WG EU Events in November

Hello everyone,

again, thanks to the Insider, a list of missions and events for EU server for November. Enjoy!

By the way, notice the amount of missions (specifically the monthlies), that lead to increased XP on “dead end” vehicles (tier 10′s, premiums) – it’s a nice attempt to make people convert XP.

Top of the Tree (1.11.-15.11.) – Object 140
Top of the Tree (15.11.-1.12.) – Object 261

1.11.-1.12. Monthly Missions
- play tier 10 vehicle in random/SH, be in top 10 in XP, get double XP
- play 10 battles in a tier 5+ vehicle once per day, be in top 10 XP, get 5 gold repair kits
- repeat the mission above 20 times, get 500k credits (once per account)

3.11.-8.11. “Fury weekly missions”

- get 3000XP on tier 4-8 US tank (while being in top 10 in XP, maximum 3x per day), get 2 gold repair kits
- get 3000XP on tier 4-8 German tank (while being in top 10 in XP, maximum 3x per day), get 2 gold repair kits
- win 5 battles using the M4A3E8 “Fury” special tank while being in top 10 XP, get x5 XP

8.11.-11.11. “Fury weekend”

At the end of this weekend event, Fury hangar disappears.

- triple crew XP
- equipment discount 25 percent
- consumables discount 50 percent
- premium account discount (3 days for 350, 7 days for 680)
- free 2 days of premium for everyone upon login

- destroy at least 2 US tanks in one battle while being in top 10 XP (in a tier 4+ tank, must survive the battle), get 25 percent XP bonus
- destroy at least 2 German tanks in one battle while being in top 10 XP (in a tier 4+ tank, must survive the battle), get 25 percent XP bonus
- earn 75000 XP during this event on a tier 4+ tank, get 5 gold extinguishers, 5 gold repair kits, 5 gold medkits and 500000 credits
- win 5 battles using the M4A3E8 “Fury” special tank while being in top 10 XP, get x5 XP

11.11.-17.11. “Veteran’s Day” event

Oddly enough, this week-long event also has discounts and such.

- 5x XP for first victory
- tier 8 regular vehicles: 15 percent discount
- 50 percent discount on camo, emblems, inscriptions

- destroy 11 vehicles once per day in tier 7+ vehicle, get 25 percent credit bonus for that one battle
- win 11 battles once per day in tier 7+ vehicle, get 50 percent credit bonus for that one battle
- earn 111.111 (yes, 111k) XP while being in top 11 in XP in a tier 7+ vehicle once per account, get 11 gold repair kits and coated optics (there are elevens everywhere because of the number 11 symbolism related to WW1)
- complete the three missions above at least once each, get 3 days of premium
- win a battle in tier 9 and 10 tank while being in top 10 XP, get 50 percent crew XP bonus

(between 17.11. and 22.11. there is nothing special, only the monthly missions)

22.11.-25.11. “Brothers in Arms”

- double crew XP for every battle
- win a battle in platoon while recieving the Brothers in Arms medal in a tier 4+ tank, get triple XP
- win 30 battles in platoon, every platoon member has to do at least 750 damage in a tier 4+ vehicle, get coated optics equipment (once per account)
- earn 60000 XP in random battles on tier 4+ vehicle (once per account, must not be in platoon), get coated optics equipment

29.11.-3.12. “Winter is Coming”

- triple XP for first victory
- 50 percent credit/gold discount on tier 2-5 regular premium and regular vehicles
- 50 percent discount on crew training, crew reset,
- 50 percent discount on consumables
- 50 percent discount on barracks slots, garage slots

- get 20000 XP (must be in top 10 in XP) on tier 4+ vehicle, get 10 gold fire extinguishers
- complete mission above 2 times, get 1 day of prem

39 thoughts on “WG EU Events in November

  1. and again retarded 25% discount on equipment. Of course I do know why they are doing this (to encourage people to use gold to dismount equipment, not just sell a tank, and receive the purchase price of equipment), but seriously, they could just skip them, and give us rarer 50%.

    • We still get those, 4-5 times a year, or at Ectar put it in the past “about once every quarter”. Last one was WG anniversary for Fall, next one is most likely going to be Christmas. I like the 25% discounts, there I can take care of my most immediate needs that I couldn’t or didn’t plan ahead at the last 50% one.

