Sixth Sense Rework

Hello everyone,

as you already probably know, the Sixth Sense perk (the famous “lightbulb”) is getting an overhaul. It will be tied to a radioman. If you listened to the entire stream itself, what he actually said is this:

- it will be tied to a radioman or to a crewman fulfilling radioman’s role
- it will be activated only after the main skill of the crewmember reaches 100 percent.

So, what does it mean for us, players? Well… for older players with more battles, who already have crew with perks, very little. The entire perk/skill rework (don’t expect it anytime soon) will come with a crew perk/skill reset (due to numerous overhauls), so they will just switch the perk to another one.

For newer players or those with many tanks and not-100-percent crews, it will be easier to obtain the skill, all they will have to do will be to buy 100 percent skill training (for gold) for the radioman character. Now, identifying the radioman character, that’s going to be a bit tougher, because on tanks that do not have him, you’ll have to look at crew available skills/perks or on wiki, which guy is it (unless you want to just upgrade the entire crew). Or, you can have a look at the small role icons on that respective crewmember’s panel in the garage (thanks to Viktor E. for reminding me of this one):


I also guess that due to earlier access to Sixth Sense, Wargaming will have to make a special tutorial or something for everyone to know, why the hell is there an orange lightbulb lighting up above their tanks (I can full well imagine there are players, who wouldn’t have a clue the first time they see it).

So that’s it. Good change? Bad? Whatcha think?

208 thoughts on “Sixth Sense Rework

  1. This is just a try for making the radioman crew more useful. Sadly, in many tanks, radioman is more vulnerable than the commander to the enemy fire.

    • I have 3 radioman with 3 skill perks in barracks and I REALLY THINK that is better if we have the possibility to retrain main job FIRST (radioman to commander/loader/gunner) … I think is good to have SIXSENSE from the start but what the hell i will do with 3-4-5 radioman in barracks if I CAN’T USE THEM

    • Can’t say I’m too thrilled about it either, since radiomen have a heart attacks and die anytime anything happens, ever.

      The only times in my too numerous battles I’ve ever healed a radioman were on French tanks, where he also acts as a loader.
      Now if I have to heal him just to get sixth sense and get back some radio range (which is NEVER an issue past tier4 anyways…..yeah, you get where I’m going.

      • Worst of all is that you will NOT be able ANYMORE to temporary play with a radioman of a tank on another tank, because now it will NEVER be 100% :( You will have to “reeducate” him first :(


        • I don’t think it’ll work like that. 100% radioman is still 100% radioman even if he gets penalties from the wrong tank. Just like commander bonus and vents wouldn’t give him 6th sense when he’s not fully trained even though he would go over 100%.

    • if Wargaming reset your crew skills, it will not cost you anything, you just have to choose which skills you want again

        • What could I say…. Type E 100 arty with camo… I thought, it is a good choice on the hummel… :D And it stayed on the crewman through the line.

          • I don’t even know what I’ve got on my Pz 4 crew, when they introduced all the new skills and perks, I just wanted to experiment… :D

    • This is actually a move from WG to get more gold from “daddies” , now “daddies” would have an extra incentive to train crew ( radioman ) for new tank in garage to 100% with gold , so that they could have 6th sense from very beginning.

      Cunning move by WG.

      Shit move for all of us who grinded 6th sense , and died several times during that, due to lack of 6th.

      • I agree they trying to give bads who have the cash a way to buy the skill.

          • Agreed. It’s pretty easy to train up from 90% to 100% if you train your crew to 90% with silver. Correct me if I’m wrong, you get this at 100% main skill without working up through the perk.

            • Well, silver gives you 75%….. though it’s not even halfway through the way to 100%, due to the way the cost increases each %.

              It s when you retrain to a new tank that it goes from 100 to 90 when you spend credits.

    • yea this is one place WarThunder has them beat crews are assigned to a garage slot so when they are trained in a tank they never forget it no retraining needed just place the tank in the slot with the crew that’s is trained for and go new tank pick which slot you want and train them.

  2. Why did they make this decision? What is the rationale behind removing it as a perk?

    So will they have something for each crew member when he reaches 100% trained?

    • 6th sense was a no-brainer before and everyone would get it as the first commander skill. I guess they decided that since everyone goes for it from the beginning, they could just as well make it available for everyone immediately.

      • To be honest, not all have it. Would say like not even half of your free xp/damage power ups you find in game do not have it. Hell, even I thought in my first 1k games that heavies do not need it. Some of them may have it as their friends have told them its useful. Still they don’t know what it actually does/don’t play accodringly. You see those vegetables (red-green) just driving in the open and dying. I’m just wondering if anything changes when everyone has it, because i’m afraid that those players will still just pop up and drive in the open or thinking “I still can pew pew once more”

      • I don’t have it on many of my tanks, either I went for repair, camo or BIA, don’t exactly know why, probably thought I would get spotted frequently anyway, or could play well enough without it, or because I liked to have a little bit of mystery :D

      • Yes everybody goes for 6th sense so make it default. Lets make BIA and repair also default because these are impiortant skills/perk. Lets make rammer, vents and vert stab default as well because everybody use it. I dont like this logic. You want skills you grind, thats it.

    • My guess would be they get rid of the “Sixth sense without having the perk on crew”-cheat out there, by just giving it to everyone. :P

      • Also it makes much more sense that a radioman could receive chatter about enemy noticing your position than commander voodoo.

        And it finally makes radioman important.

    • Well, so many people suggest getting 6th sense asap, that it sometimes feels like it’s a no-brainer.
      But then, there’s lots of crews that get lost in the grind for the first Skill and never get it.

      Also, it would be nice for the radioman to be a little more than decoration….. their Skills and Perks are a little niche-ish, and increasing the radio signal reach is an usually irrelevant boost.

      And yeah, it would be awesome if all of the crewmembers had a “free perk” when they got to 100% skill.
      At least the Loader could use it….. and a couple Skills that mattered for their specialty.

  3. its going to cause riots on the forums… it opens up other choices for perks/skills for the commander, for sure. like eagle eye :D

      • when has WG ever cared for the players only thing they care about is getting as much money as they can get out of them….funny reminds me of the american government they say they care but only listen to the ones that have money so maybe WG should only do what players that pay 100$ or more each month so how many of the players can afford 100$ or more each month but have to have paid this amount for 1 year before they listen to them.

    • To hell with the whiners, commander has some of the most useful abilities of any crew member and this will free up a slot for another by making one of them baseline on another crew member.

      • but a dead radioman stays dead.

        the commander is always revived using a med kit.

        with the radioman also becoming useful, tanks with a dedicated radioman is pretty much nerfed as they now will have to keep all crew members alive.

        right now tanks with a radioman is a good thing imo, but once we get this, I won’t think so.

        • Well, DJ roles are often covered by Commander or Loader. And I’m pretty sure you want both of them alive in a tank, so why not restore 6th by the way?

