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- as Storm mentioned in his stream, the developers have an internal map, on which they are testing various new technologies. This map is based on Abbey – it was selected because it is a mixed type, it has a city part and three clear directions of attack. This map is however internal (a testbed) and will not be implemented.
- new map features (new landscape render, improved water render, completely reworked tree render, changed lighting, new texturing techniques, new textures) ETA? “Everything depends on how the tests will go and how they will reflect on performance.”
- the fact you can destroy enemy tanks in the upcoming Chaffee races is intentional (SS: as in, fighting is as important as racing)
- the Chaffee SPORT XP will not turn into free XP, it will be tied to T1 Cunningham
- the Chaffee SPORT crew will be transferred at the end to the barracks even if there are not enough slots (free slots won’t be given however)

30 thoughts on “27.9.2014

  1. And what happens when I have T1 elited and accelerated crew training turned on? Any chance this xp will be used to train my crew?

  2. I would’ve just preferred pure racing with the Chaffees, but I guess it would’ve been a lot harder to balance.

  3. The only thing i want is static shadows. Or any other good-performance-shadows-display-system. I dont need any reworked renders or sumfing like that.

      • Not a calculator but every framerate helps you know. Now i run the game at 25-50 fps no less no more but i would be happy to see 35-50 fps and i know its possible and fairly easy to make an option that alows you to use static shadows.

        And IIRC there were static shadows in the game long time ago

          • But then game looks ugly, because there is light under the tanks and that looks unreal. Maybe option to show only shadow of your tank would help too. There is bunch of solutions how to make game that looks good and still has acceptable performance.

  4. - the Chaffee SPORT crew will be transferred at the end to the barracks even if there are not enough slots (free slots won’t be given however)

    transferred to the barracks even if there’s not enough space, yet you won’t get free slots to make room for the crew. How does that work?

  5. On new interface: Tank Companies are bugged:

    1. Once you create your company you cannot open comapnies list and see who else is there.
    2. Even with full point company you get “incomplete” confirmation message
    3. Once company is in queue, noone form reserve can leave it and commander cannot exclude them either.

    • Not only tank companies, even stronghold battles are bugged. When you try to send invite for your whole clan, only those who are in same server cluster receives it.