Hello everyone,
in Test 3, IS-7 turret armor was made a bit thicker. The lower part of the armor near the mantlet (you can see the zone becoming “more red” on the picture) was buffed from 240mm to 270mm, making the turret harder to penetrate (following numerous complaints of RU players, because IS-7 is the favourite tier 10 heavy on RU server). Overall it’s a buff, since on the old model (0.9.2), the same area is 240mm thick. Open the post for a (large) picture.
Please note that the armor zone behind and straight below the mantlet remains 240mm thick.
Is this …. historical?
On the other hand, the IS-7 turret was ALREADY extremely tough. Only 276+ pen guns at perfect angles and fairly close range COULD HOPE to penetrate it. Even tier 10 TDs and their premium ammo would not take their chances.
Now it is invulnerable. WHY? WTF is wrong with people these days!???@!?
As if the IS-7 had gun depression to abuse that turret armor though.
-6. That is enough for such a powerful turret.
6 degrees is often enough, especially as it only needs to hide the lower plate.
-6 is easily abused, esp when the turret is forward in relations to the higher front drive wheel and it is.
-6 on the Obj 140 for instance is much greater than the -6 on the E4.
But look at -6 in similiar layouts…IS6 which is great, 112
IS7 is buffed for no reason at all….
Also so many maps are made for the IS7 in mind since it is so popular, this means clutter and broken walls in city maps are just the right hiegth to cover the lower plate and pikes etcl
Make test with Jpze100 gold ammo 420 pen ;)
Why HEAT? Never had problems to put an AP shell through the turret while an IS-7 was face hugging my JPE. It is still doable just that now there is a slightly better chance to bounce of with a low roll.
If all fails put an HE into his cupola or the turret ring. Two HE and his Modules are rekt [x]
Lol….HE 2 hurt his modules? Ok you shoot him 2x with HE and kills his uber powerful vision device….LOL
Meanwhile he uses his 300 pen apcr and hits you for 1k DMG
Whats wrong with making the front turret IS-7 invulnerable?You can still penetrate the side and rear armour of the IS-7 with ease though.
And how you were planning to do that?
With ease? Have you ever seen the actual underside of the sides?
It has spaced armor met with a very sharp 45 degree sloped plate and then another thick vertical plate….http://i.imgur.com/GSFpZJu.jpg
Lol yeah your right its sooooo easy to hurt the best armored sides in the game.
Dude this is ridiculous. The IS7 was already the best armored T10 in game when it comes to assaulting as it really can bounce anything from pike up. It bounces much much more than a MAUS as it is just ads protected from HEAT as AP and MAUS isnt.
Don’t shoot that part then.
Back in the day people learned to shoot at weak points, now you shoot anywhere, and when you can’t pen you’re like”oh god muh hurr durr op td on fullgold ammo cant pen this op soviet tank pls nerf”.
I already DONT shoot it.
That is not the point. The IS-7 has AWESOME frontal protection. Its turret is one of if not the best in the game.
It did not need this. The odd 300+ pen round penetrating MY IS-7 once a year was already good enough. It did not need more.
Lorraine 40t best turret :)
OMG this…..Why dont we just remove the E5`s turmor then? Or how about make it not even a hitbox.
Point is the IS7 was already OP in armor and needs nothing else, but because WG wanted to keep the baddies happy they not only kept it the same but buffed it.
This is clearly making something to OP just for profit IMO as its the most popular heavy on RU.
Seriously where is my E5`s upgrade when its “Reskinned”.
Hell lets make the E5 like it was actually designed, with laminate armor and a upper with 315 LOS armor and a lower of 285mm @ LOS with a straight hull we can angle. Oh and vs HEAT it was 450mm+. It also was 65 degrees in angle.
Did I mention it had a 900 HP engine planned, or that the gun cradle moved an extra 2 degrees over the already 8 degrees….How about its gun being 285 pen and it being more accurate than L7.
Why not its not like game balance matters, im sure all of Muricans on NA would love this and it would make them money…..Oh thats right they are supposed to be fair and make tanks as equal as they can, not bend to the will or wants of the pubs.
Funny how WG is so “How Terrible” about everything when its a small number of people complaining even when they are 100% right, except the things RU server as a whole want to do, then its “We didnt do this because you all asked for it but because X Y or Z” Historical accuracy, or balance or other nonsense.
