Hello everyone,
well, the 0.9.3 ricochet buff, while generally a nice thing (how many of you already “bent the shell” around a corner using ricochet? I managed to do it once yesterday by accident), it has its bad sides as well. Here, a Russian player Tiberian3 posted a video, where he actually killed his teammate with a ricochet from his tank.
According to the Russian player himself, he DID recieve a teamdamage fine in credits for team damage, but it does NOT count towards the automatic teamkill punishment (you won’t be banned for such shots).
Why the TK damage fine?
I guess that’s to dissuade people from doing this intentionally without any punishment whatsoever. Seems like a nice balance to me.
Even before this patch, most team damage was an accident, yet you still paid a fine. I don’t see why this would be any different. The way I see it, it’s to make you more aware of where/how you shoot, and not just “throw” shots at the enemy when another teammate is trying to fight them up close. We’ll never be rid of the idiots that pull in front of you as you shoot, they will always be in the game. But, you need to pay more attention to where your team is when you do shoot to avoid these issues. I have to agree with SS, seems balanced to me…
Do you want to get no compensation if your teammate shot you?
That has nothing to do with punishments for the offending player.
WG can give you compensation even without punishing the evildoer, technically speaking. They can also fine the offender without compensating you. Credits don’t have to come from anywhere or go anywhere. The fine and compensation should be seen as completely separate events.
But will i t count for the battle buddy award ?
Why care? Do you guys really collect keychains?
No it will reset your battle buddy as far as I could see. I ricocheted yesterday onto a team mate and it looks like it reset mine
Only thing i ve seen so far are the rico s going up in the sky. :-)
That’s what seems to happen most of the time. The other day I took a blind shot at a T34 whose location I guessed, and just saw the shell fly of to space :P. I guess that’s where he was camping.
Damn, now we have to be extra careful with dummies around..
And that battle buddy sticker is a lot harder to get than it seemed at first, if at 49 you accidentally run into somebody, it wont count.. pff doesnt worth it
“According to the Russian player himself, he DID recieve a teamdamage fine in credits for team damage, but it does NOT count towards the automatic teamkill punishment (you won’t be banned for such shots).”
How the fuck would he know that? Can they actually see how close they are to a ban on the RU server? I really doubt that, so all we have is him not being banned on the spot for the TK, which is how it works for 99% of the playerbase. One TK doesn’t result in a ban right away, no matter how it happened
I don’t see why this would work any other way, if it doesn’t distinguish on the credit penalty mechanic, why would it on the ban system?
SS is relying on info from WG which we know is not always all that reliable.
So no, don’t bet on not getting banned for a ricochet teamkill.
He’s citing the source: The player taking the video. So no, this is not even info from WG.
Can you do this on destroyed tanks?
Shells never bouce off wrecks
They already stated once or twice in their Q&A that you can’t
Of course, it would encourage smart and creative gameplay.This way it’s just pure luck/unluck.
Not seeing how this improves the game…
It’s an extra feature that you may or may not have the opportunity to use/exploit and it makes the battlefield look a bit more “intense”
However, what I would personally like to see (forgive me if this doesn’t already happen) would be the ricocheting shell to have an FX if it hits a nearby solid surface, like a building or the ground. It shouldn’t be that hard to implement nor would it be costly on resources (tbh, I bet that the extra number crunching of the angle of the ricochet and the loss of pen and then the pen check on another tank if it meets one in its path is a whole lot more taxing)
Silentstalker, Tibeian39, not Tiberian3 )))
Out of topic…
Did you notice how poortly modeled are some of the 9.3 tanks.
Like KV1s and 85… Why cant they make them as detailed as they did with IS
Guns are not circle anymore and dont have rifling modeled (gun spirale), wiew ports dont have glass modeled but simple black low res spots…
It looks like the first HD models meant something to them but now they simply dont give much about them… Look at the T-34-85 where they made every little detail count. Worn out parts refflect, gun is a real circle and has very well modeled rifling, wiew ports are specific.
Can somebody ask Serb or one of thouse what’s up with the new HD models.
Thank you !
it was a pretty obvios ricochet shot i would say.. he must been known about it
Well looks like till they remove this I ain’t playing.
I phoned SerB personally and he is so upset by your decision he is reverting 9.3 back to 9.2 on all servers. Lucky you! You can come back now!