Hello everyone,

English version of ASAP video with Miroslav “Veider” Kargin.




- new HD tanks T-34, IS-7, ISU-152, M3 Lee, M5 Stuart and Jagdpanther
- M24 Chaffee also reworked to HD and rebalanced, got new improved maximum speed (70 km/h)
- KV-1S split to KV-1S and KV-85
- new LT’s (Soviet, German, USA)
- T57 Heavy was rebalanced, T92, Object 430 as well
- Murovanka was reworked heavily
- hangar interface was reworked
- new effects of explosions (check out the video, cool stuff)
- the anti-AFK/suicider/leaver system
- bonus for “tanking” (for shells blocked by armor), for heaviest vehicles it will provide up to 10 percent bonus to current XP, this bonus will be disabled for arty and light tanks
- engine/transmission split (transmission damage works like engine damage – same effect, only without burning)
- stronghold improvements (new tiers) and others (see the video)

73 thoughts on “KTTS (ASAP) 9.3

  1. - new HD tanks T-34, IS-7, ISU-152, M3 Lee, M5 Stuart and Jagdpanther
    IS-7? Wat? Ehm… ill take it :D

  2. Holy cr*p, does that mean that my big-as** germans will now cease to go down in a huge fire if the engine got touched? Maaaaaaan I think it’s time to re-buy the King Tiger :D (not that it was a big problem in the last days, as we got pretty much “bombed” with automatic fire extinguisher systems)

  3. - bonus for “tanking” (for shells blocked by armor), for heaviest vehicles it will provide up to 10 percent bonus to current XP, this bonus will be disabled for arty and light tanks

    Do I smell an increase in Maus’s ingame?? ;)

      • You’re ignorant.
        What do you mean Maus can’t tank? Maus is probably the most capable in the hands of a good player if you want to tank. Of course, bad players always do bad in the Maus while VK is much more forgiving. Also, VK can’t tank nearly as good as the Maus with regards to the turret and angling, ONLY thing that is slightly stronger on VK is the lower plate, but that’s mostly irrelevant if you know what you’re doing in the Maus.

        • Guy can’t even finish a single fucking sentence without fucking it up. I think the ignorance comment was rhetorical.

  4. Seems like a really puny amount of experience for tanking. “up to 10%”. Worthless. The damage heavy tanks get far, far more than that for doing what they do best.

      • Considering the other heavies did much more damage, that 70 is puny. They got 200 more just for their boom.

      • Probably because shooting the tracks is something the enemy would aim to do? Like tracking to stop a charging tank, or tracking a TD so that it would not turn on you, tracking a light tank. Even if the tracks absorb the shell in these situations it is still something the shoot would want.
        You essentially want to be rewarded for being beaten ?

        You entitled schmucks can’t seriously be this narrow sighted?

  5. - engine/transmission split (transmission
    damage works like engine damage –
    same effect, only without burning)

    *german tech tree is dancing like nobody is spotting*

  6. Russian version of ASAP video (for now) with Miroslav “Veider” Kargin.
    Isn’t he Stanislav? :D

  7. What the hell did they thought when they “balanced” the KV-1S???
    They just made it look bad and the damn weapons are the same!!!

      • And don’t forget about the .5 accuracy (if memories serves me correctly)… but then again its Russian so .5 is actually .1 accuracy.

        • Yeah, everytime i play with the KV-1 with the 122mm it doesn’t miss ever. Even if I am moving the damn gun hits like it’s something normal. But when i shoot with a TD like the Stug III G with the derp gun it never hits while moving.

  8. i must say… best patch in quite a while. GG and this is from someone who usually constantly complains about stuff. quite an interesting patch.

  9. “bonus for “tanking”… will be disabled for arty and light tanks”

    But what about lower tier light tanks like the AMX 40, Valentine, and T-127?

  10. so will we have to hold 15 stronghold players in reserve waiting to get attacked or not? that would be lame.

    • You only get attacked in the time you set, in which you’ll be attacking at the same time, so I’d hope you’d be able to field a team. Don’t want to be attacked? Don’t attack.

  11. Did they made this videos in 9.3 version, or on the supertest one, beacuse I think that it’s pretty damn obvious that tanks in this ASAP have independent suspension. It can be seen clearly on IS-7 and T49 showcase.

    • New suspension is model-dependent. HD-reworked models will always have independent suspension, as will new tank models because WG no longer has low-quality models made. Putting old-style suspension on HD models would just make more work later, since the new suspension will tie into the upcoming physics patch.

      The video was probably made using the test client, what with it opening tomorrow, but they could have just as easily done in in a 9.2 client if they wanted to.

  12. M5 Stuart = most unnecessary and unwanted HD tank ever. they prolly done it cuz of the M5 nerf.


    • They said probably close to a year ago now that the M5 would be getting changed up to be more akin to the M5A1 in the Chinese tree

  13. this bonus will be disabled for arty and light tanks

    AMX-40,Pz 38H 735 (f), Pz 2J and AMX-38 drivers thank you for this wise fucking decision.

  14. In the vidio 0:41, the caffee’s suspension does not lock “stright lined” as of curent ingame.
    Are those independent suspension wheels?
    1:14 -> 1:22 those “wheels” in motion O.O