them.
:/ not lazy. I’ve wanted a type 62 forever. now for them to announce it in US!
1-5 working hours more a month vs. 30-150 hours of grinding… better to buy and choose tanks i really like a day, than doing a line im not in mood for.