
- developers are considering a separate server for South America
- Q: “Why, when I am moving and I see a target and I stop and switch to sniper mode, the aim circle doesn’t get smaller for a second or two?” A (SerB): “If you were able to read (and understand what you are reading), you would find the answer to this (many times asked) question (it was answered numerous times).” (SS: it’s because the circle is bigger than the sniper mode view and doesn’t fit the screen)
- arty and HE rebalance coming? Storm: “Most likely not.”
- Q: “Arty should be buffed, it sucks” A: “On the other hand, statistically arty is doing fine and to buff it would be a mistake. Unless you mean rebalance it completely (buff something, nerf something else). But for now, we have more pressing issues to deal with.”
- Storm states that reworking (smoothing) the maps is worth doing even though new motion physics will make the vehicles ignore really small terrain features and not lose speed on small objects

- the general accuracy nerf will involve reducing the chance of hitting the dead center of your aim circle, shots are hitting there too much
- Storm states that in WoT garage, you will not be able to see internal module setup: “We didn’t removedthe modules from the client only to show them later to everyone. So only armor.”
- the problem with T-44-85 was that for one, it was tier 7 premium and secondly, even for such a tier the penetration was not very good. According to Storm, statistics have shown that noone wants low penetration premiums in general. Therefore, there’s no reason to implement it.
- Russians are moaning about EU TOG mission. Evilly counters: “And in China, they are selling Type 59 :)”
- individual missions will be further developed
- A-32 buff? “If we find out it’s unplayable.”
- HD model of M4A3E8 will not come in 9.4, despite the fact that Fury is in HD already, as the model is different from the Fury one
- Storm states that the whine about noone using the Maus is exaggerated, a “completely acceptable” amount of people are using it
- a new map for lowtier tanks will come, but not in 9.4
- Type 62 crew will be fixed in 9.4
- HD IS-3 will come “at some point”, not in 9.4
- regarding the Sixth Sense rework, developers decided to do it the way they decided (to give it to everyone) because they have found a number of cases and examples, where Sixth Sense improves battle dynamics
- it’s possible other elements of UI will be reworked as well in the future
- first HD premium tanks will be tested in 9.4 (SS: the Panther 88, Scorpion and others)
- the HD vehicle images that were published some time ago belong to “testing vehicles”, which do not meet the current HD standards. They will be reworked.
- the current issues with T-54 (SS: not sure what Storm is referring to) will be fixed in first half of 2015
- gold ammo statistics will be investigated
- developers have considered for a long time, whether to give the Soviet tanks their historical gun depression (SS: in some cases, it was worse than it is in the game, WoT has it buffed), but decided not to do it, as the depression for the Soviets is not good in general, but not as bad as in real life.
- 9.4 will bring mostly fixes
- WG is trying to save as much traffic as possible, for example by having icons on minimap “jump” and not move fluently. This is important for “data center”, according to Storm, because its “outbound channels” might not otherwise handle the traffic. For the same reason tanks, that are very far, are moving by “jumping” as well
- there is a heated debate raging during the implementation of new parks, developers are working on it
- “drawing on minimap” is not planned for now
- Q: “Remove sixth sense, it was better without it.” A: “Sixth sense is already more than three years old and it’s fine.”
- Storm confirms that the strange T55A armor preview was caused by bad viewer.

130 thoughts on “12.10.2014

  1. “- developers have considered for a long time, whether to give the Soviet tanks their historical gun depression (SS: in some cases, it was worse than it is in the game, WoT has it buffed), but decided not to do it, as the depression for the Soviets is not good in general, but not as bad as in real life.”

    So basically after nerf (real) gun depression would be like….hmmm I don´t know..Chinese ????? :D

    • In that case they should compensate by rebalancing RoF and aim-time even further, those low pancake silhouettes with big guns do come at a price :)

    • I think its fine, because Chinese tanks are specialized Niche vehicles and giving them realistic gun depression won’t piss off nearly as many people as giving their Russian counterparts realistic gun depression.

      Now that the KV-1S is nerfed, its not like any Soviet tanks are overperforming because of gun depression anyway. Tanks like the IS-3 and IS-1 may have unrealistically good gun depression, but they’re not OP because of it. As long as they’re balanced its fine.

      • Let’s get one thing straight, KV-1S IS NOT NERFED !!!!!!!! It’s the best fucking T5 tank, it owns anything. The power of KV-1 combined with the mobility of Pz IV. Fuckingtastic ! I love it.

