- World of Tanks models will not have cloth anti-dust covers on the guns (the way War Thunder models have for example)
- it’s not certain that Panther 88 (SS: and thus patch 9.5) will appear until New Year, but Wargaming “will try”
- 9.4 causing mods to stop working again? “Try playing on a clean client. You will get fewer issues :)” (SS: according to Russian feedback, a LOT of mods stopped working again)
- official 9.5 info will be available around the time when 9.5 hits the open test
- 9.5 Firefly branch will “start with medium tanks and then turn into TD’s” (SS: actually, that’s technically wrong, it will start with light tanks – M2A4 and Honey)
- the bug, where when you played a Stronghold battle and it didn’t count towards statistics was fixed
- in 9.4, the Chaffee Sport crew gets automatically retrained to regular Chaffee (not in RU patchnotes apparently)
- according to WG statistics, in last patches, the game performance (FPS) was increasing for players, it should be the same in 9.4
- Stalingrad will not be added to CW anytime soon
- developers are still working on motion physics
- the 7/54 format for team battles was chosen based on player feedback
- Sixth Sense will be reworked in one of the upcoming patches
- 9.4 is 655 megs large
- individual missions? “When it’s done it’s done” (SS: 9.5)
- it’s not true that every tier 10 battle ends with credit loss, some end with small gain (with premium account and while winning)
- artillery accuracy was not nerfed in 9.4
- E-25 is apparently fine, when it comes to its characteristics – it’s worse than regular vehicles of the same tier
- Wargaming has many HD models almost ready, they just need a bit tweaking
- there will be no HD pack with ultra highres textures for 9.4 (or ever again)
- the reference (invite) system is still being tested, it won’t come with 9.4
- 9.4 will not bring the gun sounds from 9.4 test 1 and 2, they were withdrawn for rework
- the artillery fire support effect (before the missionj starts) was also removed from the final patch 9.4, it will be reworked
- the T-54 Light camo factor was actually buffed in 9.4, it will become less visible
Buff me already… Have been waiting for like 3 years.
“- it’s not true that every tier 10 battle ends with credit loss, some end with small gain (with premium account and while winning)”
I get profit in most tier 10 battles I play. I guess WG are just too noob to play tenks properly, they just spam gold and on average do 1000 damage per battle. In WTF E-100.
Your name is bullshit, the French never used Ausf. designations.
I would assume that he is fully aware of that but choose the name intentionally…
Because its hard to make up a name. Oh wait, WG did make the WTE….
his main account lorraine 40t got banned due to bad behavior thats why he has the name ausf. b now
A rear-turreted 40t? God help us.
same here. the key to profit is to survive.
Another key is to try to avoid using gold ammo. If you can do a respectable amount of damage without using any gold ammo in a victory, even if your tank is destroyed, there’s a pretty decent chance that you’ll make a profit or come fairly close to breaking even.
OTOH, if you lose, use a lot of gold rounds, and get destroyed, you’re going to bleed credits.
this depends on the tank itself… different guns have different shell cost.
correct me if I’m wrong.
I do sometimes use premium ammo for credits, and yes, there are games I got 80k in loss. But I had fun in those matches (mostly). So for me, its worth it.
Then it takes me 5-10 games in my stug to get the money back :D
In my opinion, its good that tier 10s are usually in loss. Otherwise no one would play lower tier machines. Except for those grinding particular branch.
I run a standard account and I usually net a profit on my more medium-like tier 10′s (M48, 113, E5). I normally only loose money on my E4 and E100. I’m about to get 3 more tier 10′s, I expect the trend will continue because their respective tier 9′s are the same way – so far.
Don’t get me wrong, on those free premium days I make a LOT more, but even standard I usually at least break even. Overall I profit.
Yea, move Lorry back to 8tier…
“- in 9.5, the Chaffee Sport crew gets automatically retrained to regular Chaffee (not in RU patchnotes apparently)”
Not in 9.4?
Yes my mistake, fixed.
Cool, was worried I’d have to wait with a Chaffee in the garage with no crew :)
Will they be re trained if you have trained them for another tank? Ive got mine in the m5 stuart because i dont have a chaffee yet, and i dont want them retrained.
same question, like, this event is so way behind that i’ve thrown those crew here and there and retrained them, m24 chaffee sport crew is history for me. But if I read properly, “the Chaffee Sport crew gets automatically retrained to regular Chaffee”, I guess if I did re-train them to something else, they are no longer m24 chaffee sport crew, but “whatever tank they were retrained for” crew.
If you already have trained that crew to another tank, then they will not be touched.
it sais 9.4
As SS said he fixed it after I noticed the error.
Replys werent updated on my page so i didnt see that he replyed that he fixed it
it’s not certain that Panther 88 (SS: and thus patch 9.5) will appear until New Year, but Wargaming “will try”
So it will come in 2015
New Year (2015) has been postponed.
