Strange Twilight of Gods Event

Hello everyone,

I am sure many of you, dear readers, are participating in clanwars in one way or another and therefore are familiar with the current “Twilight of Gods” event. For those, who do not follow this stuff, the short version is that CW clans are competing for a special territory called “Valhalla”. You know, Ragnarok, norse mythos and all that. Anyway, this minicampaign seems to be plagued by various – if not fails, then at least very strange events.

First and possibly the most visible is the fact that several clans got banned for game rigging. Make no mistake – the entire idea is good and in at least one case, the ban was completely justified. However, in other cases, it was likely not. The entire ban system works like this (as explained by Tuccy on the forums):

- the system automatically detects rigged battle based on certain criteria (which are unknown, but likely involve battles of a full team versus incomplete team, 15:0 wins, one team not doing any damage and such)
- clan leader and his deputies recieve a warning email, in which the support asks them to submit the replay of the suspicious battle
- if they do not react on the email, they get banned
- if they STILL don’t react on the email, the entire clan gets banned (this is the part when most of the clan detects something is kinda wrong, there apparently is also very little delay between the last two steps).

Take a while to appreciate how stupid this can potentially get. I am sure that many people – me amongst them – registered their accounts on either dedicated e-mails (they don’t check) or old e-mails (they don’t use anymore). In which case, it is VERY easy not to notice the e-mail. Many WoT players (in fact, 95 percent or so) also never visit the forums, so PM is also not an option. The only way how to contact such people would be to whisper them in the game, which is possible, but also clumsy. And all that because apparently, WG Support can not pull data or a replay from that respective battle.

Summary bans from WG of entire clans are quite a nasty way of dealing with the situation (especially when there is a time-sensitive event running for other players, who were not involved even if the cheating accusation was valid) – in my opinion, the responsibility should perhaps be limited to clan leadership, but that’s just me. In any case, Tuccy confirmed that this system was used in previous events, so it’s nothing new.

In any case, there were two more problems I know of with the event:

- a certain number of players (specifically, one Czech clan) reported that the map is not loading properly for them. The traditional support answer was to clear browser cache, which allegedly did not help. I do not know whether they reached any solution.
- some (all?) players report the medal displaying properly

Overall, it’s kinda strange system. But I hope that the rest of the minicampaign will be okay and fun for everyone.

78 thoughts on “Strange Twilight of Gods Event

  1. proof of burden lies on WG, why should be clan leaders and members submit mandatory replays to WG?! what if no one had it enabled?!

      • There is no rule you should enable replay saving: recomendation is not a rule. Replay is to save yourself against calumniation. It is just a trick of WG refering replay missed.
        They makes clans banned based on wrong decisions (like “battles were staged”) and don’t want to change it not even if they have any replay, and a situation is clearly not against rules.
        Or how is it possible only one clan has banned after “battles were staged”? And please keep in mind, saving replay is not necessary, it is not a rule…

    • Proof that people don’t read the user agreement.

      “WN may terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason or no reason.”

      You agree to this on game installment and every patch.

      Individual players often seem to think they have rights.

      • They do have rights, mandated under the laws of their county and those of the country where the server is located, which may supersede any contract between them and WG.

        Just because a company writes something in a contract, and that contract is agreed to, does not automatically make that contract binding if the terms are ultra vires.

    • They can kick you out of the contest for no reason at all, since it’s a voluntary contest, you didn’t pay anything to participate in it. They could cancel it without giving out anything and nobody could sue them for anything.

      So the replay demand is actually a chance for you – since again, they could kick you right away and be done with it.

      As a side note – I think they pull the replay anyway and check it even without being provided with it, but this way they show cooperation and it doesn’t come as a “ban from the clear sky”.

      • Are you sure they can get a replay? I could be wrong, but I though there were currently no server-side recording of games, but only client-side. WG did talk about developing server-side replays about a year ago, but I don’t remember hearing anything recently about it.

      • I never got this company ass kissing. Never will.

        It is a voluntary contest, most are. Big deal. If they start banning people left and right, WG deserve to fail. Simple as that.

        DOnt be a company ass licker.

  2. I noticed alot of empty provinces and went on to ask the commander about landing in them , turned out they were owned by a clan that got banned because of such stuff . I dont think baning the whole clan is the solution to this . WG should try to find better solutions

    • Yeah.. like check your mail and have the fucking game replay enabled..
      If player would play more esl or leagues or get involved in the game you wouldn;t have this problem.
      STILL… in game warnings would be appreciated!

