Hiring a Tank Now Available in China

Source: http://wot.kongzhong.com/zixun/banben/20141105/22012.html

Hello everyone,

first, many thanks to Chinese player Hesitation_Snow for sharing this piece of information. Basically, in 0.9.4, a new option was introduced to Chinese server – you can now hire premium tanks for a limited time. Now, as you probably know already, Chinese server is very special – it’s kept separate from the usual Wargaming servers and is license-operated by a Chinese company called Kongzhong, who basically just bought the license to operate World of Tanks from Wargaming.

The policies on such features are decided by the Chinese and the server thus has many unique features (and definitely more pay to win) than the regular main servers. Thus, it’s not known, whether this feature will make it to the regular servers, or it’s a Chinese exclusive thing. The basic points are this:

- players can hire tier 2 to tier 7 premium tanks for a limited time for gold
- maximum hire time is one month
- in the example, Churchill III (tier 5) can be hired for a month for 380 gold

29 thoughts on “Hiring a Tank Now Available in China

  1. I actually like this idea…if they bring it to all servers, you could use it to rent a premium and test it before dropping lots of money on it.

  2. it’s not known, whether this feature will make it to the regular servers

    “no… no.. no.. no no no… no Hell no!!!”

  3. Pay to win? I do not think so. There is a huge difference between pay to get an advantage and pay to get more tanks.
    The difference between WG and KDW is that KDW is more greedy at milking money out of its playerbase, and cares nothing about the sustainability, or in-game economy of the game.

    If you have played on China’s server yourself, you would realise that you gain exp way too fast than you should be, up to a point that you do not even have a single perk with your crew at tier 9, even when you just play normally, without skipping any modules or tanks. This is simply because KDW holds double/triple exp events all day long, and the value of exp becomes so cheap. Not to mention that the highest conversion ratio of gold to exp was 1:1000 at a point in time.
    In the end, obviously, you would be short of credits so badly because you effectively earn nothing as you progress up the tiers. As an unicum player on eu server, I am already experiencing shortage of credits very much, so you could imagine how bad the situation is on China’s server. In fact, you could get a tier 10 tank within 200 battles, if credits is not your concern.

    After all, this is just another way that KDW promotes premium tanks to earn money out of the poor Chinese players. Bloody barbarian capitalist!

    On the other hand, the website also describes that tier 8 premium tanks will disappear from the in-game shop in 9.4 and it would be sold on other online shops manned by KDW exclusively. This means WG is not getting a single cent (AFAIK WG only gets its profits from the in-game gold consumption of the players) from the sale of tier 8 tanks on China’s server.

    • What are you bullshitting around? Tier IX, events and no perk on the crew? LTP.
      Crew levels with tank it rides.
      Assuming credit retaining, with normal play, no free exp, first perk should be done in the middle of tier VIII grind.

      • Do you know what are the events on China’s server at all?
        Double exp with no extra conditions, triple exp if you get at least 1 kill…
        One of my friends managed to get a tier 10 after just some 100 over games.

        Bullshitting? You could try to play on China’s server yourself first, and then we should talk.

    • Thoughts from a Chinese player (though not quite unicum with 54%WR ) on Chinese Server:
      We’ve got 300-pen premium HEAT rounds for those 122mm guns on WZ-111/112/T-34-3/IS-2/110, that simply cut 390 hitpoints from almost whatever thing it managed to land upon.
      And some sort of “bundle” on sale: 30mil credit at the price of 30USD; VK72.01 or M60 for about 64USD; 1,000 rounds of prem shells for almost every tier X tank , 49 bucks.
      And Kongzhong don’t even bother themselves with punishing bots, rigged battles or some other hells.
      So people with 45% less WR (and perhaps those that had only a dozen of battles and bought Tier X premium tanks) rolls over every inch of Tier X matches.
      Why anyone should had played this seriously.
      How terrible.

  4. “- in the example, Churchill III (tier 5) can be hired for a month for 380 gold”

    In my opinion, that does not make much sense – if i want to get the Churchill III for example, i would try it on test server + compare its stats to other similar vehicles (KV-1, etc) and finally, if i decide to buy it, i would wait until it gets on discount, and buy it for 750 g ;)

    • I have played more than enough Churchill 3, about 400 games I think.. to know the stats are meaningless. It has weird holes all over the armour and the gun is erratic in its aiming, but very high rate of fire. I would still have bought it, as it makes good credits, but it would have been nice to know these things before purchase.

  5. I would rather rent a tank for a month than buy it and never use it. I have 3 premium tanks that never see game time due to being a bit poop.

  6. this is a great idea, as if you are not playing tier8-10 in test server…you wont play nothing at all. and a training room is not a realistic condition for a battle (like the 29/30 rushn’ in randoms)
    you could just avoid buying a su100y for 3k gold, then find out its crap, and cry about your lost money.
    also more people would try it, than those who actually buy one, and in the end, wg would get more money, we’d get to try prems, nice deal.
    now if only regulars could test drive rare premiums.. :/

  7. I would like this with tier 8 premiums.
    I would for example hire JagTiger 88 for month, max out my crews on JP and WTF E100, earn some credits, and next month I would hire different prem. tank.

    • YES, we can recharge 800 golds , Kongzhong will offer us a WZ111 and 100 gold shells for free, last for 3 days.

  8. Pingback: V Číně je možné si půjčit premium tank

  9. 【NEWS】

    Kongzhong offer the chinese player a choice:

    IF you recharge 800 golds , you can get WZ111 for 3 days and get 100 gold shells for FREE.

    It means tier 8 tanks will be able to be hired.

  10. I have a better idea:

    Every completed 1k battles you get a token, which you can spend on “buying” regular tanks to premium status (crew, earning, xp) for average gold/tier price + tier-equal number of tokens.
    For WG: profit. For players: more lower-tier battles because of crew-swapping and better earning.

  11. I’d like that, but only to test premium tanks I think of buying for a while. To help me decide if I really should buy the tank or not. But else I wouldn’t have a use for it.

  12. I hoped rental would be paid with credits… well it seems WG doesan’t need another credit sink, so gold it is.

    Still, an interesting feature and I don’t see any reasons not to implement it outside China.