A fun fact I have not seen written anywhere before. Did you know that fire (amongst other effects) reduces the camo of your tank to zero?
- some tier 10 vehicles have unlockable guns, because, as SerB explains: “In real life, these vehicles had ‘stock’ guns. The need to unlock the top guns is compensated by lower unlocking price of the vehicle itself.”
- Q: “Why is KV-85 called KV-85 and not KV-100 or KV-122?” (SS: the number obviously means gun caliber, so 122mm KV-1S would be KV-122. The name is not automatic and it’s more complicated than that, but as a demonstration, it’s okay) A: “Because of all those, KV-85 was the only vehicle that was in a way mass produced and fighting.”
- Q: “Remove the 25 percent RNG for the sake of cybersports!” A (SerB): “Stop whining already.”
- it seems the IS-7 model is now alright in the 3rd iteration of the test
- apparently, the top of the hangar UI is final for 9.3 the way it is (the gold, credits, XP part will not be changed)
- the 90mm gun HESH/HEAT/HE ammo setup on T49 is historical, that gun did not fire AP shells
- the reason the clan tags are changed on test server is because of Stronghold mode
- Storm on the new hangar UI being more comfortable than the old one: “Yes, that’s why we made the new version. Based on results of may tests it appears to be better when it comes to being comprehensive and comfortable. What you described is only you being used to the old one and nothing more.”
- allegedly, Evilly said on a meeting with players in Belarus that developers do not want to give out free FV4202 as a premium vehicle, there will be a grinding mission to get it however (the way IS-6/Super Pershing were given out)
- SilentStalker edits our comments to erase inconvenient statements
Watch out, he’s gonna edit this one as well ^^
Stop doing that, Lorraine. There, happy? :)
Maybe because you’re bad@poasting.
Gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8
Does h8 s8 you m8?
lorraine prepare your anus
Aware of that.
He edits posts that might make a conflict arise ( I.E : politics , history , diffrent points of view about none-wot related stuff )
But he doesnt edit posts that insult a CERTAIN group of people .
Well I for one appreciate the work he does, if you don’t like what you see/read here do us all a favour and go cry somewhere else.
Also, ‘Wolverines!!”.
“- allegedly, Evilly said on a meeting with players in Belarus that developers do not want to give out free FV4202 as a premium vehicle, there will be a grinding mission to get it however (the was IS-6/Super Pershing were given out)”
Boom! Headshot.
30k exp daily on tier 10 meds
30 kils daily on tier 10 meds
30k dmg daily on tier 10 meds
Mission possible to acomplished once a day.
To get free FV 4202 do it 31 times between 1st and 31st of December
WG style cause…
You forgot that the reward tank is a medium, so these missions need to be done with SPGs only (following WGs logic)
Don’t forget the requirement to get 10K spotting damage too.
well at least its not base xp
Do it once a day, 31 times. You have the whole february month !
Really, the whole grinding to the current FV4202 should be the mission….
A true test of a Man’s patience and mental fortitude.
No free xp, 100% crew with no skills, start at the stock Comet, speed run.
that happens when people cant just stfu.
the same with the 20 pdr ammo, instead of keeping it quiet they had to spam it everywhere.
“- allegedly, Evilly said on a meeting with players in Belarus that developers do not want to give out free FV4202 as a premium vehicle, there will be a grinding mission to get it however (the was IS-6/Super Pershing were given out)”
Noooooooooooooooooooooo. I have a life!
evil genius, that’s sweet :3
Thank god, they have no reason to give that tank for free. Replace it with other and goodbye.
Oh fucking well then – imma get mah second T10 MT – with 3rd skill. Thanks at least to that 150k crew XP mission :D
Are you doing any better with whatever real life issues you had, SS?
So so. It’s more like I have put up with stuff.
Best of wishes for dealing with it all :)
Guess he is as I didn’t notice any post reductions.
- some tier 10 vehicles have unlockable guns, because, as SerB explains: “In real life, these vehicles had ‘stock’ guns. The need to unlock the top guns is compensated by lower unlocking price of the vehicle itself.”