        Second, KV-85 is very powerful with the 100mm gun, clearly superior to M6 and ARL 44 (not to mention the worthless VK 36). Even the nerfed 122mm gun is much more powerful than the guns of VK36, OH PLEASE GIVE THE 122mm GUN WITH 3 ROF TO VK36 AND I WILL PLAY THAT TANK LIKE CRAZY

        • “Second, KV-85 is very powerful with the 100mm gun, clearly superior to M6 and ARL 44 ”



          No it is not.

          15mm of side armor isn’t worth having less than a third of the gun depression of the M6.

          Both tanks have functionally identical firepower, the main difference is that the M6 isn’t utterly screwed outside of urban combat on perfectly paved roads.

    • Historical gun depression/elevation of Object 165 (T-62A) was -7/+16. So i will happy if they bring back these values.

  2. Russian biase
    developers have considered for a long time, whether to give the Soviet tanks their historical gun depression (SS: in some cases, it was worse than it is in the game, WoT has it buffed), but decided not to do it, as the depression for the Soviets is not good in general, but not as bad as in real life.

    why the fuck does Chinese tanks have historical gun depression, to make sure.Russians are better????

      • I somehow highly doubt this is the “real” reason.

        Please tell me, if there’s such Russian bias, why is there a tier 9 medium tank, basically a copy of T-54 with even better turret armour, that has basically the same gun as IS-8 with less reload?

        • You forget about the cons: Mainly GUN DEPRESSION. Then there are some minor cons like HULL ARMOR, MOBILITY and GUN HANDLING.

          T-54 >>> WZ-120.

          • WZ-120 mobility is actually pretty close to T-54.

            It trades horsepower for terrain resistance, so it is actually a tiny bit faster on flat ground.

        • guys calm the fuck down. if you want the true answer why not fly to Mother Russia and ask Storm/SerB himself? otherwise i’m treating all this speculation as some bullshit you made while drunk/high.

  3. - Russians are moaning about EU TOG mission. Evilly counters: “And in China, they are selling Type 59 :)”

    Not true. Just checked.

  4. According to Storm, statistics have shown that noone wants low penetration premiums in general. Therefore, there’s no reason to implement it.

    Pz II Ausf. D says hello! :)

  5. “WG is trying to save as much traffic as possible”

    just lol. why then do i have to receive every single damn message in my clan chat? or even worst that general chat? just let me close that sucker off

    • (Battle)chat is independent from the battle itself (sometimes the chat servers fail and you can’t see the chat/send messages) + it doesn’t really matter if you receive some of the messages with some insignificant delay (for a chat) – in magnitude of seconds.

  6. “- developers have considered for a long time, whether to give the Soviet tanks their historical gun depression (SS: in some cases, it was worse than it is in the game, WoT has it buffed), but decided not to do it, as the depression for the Soviets is not good in general, but not as bad as in real life.”

    Interestingly, in some cases it was better in real life.
    The T-62A had -7 gun depression for example.

    ” WG is trying to save as much traffic as possible, for example by having icons on minimap “jump” and not move fluently. This is important for “data center”, according to Storm, because its “outbound channels” might not otherwise handle the traffic. For the same reason tanks, that are very far, are moving by “jumping” as well”

    Upgrade engine and upgrade Server PCs :P …

  7. “- there is a heated debate raging during the implementation of new parks, developers are working on it”

    What’s wrong with new parks? ;)

  8. HD IS-3 will come “at some point”, not in 9.4

    Still can’t decide which pike-nose version they are going to use? :)

  9. Real Thing is “- developers are considering a separate server for South America” oh we need it :/ 200-250 ping all time its not nice…

    more info of the evolution of this would be appreciated :)

    • And have the available number of members drop from 35000 to 6000.

      No thanks. I’ll remain in the NA server.

      • exactly, fuck no we don’t need a server for south america.
        Look at US west, it has barely half to a 3rd of NA East and it’s a den of tards, baddies, reds and terrible noobs, playing on NA west is like riding a gigantic shortbus.

        now imagine the S-A server, urghhh, no thanks i’m not touching that with a ten foot pole don’t care if it’s 90mS latency, the SA playerbase is horrible(and i’ve seen this from ANY game that has a south america server) every country in SA hates the rest of the countries, it’s like the EU server with the polack hate/gassing/etc etc

        • Then I must go to that journey. It sounds like challenge to me, but I again, I think I take everything as challenge. There can’t be that many good players that I would encounter when I’m playing there so kicking the puppies would be pretty damn easy. At least easier than on EU. These… players, have started to get better at mid to high tiers in most of my battles. Kicking the puppies has became harder than few years back. Not too many years back though, because at the very beginning I was the puppy too.

          Also I’ve heard that on the SEA server you can play with bot all day long without getting banned, because nobody gives a shit.

