Hello everyone,
if you follow this blog, you have likely seen all the new tank models already. However, this time, I have something a bit different for you. These screenshots are more… artistic than usual, shall I say. There is only one problem – I was digging through the e-mail correspondence and I have not found who actually sent this to me and where :( So whoever you are, mate (Imgur nickname “Opera5387″), do claim credit please, because these screenshots are really pretty.
(right-click and “view image” for full size version)
WELP time to cry over my comp’s abilities :D
Yeah right, my laptop struggles when I play wot in 8-bit :(
lol, nice pics.
Looks amazing. Until you open the game with max settings and gets slightly dissapointed.
ENB is magic.
What is ENB ? :$
Exploding Nuclear Bomb…
or Darude – Sandstorm.
Not really – I get pretty close to what’s on these pics.
Well I run all max except shadows on medium, and at least my wot does not look like this.
It’s sharpened and overlayed with a colour correction, but it’s not altered beyond that, I think.
If you want to get closer to this, play a bit with the filter option – one of them might work to get closer (I actually prefer medium colours anyway, not this bright, so I use a different filter).
And of course it doesn’t look like this yet – only after Wednesday (for these vehicles)
Looks to me, that some of the background is blurred in PhotoShop too. And yeah, some sharpening and color vibrance/saturation changes.
But the result is great!
They’ve added a depth of field effect and some sort of local contrast “enhancement” as well (looks like bad HDR processing…).
i use sweetfx
taken about 15 min ago
Very nice. Some extra filtering in graphic editor, but not much, I’d say.
Depth of field? Blur? I can do that too :D
Everyone can do this, you don’t even need plugins for Paint.NET :D
DoF with Paint.NET ? I guess nope
Wow, those pictures are awesome.
Yep they look really good very well done.
Nice pics !
Maybe now haters from WT will stop opening their mouths “lul wot shit ps1 graphs lmffffao n0b gem 4 kids wt huz bestest graphs xd”
WoT graphics are still bad compared to WT. But that is not important. The important part is that despite much better graphics, WT also runs MUCH better than WoT. You don’t need a PC from the future to run it on max settings and get decent frame rates.
Not really. My PC is almost a year old and runs with everything on max settings on about 40-50 fps. With shadows switched off, 60-70.
WT looks amazing only on videos.
get ingame, all maxed out 1920×1200 and you can see a lot of objects with very crappy details.
Rocks, trees, etc…
It looks great from the distance, but get closer and you can see its not very good.
You cant spot that on videos though…
Exactly WT is like a cheap whore who has been doing meth for 3 months…Good from far and far from good.
I agree. WT looks OVERALL better and plays better.
HOWEVER… WT can also be compared to Metro Last Light Redux … and WT gets destroyed hard there.
Despite the fact WT on low looks and works better than WoT on medium-high.
> Looks better
Hahahaha. Works better, I can admit that, but not the “looks better” part.
At least tank part – looks rusty and battleworn.
Not everyone likes that. so “better” is subjective.
WoT HD models > WT models.
Rusty and battleworn is the USSR not US tanks or German. They had amazing upkeep and never had rust or cancer on tanks….Lol
“cancer on tanks”
Get out. Now.
And you cant get rust if you are already drilled by a 152mm HE shell :)
Well, they sure look nice, but if WG is already taking away the most beautiful map in the game (Ruinberg on fire) partly because of the outcry for dropped framerates in the map due to particles and graphics, then these improved graphics will pose a problem to the majority of players.
Unless WG changes their engine altogether, that is.
It’s not because of the drops, actually, but mostly about the players saying it’s too dark.
its being replaced by a winter version, and im sure we can all agree that the game needs more winter maps
since snow doesnt affect behavior of tanks anyway, I dont see a point. Its just a white texture…
replace textures and you can have winter – sand river…
That’s what the winter mod is for…
Has it been kept up to date?
I used it in 8.9-8.10
All winter maps just hurt my FPS for some reason. Ruinberg on fire and winterhimmelsdorf both
This one can be a nice wallpaper
My thoughts exactly! I got it as my wallpaper right now ^^
would have been a lot better if they were saved as .png or something instead of .jpg – or is it pixelated-ish for some other reason ?
pretty sure being saved as .jpg is the reason though.
WOW! It looks fucked good, the times are coming, when WoT looks so good as WT :)
What a pity its photoshopped :D
Game never looks like this.
But I really like the depth of field effect.(vehicle focused, background blurry)
Yeah, the game doesn’t have post-process effects like that.
World of Tanks can still look good without them though – here are some shots I took a while ago on various maps (showing environments more than tanks for the most part):
Nice ones.
This one strangely reminds me of Half Life 2 O.o
me too
What’s with the naff muzzle brake on the M41?
Nothing is prettier than absolute minimal settings.
“by opera5387 ยท 4 months ago” Hmm…
Jagdpanther’s barrel length sure is very short.
Time to buy that second GeForce GTX 770 (hah like I can afford that). I do believe I would love to see myself play at those graphic levels. (FUCK YOU LACK OF MONEY)
I doubt WOT supports SLI configs …
Yeah, everything I’ve heard about it suggests that SLI offers minimal performance improvements in WoT (in some cases it made it run worse).
IN33DAMM0, you might be better off selling your GTX 770 in favour of buying a GTX 970 (if you can get decent prices for both cards).
God, you idiots are actually falling over yourself for photoshopped WoT screenshots and pretending that WoT might actually look like this next patch?
I doubt the engine even supports DoF, and with Wargaming, it would probably kill your framerate entirely.
These are very nice screenies indeed.
I’d go as far as to say WG doesn’t mae as good ones as these, when they try to promote their tanks.
Also RU 251 in the snow is pure awesomeness :)
its not far from when u use sweetfx in WOT this is from 5 min ago
better pictures
My PC can also do the max settings like that, but I have no talent doing those beautiful shots, angles or getting the right moment to take the pictures. Btw, what did he edit or used for those kind of color?
AUthor of these pictures is in asia server.