Actually it was kind of a weakspot, if you toy with the 9.2 IS-7 model in armor inspector you can see there is only a small spot on the cheeks where the angle doesnt make it lol9001+ bouncinium and it isn’t very reliable to shoot there to begin with but it worked at close range when an IS-7 decided to go herpderp bumrush w+m1 you. But because this is one of the most if not the most favourite and retard friendly line, WG has to keep it that way because thats where most of the monies come from.
Hahaha, IS-7′s front turret armor is a weakspot.
I’m outta here.
I rolled on the test a little and I still see the same weakspot it had before.
Learn to play.
Not entire front turret, just one tiny spot dependable on angling comprised of how its curved and where you look at it from. Meh, why am I arguing someone who replies with “derp”?
Morons should learn to read.
I actually penned it 3 times in a front frontaly with 50B when we facehugged. I was using AP. I was really suprised.
They want the newbs to feel like they are great, when really its just the tank.
I`ll tell you what after T57 got pwn nerfed and the IS7 is god now fro nthe front, it will be goto choice again in CW, esp since all maps are becoming brawling primarily
Yeah, have never shot at IS-7 turret front, so you can give it 600mm of “historical” armor there, don’t care.
If it is historical, then I wont protest.
Still, I once shot an IS-7 with my JPZ E-100 in the turret… :)
Last thing he never saw coming.
IS-7 turret was already epic. I find this weird how WG is giving such a pointless buff so easily, but no gun buff or even mobility.
it doesnt need a gun or mobility buff
Was it 8.5 that buffed the IS-7 top speed to 59 km/h? they really can’t buff mobility anymore surely….
Buff the Maus! let’s see more of these beauties around :)
If youre shooting at an IS-7 turret front…
Somethings wrong.
Ive killed more then a few with shots at the turret…
Now do the same for the maus <.<
IS7 kinda needs this, unreliable gun and the dominence on T10 TD’s and mediums that can either derp through the hull or flank its fat ass.
It’s still the go to tank in Clan Wars. It didn’t really need this at all – unless you’re close and know where to aim this weakspot was hard to abuse. Lets compare it with the E100, which unless angled well can be penetrated by most standard rounds right through the front.
Anyone calling for an IS7 buff, in anyway, should be burnt at the stake of stupidity.
“It’s still the go to tank in Clan Wars. ”
Um, what.
I thought there was something called a T57?
T%7 is rip after 9.3….Its 30% less accurate in every sense and more like 50% when moving and turning turret.
That great 3k DPM goes to 2600 after 1 missed shot, so if you were 75% accurate before you will be hit hard probably 60% accurate now or die waiting for bloom to go down and 2 missed shots a minute is a whopping 2200 DPM…..Wow
Also T57 was amazing because it was fully zoomed after 2.2 secs meaning you could fire ,2 secs after the intra load time and have a 100% shot….Now with aim time nerf+ bloom its more like 2.7 between shots standing still meaning you will be 70% zoomed in most fast shots essentially snap shotting where before you zoomed .
T57 will exponentially become weaker, 50b is now god mode as it has 2nd best heavy gold round in game, it has amazing accuracy, solid bloom now but best is speed of a 140 in a straigline, which means it will cruise with the meds…..IS7+50b now have top speed to keep up with meds where as E5 and T57 dont.
Thats compensation for MG’s erectile disfunction!
I guess IS-7 is truly unique now. Best hulldown tank in the game.
There is more devilish tank – 320mm turret front. Some EU country mod of T-55 or something.
That “devilish” tank I think it is the Romanian version of T-55 . I can’t remember the name although :(
Here you go: It is the TR-85 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TR-85)
But if you want another one more devilish here is the TR-125 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TR-125) with 570mm of turret armor :)
He said in the game….
But if you really want the best it was the t110 project.
Laminated armor, with a thick spaced section and 300mm of raw frontal.
It was 450mm vs AP and 750 vs HEAT.
WG does not bother anymore with dates. As you can see by the AMX/leopard hybrid article that was posted today. A tank can be made today if it features the technology back then and not too modern than it is all good. The primary thing that WG is looking at is the gun (if it is rifled then it is good, if it ain’t then it ain’t good). The TR-85 has a rifled gun and even if it was produced in 1985 it is still a Ok thank to be in the game, of course tier 10 material. The armor could be a bit problematic but it ain’t hard to just make it steel.
As far as i can tell this is unhistorical.
Usually listed in books is 210mm turretfront.
Does anyone know more?
Apparently, WG might had hands on production schematics :D
Evilly, Russian chief community manager said it’s not.
