Third (Fourth?) 9.3 Test Iteration

Hello everyone,

yet another test iteration (“third test”) did hit the test 9.3 today. Following fixes were made in it:

- fixed the client crashes and freezes, happening in some cases
- fixed the issues with one new medal, awarded for doing 1000 spotting damage in battle
- fixed the bug where the ramming damage in test client was too small
- fixed the bugged weakspots on the IS-7 turret frontal armor

Funny I was checking the 0.9.3 test 2 IS-7 armor and I didn’t notice any bugs. Maybe it was not visible in the viewer or something.

49 thoughts on “Third (Fourth?) 9.3 Test Iteration

  1. Finally they fixed ramming issue… My E 50M would be very sad if they would nerf The Ramming Damage.

    • yup, rammed a t110e5 in my e-50m going 60 km/h. 0 damage to both of us.
      Seems legit. but now i can ram the shit out of everything. :)

  2. Even after the latest update I still won some noobish award and the text box said
    ‘ description ‘ … lol

  3. Did they fix the RU 251 turret with this patch? or is it going to go live, with half a foot of turret stuck into the hull :/

  4. And still WG ignores the other 2 Soviet tanks which use the D10T and the 5 Chinese which use the 44-100JT. Why only buff ONE D10T for the sake of balance vs the S-34, while leaving 8! others unchechked/not looked at/ignored?

    I don’t get it, were they drunk while editing the database?

    • The (especially early: I’m looking at you Type 58) Chinese identical copies are ‘balanced’ harshly in some gun regards compared to their Soviet counterparts, so (as a Chinese medium + light player), I sucked it up, but the fact that the other tanks with D-10T guns for the Soviets where not adjusted is baffling…

      But hey, look at BL-9 replacement gun, D-25TA, oh wait, Chinese tanks already get that. And it’s not a BL-9 equal XD shame!…


  5. it seems IS-7 got two small 270mm spots in turret front, where slope was the least. Combine it with no hitbox cupola and you get basically immune tank when hulldown.

        • It might of changed that was last week that date was thrown around who knows I would probably say theres a good chance it will be this week but this is first time in a while there has been a third test run. So late next week at the latest.

  6. Can you still customize your carousel such as by country or light tank?

    I don’t see that on the TS. Was this eliminated and I missed it?????

  7. you know what really grinds my gears?!? people using team-speak and countdowns in this game to start pumping stats while at the same time having an traitor (intruder) in your own team who is “innocently” camping and giving all your teams positions away. Is WG even aware of this issue!?!?! how do they attempt to work on this and why doesn’t it sound so much better to simply implement EFF MM as counter to theft … because that’s what it is, theft!!! seriously everyone’s attention is deceived with bots and bad players but too many “good players” seem to know how to blind-kill these days a little too often! it’s becoming too obvious and it’s annoying, something must be done about it!!!

    • did i just gave away your little secret?!? ohh i’m sorry… i thought this was suppose to be a honest competition and an honest game. no wonder we will never have EFF MM in randoms and no wonder nothing is being done about this since the virtual world is even more fucked up than the real world!!! constant cold-war tactics even in games.

      • p.s. not talking about you personally Crate , just letting out some very important piece of information who everyone else seems to ignore.

    • What’s EFF? Closest I can get related to gaming is the Electronic Frontiers Foundation who don’t have any particular concern for the matchmaking in World of Tanks that I know of.

      Also learn what theft actually is. What really grinds my gears is people purposefully misusing words to push an agenda.

      • so you think it’s an agenda? there is no agenda it’s personal thought on what i actually see happening in this game only it takes so long and it’s so hard to figure out that some team-mates under-perform or camp with top tier heavy tanks on purpose that you cannot see the whole picture as it happens!!! i so wish you are right and i am wrong, believe me, i really wish i am wrong with this. if not… i just hope and wish they are trying to find a way to prevent this and these people. it reminds me of monitoring in counter-strike. does anyone remember how annoying that was?!? ( still is in some games)
        theft was a joke word btw, as in they are robbing our fun.

        • Please also learn what an agenda is. You would like to see efficiency used as part of matchmaking, that is your agenda.

          Plenty of players camp simply because they are bad at the game, not because they are cheating. Yes, there really are people out there who are genuinely terrible at the game.

          Either way what you are describing does happen, but I don’t believe it happens as much as you seem to think it does.

        • EFF = efficiency. i was talking about efficiency mm rules! players with equal eff values won’t like to ruin them. a whole server stat reset should be taken in consideration (Without taking out medals though) and everything should be rethought in detail in order to have a fair decent game, not constant TC / Clan war mode on in public games.

          war thunder has single player mode because of people who do this. the “fair” factor is just gone and people who have more friends that like to play the game win because you need a whole lot of friends who play and like the game to pull this off. and it’s so easy to bypass…. all you need is the right people. this is what happens in the “free game” mmorpg game world everywhere.

    • Really? Random battle rigging? Did you even tried to do that? Do you know what odds are to make in to one the battle when server is at peak or medium population? Of course its easier to do that in low population server during early morning but even that is not easy.

  8. >> – fixed the issues with one new medal, awarded for doing 1000 spotting damage in battle

    Like, is that much??? Some heavies will get accidental spotting medal while brawling.

        • Why do you even question those new “medals”?
          They are not even medals in the usual sense and just silly ribbons like Sharpshooter and the likes, they are not even shown to other players in the after battle stats.

          They are just some “nice rewards” for doing things in this game right, be it by accident or by actually knowing what the fuck you are doing and I will certainly accumulate a shitload of them.