        • It would be a new balance.
          Currently, having a Commander (Radioman) cripples visibility by stacking Sixth Sense, Eagle Eye, Recon, Situational Awareness and Call for Vengeance onto a single crewmember, while having a Radioman available only allowed to have the Skills/Perks split between more posts.
          With this change, a Commander (Radioman) gets a free Perk, releasing the pressure to get Sixth Sense, and having both posts separate allows the Commander to focus on Commander S/P and makes the Radioman more important (’cause getting a couple more meters of radio signal is not usually a gamechanger).

          Also, having all experienced crews with free Sixth Sense will allow players know when they’ve been discovered a little before the shells get midway to destroy them, so less whinning about hackers stealth-killing ;)

    • Actually, having the Perk FOR FREE at 100% skill (not at 200%) will benefit the scouts (both active and passive) even more than anyone else.

      Yes, enemies will know someone found them, but that doesn’t mean they’ll know where you’re hiding. And that red lightbulb can save your life, as you dash away from a compromised scouting position.

    • No. And that is why brothers in arms is bullshit in the first couple of crew skills too. (With exceptions) One is killed the hole bonus goes.
      So if I want the bulb I would need to rez the radio guy. Hello KV-5 … ^^.
      It is a sorta-kinda thing. Yes it is nice to have it bound to the base skill but ffs why the radio guy :p. Guess he wasn’t that much of an importance so now they give him something to do.

      • KV-5 will still be effective at tanking hits regardless if it has a working 6th sense or not.

      • Like you need the Sixth Sense in KV-5 anyway. :)

        But in general I think the idea is plain stupid. Like people said it before, WG again is licking boots for tomatoes, who can’t even read, what skills do what benefit.
        Saying, that 6th Sense is the first skill, that everyone goes for, is also stupid, because – just look at those wannabe Youtube “tank reviewers”, most of them have BIA perk like on 2 of the crew members and sh*t like that. I know some players, who simply do not choose that perk, because they think it’s useless. Others take a new crew for every new tank and doesn’t even make till the first full perk on them. I believe only marginal percentage of all players go for the 6th Sense.
        And now, uf they introduce it to all radio operators by default.. that will lead to no good.

        • KV-5′s are so big they can be seen from space. No need to know if you’re spotted… Because you are.

          As for BiA perk. It gives a nice bonus (ah… the 1.89s reload on Churchill III), but it’s a pain to get it working, especially on tanks with large crews.

      • Incorrect. BiA stays in effect regardless if 1 of your crewmembers dies or is wounded.

        Madner beat me to it.

        • You misunderstand the advantages of knowing you’re spotted.

          Moving about can be an extremely high risk move if you have no visibility on the enemy or intel on what has LOS. The amount of time you spend spotted without knowing is crucial to taking minimal damage.

          Peeking with 6th sense is also vital for knowing if someone has visibility on you before you commit to moving out.

          • Well… As scout player, in fact I do know how critical that little bit of information is in the game.
            Still, if you look further into the comments, you’ll notice how many people claim that it’s not that important for anyone…… now, I’d love someone to explain me how such a key strategical Perk is at the same time crucial and meaningless.

            Now, the KV-5 has the particular weakness of having a glass Radio Op. Granted, if that would cancel the free Perk it would hurt.
            On the other hand, its impressive armor and high HP pool allows it to withstand much more punishment than an equl-tiered Med or Light, which would be royally wrecked with just a fraction of the firepower.
            So, having a RO prone to die suddenly doesn’t seem to be such a big weakness.

  4. 6th sense is the only crew skill worth grinding. The rest are rather meh, as they should be.

    Dummifying a game may help newbies, but it turns off vets.

  5. Its just to make radioman usefull, and worth to use a medikit on (probablly gonna make the six sence not work when radioman is down), cus really, noone ever heals radioman, also lots of tank crews dont have radiomen, the commander works for both.

  6. Suggested by players a long long time ago. Finally they decided to make this change.
    It is a great change. Sixth sense is pretty much mandatory. Starting a new crew, especially for light and medium tanks, and having to go through the pain of training sixth sense is painful. On top of that, the skill and perks are badly distributed amoing crew members. Some members have far too many useful skills while others have a bunch of useless stuff. The radio operator has exactly one good skill, situational awareness. The rest was garbage. This also frees up one skill slot for those tanks whose commanders are also the radio operator
    Finally a change that isn’t utter garbage

    • Actually he has a number of skills that are useful on all tiers: BIA, Repair and Camo. The rest of his skills tend to loose value by increasing tier, but are very useful in the low tiers.

      • I personly think that there are many skills/perks that are very important even if they give you a very little advantage. BIA, repair, camo, clutch brake, snapshot, smooth ride, safe stowage, maintenance, adrenaline, recon, etc. Thay are all good skills/perks

    • I wholly agree on the general idea.

      Though, I think that the Radioman has rather niche Skills and Perks.
      Probably Heavies would just go for Repairs and Firefighting, but every Radioman S/P is useful in a certain situation to a scout.
      Keeping an enemy spotted for 2 more seconds is a 33% increase, and I’m always debating with myself if it’s better to increase Viewrange or Camo rating.

      The Loader, on the other hand….. UGH!

  7. SS, I don’t know if you know, but you can find out who is the radio operator in a tank without a dedicated one by looking the bottom left corner of the crew slots one of them will have a set of headphones no need for wiki.

    • I sincerely hope they don’t hand out “free Perks” for the Commander, Driver or Gunner, since their Main skill changes so much the performance of the tank.
      The Radioman only increases radio signal range, and the Loader only increases loading times, so they may need a little “boost” to be worthy of a medpack.

  8. WG is doing same as they have on XBOX – all tanks have 6th sense, maybe they liked that way..

  9. So after each credit retrain to another vehicle you will lose the 6th sense until your radioman gets back to 100%… smells like pay2win element to me.

    • Actually yep…
      Makes things harder (more expensive) for veterans, easier for casuals…

    • Not necessarily. If you really MUST have it, you can:
      Retrain to the new tank, 90% for 20k credits
      Reset your skills and perks, for another 20k credits
      The game will drop the crewman’s skills, returning the experience to the crewman’s experience pool. This will immediately fill him to 100% proficiency in the tank, and make the excess available for allocation to skills/perks
      Choose your skills/perks again

      Cash players are able to do it without wasting experience, is all. It fits WoT’s pay4convenience style quite well.

      Alternatively, you could quit being a pansy and grind that 10% out, it’s not as if it takes a particularly long time :v

      • To minimize this 10% for most new tanks I’ve only been driving first win per day for multiplied XP or used crew XP missions. First one is good for stock tanks too, second one is great for obtaining sixth sense ASAP.

    • I don’t think you understand what pay2win means – This is available to EVERYONE at NO COST. That, by definition, is NOT pay2win.

      It doesn’t matter that you can use gold to speed up the training, it is still available to EVERYONE at NO COST.