Too lazy to check XP for tanks – looks like another BS statement.
The Patton is cheaper, not sure about the others, but it’s bullshit however you look at it, I’d rather grind out an extra 45k XP on an elite T9 tank than be forced to grind it on a stock T10 one.
At least on the IS-4 that’s the case, you unlock the gun on the ST-I. Don’t know about others.
Is4 is about 190k right? T110e5 is only 170 ish. E100 is over 200k right?
How undefined!
They meant lowering price of unlock by whole line or just by tier 9 vehicle?
nope :)
M48 is ‘only’ 160k from M46 BUT it requires another 45k for the top gun. So there are your ‘normal’ 200k XP for a T10 Medium.
Bat-Chat 25t is 200k and then another 45k for the gun, so fuck your logic.
pfff… You only have to grind on 3 tanks that have unique “not stock” modules (afaik all guns) which needs approx. 170k exp (all combined).
Don’t spend free xp untill you researched them and BAM!!! instant elite T10. :D
Didn’t they change stances about two or three times already?
Meh, I’m still gonna grind out the FV4202. If I get a free premium tank out of it, then that’s bonus. If I don’t… que sera, sera.
Dont you fucking speak klingon here!
Je vais parler Klingon quand je veux, vous salaud.
Ah, frog language :D
Surveillez votre bouche, paysan. Les grenouilles prononcera bientôt cette planète sale de singes.
Well, if we all talk in our native tongue: eik tu šikt, varliaėdi :D
Ik snap er geen hout van! :}
Nice weather today, hey? :)
Per karšta, kas per ruduo, tai kažinau.
Not too catastrophic :)
alle jetzt ma fresse hier… wenn hier einer scheiße labbern darf, dann bin ich das ja… und das kann ich gut… seeehr gut!
Vajon mekkora hülyeségek jönnének ki, ha google fordítót használnánk? ;)
Sajna nincs lovárira fordítás benne :(
It can’t go unanswered in Polish…
K*rwa, k*rwa k*rwa. :P
Selection of civilised Polish old-school synonyms:
Niech to dunder świśnie!
Motyla noga!
W mordę jeża!
Jasny gwint!
Do 100 beczek zjełczałego tranu!
Do kroćset!
O żesz ty z kubełkiem węgla przez most poniatowskiego wte i nazad ganiany!
Native tongue? Then I got one thing to say. ‘Murka!
Kako je počelo sa klingonskim? How did it start with Klingon?
Woras got rekt !
Why is it that i understood what he said all of the time ? Wierd shite
Are you indian?
Ja, maar dat is niet mijn moedertaal. Trololol
Jetzt macht’s koan Schmarrn nachad!
I’ll unlock it and wait it see what develops. I don’t want to drop 6mn Ag when I have better x’s unlocked already.
If I remember correctly from looking at global tank win-rate versus player win-rate charts, the IS-7 is more under-powered than the Maus, and it’s under-powered in historical aspects as icing on the cake. I wonder why they haven’t decided to buff it with the introduction of an HD model for it…
You seriously consider IS-7 UP?
If the IS-7 is perfectly balanced, most other T10 heavies are OP. I love my IS-7 and as a CW tank it is very useful, but in randoms, I prefer to play the E100 or the E5.
If u see closely, the IS-7 got a buff with the HD model. It got lower and the front plate got flater wich basicaly means that it got a better angle and is therfor harder to pen frontaly…
Peanut pls, stop being baddie.
How is it necessarily being a “baddie” if I point out something that’s statistically confirmed? I don’t think that it needs too many buffs, just a buff to ground resistance so that it can reach its top speed on hard terrain. You know as well as I do that what matters are the cold, hard facts. Subjective judgement is for deep red bads breh.