Storm then said it actually is historical. Ultimately it’s the HD conversion who has the final word. Wargaming is scanning the actual tanks. A few HD models got nerfed a bit to match the real armor values.
I am still waiting when they will turn the T29 and T30 into HD. Will they f**k them totally up and reduce the mantlet to historical 200mm?
Did they scan the is-7?
They showed a video how they scan HD models.Yes.
If they really want to spend time looking into buffing a tank, they should look into buffing the Excelsior. Its gun is awful.
It is supposed to be awful; that way you buy premium ammo to compensate which brings money to WG.
But the armor is ultra troll. Just like T14 or KV220. You can take your time to aim at weakspots since incomming fire cant really harm you.
I have never found the armour to be “troll” you die very quickly even if you always present your frontal armour to them. As well as the penetration being inadequate its also inaccurate so good luck hitting the weak spots while someone constantly penetrates you with a decent gun.
Isn’t it amazing that for other tanks they made HD like m103, Maus and tortoise they nerf the armor because reasons, and two of these tanks rely on armor because they are slow but Wargaming don’t care. Then it comes to IS7 and they actually buff the already best turret in the game and eliminate the only weak spot it did have. When an IS7 face hugs you this was the only place you could pen him and even then you would need a high pen gun or even premium rounds. Now you will just die. Also for all the people saying this is no problem because you can just flank IS7 have you also seen it’s side armor…. please download tank inspector and look how bs it’s armor is.
It’s like Wargaming are slaves to the Russian community, whatever they whine about they change. They moaned that tortoise armor was too OP (the middle area where you auto aim to was hard to pen, but if you aim it has many weakspots) so guess what they nerf tortoise armor. Now they want IS7 to have patches of stronger armor, meanwhile Maus plods along and gets owned by everything.
Look at number 3, thats is where you pen IS-7 turret when facehugging.
Oh and stop whining…
i ship this^
sure, they buff again the russian shits, why so hard buff the 113 and the e100
so true :(
fucking bullshit russian propoganda. Ofc i dont usa propoganda too. Or any bullshit one whic fullfill redneck dreams…
It will still be penetrated. This is not the biggest issue in the world. Well, it is.
Hello everyone.
I am good player in WOT only on tiers 5 and 6, i can be good in tier 7.
Tiers 8 – 10 i am still learning and gaining experience.
And that is why … i want to add my opinion because when i have tier 10 enemy in IS-7 i cannot be considered as danger to him becaause i am just not good on this high tiers.
I am not afraid when i see IS-7 as enemy. Why ? IS-7 driver is not able to play hull down as much as he would like. Ok. I will agree – enemy IS-7 hull down with only turret that you can shoot at – it is extremly bad for me. But do i see IS-7 all the time hull down …
I want to post here my funny experience against IS-7. Some will rage about ammo that i used (soo what … i saw over 60% win rate players in youtube with only gold …), some will say that it was just one example and better IS-7 enemy driver would kill me instead … But …
I learn to play Tortoise. I am on him nothing better then “average” at best. One time IS-7 rushed on my position when from some distance teammate was defending the same spot (trying to do that …) soo IS-7 was not able to flank me too easy. What i did ? I loaded gold, aimed at his pike nose (i was on little higher ground). I penetrated him once, he bounced, i penetrated him second time, he started to retreat to go hull down under water (only his turret above water). I penetrated him one more and i killed him (teammates damage him once i believe during that time). He was not able to penetrate me … despite my weakspots – i was able to kill him with no problem.
I am much more afraid when i see: angled IS-4, angled ST-I, angled KV-4, USA T110Esomething. IS-7 … if i am afraid or i have bad gun or both … i will load gold (yeah … gold noob …) and kill him … Nothing scary about him. And … i never aim his turret but … i am not forced to do it to be honest. Maybe my experience is to low against IS-7 but i just afraid other tanks much more (also because IS-7 can bounce on me, for example IS-4 gun will bounce i believe not as often).
afraid from kv4? lmao….
Yes. Afraid of KV-4 because with “better then red player” as driver could be hard to kill and you cannot ingore him completly and try to kill easier targets because maybe not have good aplha damage but he can penetrate you and do damage.
Maybe that is funny and strange but i still … afraid good player in KV-4 more then IS-7. KV-4 angeld … tough to deal with …
Keep morfeus involved here FTR trolls, pls. Hes shooting gold even in comments!!!
To Joe Zivak.
Thank you !
1) You are killing my desire to put my experience here – i will have more time for other things.
