Hello everyone,
an interesting info found its way to me. I have absolutely no idea whether this is official or a leak, so I’ll just keep the person who sent it to me out of it. The message includes ASIA server plans from now to mid-2015. There are some parts of the message that made no sense to me, I ommitted them not to cause confusion. According to the info:
- the cca 400 province clanwars map on ASIA is going to be removed and replaced by a 160 province one at the end of October
- gold income is going to be reworked (cca “800 gold a province per timezone average”)
- the map change will be accompanied by a wipe
- 3rd campaign will come through Christmas
- after Christmas, it’s possible that the ASIA map will be split into two versions: one “sandbox” for experienced players, one “newbie” version for new players with tier 8 max, no tank locking, but only 25 percent of gold compared to the “full one”
- the above mentioned changes are temporary, in mid-2015, new full CW global map (“CW 2.0″) will go up, this map will be a full world map. If I understand it correctly, the entire world will not be used at the same time, but campaigns will take place in one part of the world at one time.
Interesting I guess.
- 3rd campaign will come through Christmas
hope this will change… a cw campaign over Christmas and new year would be total BS.
It’s ASIA, maybe they have it shifted.
Australia’s a major part of ASIA server (or at least, we like to think we are).
parts of Asia celebrate lunar new year and it’s usually around Feb, i guess they have that covered. so christmas ans western new year may not infuence much.
Great for those without relatives as many people will be afk visiting family so unable to play…
Indeed intresting
Pingback: Změny v CW na asijském serveru
- the cca 400 province clanwars map on ASIA is going to be removed and replaced by a 160 province one at the end of October
This is makes sense, actually. Since ASIA maps is just too wide, and most of serious clan settle in Middle East and Europe region, some newbie clans are farming gold at cheap region, like early timezone, Eastern ASIA maps. Competition is shit there…….
25% income for low effort? Really great idea.
It’s like they are finally listening to what we asked for 2 years ago.
Thanks SilentStalker, and whoever the retard from CoAF that leaked Tanithas message from the NDA’ed COAF channel to SilentStalker.
The Asia CoAF has been shut down due to the leak, and the clan representatives in that channel, will now not received any information, except what is posted on the forums, on anything clan related. Great work SilentStalker and the leaker.
(Sarcasm and irony used in the first and last statement, in case you cannot read between the lines)
Its the same as always: As soon as too many ppl are involved someone will leak and thx to that asshole all others will get punished too.
Its just awesome that nowadays as a company, you cant trust your “trusted” costumers not to leak. Even when you let ppl sign a NDA they will still leak like shit.
Its like “Wow, that company trusted me enough to give me some wip news. Well f*** em, Im a 21st century Person. I will prove em wrong trusting me.”
Aye, some wouldn’t have made sense, as looks like a clan leader leaked part of a clan leader meeting.
I’ve rewrote the above a bit clearer here, to save some confusion.
the retard from CoAF that leaked the info shame on you, you are a gooch head