            • The problem is not that people don’t get banned for botting; it’s that not enough players care or are able to recognise a bot and so don’t report them enough to get them banned.

              As far as the population is concerned, there are ~10,000 online right now, and I’ve seen anywhere between 20-30,000 online during busier times.

            • yup. most of the SEAtards play worse than EU bots. you can vouch my word for i’ve been in both servers (long story involving RL fail)

        • The US West server is terrible. Even though I get better ping on it (live in Idaho), I get much better MM, and teams on US East server. It’s funny, there once was a -G- platoon on the US. West server just because they could carry every game.

    • they should do AUS first. they lag quite hard too. i heard that AUS is kinda hard to put a company on due to govt ladeedah and that’s practically the only reason why ozzies are still playing on SEA (other than NA ping is wworse)

  10. - the general accuracy nerf will involve reducing the chance of hitting the dead center of your aim circle, shots are hitting there too much

    Wait, what ? Aren’t there already enough RNG in hitting ???

    • I think that they are trying to nerf soviet guns accuracy and also to aleviate the gold rounds issue.

        • Agree (in some Point)
          Nerv the Accuracy in general is the wrong way to do it. They should make the aim circle on the move like 3 times bigger (maybe except for more modern Tanks like Leo, 62A etc.) and instead buff the Aimtime for the same amount (so 3 Times in this example). It would not affect the general accu at all but would give a HUGE buff to those who are trying to aim compared to most point and click heroes ingame…. WOT just feels too much like some sort of Ego-/Third Person Shooter than trying to be a SOMEWHAT realistic Tankgame.

  11. “there is a heated debate raging during the implementation of new parks, developers are working on it”
    Did you mean perks*

  12. “the current issues with T-54 (SS: not sure what Storm is referring to) will be fixed in first half of 2015″

    Love to know what these are……or does he mean the new Lwt version?

    • I think it’s the discrepancies between the T-54 and the T-54 lightweight models. Because WG outsourced the production of the models some are good and some aren’t. Biggest thing that bugs me is how the Hellcat’s front (idler?) wheel has its holes filled with black even though the point of HD was to not have that on models (it’s done correctly on the Chaffee). So the model of the T-54 and the lightweight should be almost the same but they aren’t. Maybe this is what people are referring to?

  13. That part about traffic is just an excuse to be cheap on their account… Any data center is able to provide as much of the connectivity as needed, but this is Wargaming, their cheap soviet asses are chosing links via crappy Telia for a reason…

  14. - developers are considering a separate server for South America

    As a south american player, NO THANK YOU!

    • As a north american player, THANK YOU. Please take your ACA and your ACEBR and your ridiculous nationalistic (almost to the point of being racist) attitudes off the NA server. Having the Americans yell MURICA is plenty annoying, but at least they salute and recruit everyone, not selectively by ethnicity.

  15. “- developers are considering a separate server for South America”


    As a SA player, i dont want to be matched up with the sparse population and mostly scrubtastic SA population… i dont mind playing with 150ms, hell, if ping jumped to 300ms i’d still do fine… LEAVE ME ON NA.

    • it may happen, that if a such server will be available (in Brazil I guess) some players from Africa (mostly SOuth Africa obviously) may join that server too. Hell, maybe even some Aussies will give it a try. In the other hand there were servers that failed, like that Vietnamese one e.g.

      • Nah mate, ping from South Africa to Europe is 180 if you are near Cape Town or Johannesburg, but to NA East it’s 450 minimum from what I’ve heard, won’t improve to SA. 180 more than playable anyway, 54% WR the proof.

  16. the problem with T-44-85 was that for one, it was tier 7 premium and secondly, even for such a tier the penetration was not very good. According to Storm, statistics have shown that noone wants low penetration premiums in general. Therefore, there’s no reason to implement it.

    to be honest I was really looking forward to this tank and I enjoyed it very much
    on the test server…. I’m a sad panda now

    • Yeah, after penetration buff it was pretty equal to T-43. So perfectly serviceable premium? Hell, with limited MM I’d take it even with the 126mm pen.

  17. “According to Storm, statistics have shown that noone wants low penetration premiums in general. Therefore, there’s no reason to implement it.”

    • Spershing is fine, buff my Matilda~

      All I want is 5 more AP pen and cash ammo that doesn’t have the worst cost-to-pen-bonus ratio in the game, come on ;_;

      • goldshells are for babies, real men use AP. you think i wont whine abt my KV 220B’s pen? it’s basically a stock KV gun +10mm pen and in most cases it’s not enough but i DEAL WITH IT. i end up winning quite a bounty.