      • Yah, I honestly think if you are gonna run a clan you should be checking the email associated with the account. There honestly isn’t much excuse. Its not like its hard to do. Hell, you can forward the mail automatically to your regular account and if there are spam issues, add filters to so only WG emails come through. It takes just a few minutes. That being said, you have to be logged in to do any clan wars admin on the site, so why not add the warning to that. When the commander/deputies/whoever had rights to use any map functions, just have a big lightbox popup warning them to submit a replay/contact service or get banned.

  3. Interesting they won’t implement system that tells us when they rig the battles! Maybe I’m that unlucky but, the battle which you lose in less than 4min with 15-2 score, you simply can’t hit anything (and you have ~80% overall hit ratio) and the ones you hit you bounce and I mean bouncing of 40mm armor at 90°, you know that tank is 50m in front of you, shooting at you but you can’t see it and all other tanks just disappear as they close up to you, everything that hits you destroys something important, like hitting you in turret and setting you on fire (wtf is that?), I think the battle is rigged. I used to save replays but it just gets deleted as I post it. ANy comments or this will be deleted as well?

  4. Actually, this way which WG has taken – that the email address you login is your contact info – is actually right. In fact, they could issue an email call out and just delete those accounts that do not respond in due time.

    Why? Because of the anonymity of the player base, which you yourself resent so much as to post the HOS once in a while, begins with the anonymity of the account and account contact information.

    So hooray for WG going the road they have chosen.

    As to the event, all I can say is that it caters the top clans once again. If you go and look the map of Asgard, you will find that all the clans in there are in fact in the top 10 clans no matter how you rate them. Well, perhaps not on the ‘which clan is the most tomato’ scale, but all ‘important’ ways.

    C out

    • You want event for fail clans??? of course top calns are in asgard, cause they are the best clans. It is like if you wanted Zimbabwe to win 1st place in ice hockey on winter olympics…

      • Harkonen, please re-read. I said that the events cater the top clans alone, not that the “fail clans” as you state should have their own.

        Besides, what if I said I happen to be in a clan competing in Asgard?

          • Instead of making the strongest even stronger WG should come up with a way to encourage the worse to get better. That is the point. I would prefer the randoms to be challenging instead of tomato fests with pure luck to say which side has more red in the team, where one unicum can dictate how the game turns.

            The better players will get better without sealclubbing, but the ones on the receiving side most probably won’t get any better without some support from WG. No tinfoil hats here, but the tomato-auto-aim isn’t helping… ;)

            C out

            • that would be nice, but I dont know if it`s possible… only thing I dislike about these rules for campaigns, it is way to gather FP. It creates unwanted tensions in clans…

            • Strongholds, nuff said.

              The problem is, that you have no way to cater to the “average” clans without making the same profit or advantage for the top clans – unless you carefully pick them and exclude them, which would raise lots of loud voices and some extra problems (what criteria would you use, etc).

            • Are you serious? Everybody went through the tomato stage. Nobody is born unicum. They have to learn themselves, as the others did before.

              Everything they need to do is to stay in lower tiers and play T6 and T8 strongholds, which are full of tomatoes. Not race to T10 while being tomato.
              Its the tomatoes fault that they are bad and nobodys else. Any help would be illogical and counterproductive. I see a nice paralel in antiracism. Why give priviliges because of colour? Everybody needs to have the exact same conditions.

              • Well, I was expecting at least one of these “I’ve been to sh*t creek in this game so everyone else must go through the same toil as I did” responses.

                I wasn’t saying helping the newbies, noobs and newcomers by WG implementing any ‘tomato-auto-aim-sureshot-mod’. Instead I’m suggesting the game encourages them to learn faster how to get better. Current situation is that the game just encourages you to sit on your butt, kick in another tank after you get destroyed and move on.

                As long as the game encourages the rush through tiers to t10, it doesn’t help the playerbase at all.

                As to the parallel… Quotas based on race or gender are there to prevent the recruiting person to be biased. There are incidents around Europe – some in courts of law – in which a better candidate has been excluded due to being of a different race or female. They are there to encourage the mix of races in the work surroundings, even in higher places, to produce positive visibility and to build more tolerant society.

                And to counter this kind of prejudice, in which you can easily assume that someone with different colour will be worse than the other even though the credentials show contrary.

                That was besides the point. The main point is that the game disencourages and directs tomatoes to be even worse because it encourages them to rush to the top tier.

                C out

    • Our clan is not a top 10 clan by a mile, but all our regular players are in the top 4000 for the premium tank.

      We won’t (or probably) won’t ever get a sniff of a landing tournament in Asgard itself, but we have been doing very well by focusing on maps we trained for and by running a regular team of experienced players.

      • I just went through the Asgard map, and sadly most of the clans in there are in the top10 clans in EU. Not saying all are, but most are. That fame limit of 4000 is reachable by any clan if they just set a clear objective to get the tanks to some of their players, but most of the players with fame enough to be in the top 300 come from the top10 clans.