And plz RL RoF :D
once a wise old Shaolin monk told me that he heard from the Lehmann brothers that the King (let it be Elvis for now) claimed statistics is a way of disorienting and fooling masses…. (but i can confirm this since i am attending a business college)
IS7′s statistics is distorted by Russian casuals, since on RU almost every player has an IS7 or at least plans to get one ASAP… While only the strongest (woot, best or better) players farm the E5 line for instance, thus creating a bad statistical data for IS7 and exaggerating its level of balance
What about WR spread?
Yeah from tier 3 to tier 10 for under a month just for that “free tier 8 premium” Fuck my life.
That’s what the community gets when you have beggars going around begging for the FV4202 to be given as a free premium to those who already own it. Wargaming was already fed up from the endless gold begging spam in every special tournament video where they mentioned they would give a limited number of codes that contained prizes.
I’ve told you :) They wont announce free premium for sure until its too late to grind :D
i have a bad feeling this new info may have completely destroyed all hope for free fv4202… just as i unlocked it..
I’m not going to lie, even if I had the free FV as a premium, I would probably play it once or twice, get depressed about how awful it is, and let it collect dust somewhere.
its bloody rediculous… i mean i grinded up just to get the cromwell and the fv4202… it is one of my favorite t10 tanks… i dont want any other .-.
But but – Centurion Action X – cool name :D
Sounds like it should be censored, a bit of hot action x
Good thing I’m already 30k away from the FV 42…aand booy do I hate the 7/1 :)
If you want the FV4202, yet you hate the 7/1…. you’re going to have a bad time in the FV regardless of the level it’s in.
Same. Only L7 saves it.
Not really, the almost instantaneous turret rotation speed and hull movement responsiveness saves it too, though it’s not really that much of a shining advantage.
- Q: “Why is KV-85 called KV-85 and not KV-100 or KV-122?” (SS: the number obviously means gun caliber, so 122mm KV-1S would be KV-122. The name is not automatic and it’s more complicated than that, but as a demonstration, it’s okay)
Wait, so my KV-220 can’t have a 220mm L/70 cannon? (and of course, to balance this, give it only 99mm front + sides armor)
And 420m view range to make sure it’s balanced.
And downtier it to T3, not that it goes below 99% WR, that would be unacceptable! :P
+1, I wantz that too plz
Maybe when PVE HB is introduced, in a historical techtree, there will be tanks with the correct names and guns.
we already have 2 many boxy soviet tds
yeah, and your KV-1 will get 1mm gun then LOL
1 mm gun??? Not another machinegunned tank!!! PZ 1 C is already a pita.
So much Woras comments.
I like his comments, they got points and are funny :D
Points like this ones?
*wrong reply*
- Q: “Remove the 25 percent RNG for the sake of cybersports!” A (SerB): “Stop whining already.”
SerB’s answer should be: “Okay, i add 30 percent RNG instead!” (and creating fake WoTleaks info about increasing RNG)
SerB’s too busy to troll us properly these days… such a shame
More like “Okay… 0% RNG on damage. But you have a 75% of firing ‘healing’ bullets that will replant the enemy’s HP. E-sports teams can come around this method via tactics you know.”
FV4202 will not be a free premium tank for the ppl who own it… ach das is doch zum kotzen -.-
U know, i grind my way up to the fv because i loved it on the testserver… now i love it on the live server and then they just take it away giving me a tank i dont even know if i m goin to like it… which is possible much worse than the 4202 and i have to live with it…
yea, thx for nothing wargaming…
remember PZIV schmalturn tier5? they also took that one from people and added it as a premium
sooo… u want to say that around 30k exp is comparable with a half year grind for around 400k exp and 15million credits?
and now you have done it all… you are completly fine with the result and someone says… well this thing is not historical, so we give u something else… which is crap… buuut historical… oooh of cause you have to buy yourself the old tank because we are too cheap to give it to you… silly
They even said they wont make it a premium tank….
so whats the grinding mission than for… the true ghosttank?
Remember HOW popular it was/is?
Remember HOW popular T34 was?
So – is FV4202 even close to that?
its 4th in battles played… and i guess it might be xD
What % is your eyes? Its 8-9 place.
i might have clicked the wrong button xD
duno… it might not be the most liked tank… but even than… if you r gonna make it a premium tank, than there is not any reason y not giving it the people who grinded it… at least its just few guys playing it… .-.
