Igromir Team Battle/Tournament Q&A

Source: FTA VK community

Hello everyone,

a couple of answers by Aleksei Kuznetsov from Igromir 2014

- the “WoT Formula” tournament (the racing one) has 350 thousand people participating (SS: on RU server). It’s a MMORPG tournament record and it will appear in the Guiness book of records
- in 9.4, team battles will be changed. Attack/Defense mode will appear in them.
- there will be 10 TB maps for the Attack/Defense mode
- the specifics of the Attack/Defense mode will be that there will be two bases, that will be possible to capture either both at the same time or separately, but capturing of the bases will not add up
- 7/42 TB mode will be replaced by 7/54. In connection with this, two setups will appear: 5 tier 8 tanks and 2 tier 7′s, or 6 tier 8′s and one tier 6. In cybersports, the first setup is more popular.
- 9.4 will come in October
- in 9.4, Stronghold players will be able to attack other clans’ strongholds
- when Havok comes, it will apparently be possible to drive into a destroyed building rubble and “hide” in it, the rubble will reduce the penetration of incoming shells (SS: that’s a pretty stupid idea, I would take this answer with a grain of salt)

32 thoughts on “Igromir Team Battle/Tournament Q&A

  1. when Havok comes, it will apparently be possible to drive into a destroyed building rubble and “hide” in it, the rubble will reduce the penetration of incoming shells (SS: that’s a pretty stupid idea, I would take this answer with a grain of salt)

    Why is this a stupid ideea?? It is more stupid to let the rubble dispawn on the grownd as one of the videos on this site

      • The fact that Wargaming is making Havok work on a seperate core and thus being optional is an idiotic move. As for the people not running Havok they should start living in 2014 and get a 2013-2014 PC and stop using 90s PC’s with windows 98 or windows 2000. I hate that Wargaming in 2014 doesnt improve the game with more demanding features because stone age PC users

        • The fact that Wargaming is making Havok work on a seperate core and thus being optional is an idiotic move. As for the people not running Havok they should start living in 2014 and get a 2013-2014 PC and stop using 90s PC’s with windows 98 or windows 2000. I hate that Wargaming in 2014 doesnt improve the game with more demanding features because stone age PC users
          When WG finally optimize their piece of shit game maybe people will finally benefit from better PCs.

          • Try working, and when you get enough to sustain your everyday life without problems, then buy a competitive gaming rig. When you do that, then come and complain about weaker computers… Until daddy pays for your rig, keep these type of comments to yourself.

            • Agreed. For someone having family (probably with kids in school or university), mortgage and other “real world stuff” the much-better-that-very-bestest gaming rig is not on the top of priorities list. Doesn’t mean they have no right to play the same game as elitist gamers.

              It’s these people with jobs and real life comitments who are paying for game development by the way.

            • I spent 350 euros on parts 8 GB RAM, new GTX 650 1GB VRAM, new motherboard, new AMD FX4130 processor, and the game runs on max settings.In my country that is sigltly below average salary. In the rest of Europe the average salary is 2500 Euros or more. So 350 Euros nothing for west Europeans.

        • This.
          I can’t get it when people using laptops from 2004 are whining about “mei computah cant play wot! grapics nerf plz”

        • If Havok was to become a mandatory game changer, the server cumputing and bandwidth requirements would be through the roof. As long as Havok is just an eyecandy, it can be computed locally by the client and differences between clients won’t matter.

          Localy computed Havoc ain’t even all that demanding, HL2 had decent enough implementation in 2004 or so, most people won’t even notice the fps loss, unless WG fucks it up.

    • For one, it’s not very historical (unless you cover the tank with rubble completely). Secondly, it’s a game-changing mechanic, because making the rubble material also means it will detonate HE shells.

      • I read a report from the US military where they did research on armored vehicles being covered by misc stuff by the people in them (from extra tracks to concrete slabs), the idea is that they thought it would provide better armor and increase their chances of surviving a shot from another tank.

