9.3 Tank Writeup – KV-1S, KV-85, T-34-85M

Hello everyone,

the remaining “new” tanks from Patch 9.3 together.






Stock armor:


Elite armor:


XP price: unknown
Credit price: 410000 credits

Turret options: KV-1S, KV-122 Model 1944
Gun options: 76mm ZiS-5, 85mm S-31, 122mm S-41
Engine options: V-2K, V-2IS
Radio: 9R, 10R, 10RK

Tier: 5
Crew: 5 (Commander, Radioman, Driver, Gunner, Loader)
Health: 620/660
Ammorack health: 140
Armor (hull): 75/60/60
Armor (turret): 82/75/75 and 82/82/82
Maximum speed: 43/11
Viewrange: 320/340
Radiorange: 325/360/440

Weight: 42,83/43,895 tons
Engine: 500/600 hp (diesel, 15 percent chance of fire)
Elite power-to-weight: 13,668 hp/t
Hull traverse: 28/30
Turret traverse: 28 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 1,3/1,5/2,5 and 1,2/1,3/2,3

Gun: 76mm ZiS-5
PEN: 86/102/38
DAM: 110/110/156
Reload time: 4s
Aim time: 2,3s
Accuracy: 0,46
Depression: -5/+25

Gun: 85mm S-31
PEN: 119/159/43
DAM: 160/160/280
Reload time: 5s
Aim time: 2,5s
Accuracy: 0,42
Depression: -3,5/+15

Gun: 122mm S-41
PEN: 61/140 (HE is regular round, HEAT is gold)
DAM: 450/370
Reload time: 11,6s
Aim time: 2,9s
Accuracy: 0,58
Depression: -5/+20






Stock armor:


Elite armor:


XP price: unknown
Credit price: 900000 credits

Turret options: KV-85, KV-122 Model 1944
Gun options: 85mm D-5T, 100mm S-34, 122mm D2-5T
Engine options: V-2K, V-2IS
Radio: 9R, 10R, 10RK

Tier: 6
Crew: 4 (Commander/Radioman, Driver, Gunner, Loader)
Health: 820/870
Ammorack health: 160
Armor (hull): 75/60/60
Armor (turret): 100/90/90 (both)
Maximum speed: 34/14
Viewrange: 320/340
Radiorange: 325/360/440

Weight: 45,73/46,25 tons
Engine: 500/600 hp (diesel, 15 percent chance of fire)
Elite power-to-weight: 12,97 hp/t
Hull traverse: 28/30
Turret traverse: 28 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 1,1/1,3/2,3 and 1/1,1/2,1

Gun: 85mm D-5T
PEN: 120/161/43
DAM: 160/160/280
Reload time: 4,9s
Aim time: 2,7s
Accuracy: 0,38
Depression: -2,8/+23

Gun: 100mm S-34
PEN: 170/210/50
DAM: 250/250/330
Reload time: 7,6s
Aim time: 2,7s
Accuracy: 0,38
Depression: -3/+18,5

Gun: 122mm D2-5T
PEN: 175/217/61
DAM: 390/390/465
Reload time: 20s
Aim time: 3,6s
Accuracy: 0,5
Depression: -3/+20


This is an upcoming tier 6 premium Soviet medium tank. It will not appear for public in 9.3




The frontal hull armor is 75mm thick at 60 degrees (150mm EFF), the hatch is 100mm thick (200mm EFF). The machinegun port however is only 100mm EFF due to its bad slope. Frontal turret is 90mm, mantlet is 90mm as well and so is the cupola. Sides are 45mm.

Preliminary price is listed at 3750 gold.

Tier: 6
Crew: 5 (Commander, Radioman, Driver, Gunner, Loader)
Health: 720
Ammorack health: 140
Armor (hull): 75/45/45
Armor (turret): 90/75/52
Maximum speed: 53/20
Viewrange: 350
Radiorange: 525

Weight: 31,98 tons
Engine: 500 hp (V-2-34 diesel, 15 percent chance of fire)
Power-to-weight: 15,634 hp/t
Hull traverse: 40 deg/s
Turret traverse: 46 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 1,2/1,5/2,3

Gun: 85mm S-53
PEN: 126/167/43
DAM: 160/160/280
Reload time: 5,2s
Aim time: 2,5s
Accuracy: 0,42
Depression: -5/+25

87 thoughts on “9.3 Tank Writeup – KV-1S, KV-85, T-34-85M

      • Type 58 has only 128 mm of pen and VK3601 has 132 mm and they both get into tier VIII matches. The Comet has 140+ pen and VK3002DB has 132 pen and they get into tier IX matches.