“2015 didn’t match our business plan, so we canceled it” – WG
“Changes were made to 2015 for reasons of historical accuracy.” – WG
The change in frame rates will be the same or the frame rates will be the same?
Hmmmm, lets hope the change is same – who had increased FPS, increases more.
Ahm, what about the american premium TD?
Maybe I missed some articles, but wasn’t it said it should come with 9.4?
9.5 i think. Surely not in 9.4.
I think it was only super tested in 9.4
“- it’s not certain that Panther 88 (SS: and thus patch 9.5) will appear until New Year, but Wargaming “will try””
I guess there goes my little WoT – xmas gift to myself. I’ve heard these “will try” answers often enough to know that it actually means “forget about it”.
well technically it will come until New Year.
they are just not sure if 2016 or 17.
They are “trying” to implelemt Havok since 9.0
- the artillery fire support effect (before the missionj starts) was also removed from the final patch 9.4, it will be reworked
WTF WG????
Typical for Wargaming. I have no clue why they did that, it was fine as it was
Probably messed with framerates.
- the T-54 Light camo factor was actually buffed in 9.4, it will become less visible
Does this mean it retains its camo on the move now?
Its LT – it always had full camo on the move.
Only it has now even more camo, not sure about after-firing…Crap LT still.
No, it didn’t have the lt camo bonus on the move but it does now.
Don’t see how this is a “buff” when it should have had it from the beginning….
Going by the data from Tank Inspector not all light tanks have the same camo factor for being stationary and on the move.
Actually, there is quite a lot of them that do not.
WTF?! LT is supposed to have full camo on the move.
If it doesnt keep it – then WTF WG? That noob who broke armors, also broke camo? :D
I’m just saying what’s in the Tank Inspector. See it yourself. The data they have is from users experimenting in game and calculating the camo on their own, but with some lights the difference is too great to be a measurement error.
It was a bug. Apparently WG forgot to give it proper LT camo after they decided they didn’t want it to be a tier 8 premium med anymore.
Actually, WG was always saying that:
1) only Scout LT has this bonus, which means that valentine, AMX 40, tier 1 LT and so on don`t have it; (I mean, low tier non-scouting LT doesn`t have bonus)
2) those who have bonus, have their camo bonus in the move equal to 70% of camo bonus being stationary.
E-25 is apparently fine, when it comes to its characteristics – it’s worse than regular vehicles of the same tier
It is very fine. Poor pen without gold and takes forever to burn someone down because low alpha.
Just a fun tank though.
Platoon with 3 – and bam – eat anyone in just mere seconds.
The same can be said for any tank with a group of good players….
I have been punished few times for lowering my guard to those insects :D
HithithithitcritcrithithitWE’REONFIREhithithit dead.
seen 3 batchats.. it was a slaughter…
It’s way too OP. The camo values need to be dropped or the prem tds need to lose their camo bonus when firing through a bush just like all the other TDs. I’ve been annihilated by this tanks so many times just to see it pop out from a bush <150m away. If I ever see one now I just run away cause I know as soon as it stops moving I wont spot it again.
How can it be WORSE if it is WAY MUCH more fun than any other? :D
(ok maybe Bulldog equal)
good doesnt mean fun to play. well not always.
and vice versa.
Name at least one.
Churchill GC? It sure is fun! For enemies :D
Even ARL V39 is fun!
When you sell it…
Tog platoon, and KV-2…?
Yeah thats fun for KV-2 :D 3k dmg guaranteed :D
I’ve had fun in AFK Panther despite the tank being rubbish (but then, I am light tank junkie). And then I hated my T32 grind, even after eliting it, despite it being a very solid tank (maybe I just didn’t know how to play it back in my noob days).
Guess some things are up to one’s point of view.
T32 is not good, not bad. Mediocre.
AFK Panther – it aint bad. And especially when you … you know what to do with it :D
So, is there ANY tank that is bad and fun at the same time?
I loved leopard back when it was tier 4.
It was my ultimate ramming machine :D
25 tons at 60km/h ramming to tier 5s, 6s was epic.
Now when it meets 8s its not so viable.
300+ matches, zero survived.
around 40 kamikazes
15:0 – still dies :D
Yep, there is. AMX-40 when on top :) Gosh, I rebought it and use AMX-13-90 crew, when on top it is really cool tank, as most of the opponents don’t take you seriously.
Matilda is way more fun than AMX-40. Same levels of armor and mobility but 10 times better gun.
Maybe we wouldnt use mods if wgs UI and sounds didnt suck so bad.
Exactly! I hate how they completely try their best to ruin the modding community that actually makes this game playable!
- developers are still working on motion physics
Those streamers who went to WG HQ – they were pretty, if not impressed, satisfied how it looks and acts.
so now they only need to screw it up completely, bring it live, and then after feedback, scrap the idea indefinitely.
And then brake a tank model completely unrelated.
