Hello everyone,
according to the site linked above, the ETA for the Android version of Blitz is “a couple of weeks“, so I guess it’s not that far. Meanwhile, the success of Blitz attracted other companies. A clone was already presented, called “Wild Tanks Online” – see for yourself how (if) it’s different than Blitz.
Pretty interesting. I just hate how tanks here have independent suspension too, and in WoT it’s only with HD tanks.
Yea it’s pretty weird how WG makes it sound so complicated, yet every tank game even old ones seem to have this implemented.
It isn’t the worst: the tanks can drift!
I might get this, something to kill time with when I don’t have my laptop.
There’s also Armored Aces game for android.
It appeared way before WoT Blitz though and it is pretty darn different.
Looking forward to it :)
I am looking forward to seeing these games start dropping like lead balloons when the android version wotb comes. Time to buy a nexus 10 or galaxy pro
Neat, hope it works nicely on my Note 8.0
EDIT: Dog. Thought this was WoT Blitz…
Anyone else notice that they basically stole Mines directly from WoT?
They stole not only mines:
Every map, tank, UI is stolen from WoT.
I bet they’ll last very few months before WG start fighting them like they did for “Project Tank” (which stole the gameplay, UI and tanks, but not the maps ; and was on pc).
They sure wont let it go like this
What’s an ETA on SerBs black helicopters? This sure wouldn’t last long ;)
Clones .. WoT clones everywhere
And what?
Atleast it exists, not like WoTB…
To the court!!
It will end like Project Tank.
Wargaming wont stay without doing anything.
i dont like wotb but i hate clone shits… steal some one works is pure shit.
Where are WT clones?
Exactly! Nowhere.
That gameplay of WT isnt any fun and is for very limited audience.
But AW clones…they’ll arrive :D
WT really shit. I was a WT aircraft player who really wait tanks. I enter their closed beta. I said game is shit. They ban me. Not a single reason. I get many ban @ same time. Now their server emtier than tank realese. And i already leave WT. My 1 year hard work useless now…
If you can look at the map more closely, it resembles as the map in WoT which is Mines. And a fairly same battle mechanics as WoT. Well, I guess what I see here is another cheap WoT knockoff.
Hey SS just commenting to ask how ur doing with the troubles and thnx for the post hold up :)
Sincearly: quickyfartyy (IGN asadtesanj)
Legal actions in 3… 2… 1…
About 2.5 minutes in, T-26-1 still disappears while sitting in the open, on a hill, firing.
I played this game for around 20 minutes. Its good