
Nothing much today, developers are slowly getting ready for 9.4, which will bring just some small things.

- Q: “Why did you decide to reward damage blocked by armor (“tanking”) with XP and not credits, how will for example Maus benefit from this?” A: “Crew levelling”

Otherwise not much.

26 thoughts on “30.9.2014

  1. So, a 9.4 will be fixing shit they fucked up in 9.3? No HD models, no new map, no new tanks, no havok ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), no new motion system?

  2. Credit bonus could make sense, considering the higher repair costs
    Then again, it would delete the purpouse of that higher cost

    • Credit economy is good the way it is now.

      >Noobs game tomato style
      >Reaches tier VIII
      >can’t hanlde the gameplay
      >noob goes bankrupt Mike Tyson style
      >buys gold tank because mommy mommy give me money
      >Players with actual skill learn weak spots and cons of those gold tanks
      >Wrecking noobs like a boss because you know all their weaknesses


  3. Well, it can make grinding tanks a lot faster. For example, T28 grind, T95 grind, the Churchill line grind or pretty much every tank that benefits from armor. KV220 will be the ultimate crew trainer. It can soak up 4-5 time sits own HP and still dish out damage, i really can’t wait for that XP bonus.

    Don’t just think about end game bonus, sure, for T10 it won’t help much, but in-between it can make a lot of grinds a lot more pleasant :)

    In the end i would prefer credit bonus too thou

    • They’d nerf XP income coefficient if this will be a thing.

      Currently all tanks have an xp coefficient depending on their damage potential so that all tanks progress more-less the same. Maus and other armored tanks wwith low damage output have this coefficient very favorable while those with alot of damage dealing capabilities (not only gun damage/pen but also gun handling, dispersion and overall mobility) have this coefficient lowering their GAINZ (;__;)

      So if something like you’ve described will happen to KV-220, you can be more than sure that it will be adjusted. They add this reward for ‘tanking’ to just make sure those tanks are rewarded for proper game-play instead of focusing on damage dealing which is not something they’re best at.

  4. If they will reward credits for tanking, there will be more heavily armored tanks in random battles, therefore more gold ammo used by players to counter act this so, in the end wg will profit. Anyway that’s just my opinion.

  5. “Nothing much today”

    Not even the usual questions that where asked million times?
    Something like:

    25% RNG wont be reduced
    +2/-2 MM wont be reduced
    Arty wont be removed from the game
    *insert a random tank name here* wont be buffed/nerfed/is statistically fine
    Sturmtiger/Ratte/FLP-E/Merkava/PL-01/H-K tank wont be implemented


  6. It’s not meant to start till the weekend so will see if it turns up.

    PS don’t be silly EU will never get a better special than the US server. (Well it happened once to my knowledge)