Source: VK Wotleaks community
Hello everyone,
in future patches (possibly 9.4), the Swamp map will be reworked as such:
Unfortunately we have no proper screenies at this time. The blue spots represent “new hills added” zones (so there will be more cover). The yellow lines in the north represent “more cover added” (likely buildings, stones or a ditch).
So another sniping spot removed and more corridors forming.
yes WG dont wanna do a TD class rebalance so they destory the maps for TD’s
WG wants to create a CoD version with tanks, all meds and all fast and all powerful.
And this disgusts me.
World of Canyons…
World of Crayons?
Every map that has been reworked, since the people in WG for maps changed, has been made into corridors… keep an eye on that ;)
Everyone play Heavies with high HP pools since prem ammo overload has made armor useless. Throw away your TD’s, scouts, and slow meds as well. The only arty worth playing is the FV304 (oh wait… not for long) and the Conq GC with it’s high arc. Don’t worry, they will probably nerf it’s arc as well.
Soon it will be World of Tog’s and Maus’s, maybe some T95′s.
Fuck these WG map destroyers, I hate them.
i totally agree, 100%. wg is killing everything that isnt a ht with either massive amour (so even prem cant pen) or very high health pools, and fast meds. Scouts, slow meds, tds and allot of the arty is useless. yet the latest tanks/ upcoming tanks are teir 8 scouts(patch 9.3) , check, sniping tds (waffentrages), check, slow mediums (Japanese tree), check. they are implementing tanks but at the same time ruining the maps for the play style of those new tanks! i seriously have no idea how the 50+ devs at wg are soooo stupid.
I actually enjoy the openness of this map (well the middle section anyway), especially whilst driving meds/lights.
It gives a lot of room for moving around, but it seems like all maps in this game , it will become tight corridors of death
The maps are becoming worse and worse, more corridors we don’t need.
So i can sell my leopard 1?
Another great map turned to shit…
Another map butchered. GG.
I wonder when they fix Mountain Pass as the northern base has clear advantage around the middle (Bush and rock for cover). But no, turning ok maps to corridors is more important.
son of a bitch… world of corridors
What? WG, you are doing it wrong. This remake and improvement in not complying with New Map Improving Modelâ„¢. Proper remake should look like here:
How comes WG didn’t hired this guy yet?!
To be fair at least that’s 4 corridors as opposed to the standard regulation 3.
Nononono, it needs 3 more and have 7 in total. Just like Pearl River.
NO! Don’t give them ideas! If they make it like this its your fault!
Well, at least they didn’t changed the spots @D4&G8
Thank fuck, this map is such a shitfest. Now please remove prokhorovka and rework fiery salient.
And fix campinvoka ffs.
Prokhorovka is great. One of the rare maps that look like REAL TANK BATTLE TERRAIN. It’s only bad for slow heavies which means the map is great.
Until you get blindshotted by arty and you die.
Yea that would be terrible, having a map where arti could actually shoot someone.
More city maps and high buildings please. We can’t have an entire type of vehicles doing damage. No sir.
arty are not vehicles. They’re sky cancer, the less damage done by those broken shitters, the better
With all my hate to arty I still would prefer to have maps where everyone can do something. Current “corridization” is not a solution (by the way, for some mysterious reason arty usually have a way to shoot in corridors chokepoints, while lights are basically fucked). What is the point of implementing new lights when they will actually be a mediums with worse armor and terrible MM? They will mostly be used in modes where they are always top tier – companies, stronkholds, teambattles, because they will be quite powerful there like currently 13-90 and WZ are.
After Murovanka, Swamp is the most unbalanced map in the current game. So it’s not at all surprising to see it being fixed.
Hopefully they will balance Province as well, although it’s only a low tier map, so less important.
Wargaming knows that in real life every single piece of terrain was completely bisected by hills and valleys.
Especially Swamp terrain is known to be full of hills and corridors.