2) I cannot be sure what ammo i will use on you in WOT. Depends from your tank, my tank and in game situation ;) … Sooo … you cannot be sure that i will try to kill you with gold.
In your positoin i would like to have in my team a player with (currently) over 52,85 % win rate. Do not post too soon about do not meet you in the game … Because you would like to know what you talk to lol …
Are you by any chance a tomato morfeusz33?
A KV-4 is a shit tank, no matter who drives it. Its the worst T8 heavy I have ever driven – and I drove all of them. Only thing KV-4 is good for: Bullying T7 tanks with low pen guns.
A IS-7 however, is in capable hands a far more dangerous enemy then a KV-4 will ever be.
I wanted not to post more but …
1) About IS-7.
1a) “A IS-7 however, is in capable hands” you are wrong. IS-7 is very rarely in capable hands. Saying that tank is good in capable hands is idiotic because almost all tanks in capable hands are good. Guys like QuickyBaby can have 6 kills even with M3 Lee if he really want it … No argument that is.
1b) You do not need to agree with me of course but i cannot agree with words that i should afraid of IS-7 – I am not. Simple is that. Because in most cases i do not need to be – he is not hull dow or he is not good player or he is bouncing or … all combined …
2) About KV-4.
Do not agree. KV-4 is not a shit tank. KV-4 is very resilient tank, more defensive then offensive of course. Do not belive ? In youtube you can find enough evidence of for example E-100 shooting only gold (not me i do not have E-100 at all lol …) that cannot penetrate angled KV-4. You just do not tell the truth here about “KV-4 is shit tank”.
3) About “are you … a tomato”.
I am not “a tomato” and my wn8 is on good level, but this is not important. Important are arguments. Your arguments are weak and saying that i am “a tomato” is not convincing argument to me lol …
4) About “my style of posting”
I won’t put arguments as “maybe you do not know how to play KV-4 nd because of that you put such idiotic comment “KV-4 is a shit tank”.
Ok, you are a tomato, no doubt about that.
1a) The point is: IS-7 in capable hands is a very good tank.
KV-4 however in good hands is a…playable tank, not more.
1b) So you are not afraid of a IS-7 because he is not always driven by a good player or in a good position. Fine for you, happy dieing then, because you can always dictate the circumstances if you meet an enemy IS-7, right?!
2. I would penetrate your fucking KV-4 with E-100 AP rounds – absolutly no problem, no matter how you angle.
3. Statistics prove that KV-4 is underperforming, swallow it already.
4. Sure I dont know how to play a T8 heavy. Every fucking T8 heavy that i played has close to 60% W/R or WAY ABOVE. Guess which tank has not? Yeah, your beloved KV-4.
To that post i really want and can replay.
In your post we can find:
- „Ok, you are a tomato, no doubt about that.”;
- „Fine for you, happy dieing then”;
- „your fucking KV-4”;
- „your beloved KV-4”.
This is just angry man that cannot accept that someone has different opinion.
„He has a different opinion – he needs to be an idiot or what … different opinion then me … he said that his stats are not „tomato one” – soo he is lying.” Nice thinking … Really nice.
With this kind of people there is no talk on arguments – just offending others like you do.
Ok. That is your style. No problem.
About statistics.
„Statistics prove that KV-4 is underperforming, swallow it already.”
No arguments can be found here from your position.
Why ?
Man (2 legs) with a dog (4 legs) on walk – statisticly man has 3 legs on average
and a dog has 3 legs on average.
Do you see that ;) … ??
„Sure I dont know how to play a T8 heavy. Every fucking T8 heavy that i played has close to 60% W/R or WAY ABOVE. Guess which tank has not? Yeah, your beloved KV-4.”
No arguments can be found here from your position.
Why you believe that you NEED TO KNOW HOW TO DRIVE EVERY TANK.
You like some tanks more than others soo what … Does you need to know how to drive every tank ?
Why so ?
Everybody has something more suitable then other. This is life. Really …
This is final post from my position.
No point of talking to someone who can hear only himself – like you.
Amount of attacks suggest that you do not want to talk on arguments. Ok. No worry – we won’t be.
I like to talk about WOT because i like this game. But not with someone who just offend others.
Morfeusz i was talking about commedy golds you are shooting here. And yes you are right, i dont want to meet you in the game…
It isnt an opinion if it is wrong. Then its bullshit. Like your leg example: Average leg per man is still 2 – you simply cant count the dogs legs to the men legs. Some knowledge about statistics would help you avoiding this bs.