      • It is avalable to everyone if their radioman is at 100%, otherwise you pay. But the fact that you can pay to get the perk instant without having to grind is a pay2win kidna thing. No other skill/perk in the game works like this because you need to grind. And making it the only perk that you can buy without grinding tells me that you in deed buying skills. If all perks and skills would be avalable for 200 gold each, then it would be similar to using free xp to unlock tanks (pay2progress).

  10. Sounds good enough to me, although while they are at it, might give the loader something useful as well :P

    IMO there won’t be much of a riot about it, as ppl will ( hopefully ) get the point that this gives them a free slot for an additional crew skill, which is good , plus noone has to grind sixth sense up … my “newborn” elc crew will be happy about this… :D

    However I have a feeling it won’t come this year even, even though I don’t really think it’s that hard to make it work, I guess the trouble comes with the fact that they want to overhaul the entire skill/perk system.

  11. Bad idea from wg if radioman will have the six sence. Riadio man is most frequently dying crew member. Take it in logic, commander can see enemy(the tracers) or predict that he was spoted. Now radiomam, hmm only thing is that he “sniffs” enemy radio chat?

    • Probably somehting like radio operators on submarines? Not exactly the same, but that’s a similar thing that comes up to my mind

    • Radio chatter listening is light years more logical than a man in a clanking steel box ‘sensing’ he is being watched, don’t you think?

      • Only one problem. Which transmission is friendly and which is enemy? It isn’t so obvious as you think. All tanks crew use the same language in chat lol.

        • You are all right (about radio transmissions), but you’re even more wrong related to game mechanics. Just think a bit, gameplay-wise 6th sense is strictly tied to spotting (and viewrange) of enemy vehicles. Spotting. Not radio range or such things. And as such it would be logical to give it to crewman, who is also responsible for spotting as well, which is commander (just as it is now). But radioman..? What? Can he just feel on his neck, that someone’s watching him..? Just dumb.

        • If you really care about such stuff, then think about it that way: Once an enemy tank is spotted, the spot is transmitted via radio to other teammembers. A sudden increase in radio activity that is not caused by your own team is sensed by the radioman and he alerts his crew, that something is in the bushes, literally.

    • no they changing cause the radio man was bitten by a radio active spider and his spidy sense is tingling :-) lol

  12. Bad change imo. Its a very powerful and game changeing skill, there should be some effort involved in obtaining it.

    • The reason it’s game changind dear Corvi , is because ~50% of the average WoT players might not even know what it does …

      Doing this evens the odds for everyone, cause they will have it on every tank everywhere, and trust me it does take effort for an average player who plays a few hours max a day to get a crew to 100% without premium acc or tanks…

    • Yes. It’s a powerful Perk.
      But one reason of its power is its scarcity, since you have to train your Commander to 100% Main and then train the Perk to 100% for it to work.
      Making it available “for free” at a lower requirement (just a third of the xp it takes currently to get it), it will be less a factor.
      It will make scouts more aware of danger, and meds and heavies will be less reckless when the red light pops up.
      It will also reduce rage from “invisible tanks”, as the lightbulb lights when someone messes his concealment in the bushes.

      In general, I hope it will make the game more dynamic.

  13. IIRC one of QnA posted here a while ago mentioned that the devs consider 6th sense as somewhat OP and discussing about whether to remove/rebalance it.
    Rebalancing 6th sense this way would reduce the performance gap between players created by the skill’s unexpected OPness. Also, this would cause less complaints in forums than removing it altogether.

    This also fits in well with the LT buff plan WG is contemplating lately because
    1. LT as a class relies on stealth for damage mitigation more than any other classes.
    2. By allowing easier access to one of the critical stealth skills (other one is camo), entrance barrier to LT class will be lowered a lot.
    Camo does not need such treatment as LT class already has a built-in camo bonus and the skill can be implemented as gradual performance improvement (which is as is now). Any attempt to make 6th sense to have similar gradual performance improvement would only confuse players.

    Of course it is a nerf to existing veteran LT players. But in WG’s context, I believe LT buff means giving incentives to increase LT population overall rather than being limited to performance buffs as usually understood.

    • Amen to that.
      I’d only add that many Lights don’t get a full crew, which means the Comander suddenly gets a ton of critical Skills and Perks, and chosing between camouflage, viewrange AND 6th sense wasn’t an easy choice to make.

  14. BTW, I really hope devs would not suddenly tie 6th sense activation to radioman being alive. I mean look at KV-5.
    Wait, R2D2 gets damaged = R2D2 cannot listen to enemy radio chatter
    Logical, sorta…

  15. Excellent change.
    Sixth sense was a real eye opener for me when i was newbie and It greatly helped to understand the spotting/camo mechanics.

    I’m all for improving the general playerbase, so making it much more accessible than now is great news.
    Also for those of us, that plays lots of different tanks, thats very important to have it asap.

    I just hope sixth sense won’t get nerfed in the process.

    • I agree. On the topic of skill/perk ovearhaul I really appreciate they finally do something about it. Pretty much all of the drivers skills are very useful, unlike radiomans for example. Sixth sense is a nobrainer to the extent that people wont get to play a tank in cw/company/strongholds if they dont have it. There are other skills everyone would also like their commander to have, but really never had the chance. On the “historically accurate and 100% realism simulator blablabla” -perspective it would be a little bit more convincint that radioman manages to hear that they have been spotted by listening to enemies radio signals. A little bit more convincing than a commander just getting that tingling between his buttox

      • What they could have done is switching the 6th sense to a radioman perk that needs to be trained and merge awareness with recon on commander so you get 5% increase in spotting range directly. In that way people can both choose a powerfull perk on the commander (+5% spotting range) and on the radioman (6th sense). Just because they give the radioman 6th sense by default doesnt mean the perks/skill for the radioman is getting any better, they are still the same. Plus the commander loose one important perk, which is a slap in the face for those who alreaddy have pimped crews with all skills/perk they alreaddy want.

        • That would be the same shit. It would still require someone to get to 200% skill.

          > Plus the commander loose one important perk
          YAY! No more need to grind 6th Sense! I’ll get Recon or Eagle Eye instead!!!

      • one thing wrong with that say your spotted by an TD unit they don’t radio they spotted a tank cause might give away their position and just open up then radio in they spotted a tank but the commander in his hatch on top looking around might get that funny feeling that some thing is wrong that’s what a 6th sense is a feeling some is wrong and you start looking around and a guy listening on a radio would have to get ungodly lucky to hear and know that what chatter was referring to them cause most time your radio is tuned to the same channels as friendly unit’s not the enemy’s and chatter might be miles away so you know 10 miles NNW is a enemy unit but the unit on the hill looking at you and puts a round into you well hows knowing a unit is sitting at B5 let you know about the TD at E4 that just blew your tracks off so to me radio operator with 6th sense makes no sense.

  16. Not sure about that, might be better to just completely remove it from the game imo, maybe make it a scout speciality.