        Not saying this is wrong, not at all. It is kind of having great end game content reserved for the extreme minority of the player base, most of which have no way of reaching it. And instead of making the prize tanks more common this actually prevents it, as most of those players within fame ranks up to 4000 already have either or both. ;)

        Congratulation GhostofChristmasPast for having the clan to work towards a higher goal! Way to go.

        C out

      • If WG ran the same map, with a Bronze league, Silver League, and Gold League it would help. As a clans performance increased they would move up to Silver or Gold maps, rather than Bronze. That way the clans with less good players would play each other all across the Bronze map, and still hold land. Meanwhile the Gold map would be a really good challenge to the better players skill and tactics as all the clans on the Gold map would be good.

        • I don’t like your Idea and a league system wont be good.

          I’m member of the biggest German community projects in WoT called DEPAC. There players are willing to help newbies to get better, to understand game mechanics so that every player can be at least not that red tomato dying and don’t know why.
          – As I would be to long to explain how we work I skip this part –
          At the moment we participate on that event map and we aren’t a wonder. We had to work hard to get yesterday our first province. (It is already lost, cause we had some bad luck with the place and lost against WHY and FIRE – but anyway)

          The thing I noticed in all that landing fights is:
          There are clans with players having over 1000 CW Battles but they still play really bad that it was for us (DEPAC has mostly CW newbies) easy to win against them.

          So the thing is, how could a league system help that they get better?
          The system we’ve is the best to force people to get better in CW and on some players it doesn’t work.

        • Leagues that imply that some players are worse than others?!?! Impossibru!!!

          On a serious note it would be a large step up. That also implies that each league should have their own prizes for competitions.

  5. actually no, there are alot of new klenus in this campaigns top 10 rankings, at least currently.

    the rules are not geared towards top clans in any way (tighten does tinfoil hats already), but the top clans have more players playing ESL so they are used to sending replayes and have their accounts on active emails. no big mystery here.

  6. you are the only responsable for ur account. not reading the mail asociated with it, its a huge mistake and kinda stupid, specially when it involves “money” (as far as u have bought anything and I would say 100% cw players have done that at some point)

    also any security issue (for example somebody tries to enter with ur account – something very common) will be solved with that email in mid

  7. In my opinion. The clan leadership should be responsible enough to always be reachable. Is not that hard to change you Email! How do they receive new applications or other Clan related Email? Of course it very shitty if the entire clan gets banned. But you can be sure they well have a very heated discussion after that and make sure it will never happen again.

  8. Banning a whole clan is utter bullshit. I for one am not participating in the CW event and finding myself banned for something I had nothing to do would fucking piss me off.

    The system gets owned by normally fought rigged matches. Clans simply fight like they would fight an enemy clan, but then they rig the last minute by cap.

  9. This seems to go a bit against the grain SS has shown previously. In the EFE case, SS was strongly for the group pressure and group punishment when clan members misbehaved, but here, where the clan leadership breaks hard rules he’s willing to show the lenient side and complains about WG being unfair.

    Come on SS. Make up your mind: is it individual responsibility to go by the book or is it communal responsibility?

    • If you can’t tell the difference between a match fix by max 15 players of a clan and an entire clan at the very least condoning nazi propaganda and wishing death on people you should get your head checked…..

      • How do you know it was the entire clan condoning nazi propaganda? I bet you are just assuming this.

        Without making any specific reference to EFE, with whom I am not intimately acquainted, It’s quite normal for some clan members to be casual members who just platoon, but don’t participate with the ‘social’ activities of the group.

        • I don’t ‘assume’ anything. In a case as serious as that, it’s quite simple, for me anyway: If my clan puts up nazi bullshit like some of their members did, either they leave or I leave, because I will NOT be associated with the BS they seem to stand for stand for. Not now not ever. If you stay in a clan like that you’ll get painted with the same brush and you derserve to be painted with the same brush. Nazi by proxy, plain and simple.

          • How does that differ from rigging the game and thus cheating in the game? Cheating in a way that would harm the other players who are fighting fair and losing their opportunity because of this?

            Isn’t 15 players cheating at least as wrong as individual players acting badly in the game (nevermind the clan as Sense mentioned earlier)?

  10. I think WG, if really wants to, can pull the data from the battle on its own.
    But I also think that pawns who work on the campaign are too small to be able to do that.

    Seems that rigged battles detection has been made by same retards that did failed suicide detection.