        I see no reason why this tank shouldn’t face tier VIIIs.

          • It has amazing armor for a medium tank. Tier 6 med with 150 effective UFP? Angle that and no standard tier 6 AP can penetrate.

          • No sensible person uses the the Könisch-gun on the VK. The 88 has better DPM and enough pen against anything it faces.

            • Me and my 58.91% win rate in VK 30.01 (D) with 75 mm gun says hi.
              I have never driven it with the 88 though.

              • I have 61% after 100 games with my VK3601H, all of them played with Konisch before it got nerfed ;)

            • I change back and forth from time to time but I usually prefer the Konisch. I am obsessed with higher accuracy, higher rate of fire, and higher penetration using standard ammo. I only use the 88 when Im willing to load gold in it. People can complain about using gold but I dont feel overpowered using gold to get a gun with 171pen and 240 damage. That puts VK3601H/88 on equal footing with ARL44 and KV-1S.

      • Tell that to jgpz 4. No, this tank is perfectly good with normal mm, giving it a preferential one would just make it too good.

        • pen is not the only problem.. mobility, top speed, armor/magic bounce , accuracy ( 0.42 is a bad joke), 2,5 of aim time is a pain too, and ofc since its russian, it will be blind

        • VK3002D is perfectly fine with the short 88. But thats because it is a dedicated flanker with great DPM.

      • get used to it, you dont need to be able to shoot every tank from the front.

        i nail IS3s on the side with my E8 and 128 pen…

        • E8 is great, one of the most fun tanks to play.. all you have to do is rush and make a chaos and never ever stop :D I cant even count how many times was some tier 8 heavy surprised.. “wtf is taht t6 medium doing?” and found himself circled to death. Accuracy on the move is really good on this one :)

      • Ill prob use the 122mm sometimes for the LOLZ of the massive alpha dmg. It will be more balenced than before, but still playable.
        The biggest nerf is the kv85s mobility. But its still not bad, just not as fast as pz4H or M4 Easy 8 anymore. Still a good tank in my book. And it gets 60 hp more than old kv1s, which was one of the worst things about that tank.

          • Yeah, my mate in a A20, 72km/h, 46 deg/sec 28hp/t and on flat ground he couldent circle me in a kv1s. Dat old kv1s mobility……
            Lets just say his death was quick and easy.

  1. KV-85s will just use 100mm gun since then. The Dpm for 100mm gun at 2000 should make this a good nerf.
    I however don’t understand why they put the KV1S in tier 5. The spec for the tier 5 KV-1S is okay, but the T1 Heavy is better than it by having more view range, radio range ,gun depression and dpm. Why KV1S then?

  2. KV85 looks like lighter version of KV2 xD. But in my opinion (I have never played KV1S) the KV85 is still a bit OP 390DMG per hit is almost 2 times more then other 6 tear tanks … It means you still make a lot of one shots on 5 tear tanks and thats what is the brutal fear factor. But Iam quite impatient what KV85 will make on public.

    • Yeah, the damage is still ridiculously high for tier 6, especially considering most lines won’t see that sort of alpha until tier 8.

      However, 0.5 accuracy (I think that’s a nerf…) and 3.6s aim time put it on almost derp gun levels.

      Honestly, if they kept the RoF and just gave it a nerf to say, 310/145 damage and pen. It couldn’t one-shot as many things that it sees, and heavier tanks would be able to bounce, instead of getting automatically penned.

    • But only if it’s bottom tier, in the spirit of arty. Never, ever, ever go for top tier heavies. Always go for what you’re most likely to one-shot. So instead of the tier 9 heavies, the tier 6 scout. Etc.

    • KV-85, the tier 5 KV-1s is unresearched for KV-1s tier 6 owners.

      KV-1s is retrained to KV-85 except the radioman that stay in trained for KV-1s as tier 5.

  3. The KV1S was never that good, it was hyped and feared, some people played it well, I tried but I found the accuracy was terrible and it wasn’t fun, however, some people seem to be able to shoot through the eye of a needle in it, but not me!

    Same with hellcat, I never did well in that thing, but others do, strange.

    Anyway the T34 premium looks interesting, what puts me off is that nearly evry premium I have bought has been rubbish in reality, premiums aren’t good tanks….

    The only tier 6 premium I would still buy is the SU100Y, its like a tier 6 ISU 152, great fun!

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