        • What’re you talking about, 99 pen is more than adequate, in fact it’s pretty huge for a limited-MM tier 5. Picking one of the most tier-for-tier overpowered tanks in the game as an example of your superiority is kind of silly :v

          If the Matty IV, or hell any of the 91-pen mediums had that much AP pen, people would be screaming about them being OP. It’s not far off being as much as the British 6pdr, and that particular gun has far less alpha damage.

          Go try actually playing a KV-1 with the stock gun for a bit, discarding results from tier 7 games of course, and then regale me with your tales of “dealing with it” and not getting the least bit frustrated.

      • where is the like button – yeah man buff my matilda a bit – not much – just a bit. oh and buff the pen on my kv5 and e25 while your there. Because no one like a low pen premium. And buff the arty? f**k NO nerf those bastards damage is so OP.

  18. “- the current issues with T-54 (SS: not sure what Storm is referring to) will be fixed in first half of 2015″

    Not enough clones obviously. They need to add more.

  19. yeah mister serb? so why elc amx aim 5 second after stop and artylery with 6.5 second aiming aim 12 second

    • According to the WoT wiki, aim time represents the amount of time required for the aim circle to reach one third of its current size, not the amount of time to zero in, which may actually be longer (if current aim circle size is more than 3 times bigger than its fully aimed size).

      • the term “aim time” is incorrect, it should be called “aiming speed”, because it determines how fast the aiming circle shrinks.
        For example, if you shoot, but did not move your reticle at all, your circle will me on minimum size much faster than if you move your tank after shooting.

  20. “Q: Arty should be buffed, it sucks” A: “On the other hand, statistically arty is doing fine and to buff it would be a mistake. Unless you mean rebalance it completely (buff something, nerf something else). But for now, we have more pressing issues to deal with.”

    If WG considers a 48% winrate for the artillery branch as a whole to be fine, I guess it’s balanced. Can’t have artillery performing too well. Too many tankers who like to sit out in the open fields would whine and bitch. *LOL*

    • Arty whiners are the most hilarious people you could come across. Sitting one side of the map and splashing away.

      • I drive a FV304 – even after it being nerfed. I don’t sit on the opposite of the map. I am well within range of almost everyone I shoot at.

    • i believe it is more like “devs are fed up of community reactions” y’know? first the ruskies want arty nerf because “arty too stronk nerf plz”. then now it’s “arty too weak buff plz”. if i were the dev i would get sick of this childish whine and not nerf it in the first place, y’know.

      westerners really know how to bitch a lot.

  21. -the general accuracy nerf will involve reducing the chance of hitting the dead center of your aim circle, shots are hitting there too much

    Yes I too have complained many times that my shots at a tank 20 meters from me haven’t hit the ground, or rock or building next to the tank or completely missed the tank enough times, that was clearly aimed at the center of the tank or even weakspots on the enemy tank.

  22. - Q: “Why, when I am moving and I see a target and I stop and switch to sniper mode, the aim circle doesn’t get smaller for a second or two?” A (SerB): “If you were able to read (and understand what you are reading), you would find the answer to this (many times asked) question (it was answered numerous times).” (SS: it’s because the circle is bigger than the sniper mode view and doesn’t fit the screen)
    Or you are aiming with a gun with long aimtime and your crew sucks(50% crew)

    - the general accuracy nerf will involve reducing the chance of hitting the dead center of your aim circle, shots are hitting there too much
    And what exactly is wrong with hitting where you aim? RNG can’t influence outcomes enough?

    - developers have considered for a long time, whether to give the Soviet tanks their historical gun depression (SS: in some cases, it was worse than it is in the game, WoT has it buffed), but decided not to do it, as the depression for the Soviets is not good in general, but not as bad as in real life.
    I know it’s for the sake of balance, but they are asking for people to yell soviet bias. What i find hilarious when they completely overbuff some tanks(old KV-1S) which had -2° or 3° depression irl and in game they gave it -8° which was completely ridiculous and at the same time some german tanks(Tiger, Panthers, etc) had only -6° iirc eventhough irl they had -7° or -8°

    • They probably mean the copy of WoTViewer used is broken rather than saying WoTViewer is bad.

  23. # Maybe people are complaining about the T-54 2nd turret commander’s cupola being at an angle to the side…

    # Sadly all the pre-order tanks are rather unplayable. A-32 is objectively the best of the 3.

    # IS-4 didn’t get buffed! RU, you know what to do :)

    # The quality of all the models in the game will always be not perfect, sadly… The quality of the new HD models is good, but the details are disappointing in their accuracy. Though, gaffs like the E8 Fury drive sprocket being wrong is rather hilarious.