  2. for all those “earn xx XP while being top 10″ missions – does only base experience count or premium/daily doubles aswell?

      • I disagree. Usually XP with premium bonus and daily doubles count to progress as well (but XP received for successful missions does not), if not stated otherwise (as was in the Type62/KV220 missions).

    • Top 10 ranking is determined only by base XP, but afaik all XP counts towards the goal of said amount XP.

  3. Loads of gold repair kits, sweet!
    That’s 10k each on top of the 500k stuff. November will be a big moneymaker.
    If more casual players play in their usual way then that’s good, the enemy team will have as many “noobs” as your team, so consistent top 10 is going to be very easy to achieve.

    • yeah, more gold spam… The XP bonuses are good, but silver boonuses (or piece of equipment, or many premium consumables) result in happy gold spam, because nubs have credits to burn…

      • You do know that “less gifted” players never make much money, so don’t spam premium ammo as often as you would be led to believe.
        Its usually people with a couple of high tier premiums, matching account and a nice stat to keep padded.

        • Or 43-47% noobs with a total of 4+ premium tanks(2 of them tier 8) and premium account,when i spot such a retard i put him in my ignore list(by spot i mean the behaviour of a certain player is so shocking that must check what kind of idiot he is) and for now i have more then 10 such players,only God know how many of those are there.

          • Its the obsession with stats in world of tanks that is the problem. These players, both padders and those that are plainly awful are trying to increase their ratings by removing skill and using the flavour of the month OP tank and premium ammo to boost their ratings above their actual skill. This is not limited to world of tanks, these people are in all MMOs, so we just have to accept it.

            I saw a guy who had 59% w/r and had spent 10k of 20k games in the lowest tier French TD. Its sad, but its his inadequacy that is obvious

  4. On the US server its over half way through October, and still no mention of the special mission that is going to be better than TOG-tober.

        • u have got to be kidding me. WG shits on the NA server. Our missions absolutely SUCK. I am going to post these specials on the NA server forum and I guarantee you there will be OUTRAGE at how EASY they are.

          • these two in particular are very easy and the NA server NEVER gets something this easy for 500K creds:

            - earn 75000 XP during this event on a tier 4+ tank, get 5 gold extinguishers, 5 gold repair kits, 5 gold medkits and 500000 credits (THIS IS 500K CREDS JUST FOR PLAYING)

            1.11.-1.12. Monthly Missions
            - play tier 10 vehicle in random/SH, be in top 10 in XP, get double XP (JUST FOR PLAYING)
            - play 10 battles in a tier 5+ vehicle once per day, be in top 10 XP, get 5 gold repair kits (JUST FOR PLAYING)
            - repeat the mission above 20 times, get 500k credits (once per account) (U GET THIS JUST FOR PLAYING A LOT, BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING SPECIAL JUST BE IN THE TOP 10 IN XP)

  5. Pingback: Slevy a akce pro listopad

    • Honestly I wouldn’t mind if a x2 crew XP were a permament feature of tier X tanks, specifically because they don’t lead to anything further down the line and thus the XP you gain on them feels much weaker in importance.

      • You get rewarded by being top tier all the time (something you learn to appreciate when you play all the tiers). And the vehicle is elite which means always accelerated crew training.

  6. “it’s a nice attempt to make people convert XP.” – I and MANY other players has like over 10 X tiers… so what ? we cant get an event? I don’t remember last time there was event like that for 10 tier only -.-

    • No one cares how many t10s you have. By giving exp rewards on t10 tanks on which that exp is useless(well you can always turn on your accelerated crew) they are indirectly encouraging people to convert those exp or otherwise it would be useless on t10 tanks since you can’t grind towards T11 and SS is completely right with that assumption.

      • Me and anyone else who just got E100 will really appreciate the x2 xp to grind the top gun ;-) The increased crew xp on the rest of my T10s will be great also.

  7. well, thats nice, but doesnt tell us NA players anything

    cant you get such a list from a NA source? that would be awesome.

  8. Thanks a million, Silentstalker. This info is really great and is one of the many reasons your blog is way better than the game portals and forums combined. I see no reason why the monthly event overview (with full details like here) could not be published through the official channels. One month is not that long a time period, it does not reveal too much for WG to lose money and it definitely give players an incentive and something to look forward to. Thanks again for being out there and doing a great job.