    • It’s usually the only thing that warns you just right before you get obliterated by doom cannons especially on the higher tiers and gives you a fighting chance versus the bush meta. Removing it, would actually be a buff for artillery and TDs and especially the later isn’t needed at all.

      • Removing 6th sense will be a extreme buff for stealthy TDs, arty and high tier mediums as well as all other regular bush wankers or tanks having better camo rating and view range. As it is now, high tier heavys are alreaddy cannon fodder to TDs, arty and mediums. Removal of 6th sense will make them even bigger targets.

  17. The only matter of this change is: Money & Gold, players gonna spend for the radioman.

  18. Lets see what they do with the reset… last time WG reset all crews training for free and well logic is they do the same now because made a vital training as 6th sense standar breaks all combos of trainings in crews… damn, i have around 100 or more crews that needs be readapt to new sition AND only know 6th sense change, nothing more about new trainings.

    As movement… i see it good and bad, good because made you have fast the training and you can use in commander some missing perks BUT bad because if now player base is horrible bad add this perk for all players … i dont know if the impact is going to be good, i think in an increase of camping and more “corner warriors” because when they see the light on they are going to be even more pussies, is bad enough have top tier heavies hiding to have now even more of this useless guys using 6th sense as “moral” reinforcement to their campivity.

    • I know how this will end. Now good players push flanks even if they are spotted, if they feel they can survive. Because lets face it, you must take risks and even some damage to make damage. If your lucky, average noobs will support you because they dont have 6th sense and hence think its “safe”. Later on, tomato noobs with 6th sense will just say “im spotted im not moving to support you”, even if that mean they will take minimal damage beeing spotted.

      Look at unicum streams, most players there take risk and move even if they get spotted for a while. So yeah, 6th sense in hands of bad players will result in more camping.

      Because really, you can move and even if you get spotted because enemies have to aim for you not to mention they maybe are reloading or not focusing on you, allowing you to make your attack. Noobs dont understand this part of the game, risk taking and will just camp even more because they are “spotted”.

      • funny seen plenty of games 9-12 tanks rush one side and then all stop and take cover the moment they get fired upon and then camp and 8 out of 10 time they stop cause of 1-3 mediums and 1-2 TDs that have arty support while on the other side of map the other tanks are trying to stop 4-6 Hvys and the rest of the mediums and lights get rolled over and then the team goes on a bitch fest that 1 Hvy and 3 mediums could not stop 5 hvys and the rest of the enemy team oh and don’t forget friendly arty instead of supporting the weak side they are zoomed in on the side that has the rest of the teams tanks trying to get kills and totaly ignore the side where the bulk of the enemy is.

      • On the other hand, there are times when a group of tanks camp behind a corner while no enemy is around to spot or fight them.
        Now, they’ll come out, notice there’s not red light, and advance to meet the enemy that could be three corners away or nowhere at all……

  19. I’m not that sure whether it’s 100% good idea. Yeah, certainly it’s nice for all vehicle classes, except arillery. I barely play arti, but have you thought what will that change for arties, particulary higher tiered ones? And I’m not telling about arties having 6th sense themself, but about all enemies (ok, maybe 99% of them – you still need 100% trained radioman) having 6th sense enabled as deault. After famous arti nerf some time ago, aim time and accuracy are at such levels, that I really doubt any high tier arti will have time and chance to make fully aimed shot at standing enemy, other than opportunity ones. You know what I mean, now even most dedicated campers will know when to move to avoid arti rainfall. And that’s the part I don’t like about this change. I almost don’t play artillery myself, because I find it quite frustrating and most of the time not really enjoying, but I can appreciate really good arti players, because I know they don’t have easy life. Putting all gameplay-related isues aside, they have to grind tons of experience more, than average medium or heavy line. Such change would make their lives even harder.

    Second thing, to be honest more funny than important to gameplay is overall relation between spotting system and 6th sense, that looks well… quite weird to me. What I’m thinking about is the difference in difficulty factor of these two things. You know, it’s not easy to be good, effective and teamplay-oriented spotter (and stay alive, on top of that all). On the other hand, in opposite team every player with 6th sense just hears the voice in his head saying “YOU ARE BEING WACHED….”, actually without any effort from him, thus effectively negating spotter’s job (well, not for snipers and such, but still there’s arti trying to get it’s chunk…)

    Somehow I can foresee significant increase in “OMG f****** noob arti learn to play!!!11111″ greeting numbers…


    • I personly think that having 6th sense and beeing a camper is extremely OP, because they can pull back any time. 6th sense to me should always be used to move on the battlefield and seek termporaly cover if beeing spotted, untill you figure out how to move another way or push the flank. Having 6th sense just for the sake of camping safe is something I dont like because that disscourage active gameplay, and that is what 6th sense actually was invented for “to make people who break cover get noticed while they beeing spotted (since moving tanks get spotted easier than stationary ones)”.

      As I always have said, you want an advantage? Well grind crew skills/perk and invest in equipment, this is a fundamental part of the game. Training crews are a neglected part of the game since many people dont pay gold when transfering crews and many people just grind tanks all time which means they rarely will have a 2-3 skilled crew on the tanks they are playing.

    • Yeah, arties may suffer….
      On the other hand, last time I played an arty (Tier 7), I landed shells on Heavies fighting other Heavies, thus not trying to hide behind corners from the invisible spoters.
      Granted, it was a good map for arty.

      Now, I might not have enough experience in CW (like…. none), but the red light can be a great psychological weapon.
      On one hand, the enemy doesn’t know where the hidden scout is…. or what kind of gun he has….
      On the other hand, a spotted enemy will think twice about advancing on your position, and that may allow your teammates to seize better positions to fight them.

  20. main reason for this is to make ppl using gold retraining if moving crews to next tier tank or make us buying prem tanks, now if we move crew from 9 to 10 tier we have bulb active, after change we will HAVE TO use gold for retrain radioman or train him on prem tank from 90% to 100% basic skill

    • Not really. There’s third option. You can always reset radioman skills for credits before moving him to other vehicle. Yep, you will lose some progress, but to be honest it’s not a big loss, as radioman barely has something really useful to choose from. That way you get 100% trained radioman in new tank, provided that you had some additional experience gathered above 100% prior to change (what actually is doable in advance).

    • You mean, if you’re not willing to pay cash to retrain to 100%, you might have to play cautiously for a couple dozen games, assuming you’re always spotted rather than being told you are for sure?

      How terrible for you. I don’t know how you manage to get up in the morning, having to face such hardship as going without a lightbulb for a few games.

      Seriously, the game is hardly impossible without Sixth Sense. Use your brain, don’t sit still if you’ve fired and there’s likely to be anything in detection range, don’t sit still period out in the open.

    • I see your point. On the other hand, it’s not that much of a grind, 20-30 battles for experienced players if you go cheap and retrain for credits.

    • I’ve always retrained my at least since they jump from Tier 3 to 4 tanks…. those crew hve regularly gotten around 100% Main qualification around Tier 5 or 6, and they accumulate skill %s as I work in eliting the tanks.