  24. Yes 6th sense improves dynamic gameplay as long as people move on the battlefield and take temporal cover until’l they figure out a way to progress to another flank. How ever, 6th sense does nothing good for dynamic gameplay if campers use it, because if they get spotted, rather than beeing punished by their cowardly and homo behavior, they can back off into safety. I think 6th sense should not work for people camping and be 50% worse for TDs that are stationary (to prevent camping in general).

    Also regarding the accuracy, its better they scrap the RNG so accurate guns will be accurate and unaccurate guns wont. In this case, people with good accuracy can engage from lo0nger distance and those with bad accuracy have to move closer´. This RNG bullshit making super accurate guns miss and unaccurate guns hit dead on is idiotic. Remember, even with the old accuracy, unaccurate guns could hit dead center several times if RNG was on the players side.

    • This will be a disaster, which will be cancelled after two patches after implementation… One huge camperfest is comming.

    • “homo behavior”
      Homo what?
      Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital?
      Levantine Arab food dip?

      Oh, I see. Yes, damn those randoms and acting like delicious food dip. DEATH TO UNIVERSAL SIXTH SENSE.

    • It used to be that way, to some degree, before they implemented the general sigma change (accuracy buff). When that happened, everything became a sniper tank and while you did have your fair share of wide-shots on guns like the brit and german ones for example, you usually were more than accurate enough with all the other shots, while stuff like russians actually had to moe somewhat closer to get a >30% hit ratio.

      I’m very afraid of such a change in regard to chinese oversized weapons. Aimtimes and accuracy are terrible enough with the current system and nerfing sigma without balancing the tanks wil end really really badly.

  25. “developers are considering a separate server for South America”

    Oh please make it happen. Let the single biggest source of idiots on the NA server have their own padded room.

    • How do yo urecognize, that they are from South America? Because, as a Murrican, you should be aware how many people in the Murrica speak Spanish (or Portuguese, but for a Murrican it is Spanish…), and quite often Spanish only (and your dumb government/corporations is making life of these people even easier).

        • Well, Im on Relic and my name ingame is “Thejoker91″, why dont you take a guess as to where I am from?.
          Also, while I dont deny there are baddies from south america, there are baddies from all over the world too. And there are quite a lot of excellent players who you would never recognize as south american who can wipe the floor with your sorry ass.

  26. Quick one – i see tons of ask developers same things every week – no sign of question regarding tracers? I really miss that one – played arty only to counter arty.
    DAMN I want to kill those clickers with their weapons.

    Hack for tracers is still too stronk?

    • lol there are tracers
      arty plaeyers justget smart and go to places you never imagine :D

      but seriously, in every 4,5 battle one of our/their arty has been kill in first 2 min

  27. “- the general accuracy nerf will involve reducing the chance of hitting the dead center of your aim circle, shots are hitting there too much”

    Looks like the gaussian distribution will be reduced, and arty accuracy will be “buffed”?

  28. yes make it so that shoot hit’s every fifth time at center maybe that will do..for ffs leave accuracy as it is it’s not that great now u now.!!!

  29. «- Q: “Remove sixth sense, it was better without it.” A: “Sixth sense is already more than three years old and it’s fine.”»

    It’s confirmed, Storm lives in 2015.

    • Yes, because Murricans are soo polite… As Jingles said, you immediatly know, that your are on the NA server…

      • Being “polite” to these groups of people is the last thing any Americans should do. Do they show any politeness or respect doing what they have been doing to the United States? Let me save you the trouble, no they don’t.

  30. - WG is trying to save as much traffic as possible, for example by having icons on minimap “jump” and not move fluently. This is important for “data center”, according to Storm, because its “outbound channels” might not otherwise handle the traffic. For the same reason tanks, that are very far, are moving by “jumping” as well

    Call that jumping?


    The days when you had to aim massive distances in front of a tank because they would move by warping which got hugely worse the further they were from you.

  31. On the topic of regional servers I think they should just make one NA server and put it in the middle of the US. I live in Idaho, and still get 80 ping on the West server. So I play on the East with only 120-130 in order to get better MM and teams. So put it in the middle to reduce costs and everyone has equally bad ping! :D

    • This is a not bad idea, however knowing the US infrastructure, Dallas seems to be a better choice (loads of good data centers, good connections, located more central than the East and West ones, as well as maybe provides better connectivity for SA.
      Anyway, further splitting of the playerbase is stupid, as it it so small.

  32. well if this gun hitting less of what I shoot at comes to pass, it will be 3years of playing and lots of money down the drain for me. I will be done with it and full time warthunder tanks then