“- 9.4 will not bring the gun sounds from 9.4 test 1 and 2, they were withdrawn for rework”
Maybe they should employ someone without clothears to do the sounds this time.
“- it’s not true that every tier 10 battle ends with credit loss, some end with small gain (with premium account and while winning)”
And here I do all of my credit grinding in T10s….
655 MB ? WTF?
They changed 7 numbers in notepad and added one map.
9.5 maybe not until new year ?
I can already see it. It will come around March 2015. No models in it, no map, no physics, it will be just another empty patch
- 9.4 causing mods to stop working again? “Try playing on a clean client. You will get fewer issues :)” (SS: according to Russian feedback, a LOT of mods stopped working again)
HEY MOTHERFUCKER WG DEVELOPERS if you make the game being mod friendly … make the game MOD FRIENDLY otherwise DO NOT PUT “REST MOD” folder INTO THE GAME and thats it … we don’t give a shit WHAT YOU DO but if you do it, DO IT RIGHT … but until then MAKE THE FUCKING GAME WORKING with all shit mods
But what if mod is crappy? And be glad WoT is modabble :D WT fanbois stuck with crappy wot beta looking UI :D
exactly what I said … if WoT is modabble don’t change with every patch the fucking system … and I don’t talk about all mods … some are useless … I have a gun point, the XVM with minimap and some stats for the end of the battle … and with every update every thing is changed
That nick doesnt scream that you make mods yourself.
So why butthurt? :D Wait for proper modpacks and voila! They dont work :D
IMO the problem is not that the game is not modable, it’s that they should add 90% of the mods right in the game. Why don’t we have a great garage yet?
I mean filters and configurable number of rows… why do we need mod after all this time. I mean take WOW for example… they added the more popular mod right in the game. Please WG, update you UI a bit I dont use many mods but the garage mod is kinda inevitable… I have over 50 tanks in my garage… is it possible for me to organise them properly.. not just by nation?
Seriously now.. I dont play the game vanilla… I wait until the 2-3 mods I use are ok.. then I find it playable…
Eh, woops – I have like 20+ mods :D
And take a look at AW – Jimbo crosshairs, tank in the damage panel is the tank you drive – not like in WoT – stupid ass T-34 all the time.
Oh yes, WT is pretty but it’s UI is from stone age!
A very stupid comment! The game allows MODS WG have no obligation to support the MODS or make sure when the update the game the MOD works that completely the MODDER responsibility! Common sense says if game is updated remove all MODS before and when the MODDER has updated there Mod re install it! If Wargaming ever started doing what you prapose they start endorsing MODS something they would be stupid to do as it opens them up to critasisum or litagation if that MOD at some point damages you PC or installes a virus or spy where
XVM has high chance of monitor breakdown – when you see those hordes of red stats, you kind of want to punch it :D
Lol! Ok funny responce! Personally I play vanila. I think many parts of XVM should not be allowed. But WG have not banned it so I have to live with that or play another game
Many things are banned – what stops me for using it? You have no proof that I dont use laser mod or 3D skins.
- it’s not true that every tier 10 battle ends with credit loss, some end with small gain (with premium account and while winning)
I have to say T57 is quite great at making credits at T10 if you do decently and win the game. I remember getting 20k profit battle after battle. With that beastly autoloader it’s no surprise after all.
and you have to survive with respectable amount of health.
“- World of Tanks models will not have cloth anti-dust covers on the guns (the way War Thunder models have for example)”
You mean something like on Object 416?
Hey SS, I remember some posts about the new British line and that compared to it, the current FV td will be more armored while the new will be faster, would you know how much more armored it will be compared to now?
/ a supporter
Not enough.
But I sense some FV183 bullshit coming…
the newone might be fun, I like paper-armored tanks.
If only it didnt lok so terrible. Even worse than stock ARL44 … cardboard box turret.
Can’t wait for the new British branch.
lol anyways I’m excitied
They say 9.4 on wednesday… new prem vehicle SU-76I
9.4 causing mods to stop working again? “Try playing on a clean client. You will get fewer issues :)”
Well, how about instead I stop playing at all until the game is playable again? :)
“- Sixth Sense will be reworked in one of the upcoming patches”
…ahh those usefull pieces of info ( coming from devs ? ), unless they have a travel machine and rework them in a past patch, it’s obviously gonna be in an “upcoming” patch ;)
Pretty sure they have a travel machine – it is called a “car”.
haha, good one
lol I shoot nothing but regular rounds in my 10s and make 30k a round. GG WG git gud maybe?
Even in losses where your team all die hopelessly and you get swarmed only shooting a couple of shells, you make 30k? Wow! You are a god…of Bullshit. :-)
- 9.4 causing mods to stop working again? “Try playing on a clean client. You will get fewer issues :)” (SS: according to Russian feedback, a LOT of mods stopped working again)
Okay, here we come, another stupid endless loading……………….
I’ve abandoned XVM for sometime, and I’ll not forgive them if they screw my MelthyMaps sightmod….