  11. “I am sure that many people – me amongst them – registered their accounts on either dedicated e-mails (they don’t check) or old e-mails (they don’t use anymore). In which case, it is VERY easy not to notice the e-mail. ”

    Now that’s just stupid – if you are a commander or deputy, you should just make a filter on this dedicated / old mail to redirect WG mails to your active mail, since relying only on in-game communication is not enough.

    And yes, in the rules it was said to turn the replays on, that they might be needed in cases like this.

    And I think that if it’s not a permaban, then banning the whole clan for the duration of event is fine – of course, some innocent players might get hit by that, but maybe they’ll reconsider if they want to stay in a clan with players or leaders that succumb to unfair play. Once the clan starts to play unfair, you would have to check all of their battles for days to check on all players.

  12. My opinion about the e-mail system: I actually have 5 e-mail account, #1 for common e-mail, not so important but not spam or s***, #2 is for very important things such as credits company, paypal communication, etc, this one is very clean. And the 3 other ones are to set up accounts everywhere they ask you to and I keep 3 of them since I made a mistake with a Razer bonus code and was’nt able to get a second one. Now the simplest thing in the world is: I wan’t to keep 5 e-mail up and running, then it’s no one else but my responsability to keep up with them. And actually, with all the applications and services like Trillian (which I use) that allow you to channel all you e-mail accounts into one single location, there is no excuse to not be aware of a e-mail you receive. I would like though is WG would make the msg system better, I help managing the clan I’m in and it’s very hard to get every single one to join your mailing list or to even go on WOT portal to get their messages. I agreee with the post when it mentions the whisper system: I would like to send a msg like a request to join our team for the easy 8 tournament and have that msg pop up in the game. But because they rather use it only for Twitch stream or stuff like that, I have to send a msg from our clan page to all of them, and cross my fingers hoping a couple of them log on the website. Even better, why not use a system like the invitation system (platoon, company etc…) where user click ok and that sends a confirmation that the msg has been read.

  13. While we’re on this issue, any chance you could mention the Clan War rigging by none other than WG employees themselves in the KR server?

  14. 1st of all: #FREEZWACK
    The issue is: Zwack “rigged” a battle: they defeated the enemy, but instead killing the last of them they started to cap, and after 99% they shot the last enemy out. This way you can maximize the fp. Quite much every clan which is not dumb doing it that way.
    Wg found it suspicios, asked for replay. No answer, they banned the whole clan. Zwack was in asgard.
    What the clanleaders saw: they got banned without any warning. While nobody, NOBODY received a single letter from wg at the leaders. They triplechecked it afterwards.
    Ofc after the ban they sent tickets, when they know what was the matter also replays. “Punishments cqnnot be reversed” came the answer from wg bots.

    • So they 1st said collective punishment is because no answer from leaders. Its not their fault that nobody got the email.
      You got the replay now. Then they said Zwack used the weakness of the system to gather more fp. (bullshit)
      Intrestingly, the other clan was not banned (in the email they wrote the 2clans conspired to get mutual benefits for both, both clan rigged)
      Lot of players from Zwack dont have fp at all, which is a clear sign of not participating on the event. They also get banned.
      Now a lot of players left the clan, they fear they will get more punishment if the leaders will further escalate the problem.
      Already several accounts were banned from wot forums, because they mentioned what happened. They try to keep Zwack silenced. It is the no1 Hungarian clan, and they dont have contacts at wg. They won against clans who have conacts. I find it strange.
      This may happen to any clan. They ban, silence anybody who they want. We shall stand up for our rights.

      • 1 additional thing: no leader got an email requesting replay. I dont think gmail is so bad, i think rather a sorry ass lazy french wg employee just didnt do the minimum.

  15. Yesterday my clan got wiped out by enemy with 1 lost tank on their side. Today same map, same side other enemy clan, but playing quite similar tactic… we wiped them without a single tank lost. Both of those battles could be considered as rigged by WG ? Bullshit …
    If you have wrong tactic for enemy tactic you could easily loose 0:15 without doing any damage to enemy. Even if WG watch the replay, how could they tell if battle was rigged ? I know, most times it’s as clear as day, but sometimes it’s hard to tell.

  16. Mostly suspiscious battles are when there are 15 on one side and few on the other but battle ends with enormous amount of dmg on few side and their win. 2nd case when we have 2 full teams and 1 team doing most dmg and 3rd case when we have “zwack” situation: farming moar FP by getting enemy to shot at you.
    I don’t give a f..k about offenders, Im happy to secure my 7k gold. Now I can focus on grinding Brit meds.

  17. They banned the whole clan? Not just the 15 in that particular battle?


    Guilt by association doesn’t make sense to me in this regard. Feel sorry for the members who weren’t even active during the campaign.

  18. The penalise leadership only idea would be dodged instantly by just putting those title positions on dummy accounts.