+ i need a premium med to grind my british crews xD
sry but i m just realy annoyed by this… srsly, since i played the british tank on the testserver i wanted that tank… it was my first t10 tank… first hated it… after a couple of games it was the most epic tank i owned… and right after the cromwell and the 183 it still is
Well, its overbuffed to no end :)
‘developers do not want to give out free FV4202 as a premium vehicle’
‘there will be a grinding mission to get it however’
i… just… cant even….
“- allegedly, Evilly said…”.
Need to translate? :)
- the 90mm gun HESH/HEAT/HE ammo setup on T49 is historical, that gun did not fire AP shells
So when are they adding APC’s and other light skinned vehicles that this tank was designed to attack since everything is about historical accuracy instead of balanced game play and fun?
The light tanks of the 1950-80′s US military were designed to attack infantry, APC’s, support vehicles, trucks and light skinned vehicles. Nobody was ordering them to confront MBT’s with nothing but their d**k in their hand.
Also if if we were concerned with Historical Accuracy how about you modified HE rounds to be useful and have a point. In real world military applications HE rounds have a use and can be effective. As designed in game with the current formula HE is generally useless for HT’s, TD’s, MT’s and LT’s. This is reflected by the fact than every stream or YouTube WOT replay shows no HE loaded or 1-4 rounds depending on ammo capacity. (Yes I am aware that there are 10-15 people in the entire world that KNOW HE is amazing and love it and all I have to say is Shut Up nobody cares that once out of a thousand battles a situation arose where HE actually worked, because in the 999 other battles it was a waste of time.)
Hurr durr…noticed the “launcher” part of that gun’s name? As in Gun-Launcher? That thing is designed to launch missles akin to TOWs, called Shillelagh. There ARE no missles in game but that doesn’t mean they gonna offer you a retarded AP round so you can feel happy in your pants.
As for the utility of HE…yeah, real tanks find those useful…when fighting infantry, bunkers, fixed emplacements and when they wanna demolish buildings, not against other damn tanks.
Since you’re so gung ho about HE being sooo good, how bout actually reading about it’s uses before whining like a bitch.
You are a perfect example why idiots need to learn to keep their mouth shut.
1. You need to learn how to read.
2. Then you need to learn how to comprehend what you read and not assume it says something it does not.
To your first point, the gun launcher is the 152mm derp gun. The post I quoted was specifically about was the 90mm which is not a gun launcher or shoots any such missile. You moron! That gun has no AP shell due to the game developers saying the tank did not have one in really life (regardless of the matter that they did not make it verse they could not technically make one). An AP shell was not made for this tank because the thought was since the tank would not be fighting heavy armored vehicles it would not need one. Historical accuracy means nothing here as the tank is not being used in it’s historical role.
As to your second point, what did I write that your low level of reading comprehension skills interrupted that I was “gung ho about HE being sooo good, how bout actually reading about it’s uses” Hey dumbass I outlined the uses for HE in my original post – “The light tanks of the 1950-80′s US military were designed to attack infantry, APC’s, support vehicles, trucks and light skinned vehicles. Nobody was ordering them to confront MBT’s with nothing but their d**k in their hand.” That is why the 90mm gun historically only has the option for a HE, HEAT and HESH ammo types. They did not have AP rounds as they are not meant to go up against MBT’s. However that is not the role they have been put to in game. WG has adjusted the role to a unhistorical role but did not change the ammo types which were a result of it’s real world role. Even someone as dumb as you should be able to see that makes no sense.
I am fine with HE in the game the way it is. It is worthless but whatever use AP. With this gun they have not given players an AP option and forced them to A spam gold or B use a round that MOST people agree is F**King worthless.
I would rather sound like I am whining like a bitch, than do what you did and let people know I am so stupid I could not find my own ass with a GPS and a Flashlight. Next time you feel the need to reply to someone else’s post, go find your pacifier and take your dumbass back to bed.
