Straight Outta Supertest: New Crimean Map

Hello everyone,

according to yet unconfirmed news, Wargaming is preparing a new map, called Simferopol (a mediterranean-style map, the way South Coast is allegedly). Unfortunately, there are no details about that yet, but it seems to be true.

What is odd is not really the fact a new map is coming up, but the fact that they would name a new map based on a city in… you guessed it, Crimea. Very subtle, totally not asking for “feedback” from Ukraine. Of course, it would actually be the second Crimean map in the game (South Coast was originally called Crimea, but that was before the nasty business with Russia). Ah well, I’ll post when I have more news about the matter.

68 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: New Crimean Map

    • Another Rus Map……and what about Konnigsberg? or The Seelow Heights, Narva or the Vistula River/ Forrest tank battles, those were some of the heaviest tank battles in the WWII.

      • I want a heavy forest map! Like the East side of Murovanka, but the WHOLE map! It’s the closest thing to fighting at night that we can get.
        Two forces come over a ridge to find each other 100 meters apart. What’s not to LOVE?
        Oh. Right. Cheatpack users would dominate. Bad idea. *sigh*.

    • Why Hollywood (where not only invaded his sick mind) does not ask permission but WG Crimea map about the times of the last century have to ask permission?
      Be adequate, especially show your claim.

  1. well since we seem to be fine with playing in a city named after mass murder Stalin. And didnt one map have a statue of Lenin? Well im not shooked im sure they will get alot of angry Ukranians complaining.

        • Meanwhile you are listening to every word Fox News is telling you, the reality is, it’s all bullshit :D

          You know what’s not bullshit though? That your great grandparents came to North America, found a nation, said “PFF”, killed them all, and said “Columbus discovered Murica’ “.

        • FegelStation on November 1, 2014 at 12:08 pm said:

          Murdering people for no reason and taking their land is common in Russia, United States, China, Japan, England, France, Germany.

          There you go. Fixed it. XD

    • “well since we seem to be fine with playing in a city named after mass murder Stalin”

      Jesus,I guess I know why WG doesn’t care too much about feedback.If they would listen to you guys we’d be probably only playing American tanks on American maps….

        • Nope, that’s religion, its been consistently a high performer in the killing tables for a very long time

          • Religion is not the cause, people are the cause. People have twisted ideas and the cause of all wars = money and power, not religion, which is used as a mask to fool people like you.

          • And who’s been supporting all kinds of religious radical groups when it was convenient?

  2. I think this is a ninja tactic from WG to ban all Ukrainians from the game… soon as this shit hits the fan all the Ukranian players will be screaming about putin etc in Gen Chat and get banned…

    …no Ukranians left in game…


    • yes and the fucking piece of shit server/MM puts me 3-4-5 and some days 6 and 7 times on the same stupid fuck map per day ….

      • Why do you think that is?

        In truth, the chance of multiple same tank/map repeats being simply the result of a ‘random’ MM is so statistically minute as to be impossible.

        Yet another example of WG lying to their customers.

        • Actually, the chance of such streaks appearing after the “experiment” (matchmaking process in this case) has been repeated a significant amount of times is practically a certainty. And that applies even to very long streaks.

  3. Seriously…what’s the problem Silentstalker?
    I can’t see the point why you criticize the introduction of this map…
    Ok, if they would put a russian flag at the cap circle, I could understand you, but just introducing the map without any political statement is fine.

    • ya,i agree but in some of his post there is something Crimea belongs to Ukraine so he is pretty sensitive about this.

    • I agree. It seems a little far-fetched. What next? Gaijin has no political tact because they’ve introduced map called “Poland”? Poland lost the war. Bam! Faux pas!
      WG introducing new map based on Egypt/Libya/Algeria? Bam! Arab Spring! Faux pas!
      Some WWII game let’s you play Germans? Bam! Germans were Nazis! Faux pas!

      If we’ll be checking if games are politically correct for everyone in every way, we won’t be able play any of them, because someone, somewhere, may feel offended.