And just something to think:
How many KV-4 were driven in Twilight of the gods? How many in T8 SH? How many in T8 TCs?
Guess what: Close to zero %.
Yes, that shows how good that tank is.
watch Orzanel play the IS7, its stupid.
He runs out of AP every game.
The KV4 was a big amount of HP on tracks when I was grinding to the IS8, whenever I meet an is7 in my e5 I prepare for a challenge, and if I see him hull-down, I get the f out of there or load gold.
I absolutely agree with you.
I have played both russian heavy lines and my stats are dark green, working towards blue. ( I only state this for the benefit of the many people who accuse others of being tomatoes
A)Whenever i am up against an is7 i don’t panic because it’s a matter of time before the is7 player messes up:
1)Turn around a corner
2)Accidental spike angling
3)Lower hull exposed
B)At the same time, when i am using my is7, i dont make those mistakes very often. However, when i am being surrounded by a horde of medium tanks i don’t have much of an escape plan. Then again, the same can be said for other tanks as well.
C) I loved the kv4. It bounces the is7′s shots effortlessly and only needed dynamic angling when up against the premium shells. My kv4 would then proceed to wear down the is7.
D) People don’t play the kv4 because it is unwieldly. Slow and cumbersome, it requires angling to stay alive. On the other hand, is7 just needs to face enemies head on from a similar elevation while hiding its lower hull.
In conclusion, i loved both lines (except the is8, more of a medium than a heavy) but i prefer the IS4 to the IS7 due to the line being more faithful to the heavy tank manifesto.
P.S: Your argument was sound save for the legs part, which i didn’t get.
any 200mm plus gun easly able to beat KV4… Lower frontal plate or simply turret sides.
Because i replayed about IS-7 and KV-4 just yet here i will only say that you can easly able to beat everything …
Why ? Take proper gun, aim weakspots or flank and aim weakspots – you will “easly able to beat” even T95.
Soo not much an argument i see here, because there is no tank in WOT that cannot be killed. So saying that some tank can be beat is nothing special because even T95 “can be beat”.
In addition: because from now i can only repeat myself what i already said about my personal experience i wont see any sens to pur more posts. I said my point – agree or not … your decision (your i mean – all you are here).
Is this historical or did WG gave in to the whiners who think IS-7 is UP? Or maybe the classic WG method: if historical means russian tenks stronker or german tanks weaker, they make things historical. If historical means german tanks stronger or russian tenks weaker, they say historicity doesn’t matter.
Gave in to whiners naturally. Russian tomatoes are still raging like there is no tomorrow about not being able to own everything with their tomato skillz.
So we have a Russian Heavy tank with mega thick armour and a Russian medium with 3000dpm. Anyone seeing a theme here?
They can buff the IS-7 turret as much as they want, I don’t care. I use gold ammo and shoot the upper front. That pens often, and when I am lucky, one shots the tank by blowing up the ammo rack.
So what.
I 100% agree with you MaterialDefender. I said before in my words exacly the same opinion. I try to use normal ammo first – i use gold only when i see that i really won’t pen him with normal ammo of course.
Exactly, who even shoots the turret anyway? The irony is that people here whine about this buff while commenting on the whiners that brought it about.
You just need another replay.
Some tank is bad because no one uses them. OK …
From when popular mean good and not popular mean bad ?
IS-7 is popular so he is good ? KV-4 is not popular soo he is bad ?
Old KV-1s was more popular then T-150 soo T-150 was bad tank ?
Or you know what … “DemolitionDmitrij” and “Joe Zivak” – … i withdraw all i said … you are totally right.
Everybody that does not agree with you are “tomato”, “noobs”, “cry babies”.
Do you feel better ? I hope.
In one thing i will still hurt your feelings. It will be … i will still be overall not bad player with my own opinion about many things despite your efforts to change that. I will sometimes put my opinion here. I will agree sometimes with you and sometimes i will not. That is life. Really …
But on other hand … if i am alone who wants to know opinion of others and put my own instead of just puting my own opinion – maybe it will be useless … Philosophical question lol …
kv-4 is great tank :)
230 battles, 56% WR \^_^/
Damn right. It’s like a tier 8 maus.
And then there is Maus….sitting in garages of many people with its shitty turret front being its major weakspot and no one gives a shit….stronk rashan is-7 gets penned every now and then with gold ammo in its turret cheeks and they lose their shit and buff it to absurdity. No bias at all, only stronk 100% accurate rashan history blueprints.