God please save me from dumbasses like this.
Please be kind…retards don’t really know what they are saying…they don’t have the insight required to know they are retarded. If you pat them on the head and respond with something positive, like; ‘good point sport’, then both you and Mongo get to feel good about yourselves…
I lol`d GJ.
It was perfectly clear and yo uare right but Serbs worshipers need to cover daddy yo.
What they dont tell you is the 90mm still fired AP rounds it just used HE that was more akin to AP-HE.
90mm rounds were like the 9mm of the US tanks and had been the main gun since ww2 so they had every kind of round and at the time it wasnt needed, but guess what if it was hunting tanks they would have been loaded with APCR/HEAT you can bet your life on it.
In a simple word, bullshit.
You dont know nothing about USA lights… in 50-60s designed not to face main enemy tanks??? LOOOOL M41 was designed specifically to engage T-34/85 after Korea war experienced (on west they expect T-34/8 be the main tank force in east forces)… when T-54/55 leave M41 76mm is a bad situation (and even on this in Vietnam war M41 can defeat T-54/55/type59) they have a problem even with their main tank active … M48 use 90mm gun and they need a lot of time to adapt the L7… M60 was designed with it but M48 needs arrive to 70s to mount it.
Sheridan… well the idea behind sheridan was provide rapid deploy units (airborne units) a movile capable vehicle to engage ENEMY ARMORED FORCES this is WHY Sheridan mounts the canon/missile launcher system and man this system was designed to engage BEST tank from soviet forces (The T-62 because T-64 was a secret a lot of time and well in part this is why Shilelag fails because was not good enough VS T-64 and posterior designs).
Sheridan was a light to engage MBT or you dont remember or dont know that the canon/missile was planed to be mounted in M60??? ooo yes, sure they plan use M60 to destroy light targets and soft targets L O L.
PD: a little thing to, the original deploy of Sheridan was a little problematic for USA because the canon/missile launcher doesnt have an antipersonal shell, to the deploy in Vietnam they need create a specific shell that works like the old srapnel ammo, HEAT as antipersonal??? well better than AP or APCR but very inefective on this role maybe this is why now tanks use shells that are mix of HEAT and HE shells in performance.
Oh look, I never thought I would find anyone who still had the mindset to still complain about the main gun on certain armored vehicles being unfitting into the game because it was purposed to launch TOWs even after the confirmed we’re-working-on-it-now evidence of the T49.
… Then there’s the part where High Explosive type shells were used mainly against solid structures and large groups of infantry, more commonly used against lightly armoured vehicles instead of heavily armoured tanks. There’s a diamond solid reason why Armour Piercing shells were invented and available, unless if you were referring to the High Explosive Anti-Tank shells in your HE bias-like statement.
T49 was mainly a 90mm platform and just like other other vehicles should have 2 legit weapons.
The 90mm was almost identical to the Ru251 gun so why does it have huge gn bloom and other bad stats.
The 152mm should be an option but not the only viable one.
And i’m just sitting here waiting for 9.3 to roll out so I can get my T-50-3/T-50-2S
Weird how everyone seems to have forgotten about it already. I took it for a few drives, and the thing is hilarious. Very stronk speed, maneuverability and Tokyo Driftability.
Didn’t think I would bother with any of the new tanks, but I might have to grind one up when 9.3 goes live.
the “lttb” tier 7 russian light will be a T-50-2 with 30hp/ton
strong 85mm but with -3 gun depression :(
>> – allegedly, Evilly said on a meeting with players in Belarus that developers do not want to give out free FV4202 as a premium vehicle, there will be a grinding mission to get it however (the way IS-6/Super Pershing were given out)
There already IS one… Respect your customers, WG – if some are grinding towards it now, it is as good as “offcial” mission.
Serb needs to realize that the 113 needs a gun with a higher alpha, or atleast give it the 130mm from the WZ 111.