Oh great more corridor maps. Soon I can sell all my lights and meds and brains and just play dumb heavies. Even brainless red players are enough to handle simple corridors, and after all 99% of the playerbase has no brains.
way to ruin another OK map… gj wg
So they added useless hills in the middle of the map to prevent sniping and yet they have left the fucking hill in south base where all the TD scums are camping and making the last attack impossible usually ending in draw. FUCKING BRILLIANT M8
WG is literally cancer to this game
Yeah… this upsets me too… northern side has little cover to get even close to their base :/
And i don’t like this “sniping prevention” they are doing to all maps atm ;_;
Its funny but I think WOT is worse in WG hands than if they sold it. Garbad said many times and he is right WG doesant understand why the game blew up and is just doing shit they think is right without thinking or listening.
Also problem is WG employees as a whole are garbage players, so they make the meta based off there terribaddie ideas.
Lol wut ?
This map is perfectly fine. And now they are reworking it into yet another crappy corridor map…
WG Plz..
Hey WG let’s try something. Why don’t you remove it and be done with it?, what a terrible map ffs.
I’m okay with breaking line of sight with hills, so long as they can be climbed, sort of like at Red Shire. But when they put fucking cliffs everywhere, like on Severogorsk or Pearl River, it’s beyond retarded. It doesn’t look natural and the only way of such cliffy paths to form would be for engineers to cut their way through the rocks and soil … because random, curved paths in the middle of nowhere and leading to nowhere is what engeneers do!
And something tells me they are going to put such things here now.
The problem is that Wargaming is too hellbent on making the maps small. This is also why War Thunder Ground Forces failed: 3 out of the 5 maps in that game were absurdly tiny. Corridors aren’t a good idea because it basically means the better side scraper is the winner (Russian and German tanks essentially).
Maps need to be larger, so that you can “sneak past campers” by driving outside their field of view, not driving through a corridor. Imagine, if every tank on the map was equally spaced (assuming with maximum view range), there should still be room for a light tank to wiggle through undetected. That is not the case with this game currently.
If maps were this big, then mediums would enjoy flanking opportunities, lights would enjoy huge expanses to spot, Tank Destroyers would enjoy large fields of fire, Heavy tanks would enjoy leeway to avoid the scouts and TDs (taking advantage of penetration drop over distance as well as the map just being too big to be 100% patrolled), and the artillery could go ham as there would be more concealment than hard cover.
Doesn’t mean you can’t have an urban map. An urban map does not equate to a corridor map, as if you could render many city blocks, streets and crossroads, open grounds and parks, outskirts, etc, you can have a good urban map (like Karokhov).
Sounds nice, but at the same time we should remove T95, Tog and another terribly slow tanks from the game because they would be unplayable (would you enjoy driving for like 10 minutes to actually shoot someone?). Big maps would also require to involve more than 15 tanks per side because sometimes it would look just retarded when the teams would have problem to actually find themselves. And on top remember we have very stronk engine here. Current state requires quite powerful computer to run with decent FPS. Imagine what would happen if we make maps only 2 times bigger. So big maps are a good idea, but problematic to implement, but much better than turning everything in a corridor (hell, almost every idea is better than it).
I love all the butthurt campers whining about this change. I, on the other hand, welcome it.
I’ve grown sick of watching base campers rack up points and kills in this map simply because there were huge, open fields in front of raised, concealed sniper spots around the base. TDs and snipers might have to put some thought into their positioning now. How terrible!
World of Corridors…Because Rus tanks want to farm you like cattle lines.
Did anyone even dislike this map? I thin kthis map was one that was universally enjoyed both in CW and pubs…Why not fix things like southcoast or add another 4 Himmelsdorfs
Pingback: WOT: from map changes in 9.4 as reported by FTR, and WOWP a casaulty of Ukraine war? | Mal's Maps
Yet another map with sniping all but removed and turned into a brawling map. That’s fine if your in a Russian tank since most are brawlers, kinda screws everyone else who isn’t such as most German tanks.