In 9.3, XP prices are likely to be as such:
- RU251: 92700 XP
- reworked Chaffee: 12480 XP
- T37 LT: 28100 XP
- M41 Walker Bulldog: 56300 XP
- T49: 101200 XP
- LTTB: 59150 XP
- T-54 Light: 96300 XP
In 9.3, XP prices are likely to be as such:
- RU251: 92700 XP
- reworked Chaffee: 12480 XP
- T37 LT: 28100 XP
- M41 Walker Bulldog: 56300 XP
- T49: 101200 XP
- LTTB: 59150 XP
- T-54 Light: 96300 XP
My free XP is READY
I have 101k free exp xD for that derp wagon. sadly its not enough xD Course ik lights will be depended on now. i wonder how big of a nerf will the veiw ranges will be for the rest of the classes xD however i welcome it makes lights important^^
100k XP sitting on AufklarungsPanther :)
DE FUCK O_O that is a terrible tank, how could you stand it for so long?
P.S.: Sorry for my language ;)
Actually i loved that tank.. equip it right you can ram 8 mediums and do more damage to them than to your selves
I’ve seen many considering it a very good light tank actually
My main problem is getting top damage and xp in tier 10 battles… and having teams of tomatoes, it’s a good tank but it can’t carry tier 10′s :(
>how could you stand it for so long?
Oh please, I have Leopard 1, and I unlocked it from shit panther, and still saving another 170k xp to open RU251. Okay, I forgot to unchecked shit panther xp on free exp conversion, so I need to collected another 60k exp again.
It’s a love & hate tank. It’s so shitty, it gave me 3k gold on previous event, and my most played LT
It’s so crappy as LT, I have fun to drive it when I successfully ramkilled batchat
I got 330k XP overall on that tank….
the tank is ok, if you know how to play it, i already got 75k
Nice to see I’m not the only one insane enough to have done this
There is a lot of us, I think. I’m basically ready for 9.3, only need about 10k more to farm on MT-25 :)
92 f*ing k XP on the Shittypanther…
It’s not that bad.
I am not a fan of LT in general but I quite like some of them. Especially I dislike the extreme dependancy on your team.
That tank is just, play once a day, if it is a win ok if not, try again tomorrow.
It is not a good tank imo and I have not much fun playing it. I accept that others do like it but I don’t.
Alot of people dislike the SP but I like it and drive it on 60% WR in over 600 games now.
Both those tanks I love.
Farmed 600k free exp in 2½ months, Im ready >:o
haw ? :o
Use crappy auto log bot.
Or have no life and play 16 h per day for 2 months i guess.
Average free exp per battle on 8 tier 1700 win/lose
10% – 170 is free xp.
So 600 000 / 170 = 3530 battles with 7 min average battle
=41 days of 10 h per day.
Possible but you really have to be bored or it is bullshit.
You have to double the number of battles…the free exp you get from a battle represents 5% of the total exp, not 10%.
It’s the Donkey. Don’t question the Donkey. Only I can do it.
Well my mistake. so 7000 battles XD yeah bot only , and with bot it would had to be like 20 000 battles ?
Gold conversion anyone?
I guess your nickname kinda explains your poor brain activity but imagine that people can double their tanks and then covert it to free xp for gold.
WOW, right?
If people are in a good clan and play ESL they can easily have thousands of gold/month and convertig this amount is only like over 20k gold so what you write is bullshit.
No bot, but tonns of elite tanks + 5x dailys
50k xp on chaffe and 100k free xp is ready ;)))
Any news about credits prices?
-.- just look prices on Chinese line ?
aufpanther is a pretty good tank, if you know how to get the most out of it.
i wish i had 20 million credits again so i could buy all these tonks….
but FV4202 is the first goal now
Will we get some sort of refund XP for the Chaffee?
That thing costed 55k XP!
Why should you? When Aufklaerungspanther was introduced with patch 8.5 on top of VK28.01 and the XP for 28.01 was halfed, we didn’t get any compensation for that, too.
That’s mostly because the 2801 was bumped up a tier. Here, however, the Chaffee’s staying at the same tier.
It’s amazing how many forget the VK2801 actually went up a tier. If you add up the new XP price for the new Chaffee, and the XP price of the T37, you still haven’t equalled the XP cost of the current Chaffee.
Instead of a discount, if your Chaffee is fully elite, they should count the T37 as researched.
Noone forgets that 2801 went up a tier…but that is no “bonus”, cause it kept the main relevant stats, with even a slight HP reduction, when going a Tier up.