      So, I don’t really see any problem with spending 20K credits to reset their Mains from 100 to 90 and grind a little….. after all, I’ll be grinding to unlock that next module or tank.

  21. Dammit, so now the radio man of AMX 50 100 will be even more important. Goodbye 6th sense for 50 100…

  22. I allways retrain using credits, the trick is in farm 40.000 xp (less if you active fast training) to dont lose it… with change in 6th sense is going to be even better because if you dont leave “not used xp” when you retrain a crew you have it at 90% (remember retrain crew with no gold take xp from BASIC training not from secondary trainings) and for me only is a problem this with comander because you lose 5% of vision range… if now you dont need 6th sense in comander you can use on him the trainings with vision range bonus… 2% on commander +3% radioman means you can reset with credits commander and have 100% vision range add to this vents bonus…

    • What about those players who alreaddy have all good skills/perks and “have” to grind camo on the 7th skill because due to lack of other skill/perk? This wont change a thing on my KT crew, other than I will get 100% camo on commander as a 6th skill and 7th slot will be 72%. I want a proper perk/skill I can occupy the 6th slot with and the 7th I can use for useless shit like camo. Right now the only thing I can choose is mentor and firefight. And why would I need mentor when there are no other good skill/perk to train =/.

      • If your crews are in the 6th or 7th Skill, mastering everything and having “nothing else to train” shouldn’t be a problem, I guess…..

        On Mentor…. well, if you don’t get it for first two Skills, I don’t see any reason to pick it 6th.

  23. As someone who can’t play nearly as often as others, I like the change. I think, however, it would be better to leave it alone because Sixth Sense is currently sort of a reward to those who have worked hard to obtain it.

  24. Only thing that will suck is having to re-skill 10+ crews with 4+ skills perks. Oh the click-work :-(

  25. It is a bad idea. There are premium tanks with radio men. For example if i have Leo (tier10) and i want to put my crew a premium medium tank, i must have 6th sense on radioman too. So i have 6th sense on commander but i cant use it on this premium tanks?

    • If they implement this, commander won’t have 6th sense unless he’s also radioman, so moving him from a tank in which he is radioman to one in which he isn’t will make him lose 6th sense, but it won’t be a perk anymore, so it won’t occupy perk slots, and if you put him back in the tank in which he’s radioman he will have 6th sense again.
      It’s a passive perk, more like tied to the tank crew slot than the actual crew member.

    • When/If this goes live, that Commander with 6th sense will get his Skills reset for free and you’ll pick all of them again.
      If the premium tank doesn’t have a Radioman seat, the crewmember with Radioman task (usually the Commander) will get 6th Sense for free at 100% Main qualification.

      Translation: You get a free Perk.

  26. I really don’t know what to think about this. It’s a buff to most high tier tanks because most of them have a commander operating radio and it will free a slot for other skills. Also it’s kind of good to make radioman have a purpose so you actually have to heal him in some cases. At the moment he’s just useless, dead or alive.

    What I’m afraid is that every player will know when they are spotted. I don’t know how less skilled players will play then. Maybe players will pull back more frequently, maybe they will be more aggressive with their tanks or maybe they just camp more because when bulb lights up they usually take damage.

    As average player like me it’s impossible to even know how many people even use this skill, and if many use do they even know how it works.

    I think I won’t even notice the change in gameplay but I will be able to have many more tanks with BiA.

    • At first, it will get weird.
      But things will start moving after people understand how the red light works.

      I recently got 6th Sense in my 28.01, and it DOES make a big difference knowing when your position is compromised.

  27. I don’t care if they tie it to commander, radioman or a dog. Although, the dog makes most sense :P …
    What i do care and don’t like is that it will be too easy to obtain, and it will make the game even more arcadey. I’d rather have it completely removed. It will also be a reason to spend much less gold (and money in consequence) on this game.

    • Yes and no. You assume that everyone, who will buy the 100 percent skill (which is 200 gold) also buys the premium time to boost the first skill as it is, but that’s just a guess – 200 gold is something you can get by sending one SMS, thus far more accessible and thus many more people will do it (especially if WG explains the connection with 100 percent skill and the light bulb with BIG LETTERS for everyone to understand). I actually think it might be very profitable in short and medium term.

      • “I actually think it might be very profitable in short and medium term.”

        Very profitable for who? WG?

        I dont work for them, my interest is not so big that WG could earn more money. Now , SS , you might say that we should all pay attention to WG revenue so that they dont bankrupt or something, but from what i saw in last 2 years , they sould be pretty fine without this new way of extracting money from players.

        • More proffitable for players, I guess.

          Noob goes out into the open, sees a red lightbulb and gets murdered. Noob learns that going out in the open is dangerous.
          Noob advances through a corridor, sees a red lightbulb and gets murdered. Noob learns to peek around corners in case there’s someone around it.
          Noob advances cautiously and sees no red lightbulb. Noob learns that there’s no enemy ahead and advances to the next position.

          I see good things with this change.

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  29. They shouldn’t touch it.
    Or buff the others skills to make them more balanced.

    Now it will be TOO easy to get while it was integral part of the grind.

    Want newbie to know about skills? Make a stronk tutorial.
    (Will it be active if you radioman is 100% but isn’t trained for the actual tank?)

    • People that dont train 6th sense dont deserve to have it, because if they are dumb enough to not studdy what crew skills actually do they should not get such a benefit for free (or by 200 gold).

        • I am not pink even though I maybe am down there =). Anyways yes, crew skills/perk are grinded to get advantage over those who dont have it. Just like elited tanks and equipment. It is a fundamental part of all MMO games and in other games skills are even more important making the gap between beginners and veterans even bigger. In EVE for example, there you need skills to even do some basic stuff like flying certan ships and do certan activities.

        • I would rather see more skills and perks allowing the player to customize the crew depending on tank and playstyle and make the it easier XP wise to obtaining 2-7 skills. In that way people would get motivated to aquire skills that suit their playstyle.

          Right now I am forced to have camo as 7th skill because no other skills/perk makes sense and I am a heavy tank. And one can really ask what the point is to have such high level crews of many of the last skills/perk you train are just for filling the spots.

  30. Doesn’t make sense it is tied to radio operator, should be tied to comander. Though I understand no one cares if radio operator dies in combat, and that would make him important. Still i think a dead radio operator should reduce radio range 90 pct, that could be a solution to their problem.

    • A dead radio man should turn off ALL ally AND enemy positions on the minimap if they are not directly withing your own detection range. Don’t wanna play the entire game blind of map situations? Fix ur radio man.

      And yes, the amount of lols this will create for players who have 0 map awareness to begin with will be epic.

  31. To be very frank this whole 6th sense thing is just a crotch fix for the broken spotting system in the game. It gives you more room for mistake when you venture out expecting to be able to light things first and it back fires on you.

