9.3 Light Tanks – Terrain Passability

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/3497512.html

Hello everyone,

did you notice how very, very impressive the terrain passability of the new light tanks is? Mountains await!


59 thoughts on “9.3 Light Tanks – Terrain Passability

  1. Hilarious! I see an other test server iteration coming….but wait no, they ran out of dev time and neeed neeeeeedz to release the new version despite of it still having issues or being not true tested/completed/adjusted.

    GJ Wargaming.

    • lol, no is not, the waiting time is for people to load the game, and believe me, some people do take those 30 seconds in the loading screen.

      • When joining a battle i can wait at first 10-20seconds that enough players finally loaded the game, so that i can even wait 30seconds longer for the timer…

        At least in training rooms it should be possible to shortcut the 30sec timer ~

    • At the beggining, it sets 60 seconds for everyone to load.
      When the game gets around half the players ready, it ticks down to 30, unless it was already below that.
      And even then, there are players that finish loading within 5 seconds of game start. I remember multiple battles where the game had already started (specially in 8.11) when it finally loaded.
      So, no thank you. The current setup is good enough.

  2. Holy crap…I can see my Type 64 will be having some fun now (note the Type that got up behind the Mines lighthouse before the Bulldog got there). I like this! Talk about an evil way to scout & be a sneaky ass sniper….

    • I am already imagining the ninja arse-shots on heavies playing peek-a-boo on hill corners. :-)

  3. Does terrain passability has been modified on old light tanks too or just on new ones?
    If it’s only for new ones, it’s not balanced. (M41 OP!!!)

  4. WOW! Compared to the other tanks that mobility… oh my. Is this only for the new lights tanks or is the entire class getting this mobility buff? So this is one of the things that WG came up with to make the light class more viable?

    I can see myself having even more fun with my lights but also see frustration when i drive anything else when and the some jackass in light tank ignorant of *scout* MM tierspread going *fuck this MM, fuck WG* and then go park himself in a place where he cannot be reached and not doing anything useful for the rest of the game…

  5. I hope old scouts get this as well. I dont see why vehicles with similar hp/ton and track width should perform differently on magical 9001 terrain resistance tank-no-go-here rock textures only because they were introduced later into the game. So we got a new component for general scout buff: Superior terrain passability + the already rumored superior viewrange (however these stats should IMO suffer on scouts that are capable dmg dealers so the “real” scouts get something going for them) + there were rumors of buffing suspension durability on LTs. That’d do.

    • The problem is: Who decides which is a “real scout” and which not?
      And the archaic definition of “those that get increased MM are scouts” is out of commision right now, since there’s no light with preferential MM since Tier 6 (and those that have preferential MM are infantry tanks anyway).

  6. Since we have established the identity of the subliminal girl, what about the music/song? :P

    Also, you for real WG?

  7. Honestly, I wish you could do this with all tanks, seems a lot more fun and adds more variety than the same usual fucking corridors we have to use now.

  8. Totally nice music cover

    Anyway, I hope this is how its supposed to be and they wont change it, furthermore, I’m looking forward to adding such terrain passability to old light tanks

    This is pretty much excellent buff for LT class. Imagine all those glorious spotting places !!

    I want to climb mountains in my WZ-131 :P

    • But it will be fuuuuuuuuunnnnn *sparks and glitter*
      I guess it may be nerfed later…. or reserved for later release….
      Also, it ties in with all tanks getting their new track models and being able to laugh at rocks and train rails and random debris, so all (but arty, probably) will benefit in some way.

  9. cool, so AMX 13 90 and WZ 132 will be UP compared to other lights until they get reworked to HD?


      • But think about how much monies WG will make from people converting “free” XP to get these new beasts? :P

        IMO plenty of people have abandoned the light tanks for their UP, but with these introductions…
        Hell, I for one bought MT-25, never thought I’d be doing that!

  10. Pingback: 9.3 Lahké tanky – Priechodnosť terénom

  11. Wtf, maybe it’s fun for light tanks but imagine it in random battle. Shots to your back from nowhere, light tank hiding on a huge mountain with no access, how can you win such battle?!