        Well, the result was actually the other way around, the extra crap would decrease the vehicle’s armor efficiency against HE shells (the shells penetrated the concrete and then detonated between the concrete slab and the steel armor, making it worse) and do nothing at all against AP shells. To make things worse, it reduced the speed of the vehicle to a certain degree, which is always a bad thing.

        They even said the only positive thing it did was giving the crew the idea that they were safer while in battle, which increased moral.

        I don’t remember where I found it… I think The_Chieftain posted it a long time ago.

        • I`ve seen that too, but thats all for stuff you can strap onto the tank and carry around with you. I think this idea is for entire heaps of rubble, rather than just a few bricks etc. Same pen reduction we have now for shooting through stone walls and fenceposts etc.

    • since is just cosmetic destruction that most players wont be able to see, yes its stupid.

    • They probably just mean the rubble is treated like walls and such and takes 25 off the pen of the shell per chunk of rubble, if you hit it. Reasonable enough.

  2. “- when Havok comes, it will apparently be possible to drive into a destroyed building rubble and “hide” in it, the rubble will reduce the penetration of incoming shells (SS: that’s a pretty stupid idea, I would take this answer with a grain of salt)”

    Wait! That means the Havok(destroying buildings) won’t be client side? Because, if it’s true, the server has to calculate the penetration reduction from the rubble. Last time WG said, it will be only “visual thing” and the Havok won’t change the gameplay. That’s weird :P

    Anyway, that’s good idea! Next step would be, if the rubbles bury you, you will be damaged (not ongoing-damage, just one-time)

    • Havok is physics.
      It’s the way how the bricks fall, how the particles behave when changing their state from normal to destroyed.

      Right now, when you drive over the fence, it will simply change the model from normal to destroyed.

      When havok is implemented, this change will be visual, as in, you will see the bricks fall and in the end it will look the same.

      havok is basically just the “animation” between normal nad destryed object. While without it, it’s instant and looks stupid.

      It is visual, because in the end, that fence is destroyed on both computers.. the one with and the one without havoc. The only difference is, the one with havok looks more natural, it doesnt simply change to destroyed in blink of an eye.

      Regarding the hiding in building rubble, this would also be possible I think. Your non-havok PC will simply replace the model of normal building for destryed one. Just like every other object now. The only difference is, I can see how the bricks fall, bounce etc. You see a building and suddenly there is rubble.

    • we will see.
      SS posted news suggesting booth possibilities.

      one post (or quote?) said there is increased internet traffic from havok, next that it is client based only. this again suggest server side.

      • Could it be possible if Havok comes or was tested in bundle with new physics? I mean, if there was new vehicle handling, render range to circle, solid rubble or anything working server sided. If it wasn’t made with Havok but is planned to be implemented at.once, for example in next major patch next year? Or maybe earlier leaks were that scenario in mind but Havok (client side graphics and animation) was priorized and server side stuff will come later.

  3. Pingback: Igromir 2014: Informace o týmových bitvách

  4. When they introduce Havok, I can only see retards shooting buildings first 2 weeks!

    Btw, I have a stupid idea which means that WG might like it! Lets introduce another version of gold shells but this one increases Alpha instead of penetration for another 100-200dmg depending on gun. Everything went to hell anyway so why not this?!

  5. - when Havok comes, it will apparently be possible to drive into a destroyed building rubble and “hide” in it, the rubble will reduce the penetration of incoming shells (SS: that’s a pretty stupid idea, I would take this answer with a grain of salt)

    lol Havok was supposed to be only an eye candy.

    Besides, even if they manage to do it server side…. well, prepare for another server melt and a weekend without WoT

  6. >> – 7/42 TB mode will be replaced by 7/54. In connection with this, two setups will appear: 5 tier 8 tanks and 2 tier 7′s, or 6 tier 8′s and one tier 6. In cybersports, the first setup is more popula

    That’s shit. If they won’t work close with ESL and let them design modes with leagues in mind they will kill all the modes they are planning to introduce from the very start. And disabling ESL mode at the same time…