Yeah, was good times with M5 <3
I have 90k on Afkl.Panther <3 :)
Well, I can stop grinding the M5 Stuart now, waited for this discount for a while XD
Got around 29k free xp myself. Gonna go straight to unlocking the chaffee then idk the remainder will prob be used on an engine or gun here or there that makes the stock feel unplayable. Shame I’ll never play the ridiculous current chaffee but fuck grinding 55k on the m5.
Over 100k exp on AFK Panther accumulated months ago. High time to use it. :)
Hmm…well, I’ll never experience the insanity of the current Chaffee, but now I see what I’m going to have to do when I finish my FV4202 grind, so I can go for the baby KV-2 (T49).
pocket KV :D
Thx for info. This was the last missing piece, so now I can grind in peace and not overgrind. ;)
Looks like I have way to much xp on my stuart :p
Why do so many of you have excess XP on your tanks instead of turning on accelerated crew training and getting their skills up? Its going to cost you a fortune in gold to convert into free xp
Be glad about that – WG gets more $$ from them, we will get more ingame content!
Profit :)
“WG gets more $$ from them, we will get more ingame content!”
Uh eh… Utopy
Only potato pays WG for gold. Every better player who is not braindead can earn enough in ESL/Clanwars/Events.
My 170k free xp is there only to help me grind the FV4202 faster once I can no longer endure playing this game. And I’m definitely not buying back AwfulPanther just for RU251.
40k Sitting on Chaffee I am ready.
61K. Now I am feeling silly…
LOL why the Chafee’s a little beast. Cant wait for the new US lights
I like how there are so many people bragging that they got more than 150k of free exp, All I am gonna say is Pics or it didn’t happen.
Well, there’s this guy from CHAI:
You know, it would be respectful to their customers if they gave unlocked T37 for having chaffee because of this nerf. It’s not that they don’t earn enough…
I prefer or have T37 with all modules researched except M41 or a refund in free xp… but well, WG is now WeareGreedy.
It would be respectful to give a premium tier 8 to everyone/nobody too…
Guys, don’t be greedy too ;) .
1. Free xp is out of option.
2. Since some of us actually played this tank, spent some xp to elite it, it would just be nice move – not a compensation by any means, because it still will be less xp and we still won’t get a tank that can jump into 11tier battle (and 12tier battle once upon a time it had been…) and i don’t expect any compensation – just what i said: nice move.
Agreed. I think they should give anyone who had the Chaffee fully elited before 9.3 the T37 fully upgraded (although we’d still have to spend the 900k+ credits to buy it).
I think the T37 should replace the Chaffee in the garage. If someone wants the tier 5 Chaffee they can rebuy it at the new cost.
No free tanks but no wasted exp either. Everyone’s happy.
As it is, KV-1S drivers are getting the KV-85 AND 800 gold worth of free crew training.
Chaffee drivers are getting a fat dick up their rectum.
Free xp… well lets do some maths.
Average i do 20.000 xp all days (some days more some less) 5% means 1000 free xp every day, now 365 days …. do your numbers.
Farm free xp for free is a question of average xp all days more than a rush in specials… but yes in old times i remember do in 5x over 20.000 free xp in a single day… now i am to old for this things.
PD: 463.000 free xp now in garage 0 from gold conversion… but i only plan use until 300.000 no more and if i can use less much better, free xp for me is not rush a tank jumping research… is more clever use the months before next patch… and the next interesting is 9.5 in last days of the year … more thna 4 months… 4×30=120.000 free xp you can do hehehe.
i’m gonna wait for my free prem tank (hopefully)
Shazam! Looks like I guessed the XP prices correctly. 100k sitting on my Awful Panther, 30k on the Chaffee and 60k on the MT. Now I just need to grind some credits so I can buy all three tanks after the update. Shame I’m only working on the mission for Type 62. I can see a lot of light tank playing happening this month.
100.000 exp for a tier 8 scout… Nope.gif
113k exp to get 1390, and noone cries about it. :)
You don’t have a choice there. If you want B-C, you need to grind 13 90. But here… well, there’re multiple choices.
I made 40 K rep on 13 90 in1 DAY ( premium ON )
And moved on to LORR 40 in a month
70k XP is waiting for the LTTB :)
43.000 XP down the drain on the chaffee. al this work for notting! thx very much WG.
120k XP on my Chaffee, here you go son.
So as expected, the previous cost of the M24 is enough to cover both the M24 AND the T37 and we’ll see none of it back and no T37 in our garage to replace what’s being taken away.
Thanks for the good, hard ass reaming, Wargaming!