    Does this prevent camping? Yes in general it does, because players with 6th sense have higher variability when they get an early warning in a dangerous front line position, but this still doesn’t justify it’s presence in the game.

    I think if 6th sense is really needed, they should just give the skill solely to scout tanks who needs to be given a more active & important recon role in the game than the usual run, spot & hope you don’t get 2 shotted one.

    • I agree with Niv13 it should just be for Scouts and maybe Arty and I would all so suggest that it is tied to the tank not a crewman so it is like a device that is fitted and can be damaged (so more then the 3 sec delay) or completely broken just like the gun or engine, It could be tied into the Comds Cappola

    • If it’s given to all tanks it will actually nerf the Light tanks. Considering that when you are a passive scout, see a stream of enemies driving and your teammates don’t yet have a clear shot but are getting there. Once they finally to aim on their target they will already be out of sight, because everyone has sixth sense.

      I’ve always kind of prefered the lower tier fights because you can actually see people not noticing you and there actually is a way to sneak by tanks, but now if you accidently spot them, they will be aware for now reason.

      • No, all people should be able to train 6th sense as it is now. 6th sense encourage people to move on the battlefield, even if that means they will pull back if beeing spotted, isnt that the idea? 6th sense is the only protection against beeing sniped by campers. 6th sense would not be needed if all people would brawl all time and everybody could see eachother all time, but the current game is not like that.

        Also spotting enemies so you teams campers can shoot them without enemies knowing they are spotted is a flawed system to beginn with because it punish active players. Scouts only benefit when team mates dont spot themselves and snipe what that scuts spot, and this itself is a huge issue and that is why many maps have been reworked.

        • 6th sense is not a issue if people move on the battlefield. 6th sense is only a problem if people use it to camp and beeing cowards. I have 6th sense but if I push a flank and get spotted I still carry on to the next cover and meanwhile I can get lucky and survive or I can get blasted. If more tanks are with me maybe enemies will not all focus me. That is why more tanks pushing a flank is better than a solo heavy. But if all these heavys suddenly gets 6th sense and get spotted making a push they will go into temporal cover instead of reaching the important flank and that is not good, because many idiots dont realise that you can still survive even if you get spotted.

  32. I paid gold to drop skills on commanders to get 6th while dropping radioman skills for credits only. This basically means I am getting screwed out of money on something I deemed important because they are shuffling skills around.

    It’s especially annoying on lines where commanders switch function, like the US heavy line. If I move my crew from a T32 for example to the M103 the radio operator is dropped and that function goes to the commander… So if I have 6th on the T32, I won’t have it on the next tank. Of if I want to use the M103 crew with 6th on a T34 I need a radio operator with 6th as well!!!

    • As I said, much better make it a in game arcade function and introduce additional skills/perks that boost 6th sense function into what we have now. In this way all whining noob morons can get 6th sense by default, but not with full potential. To make it more “realisic” the radio man or what ever crew member has the default ability listen to enemy radios by “hacking/tuning”, but they can learn new skills/perks that makes this abilty better. Maybe by reading a book about encoding signals or modifying the tenk radio, or what ever “down to earth scenario”. Maybe bring some historical encoder device from ww2 and teach the crews to use/install such a thing in tenk.

  33. i will gain on this very much because i am normally … not using this perk on absolutly all tanks. Many drivers do it – as rule on all tanks.

    I am sure that what i will say is controversial for most of WOT players but i still believe in what i will say. Of course – i am almost only heavy tank driver – soo maybe this explains my opinion about sixth sence as perk.

    I am not saying that sixth sence is not good perk – very nice one but … On heavy tank ? Many will say about view range that if you – driving heavy tank – do not know where the enemy is you are doing it wrong (cool and funny words and usefull here for me). I can say the same about being seen by the enemy – if you are driving heavy tank – and the enemy does not know where you are – you are doing it wrong. Of course, in the end of battle – this is different story. But still …

    Think this. Camping tank destroyer with good cammo. I am driving heavy tank. I have info that i have been spotted. And what ? Where he is, what direction, what kind of enemy he really is (camping but … – tank destroyer with good gun or light tank or medium tank …) … Maybe this is light tank that flanked me and he see me because he … is behind me (not that i am driving to his stationary position). On open map in heavy tank many times this information does not change my situation at all. Of course, this is info “hide or you will be dead”. Ok, but if i am sometimes no sure from what direction and who saw me i cannot hide and be really 100% safe.

    Do not get me wrong – Sixth Sence is very good perk. He really is. And i am very happy that i will have him on all tanks. Now on all tanks. Nice … but i was really able to play some good battle without it. Of course – heavy tank only.

    Funny info in the end: my nick in WOT is different soo ;) personality in WOT is hidden lol lol lol …

    • I agree that on heavy slow tanks, 6th sense will not make you invincible. Personly I feel that in the situations heavy tanks are, if you get spotted and 6th sense tells you, you usualy get hit. But 6th sense can be usefull if you are in a position where you can pull back in 3 sec, and therfore not get damaged. And this little advantage is worth having 6th sesne for, just like all other skills/perk. I mean 2% better view range. Lol. But people still grind skills because that is a part of the game, despite the skills itself gives little advantage.

      TDs and mediums though and even LT benefit alot more from 6th sense, because they have the mobilty to pull back fast, not to mention lower HP which is important to save.

      But the point is that, it is not fair that any noob can pay 200 gold and get 6th sense right away not even trying to put effort into grinding.

      • another problem is retraining crew for next tank…
        main skill will drop to 90% (if you dont retrain with gold), making the 6th sense unavailable, unlike now, when skills and perks work anyway.

        • This is pay to win or “pay to progress” in its finest form. WG has really handled this in a smart way. Many idiots might think this is a good decision. Well yes when your radioman reach 100% you get 6th sense. But if you analyze it, this is first of all a plain nerf to all players that has grinded this skill and hence they loose their advantage because now all noobs will have it.

          If im not wrong, having a advantage that you have grinded to achieve should not be a bad thing. And I dont buy this crap “6th sense is too effective, it prevents me from choosing other skills”. Well, the point is to grind, grind the other skills as well. The fact that players reflect over this tells me that they in fact dont think other skills are bad, they just want stuff for free without grinding. And 6th sense just happen to be a skill most people like because they like to camp and not take risks. I can understand why the community loves 6th sense, it makes them snipe like cowards and pull back when spotted. But now, at least these camper morons has to grind and put effort into it, later on all noobers will get it by default or by paying 200 dinars.

  34. Why the radio man? That’s one more guy for my medkit. I’d just leave him to rot before…

  35. It’s a good thing.. but not a GREAT thing that six sense relocate to radioman.
    Has ups and downs..

    UPS: Commanders have alot of usefuls, xpecially those french mediums and light tanks with 3 crew. So situational awarness, recon, camo it’s a must have now i get get on those tanks the BiA skill.