      • Those comparisons really have absolutely no logic whatsoever.

        Because none of them even come close to stealing a part of another nation’s country and annexing it to your own AND be an event which happened less than 12 months ago…

      • What an idiot… The logic of a rock you have. Crimea was unlawfully annexed by Russia and there’s still tension going on there. Not about being politically correct, it’s about not being ignorant.

        • What I meant is: there always will be someone, that will feel offended. It doesn’t matter if something happened recently or 100 years ago. There are people, that will hold a grudge for a long time. Try to say to some Pole “Don’t be angry, war has ended 70 years ago. You should let it go”. Try to discuss an Arab Spring with people affected by it. And guess how would they react.

          There is no border between “Too soon” and “Meh, it’s okay now”. Especially when we are talking about video games (remember “No Russian” in MW2?). We will gleefully kill Russians and Arabs in one game, and then rage about some map based around WW2 Crimea in another game? Is that logical? Does it have any sense?

          • I completely agree.Whatever you do someone,somewhere is going to be offended.

            In a previews comment someone was actually whining that we have a map named after “a mass murderer”…

            I’m glad WG doesn’t give a f*ck about all these….

  4. next map will be probably one based on “EUROMAIDAN” or one based on “DONETK” with nice trunks going around over border.

    • A Donetsk map will have the following specs:
      - Artillery barage from somewhere with nobody knowing where from.
      - Tanks suddenly arriving from the border of the map of types that are not in the game.
      - In garage battle mode there will be white trucks arriving with “food” and then the tanks suddenly can fire again if they were out of ammo.
      - When one team is losing and stuck in a corner of the map, on the other side of the map there will suddenly drive in reinforcements over the map border that nobody could see

  5. Kharkov map says “HELLO!”. Totally not asking for “feedback” from Ukraine.
    How did you missed this fact?
    Russian bias, how terrible, bla bla bla..

  6. When will be Newrussia map or Eastukraine map (Luhansk or Donetsk region)? Stupid russian politic…

  7. Now excuse me for my not-so-popular opinion but I can totaly undersand Ukrainian rebels for not wanting to be part of the liberal-gay-politicaly correct-feminist deathtrap that is the EU. The map, well, WG PR is at work again. But aren’t we used to their arrogant, borderline retarded behaviour already?

    • Lol,it’s funny how we can have so different point of views and still agree on one matter.

      I,for once,think that the “liberal-gay-politicaly correct-feminist deathtrap” is one of the best things that happened to society in all history.
      On the other hand I think that Crimea does belong to Russia for historical and military reasons.

      So,yeah,we disagree to agree :)))

  8. Pingback: Supertest: nowa mapa i Krym? | WizjerCzoł - Codzienny blog gry World of Tanks

  9. “Very subtle, totally not asking for “feedback” from Ukraine.”

    Why do i need to ask someone’s permission or feedback if i want to draw some place ?

  10. There’s a map named after a town in Crimea, what a nightmare!

    Crimea will always be Crimea, whether or not Ukraine or Russia owns it. It doesn’t particularly matter. It’s also WWII. Why would you NOT have a map from or near Crimea, I mean we have a map in Kansas for fucks sake.

    I feel like people should do less bitching and more thinking.

  11. Pingback: Info ze supertestu: Mapa Simferopol

  12. And the map will have a special MM where one team gets 20 tanks, only from russia and all with higher tier than the other team that will have 10 tanks….

  13. Oooo, I wonder what its gonna look like, we already have one Crimean map, (South Coast) I was born in Crimea, and been in that city many many times :D
    South Coast looks nothing like it does in real life though lol. City where I was born has a real statue of SU-85 because it protected the country in the late war against Nazi invasion. And what does it have to do with politics, Crimea is not in the war, its protected by Russia and does not interfere. If it was not taken by Russia my old relatives would be in danger and all the people there. But lets not get into politics, its just a game and a new map is nothing bad. :)