A choice of two guns and -5 gun depression :)
- allegedly, Evilly said on a meeting with players in Belarus that developers do not want to give out free FV4202 as a premium vehicle, there will be a grinding mission to get it however (the way IS-6/Super Pershing were given out)
FU WG, I started playing this shit of a game for 2 months to finish grinding the FV4202 to get a free premium and now I hear I’ll probably have to play for another month at least 5-6 hours/day to complete whatever mission they’ll come up with…
How terrible…
Haha. The whole line is shit. Cent I is horrible (STA, Pershing and indien PZ are far better) The Cent 7/1 is garbage (Type 61 is miles better than the 7/1), and what I am expecting, the new Cent X wont be as good as the Leopard 1, STB or even the 140/430.
In the moment you say cent7 is shit i stop reading… i think the problem is more between screen and chair… of course Type61 is better but i dont understand why if you know use Type you cant use cent…
Cent 1 is shit? Cent 7/1 is shit???
You are INSANE!
Y u play @ all if u think it is a shit game? GTFOOH already & and start playing this -> http://tinyurl.com/omtwbkg
- allegedly, Evilly said on a meeting with players in Belarus that developers do not want to give out free FV4202 as a premium vehicle, there will be a grinding mission to get it however (the way IS-6/Super Pershing were given out)
and that`s how u will lose the players
welcome to armored warfare ,if the open beta was early ,i bet they will be would be given the tank freely
They’ll lose whiney little kids with an over-inflated sense of entitlement – That’s no loss in my book…
thats what people get, everyone and their grandma’s started grinding Fv4202 cuz lel free t8 med. from business point of view it’ll hurt your, so smart move by wg.
“The 90mm gun HESH/HEAT/HE ammo setup on T49 is historical, that gun did not fire AP shells”
Meanwhile the ELC stands in a corner giggling like a schoolgirl.
when they add more french tanks 2015 the ELC AMX will be balanced don’t worry it will get the NERF BAT LOVE!
GTFO. My baby is fragile and underpowered. :-)
ELC rebalance!
Tier6 scout is now the ELC EVEN with twin 30mm autocannons and a fully rotating turret.
So now you can pew pew while you pew pew.
Because in WoT, MORE DAKKA is always the solution.
ELC iz made 4 rokkin’
thats why i stick to what i stick to. prems or rare tanks or fun tanks not tanks that wg says they give away lol
Re “unlockable tier X guns”
Hey Serb, you want reality? Join the army.
That guy is braindead.
- Q: “Remove the 25 percent RNG for the sake of cybersports!” A (SerB): “Stop whining already.”
Sounds to me like SerB (and the rest of the devs) need to actually grind their way up the tech trees once again; rather than playing OP nazi TDs and other premie tanks. Better still; they should be made to do so without a premium account, clans, or teams. Maybe then they MIGHT get the hint about how f***ing broken RNG and MM both are.
RNG is broken only for weaksauce players.
“…as SerB explains: “In real life, these vehicles had ‘stock’ guns. The need to unlock the top guns is compensated by lower unlocking price of the vehicle itself.”
Right… these guys can never come clean about anything, it is obvious to anyone familiar with the game and its creators business practices that this is plainly meant to be a free XP sink for high level players who actually spend money on the game. In any case you just have to look at the Bat chat.25 to see the lapse of logic in what he is saying here where the technical final XP cost is 280k and you have to spend half a million extra credits to get the top gun making it the most expensive tank in the game.
They want every tank to be able to have its real life guns.
To appease the stupid “Historical Accuracysss” crowd
> – allegedly, Evilly said on a meeting with players in Belarus that developers do not want to give out free FV4202 as a premium vehicle, there will be a grinding mission to get it however (the way IS-6/Super Pershing were given out)
HAHA to all people who started heavy grinding to get FV
Ofc :D
1. FV4202 will be not given for free
2. FV4202 will be given for free as the T34, Evilly confirmed it. (Many players buy golds for free XP for fast grinding the FV)
3. Evilly says that the developers want not give the FV4202 for free way and it will be in mission like the IS-6 or SP (many players buy premium acc for completing the misson)
Well done WG