    DOWNS: in the large majority of tanks, medium and light tanks the radiomen is the first who dies with the first shot. On russian, american tanks i usually ignore the dead radioman most of the time he is useless. Now it’s gonna be a problem. No six sense it’s gonna be a problem.

    PS: someone said that it’s not a must have skill that six sense.. i tend to contradict him. IT’s an absolute MUST HAVE. On whatever map i am when my bulb goes on I know from where i’m spotted. Usually are no more than 2-3 spotting positions on every side of the map left or right.. if you use the spotting range mod and IF you know your tank you know from where you have been spotted.
    Don’t get me started on Clan Wars and esl..

    • It was me who said that.

      But with two important additions:
      - i play almost only heavy tanks,
      - i am playing only random battles – no Clan Wars and like this.

      I know that someone could have different opinion. That is no problem. This is game for everyone with many ideas how “i want to play”. This is only my very private opinion. Very private and personal. I will know argument of others, I always analize their points of view. Good luck everyone in WOT by the way.

      I wont re-reply because i see no point. What i said is enough for some people and others – i will never convince because sixth sence is really for many WOT drivers “must have and end of story”. And i am ok with that.

      • 6th sense is not mandatory on heavy tanks…if you brawl the majority of time. How ever if you are alone and need to survive or push flanks on areas where campers can hide/open spaces, 6th sense is very important.

        To me 6th sense is important if you want to take risks pushing and beeing agressive. If you get spotted, back off and then try again. If tanks are behind bushes you have to get so close to spot them that it will alreaddy be too late.

      • Yes, exactly.
        6th Sense is not a mandatory Perk for Heavies.
        It’s useful for Meds and TDs.
        It’s a must for Lights.

        Just like Repairs and Firefighting, which has a higher priority in Heavies, while Lights don’t need them (the moment they’re tracked or torched, they either use a consummable or are as good as dead).

        • No perk or skills are mandatory really and most players dont even put enough emphasis on training crews or equiping the tanks proper (just look at all yourube videos and streams and you see).

          The point here is still that the way WG handled this is BS for so many reasons. I dont see the issue now really, its not like 6th sense is the only perk you can benefit of.

    • Ofc it will chance, now the majority of players dont care about crew skills because they are lazy. Later on every noob will have 6th sense (and maybe other skills as well). It makes the advantage some players has totaly useless, and I dont like this.

        • 95% of the other players? Its not about them its about the long term game balanced and the core of the game. While the majority of average to below average may benefit, most better players who have earned their perks/skill loose their crew advantage, and how is that fair?

          No game should by default hand out skills, even if one pay. Skill in WOT is about earning them, play better and earn more XP your crews advance faster. As I said, if they would want 6th sense by default they would add that arcade function in the game, just like minimap or similar features. And then add additional perks that makes 6th sense more effective. That would be a more fair approach and still allowed people to grind.

  36. Mixed feelings, on one hand, I no longer have to grind for the skill.

    On the other, this marks the end of surprise attacks on newbies that think they are hidden.

    • Supprise attack should be a part of the game, and that is kinda my feeling. Players that has played longer to grind skills/perk and have money to invest in equipment should ALWAYS have a competitiva advantage over those lacking these features. That is the point if a game like this. The point is to get skills so you can do stuff, imo in EVE online skills are even more important depending on what you do.

  37. Great, now you have to play without 6th sense IN ADDITION to playing stocks while grinding for 40k EXP (~amount it takes to bring 90% crew members back to 100%).

    Make stocks even bigger pain, WG, please.

    • Yes that is true, that is why they want you to pay 200 gold to get radioman to 100%. They did this out of economical reasons really and they just spouted BS to make us believe that 6th sense is OP and “unfair” and therfore everybody must have it so everything gets fair. But if you think about it, this change is not fiar at all. First it is unfair for those who have grinded this perk to get advantage, now they will get less advantage because everybody will have it. Second as you say 6th sense dont work if you transfer crew and pay silver, while 6th sense works now even if commander is on 90%.

  38. Does this also mean that when your radio is hit, sixth sense will be unavailable? My Chinese tanks have radios made from waterballoon, so 2 repair kits per game it is… Shame extinguishers are a necessity too..

  39. Both B1 and B2 Heavy Tanks have TWO Radio Operators, that means if one of my RO dies, light bulb will still work because the other is alive?.

    I’d move the 6th Sense from the Commander to the Radio Operator in it’s current form, a new perk for the RO. Mainly because the RO has pretty much the most useless skills in the game, other than the general Repairs and Cammo, it’s unique skills are quite shitty. 6th Sense perk would make Radio Operators more usefull than what they are.

    • Well, it might follow the trend with BiA where one dead crewmember doesn’t cripple the Perk for all the tank, or something like that.
      But yes, both ROs should have the free Perk now.

      Although I agree that the RO Skills and Perks are niche (and not much use for Heavies), I find them all more useful than the 3 Perks for the Loader.

  40. This is a direct pay to win element. Good one WG. Instead of grinding the crews to 100% first and then grind the 1st crew skill to 100% before 6th sense gets active, any noob can just pay 200 gold and get a 100% crew with 6th sense default. Something that is not possible now since you have to earn your skills. I am against this, becasue its a big slap to the face for all older players who have spent time and money grinding skills.

    Also I am really keen on what new perk we will get, in the removal of 6th sense for the commander. I hope they give us something.

    If they should make it default, rather make it a “arcade” game mechanic and introduce another skill for commander. I still think, and this is my opinion to make it fair for people who grind skills; make 6th sense default game mechanic and let the player know he has beeing spotted after 5 seconds if he can see the enemy tank. Now introduce a commander perk that makes the player know he has beeing spoted after 5 seconds even if he cant see the enemy (similar to now) you can call this perk “code breaker”. Then introduce a new perk for the radio man that reduce the time to 2.8 sec (basicly what we have now) and call this “fine tuning”. In this way people wont get the full benefit of the current 6th sense without having additional perks on the commander and radio man. As well as they have alternatives as how to use the 6th sense mechanic (that is now a default game mechanic).

  41. I believe the console version of WoT (Xbox?) has this feature already, everyone there has 6th sense (and they don’t allow fail platooning either).

    I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it will be nice not to have to grind out sixth sense on new crews. On the other hand, I’ve already ground it out on a lot of commanders and in some cases paid gold to drop and retrain so I didn’t have to wait once the first perk hit 100%.

    I’d rather they reassign the skill to the RO, and make it function as a skill rather than a perk. It starts working at like 10%, but has a 10 second delay. As it progresses it loses the delay, so by the time it gets to 100% it is a 3 second delay as it is now.

    I understand why WG wants to change it, it really is the most powerful perk in the game, and as such people that don’t have it are at a serious disadvantage. Of course those of us who have it on a lot of crews want to keep our advantage, but is that really reasonable?

    • “I understand why WG wants to change it, it really is the most powerful perk in the game, and as such people that don’t have it are at a serious disadvantage. Of course those of us who have it on a lot of crews want to keep our advantage, but is that really reasonable?”

      this isnt solution…
      solution would be to make other perks interesting as well
      I mean, you have to decide between this and 2% view range … seriously ?

