Meanwhile in Russia…

Thanks to Aqqe for this one.

Hello everyone,

so, you can cosplay a lot of characters. For guys, from what I have seen, it usually involves oversized polystyrene hammers and axes, for women it usually involves a lot of cleavage. But in Russia, you get to cosplay… tanks.


I mean… it probably took a lot of effort to make and I know the Russians are into tanks and all that… but…


Anyway, this costume appeared at Igromir 2014 in Moscow. Oh yea and there was also this:


Do I even want to know? I suspect I don’t.

34 thoughts on “Meanwhile in Russia…

      • Yeah no shit, You should of been at NYCC yesterday. =P

        The tank cosplay is still pretty cool.

        P.S. (SS, the bottom on is suppose to be some “My Little Pony” shit.. I saw 30 of them yesterday.)

  1. This WoT cosplay is much better, than usual “oversized polystyrene hammers and axes”.

    • so? there are loads of proffesianal cosplayers, especially busty bimbos that arive at the conventions for horny losers

    • Could be the same costume and just two different people wearing it. Looks like it was being used for promo at a games expo. Maybe they were taking turns.

      • I think that’s the case, these things are custom made but they have all the same markings.

        So either these are the same costume twice or the guy who made it has a really anal attention to detail.

  2. well, i would like such a costume when you go to a party. but on the otherhand, looks very unhandy if you want to drink a beer and eat something

  3. To be more accurate. On the last photo we have Rainbow Dash in a Wonderbolts suit (if someone doesn’t know it’s a formation of the best flyers)

  4. The T-34 guy visited EveryCon today, joined by a hawt Panzer.

    The Rainbow Dash lady, who was also there, is something of a celebrity here (yes, we have a cosplaying scene), known for creating very high-quality costumes (and looking good in them). She also organizes things at conventions.

  5. BTW – T-34 costume was build 3 or 4 years ago for Igromir its WG marketing, not fans work. And girl inside – strange may be some sort of aftershow posing – usually there is man inside (same at all Igromir). This year there was and Panther lady (i’m sorting foto – so public will be soon – may be even tomorrow) They hire one of Russian models to pose in it.

    Foto from igromir2013