      • how about “no”? I mean, I would be fine with it, my best crew has 83% on 6th skill. Boosting skills to the level of importance of 6th sense would make my best crew godly, but what about players who only have tanks with barely 2 full skills? That kind of change would benefit those who nolife and play longer than those who joined game later and play just “actively”.

        • This is true actually. I personly feel that theres no need to change any perks/skills. Sure some are mediocre but they do give “little” advantage, but no game breaking ones. Not even 6th sense is a game breaker, specially with these new rebalanced close quarter maps.

          I think theres an okay balance between those who have crew skills and those who dont have it. Currently you dont become “god” even if you have a 4-7 skill crew.

          But yeah boosting all crew skills will make the gap between dedicated skill grinders and casuals even bigger than now. And what will be the solution, make all skills default. I hope not.

          I too have some high level crews, but I have grinded them so I deserve it. But the problem I have with this new “skill rebalance and make skills more usefull thinking” is that WG will probably nerf the most commonly used skills like BIA, camo, repair, snapshot, clutch brake, smoth ride etc. to the point where they dont give any noticable advantage any longer. By nerfing all popular skills the other skills/perk gets stronger. This logic is common in WGs world, because they also want to buff LTs view range, by nerfing view range of all other tanks. What has happenes? Well nothing but 80% of all other tanks in the game gets a view range nerf.

  42. Good change, 6th sense is currently too powerful in comparison to other skills, which are more fine, considering that having 3000 games in the same crew makes you just a bit better than someone having same tank, but with less experienced crew (let’s say 500 games only). Repairs, camo, smooth ride, bia – they all give small bonus to over performance of your tank (well, repairs are also an exception, but that skill can be done on all crew members and it start to work immediately, which balance it out). 6th sense is different, it makes huge difference in your playstyle, it can save you from suicidal move.

    Accessable 6th sense makes new players more aware of spotting system and it might prevent them from being sealclubbed by a experianced player, that has a few skills on low tier tank, while all around him run with 50 or 75% crews. Other thing is, it can make players start new lines more often, since playing w/o lightbulb was a choir. In most cases I was waiting for x2 crew weekend, I was putting fresh 100% commander into IS6 and grind first skill with bonus of elite tank. It was doable in one day, but still, I couldn’t do the same with other nations (IS6 is my only t8 premium tank).

    • Fuck that dude. Do you even realising what you are saying and what this means? This is a indirect nerf to the crew skill advantage some players had, by putting effort into getting 6th sense. Now every noob that has put 0 time into grinding can just buy this advantage for 200 gold. Fair? Hell I dont think so.

      Its not that 6th sense is that powerfull really, depending on the tanks you play, its the idiotic “pay to win” element WG has yet showed again. Nobody should get any perk/skill for free. If they want all players to have 6th sense, then make it an in game function and make additional perks/skills that boosts 6th sense effectivety (so it pays off gridning).

  43. I am so angry about this idiot move that I registered to comment.

    What this means is that if you have worked hard to EARN the 6th sense skill you now get a slap in teh face from Wargaming while they give this skill to every noob in the game for nothing (unlike when I started yuou now get 100% crews from free at the start too!!!!!!)

    What is the payback for staying in this game & learning how to play it when Wargaming will just wreck any advantage your long hard grind up the crew skills would otherwise earn?

    6th sense is the ONLY skill / perk that has a major payoff – you get to react, in most cases, to enemy fire before they actually fire. The difference in Win Rate between having it & not having it? 5%. So you go from winning 50% to winning 55% of games or 55% to 60%. No every noob gets the advantage for nothing, no effort, no commitment.

    Meantime the reward for those of us that slogged to get crews to 100% at the start, that slogged to get 6th sense on every crew, what do we get? Nothing. We lose the best perk in the game and gain one that makes no real difference. Eagle Eye anyone????

    • I couldnt agree more. I wierd decision from WG but in the same time its obvious what they want to make. They take one of the best (according to the commununity) perks and charge 200 gold for it (because you can buy 100% crews for 200 gold). While we regular players that grinded skills the hard way gets it removed. I really hope we get a new perk/skill for the commander.

      Not to mention now, many noobs that would never even think about crew skills gets a game changing advantage. While we older players that very well understood and could use our crew advantages gets a indirect nerf.

  44. I personally think this idea is good, but it should only qualify for Light Tanks.
    Sixth Sense, is a nice skill to have on mediums,heavies and tank destroyers, but for me
    it’s a necessity for Light Tanks.

    • Just no. If a perk is so powerfull every one should earn it. That is “fair”. What is not fair is that those of us who has grinded the perk now gets it removed and put on the radio cunt instead (who dies often) and this is a nerf for all people who have commanders that rarely dies but radio cunts that dies often.

  45. this is the best change in a long time.
    6th sense teaches vision mechanics better than anything else, and new players should have access as quickly as possible.

    • Teach vision mechanics or not. The problem is that any noob now will move even less because they are spotted and that means “you must fall back into cover”, even it you could potentialy take 1 or 2 hits and survive. Remember, you need to take damage to make damage and you can move even if you get spotted. Specialy in close to medium range when brawling you will get spotted anyways, but that doesnt mean you need to fall back if you have the opportunity to flank or make dmg/brawl. Good luck not getting spotted flanking in mediums and heavys. POS noob fiendly game, pls nerf default 6th sense and make a special perk that allows older players to have a 6th sense advantage.

  46. IMO it’s a terrible plan. I honestly believe you should DESERVE this possibility by some amount of battles, not just for 100-200 gold or even training the mail skill from 75 to 100%…

  47. Will be a terrible idea for multiple reasons. With this change you can buy sixth sense for 200 gold, and it will be very easy to get. This skill should be left as one you need to grind, to reward people for taking the time to get a good crew. The other side affect of this change would be that it will be harder to get long range shots as more often your target will have sixth sense and will start pulling back as you take a shot. And passive scouts will probably have trouble too, as the things they light are more likely to realize they’re lit and find cover.

    • It is a bad idea and it will change the gamepley. Since the majority of the playerbase are like 48-52% tomatos (80%) one can assume that the dont put any emphasis on crew skills and hence many of the lack 6th sense.

      If all these suddenly get 6th sense having a 100% commander, or course it will change the gamepley. They all get a perk that they previous didnt even think about. And this is wrong. If you dont grind a skill or care about obtaining it, you should not get it by default just because your radioman is on 100%.

      A more “sane” decision would be to make it harder to get 6th sense, if it is so “powerfull”, making people motivated to grind more and hopefully become more effective in the tank.

      Not to mention all noobs that will now have 6th sense and refuse to help team mates pushing a flank, because now they get “spotted and therfore they must pull back and camp”. Now these idiots have a “legit” reason to camp and not move because they get spotted hurr hurr derp.